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News: The arteries of Taijitu run not with blood, but with kittens!

Author Topic: The People's War  (Read 11532 times)

Offline Feniexia

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #60 on: February 02, 2007, 02:32:47 PM »
Feniexian Army before the gates of the G-C capital:

Leader: General Maryia Siria
Class: Light Power Armor unit
War experienced: High and superior well trained
UNI-visor 2.0
AGX-v12.7 power armor 10.0
XM8 in standard mode (other parts are carried in a small packet fixated on the power armor).

RP characters:
May Clearwater
Class: Sniper unit
War experienced: Almost no one, but well trained
UNI-visor 2.0
Interceptor body armor
Black commander coat
Arctic Warfare
telescopic Imperial Standard Army Knive (ISAK)

Biggs and Wedge ( ;) ), two human High Guards
Class: Light Power Armor unit
War experienced: Almost no one, but superior trained
UNI-visor 1.0
AGX-v12.7 power armor 10.0
XM8 in standard mode (other parts are carried in a small packet fixated on the power armor).


9 Imperial Air Force (IAF) squads a 10 Dassault Mirage 2000s
War experience: Almost no one, but well trained
Modified pilot-UNI-Visor
All that standard stuff each well trained and well equipped pilot have.

2 ground-to-air tank regiments a 5 ADATS tanks.
War experience: Almost no one, but well trained
Drivers: 3 ITS (Imperial tank squad) trooper (commander, driver, turret-controller [marsman ?]).
War experience: Almost no one, but well trained
UNI-visor 1.0
Interceptor body armor
Repair Kit

10 ground-to-ground tank regiments a 5 M1A2 Abrahams
War experience: Almost no one, but well trained
Drivers: 3 ITS (Imperial tank squad) trooper (commander, driver, turret-controller [marsman ?]).
War experience: Almost no one, but well trained
UNI-visor 1.0
Interceptor body armor
Repair Kit

70.000 Imperial Standard Force (ISF) troopers,
War experience: Almost no one, but well trained
UNI-visor 1.0
Interceptor body armor
telescopic Imperial Standard Army Knive (ISAK)

5.000 Imperial Sniper Unit (ISU) troopers:
War experience: Almost no one, but well trained
UNI-visor 1.0
Interceptor body armor
Arctic Warfare
telescopic Imperial Standard Army Knive (ISAK)

Some divisions are equipped with a M82 Barett instead of a Arctic Warfare.

5.000 Imperial Heavy Trooper Force (IHTF) troopers,
War experience: Almost no one, but well trained
UNI-visor 1.0
Interceptor body armor
M1A1 (sometimes Mistrals instead)
Repair Kit
telescopic Imperial Standard Army Knive (ISAK)

5.000 Imperial Combat Engineer (ICE) troopers:
War experience: Almost no one, but well trained
UNI-visor 1.0
Interceptor body armor
EOD Equipment
bombing kits
telescopic Imperial Standard Army Knive (ISAK)

About 3km near the battle place, there are 3 huge zepelins for carrying foot soldiers and bombing, although they won´t get used for now.

Edit: Sorry, I forgot the two High Guardians of General Siria. Although they won´t be a big advantage, I think I have to mention them. Since they are only two and I RP them if Siria got into battle, I´ll count them as RP chars.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2007, 04:51:28 PM by Nathaniel »

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #61 on: February 02, 2007, 02:53:34 PM »
Two Fenexian soldiers who had finally found their way to the Prime Minister's office were stunned by the body crumpled in death on the floor.  Euryl, not wanting to give himself up, had shot himself.

Resistance in Istanbul itself was crumbling, caused in part by the Communist-led riots in its sister city and neighbor, Peking.

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Offline Validus

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #62 on: February 02, 2007, 02:55:26 PM »
"You are about to attack civilian Population centre. There are millions of people who live around here. Thousands will die if you follow through with this attack. If you kill the civilians no one will like you after this war is over. Leave now while you still have your honour."


Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #63 on: February 02, 2007, 03:03:09 PM »
Press Release from the New Government

The incompetant Euryl may be dead now, but the new government in Achaea will not repeat his mistakes.  We will destroy these rebels with a heavy hand, and we will not be taken in again by foreign interlopers who seek to destroy our state.

