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Author Topic: The People's War  (Read 11535 times)

Offline Feniexia

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #45 on: January 17, 2007, 10:24:41 PM »
You forgot me again....now I´m sad....

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #46 on: January 18, 2007, 01:52:16 AM »
OOC: I feel your pain.  I wish we still had that smilie of somebody slapping their own face.

IC: "Any land forces are best deployed near the capitol, far to the east.  The rest of the Union can fall, but Istanbul must be made safe.  Euryl's orders."  The officer smiled ruefully, knowing that Euryl's orders were nothing but whim, but not following them made you dead.

ProP Spokesperson

Offline Feniexia

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #47 on: January 19, 2007, 10:00:11 PM »
General Siria nodded. "I´ll go with the infantry."

Then, she took her pager out of her pocket and called someone.

About three minutes later, a middle-aged man in a special uniform appeared.
He had a big brown fullbeard, but his hairs are hanging back in a ponytail.

"Air Marshall Petran Avis, at your order."

"He commands the air force. If you have orders for the air force, talk to him. If you have orders for the ground forces, talk to me." Siria explained slowly. "The air forces will move to the capital with the zeppelins, so we´ll need one squad of the Mirages. I hope this ok for you?"

OOC: 1 squad -> 10 planes.
OOC2: When the battles start, I will bring in some more characters.

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #48 on: January 20, 2007, 12:13:13 AM »
"Oh, anything, anything," said the officer, leaving the Fenexians to their own devices. 

OOC: I'm trying to project incompetance.

The leadership had left Feng in command of Macao, along with Salah, and had left the train behind in favor of the roads.  More and more hamlets, small towns, and even cities had accepted what they had had to say, though they had avoided attracting the attentions of the government.  But that time was now past.

Xanadu was the most prosperous port city in northern China.  Nestled behind a large bay that offered safe harbor for ships, it was also the base for the North China Garrison of the Union Army of Gallipoli-China.  Xanadu was therefore the next target on the list of the leadership.  They had been hiding in the slums for weeks, spreading propaganda but remaining undercover.  Soon, the troops and ships of the oppressors would feel the wrath of the people.

ProP Spokesperson

Offline Feniexia

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #49 on: January 20, 2007, 10:39:50 PM »
OOC: Ok, I´ll continue RP when Xyrael and the other participants start the battle, or something other happens.

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #50 on: January 24, 2007, 03:36:32 AM »
The Barracks at Xanadu
"Okay, troops, here's the deal.  The Valideens aren't going to take the bombing of Liberty lightly, so our job is to make sure they don't expand Rickover.  We are also ordered to repress the Communist governments in the city of Macao, and to prevent them from extending their control further northward.

Undisclosed location
"We know they're going to move out of those barracks at some point.  What we want to do is have a reception ready to cut them off from any resupply as soon as possible, preferably out of the country.  Once they've left Xanadu, we need to immediately sieze control of the city, and rouse our people in the countryside.  Once that's done, all of Mainland China will be ours."

ProP Spokesperson

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #51 on: February 01, 2007, 12:21:58 AM »
OOC: where be Xyrael?

IC: "Look at this Comrades!" stage-whispered Aram.  Salah, Viktor, and Lin put down what they were doing (Viktor was flipping through Lin's book, Lin was designing a flag, and Salah was dividing her time between keeping in touch with union leaders and with Feng, and drafting the Constitution), and walked over to Aram.  Salah was scowling; she didn't like the cellar they were hiding in.  It was stuffy, and more than once she thought she'd heard a rat.  She wished the garrison would march already.

Viktor and Lin were more stoic about it, but all of them agreed that the sooner this was over, the better off they'd be.

"Look," repeated Aram, shoving a newspaper in their faces.  "The Fugazis of Uichi Ryu have also organized, and won, their revolution.  I tell you this is a worldwide phenominon, Comrades."

"What is the point of showing us this, Aram?  I've just gotten off the phone with Feng; he's made contact with Valideen troops, and they're sympathetic.  He was just telling me about how they were meeting the Fenexians who have been suppressing revolt in Peking!"

"We should keep up on world affairs, Salah," rejoined Viktor, before Aram opened his mouth.  "This revolution of ours is not a national phenominon; it is fundamentally international, and that is the outlook we should have."

Xyanya had not returned from one of her outings; because the government did not know her, and because there was no price on her head, she was the only one of the five allowed outside the cellar.  Therefore, she was their main link to the outside world.  Unfortunately, she was also the one thing that kept them all sane.

ProP Spokesperson

Offline Feniexia

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #52 on: February 01, 2007, 12:55:13 PM »
Finally, the Feniexian army arrived near the capital. "Open the doors!" Siria shouted with a megaphone.


"Colonel Avis here. All clear."

