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Author Topic: The People Among the Seas  (Read 4497 times)

Offline Ryazania

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The People Among the Seas
« on: February 14, 2007, 10:28:39 PM »
The Greyjoys had the sea in their veins, it was known to all people of Ryazania. The salt in their hearts helped motivate them to build the mighty Iron Fleet of Ryazania. Naval power was of the utmost importance to the Royal Family. For this reason, King Robert was about to issue a new decree that had not been issued in hundreds of years. He was going to send his people out to the four corners of the world, colonizing islands in order to become a trade Mecca and a naval giant.

OOC: As agreed on by Myroria and I, he shall handle colonization. He is also responsible for tech/engineering, while I am responsibl for war and foreign relations. Just a note.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2007, 11:46:39 PM by Ryazania »
Economic Left/Right: 9.65
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.37

Proud Constitutionalist

When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.

Tyrants from Hitler to Mao to Stalin have sought to disarm their own citizens, for the simple reason that unarmed people are easier to control.

Offline Myroria

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Re: The People Among the Seas
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2007, 11:45:02 PM »
The Ryazanian people in the east began to pile on small ships destined for small islands all across Taijitu. Cities lost inhabitants as they set off from ports and sailed to premarked places in the world. The colonization had begun.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Myroria

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Re: The People Among the Seas
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2007, 01:38:43 AM »
Click here for a map of the planned colonization

The ship, a large cargo ship carrying planks of wood and bricks for buildings, approached the shore of the first island, off the coast of Stellaris. The cargo bay opened and men pushed the bricks and wood off the boat, down the ramp, and onto shore on rollers. The men began to build their houses for their families.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Iadak

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Re: The People Among the Seas
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2007, 09:00:30 PM »
Off the Coast of Island Claim NE of Mor'Os

A cargo ship coming from Ozia spotted something peculiar from his route. Ships with the UI flag as he recognized it.

Why are they here?

The Chiang Li'ya'ta Vae'tae walked into his Mor'osi hotel room where he was visiting on matters of business. Inside were Concubines organizing his room. Chiang smiled with his Zuavka cigar in his mouth and his sunglasses down. Just as he smiled his cellphone rang. He dropped his bag and shoved it under the desk and walked into the hallway where he answered it. His smiled turned into a straight and serious face. The Ozian walked back into his room and told the beautiful women in Mor'osi to get out of the room.

He connected to Captain Tin-yin of his merchant fleet on the sacred way trading route.

"Hello Captain Tin-yin, thank you for contacting me. Now send this to them."

"Aye Shan Chen"

"Dear United Imperium Vessels,
You are well curious of this area and you should be. Our products are the best in the world, except if you want to make it through this part of the world you're going to need protection. I am head of the Ozi Pol Pai Pas. We provide the protection for foreign shipping and protect their great assets and investments. If you give the Ozians 500 billion Pei a year for a year we will make sure everything will go smoothly. You can send the money in gold or silver.

Shan Chen Ching Li'ya'ta Vae'tae"

"that all?"

"Oh yeah, 'PS Protection is vital around here;"

Quote from: Telegram to UI ships
Dear United Imperium Vessels,

You are well curious of this area and you should be. Our products are the best in the world, except if you want to make it through this part of the world you're going to need protection. I am head of the Ozi Pol Pai Pas. We provide the protection for foreign shipping and protect their great assets and investments. If you give the Ozians 500 billion Pei a year for a year we will make sure everything will go smoothly. You can send the money in gold or silver.

Shan Chen Ching Li'ya'ta Vae'tae

PS Protection is vital around here

Offline Ryazania

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Re: The People Among the Seas
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2007, 09:11:57 PM »
Economic Left/Right: 9.65
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.37

Proud Constitutionalist

When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.

Tyrants from Hitler to Mao to Stalin have sought to disarm their own citizens, for the simple reason that unarmed people are easier to control.

Offline St Oz

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Re: The People Among the Seas
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2007, 09:23:30 PM »
"They said no."

Chiang smiled and then flipped his phone down and he called the concubines back into the room .