No attack on any city in China or East Gallipoli, the areas of traitor Chinese and Moors, will be considered an act of war by this government; nations are encouraged to do their utmost to wipe out this infestation before it spreads to pure Achaea.

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Offline Feniexia

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #64 on: February 02, 2007, 06:59:54 PM »
Hmm...did Euryl surrender and comitted suicide while my soldiers are still standing before the gates?
« Last Edit: February 02, 2007, 07:11:25 PM by Nathaniel »

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #65 on: February 02, 2007, 10:35:12 PM »
OOC: yeah.  I RP'd his body being discovered, but you can ignore that if you like.  The "New Government" is no different from the old; it just doesn't have Euryl in it.

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Offline Feniexia

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #66 on: February 03, 2007, 09:16:43 AM »
"Euryl is really dead?" Siria whispered to the two scouts arriving back from the trip in the city. "Are there still military forces?"

Offline Feniexia

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #67 on: February 04, 2007, 10:36:40 AM »
"No. They all gone over to us or deserted as they saw our army and heard that their leader was dead."

"Good. Let´s move to the city plaza."

Half an hour later.
General Siria was standing on top of a tank, and beside the tank all regiment leaders and the two scouts who discovered Euryls corpse.

Citizen of the former capital were slowly gathering in the plaza, but they holded respectful distance to the tank.

"Have no fear. I declare this this city as liberated from the oppresional rule of the old government. Where is the city major?"

I hope that doesn´t sound godmoddish now...if it sounds so, just say an I´ll change it.

Offline Validus

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #68 on: February 04, 2007, 03:55:56 PM »
A man ran into the Generals tent, "General, sir!"

"What is is Major?" Asked the General.

"The Feniexian's have entered the G-C Capitol." stated the Major.

"Divert the Marines from Operation P Falcon. Get the 1st Marine Airborne division loaded on aircraft ASAP, we are going to the Capitol. What of General Ireland?"

"Still no word sir."

"Ok, you have your orders Major, carry them out." soon after the Major left the General picked up a handset on his desk, "Get me Admiral Casey."..."Admiral, this is General Winkler. Is the Naval quorinteen complete around the G-C?". . ."Good. I want you to order teh ships that any Aircraft that comes close to entiering the G-C Airspace will have to divert. If they do not respond or divert shoot them down.".  .  ."Yes, im going to tell General Jackson to do the same thing with teh air force,"..."Feniexian's arnt leaving the G-C". . ."Have a good day Admiral."

A few moments later the General picked up the handset again, "Get me General Jackson,"..."Hello General, hows the wife and kids?". . ."Really, t-ball, eh?"..."Yes, we are doing a complete quorinteen of the G-C that means air as well, your jets will be tasked with keeping the skys clear over the G-C, the navy will be doing the same with the Carriers and Area Air Defence Ships."..."I want at least 50 jets around the boarders."..."Yes you will have to use former airbases of the G-C military that they abbandoned in mainland China.". . ."ADATs units are in the prosses of being set up around occupied G-C. As well as some other SAM units we have at our disposal."..."Good, tell your subordinates. Oh and tell Kyle good luck at the tournament."..."Bye."


Offline Feniexia

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #69 on: February 04, 2007, 06:57:38 PM »
"General! There are objects near the Valideen border. They´re heading in our direction."
a Feniexian officer shouted before all the people.

General Siria remained calm.
"Get the citizen evac and prepare the city for a siege. They surely have weapons and FLAK here." she ordered a high ranked commander bext to her. "Clearwater, call the High Council for reinforcements. We need especially heavy troops and aircraft."

May saluted and rushed in a near Feniexian Army tent.

"Prepare the ADATS and the Abraham tanks." she said to commander Morgk, an Garris near of her.

"Prepare your squad, like all other sniper regiments will do. You get into this house there." Siria ordered May as she returned from the tent, while pointing with her left hand at an big house near the city place.

"Tank troops guard the city place. Engineers, mine the city entrances after the civilizens are out of here. Then build FLAKs and get into the army bases of the city. Brief the G-C turncoats."

"What shall we do with the aircrafts?" a warrant officer who run down the street to the General asked.

"Let them land near the zeppelins. Refill them. Then get the zeppelins here, with them we could do evac much faster."

"Where should the command staff go?"

"We´ll use the bunkers there."

Then, she said to herself: "If they really want war they should find us prepared."