"Order 15. Come to the meeting point. Draw your forces back. Don´t attack the Xyraeli fleet. Over."

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #53 on: February 01, 2007, 04:42:04 PM »
"What the fuck is going on?"

"Well, sir, it appears the Fenexians have found out about Corfu!"


"Peking is rioting, and the rebels in Corfu are recieving Valideen supplies now.  Peking is rioting, and the Moorish lands are soon to follow the Chinese.  Already the Fenexians have been welcomed with praise in Istanbul"

Euryl could do nothing but splutter.  The situation was out of his hands, as his Interior Minister had planned it.

"But all is not lost.  Achaea has remained loyal, and there we shall go."

"What about the Fenexians?"

"Ah, you'll have to stay here and confront them, won't you?"

The Interior Minister disappeared, no doubt to his private jet with the other ministers, leaving Euryl helpless before the Fenexian general that had arrived outside the Capitol.

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Offline whereamistan

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #54 on: February 01, 2007, 07:04:01 PM »
Waheed drove his beat up daewoo prince through the streets of Corfu. He had been in the city three weeks now, holed up in a small flat. He had been fasting for a week now, his frail body showing it. He prayed to the Quran 5 times a day. He spent hours working on the car making sure it would do its job. He had only one chance. His days were spent in silence. A moment of reflection before he heads home. his flat was empty. Anything he had up until this moment was gone. A pile of ash in a 5 gallon drum. All forms of ID, pictures, plans all burned. All that remained was him, his Quran, his prayer beads, his car and the gift it had inside. He had for weeks planned and watched. He could tell who the rebels were and where they lived. He was unconspicuous. They paid no attention as he drove to market everyday. Always paid in cash. He pulled up to a house. He knew there would be at least a dozen rebels held up in the house. He muttered the words, "Allah Ackbar". He pulled up on the emergency brake. Nothing was left of the house. Eight were wounded, dozens injured. The car was a twisted pile of metal. Forensics would show he had packed 6 155mm mortars and 100lbs of composite C4 into the trunk and backseat of his car.

[International Release]
Unknown to our Government. A citizen of Whereamistan commited an attack in soverign Gallipoli-China. We deeply condemn this attack and will use all resources to find out how this atrocity happened.

President Abbas

Offline Feniexia

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #55 on: February 01, 2007, 11:07:11 PM »
"We´ll give you one last chance - surrender. Now." Siria shouted trough her Megaphone. Her troops are already preparing for a siege.

Offline Validus

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #56 on: February 01, 2007, 11:34:42 PM »
The sound of a helicopter could be heard over head. It was a VH-148 Cyclone, along the side was written in big bold letters, VALIDEEN NAVY, it was grey in colour and was approaching the Ground. It placed its self between the Fenexians and the Capitol. The aft ramp was lowered and out walked a man in a highranking Military uniform. escorting him were, 10 special operations command soldiers.

a speaker was fitted on each side of the Cyclone, in his hand was the transmitter. "Attention Fenexians!" spoke the man through the speakers. . .


Offline whereamistan

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #57 on: February 01, 2007, 11:37:19 PM »
I, President Abbas hereby extend political asylum to Euryl. If you so wish this, notify me at once.

Mohammed Tah Abbas

Offline Myroria

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #58 on: February 02, 2007, 01:19:44 AM »
"Wonderful. Just wonderful." said the Theocratic King of Myroria, Peté Tar-Ilium.

"Euryl is clearly more incompetent than I expected. That idiot needed some training. Ah well, so is the way with demogogy. That is, democracy."

"Of course, sire. With all due respect, however, Her Highness tends to have a more favorable view towards communists." piped in Garth Grovtrith, Imperial Scribe. Peté and his "associates and friends", as he always called them, had talks like this when the Queen was praying in the morning.

"And it's not exactly easy to just send over troops to Gallipoli and China (as most Myrorians called the nation, having been raised to incorrect, but fancy sounding names for nations) without the Queen finding out." theorized Klaus Worwoth, Chancellor of the Prefecture.

"Are you implying that we may just have to let the communists 'get their way', Klaus?"

"I'm afraid so, sire."


"I suppose we could be optimists for a second and assume the inevitable. Inevitable being that the future Gallipoli and Chinese government successfully does squat and later dies or falls into oblivion." Klaus said.

"We could do that, sire."

"I always thought pessimism was the Myrorian way?"

"It is. But even a scribe must be an optimist sometimes."
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Feniexia

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Re: The People's War
« Reply #59 on: February 02, 2007, 09:55:45 AM »
General Siria looked to the helicopters. An ADATS tank pointed with it´s turrent in the direction of the helicopter, because now, everyone could be qan enemy. In the not-so-far distant, about 90 aircrafts of the IAF are flying straight to the G-C capital. "What do you want, Valideen?" she shouted through her megaphone.

Army stats coming soon.