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Author Topic: The people of Wheresoever rally.  (Read 1105 times)

Offline Tacolicious

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The people of Wheresoever rally.
« on: April 22, 2007, 06:08:15 AM »
Thought the nomadic people of Wheresoever have wanders the south western peninsula on the southern continent for thousands of years it is not until they were rallied by a single voice which vowed to honour the ways of the past but lead the people of Wheresoever to a more prosperous future. Having now formed a settled town as a seat of government the Democratic Tribes-leader Tacolicious has taken the first steps to becoming recognized as a distinct culture and a full nation with rights to their ancestral lands.

Other than the capital of Opolopolis, Wheresoever has no other established cities. The people lead a traditional nomadic life living sustainably off the land in many small clans which gather together in temporary camps to trade, share news and celebrate life before heading off on their separate journeys and missions. The tools and goods produced are never exported in great amounts they posses a quality and artistic distinctiveness that makes them highly valued.

Although the people of Wheresoever are peaceful by nature they should by no means be considered weak. If attacked they are fearsome warriors not be taken lightly, hardened by life in the arctic lands. We wish the best to our neighbors but ask that our borders be respected and our dealing be honest.

With kindest regard,

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

Delicious Comrade of the most Awesome Party

Offline Tacolicious

  • Your Friendly Neighborhood Tacoman
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Re: The people of Wheresoever rally.
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2007, 05:35:39 AM »
-Opolopolis, Wheresoever-

In the bustling streets the people go about their business. Although to many the paved walkways feel unyielding compared to the soil and ice on which they have always walked an excited energy flows through all present.

"This really is a new chapter for our people Tribes-leader, but can we settle and still honour our past as you promised?" asked Gairen, trusted advisor and lifelong friend of Tacolicious. "I believe we can, when we first came to this island many years ago I had a dream of a glorious city where our minds were dedicated to science and philosophy. A shining beacon to the rest of the world to show that a nomadic lifestyle need not be primitive".

"Still this feels so unnatural, and the building continues still, soon the city will expand to take the whole island..."
Tacolicious cut his friend off, "The city will not expand to fill the whole island, merely part of it. Our engineers our working on caravan ships so that our people may roam the open waters and the unclaimed lands of the world. In time we will forge alliances and friendships with those who have lived in cities like this one for most of their history and we will take on the challenges of living on many different lands of the outer world".

"Come my friend, I want to show you something" Tacolicious said excitedly as he pulled a small tablet from a satchel strapped to his waist. "It's a small computer connected to the internet, it works off quantum resonance. It can communicate with any other computer that has a quantum modem installed anywhere on the globe". Gairen watched as a message from Flimson Greesh appeared on the screen and as the conversation continued a thought struck him, "Flimson! Isn't he on the southern mainland?" "Yes he is, for the first time in our history all the clans of Wheresoever can communicate with each other, not only that but watch" Weather reports and news ran across the screen, this one small tool provided a wealth of information that before could only be gained by thousands of kilometers of travel and the lifespan of an elder. "I hope you're able to bring your vision to pass my friend, I'm beginning to see the world with your eyes"

"I hope so as well" Tacolicious said as he watched the sun rise on a new day, "I hope so as well"

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

Delicious Comrade of the most Awesome Party