Maybe someone should make a strategic map of the city. I would make it if nobody else will do, altough I think it´ll be fairer if Validus or G-C make it. Oh, and army stats, see above, plus about 200-300 turncoats from G-C.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2007, 07:03:48 PM by Nathaniel »

Offline Validus

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #70 on: February 05, 2007, 02:21:41 AM »
OOC: You do know Validus has the support of the resistance on Mainland China (hopefully lol come on G-C :P)

How do you know if its my plan to capture the city during a gun battle ;)


Offline Feniexia

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #71 on: February 05, 2007, 09:48:53 AM »
IC: While two Feniexian Privates were transporting the ComLink satellite connection device into the bunkers, suddenly there came a message in: "Dareth here. We´re sorry. But due to...technical problems, we can´t send you reinforcements. Sorry." The two soldiers continued bravely carrying the device in the bunkers, although their moral was screwed up.

OOC: Yes, I know that you support them and vice-versa, but my soldiers doesn´t know, and they still think Feniexia is the only nation who sympathize with the resistance (however, they never spoke to one of them). They think you´ll attack them, so they entrench themselves in the city. I´m just RPing out what would we realistic for my soldiers.

Oh, and there are no "technical problems" sending the Feniexian army (except for maybe your air and sea blockades^^). High Speaker Dareth just want to see one of his political opponents dead. He´s kind of mad, so he don´t care when people dies for his goals.

Offline Feniexia

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #72 on: February 07, 2007, 10:46:59 AM »
OOC: Is Validus not here? Haven´t seen him for a long time.

Offline Validus

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #73 on: February 07, 2007, 02:45:01 PM »
OOC: I'm here just been working the past little while lol. I'll update in here later today when I get a chance.


Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #74 on: February 08, 2007, 07:23:58 PM »
Xyanya ran into the room, almost slamming the door behind her.  Remembering the need for silence, she caught it just before it hit the frame, crushing her hand in the process.  She blew on it to ease the pain as she approached Lin and Viktor.

"They're gone," she said simply, still out of breath.  Lin gave her time to catch it before asking her to clarify this somewhat cryptic statement.  "The soldiers.  Xanadu's been emptied.  All the loyal troops have been withdrawn to Achaea.  It's the same in East Gallipoli.  The army barracks were in a state of uproar, and the loyalists were shipped out during the night, before they would have been shot."

"Is this why you've been gone so long?  Gathering all this news?"

"Yes.  I tell you, the whole country is withdrawing its support from the government.  We need to present an alternative."

"She's right," said Aram, coming in from a side room.  "We have to act fast.  Already the Liberals and the Democrats are forming a coalition government in Tekirdag.  We have to organize, and fast.  Lin, have you prepared for this?"

"No, but Feng has.  And Salah.  Their Workers' Councils control all the cities of China we've managed to liberate from the government.  Our organizations are weak in Gallipoli as a whole, but we'd have to get into contact with them to know the full situation."

"I'll do it.  I trust Xanadu will support us?"


"Then we'll begin here."

"Feng's given us the go-ahead.  He says that we're strong enough in China to proclaim a new government, as long as we control the whole.  He says we must get into contact with the Valideens, persuade them to withdraw their troops from China and to recognize our government here as soon as possible."


To: the government of Validus
From: the National Workers' Council of Gallipoli-China

This is to notify you of the formation of a new Government of Gallipoli-China.  The old government, now based in Achaea, no longer has any legitimacy, and the Socialist Party of Gallipoli-China is organizing a seperate government from the Liberal-Democratic coalition based in Tekirdag.  You have been friendly to our cause in the past, and we ask one more favor.  If our government is to be viable, Valideen troops must leave China.

A redeployment to Achaea to break the still-present power of the old government is desirable, as is recognition of our National Workers' Council as a legitimate government, as opposed to the Coalition in Tekirdag.  If you wish to withdraw your troops from the situation entirely, that is acceptable as well.  However, recognition is imperative.  Once the National Workers' Council gains full control over the national territory, we will send representatives to conclude a binding Treaty of Amity between our two nations.

Once again, I thank you for the help and aid you have given the Revolution, for without this aid, it could not have succeeded.

In solidarity,
Aram Caros
« Last Edit: February 08, 2007, 07:36:48 PM by Gallipoli-China »

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