Myroria-Hanso Corporation

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Re: The People Among the Seas
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2007, 12:25:25 AM »
To the ships of Ryazania,

I have recieved word from one of your exploration ships near Mor'os that the Pol Pai Pas, an Ozian corporation that has it's grip over much of the north of O, is threatening you with "protection". Any idiot with a properly functioning brain stem knows that "protection" is nearly an oxymoron, for it is forced upon you and contradictory to the goals of any capitalist institution. The Myroria-Hanso Corporation will provide you with protection of our own; but this is voluntary and fair protection. In return for the use of the Great House Hanso paramilitary, you will allow me to set up offices and headquarters in your islands. This offer can be refused, if you wish, but I will give you fair warning that the Pol Pai Pas are little more than puppets of the Ozian Mafia, and are quite dangerous. I hope for your reply,

Arnold Osweicim, Secretary and Head Director of the Myroria-Hanso Corporation.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2007, 12:29:54 AM by Myroria-Hanso Corporation »

Offline Ryazania

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Re: The People Among the Seas
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2007, 12:32:57 AM »
To: Arnold Osweicim, Secretary and Second in Command to Alvar Hanso
From: Commander William Dayne, CO of Colonization effort of Port Alorn

We gladly accept Lord Hanso's offer of security. He may begin sending whatever ships and supplies neccessary towards Port Alorn. If he may be so kind, we also request that he bring some engineers to help us begin construction.
Economic Left/Right: 9.65
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.37

Proud Constitutionalist

When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.

Tyrants from Hitler to Mao to Stalin have sought to disarm their own citizens, for the simple reason that unarmed people are easier to control.

Myroria-Hanso Corporation

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Re: The People Among the Seas
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2007, 12:35:26 AM »
Commander William Dayne,

We here at the Myroria-Hanso Corporation are glad that you took us up on our offer. We will allow you to use the Great House Hanso paramilitary when it is needed, and we will send supplies and engineers to Port Alorn now. They will travel by aeroplane because of the Pol Pai Pas' presence on the seas, which could be overcome but would be easier to avoid. Namaste, and good luck.

Arnold Oswiecim.

Offline St Oz

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Re: The People Among the Seas
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2007, 03:02:38 AM »

The 3 Idovk Submarines were lined up and armed with 150 tomahawk cruise missiles, their warheads were incendiaries that would catch flame to anything considering it was a chemical base that set it a flame. The three subs were 1300km away from the island. Just in range and safe from everything.

The Admiral got on the phone with his boss, Chiang, "You want us to do what?" he replied in Ozian.

"Scare them, just set the whole island on fire. Let's try and scare 'em into it."

"Yes Sir." He put the phone on the hook and told his crew targeting team in the Idovk class Submarine to scatter the missile locations around the island. He radioed the other subs and said the same thing. When all targets were targeted into the missiles they were all armed and ready to go. This was the admiral and captains favorite part, when they got to press the big red button to authorize the massive bombardment. The Rotary missile slots began to move and let out missile after missile in 3 second delays. Once all missiles were dispersed, the submarines turned back to the fleet. The carrier was conducting its own plane. The 70 planes on the Ozian Aircraft carrier were the 70 Staii-7s.

They also recieved the call from the Admiral and their boss. The 70 planes launched and readied their journey to the island where they  would dispense their napalm guided bombs and their Long range Air to Surface Missiles at various points in the island. The Planes came into range and dispensed all their bombs on the hopless island and then turned back. The large fires could be seen from the Ozian Spy Satellite in the sky. Perhaps this act of terror shock and awe would teach the UI of the Capability of their attacks and how such little effort brought so much destruction. Supply ships started to rearm the fleet of its missiles, fuel, and other supplies.

Myroria-Hanso Corporation

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Re: The People Among the Seas
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2007, 03:22:17 AM »
Shan Chen Ching Li'ya'ta Vae'tae,

We have learned of your firebombing of an island. You cannot scare the Myroria-Hanso Corporation, pathetic textilists and seamstresses. We can strike back with the power you do not have the technology or money to repel. You are not going to war with a meager corporation, you are going to war with a Great House of Myroria: A funded, influential monstrosity that has the power to destroy your puny corporation (or organized criminal establishment, as it seems to rather be) in the blink of an eye. I recommend you realise who you're dealing with before you attack.

Offline Ryazania

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Re: The People Among the Seas
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2007, 03:48:36 AM »
OOC: Thanks for clearing the island up for me. It would have taken a few months to have taken down all that lumber.


The RIS Vengeance was quietly submerged under the cold waters around the island. It was armed with tactical missles, prepared to shoot at any number of targets with in 500 miles. Her captain was awaiting orders.

The RIS Seahawk, still catching up with the rest of the fleet at Port Alorn, recieved word of an attack on the island. The ship was ordered to have all aircraft on standby for combat and bombing.

To: All Foreign Ships or Aircraft within a 500 mile radius

Any further attacks on Ryazanian soil or property will be considered an act of war on behalf of St Oz. Attacks can and will be met in full nuclear measure.
Economic Left/Right: 9.65
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.37

Proud Constitutionalist

When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.

Tyrants from Hitler to Mao to Stalin have sought to disarm their own citizens, for the simple reason that unarmed people are easier to control.