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Author Topic: The American Dream?  (Read 1452 times)

The American Dream?
« on: October 05, 2007, 12:07:52 AM »
OOC: This is my first time starting a new post so please play along! You can rp as anothr girl, one of the men or make up a new role!

     Tears dropped on the paper as Nadia wrote a goodbye letter to her parents. She was a burden and coast too much money so she was going to American. A man approached her the other day and asked if she'd like to go with him. He said he had a job for her and a warm bed and free food. Of course Nadia was scared but she didn't want to hurt her parents any longer.
     She lived on the poor side of Moscow. Her family did not have a lot of money. She was the oldest of 5 other brothers and sisters so money was very tight. Nadia had lots of responsobilites but couldn't handle it all. She thought going to Amercia would help her family, and once she had saved up enough money, would send it back to Moscow for her parents.
     Nadia set the note on the coffee table and proceeded out the door. All she took was a small suitcase of clothes and a picture of her family in her coat pocket. She took one last glance at her home for 15 years and shut the door behind her. It was 2 o'clock in the morning and late December. Moscow got very cold in the winter. It was probably -15 degreese outside. Nadia shook as a gust of wind blew at her exposed face.  She was suppose to meet the man in an alley 5 blocks away from her house. She turned the corner and spotted him along with about 10 other young Russian girls. Next to them was also a large portable trailor that bulls were kept in.
     The man handed each of us girls a slip of paper and told us if anyone asks who were were, to give them the slip on paper. The writting on it was foreign and Nadia and most of the other girls couldn't understand it. Another man came and joined the group. He didn't look Russian and spoke to the other man in a foreign language. Just then they both loaded all of the girls in to the trailor and slammed the door behind us. As the trailor started to move, some of the girls started to cry, but Nadia just stood there silent thinking of her new home in America. 

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Re: The American Dream?
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2007, 12:09:47 AM »
ooc: this was originally in the fantasy forum, due to the fantasy forums utter lack of popularity i suggested she move it here. This has nothing to do with general rp map or nations, and is a real world character rp. Join if you want.

Yuri gnawed on toothpick, as though imitating the strange cowboys of Texas, while he watched the mirror. Two men approached the cab where he sat, Ivan and the other an American he'd not met. He wasn't sure he wanted to meet the stranger either. Something about him disturbed Yuri as he rapped on the window. Yuri leaned over and unlocked the door with his fingers, the cold air invading his warm sanctuary. Ivan was the first to enter, followed by the American who obviously was not accustomed to the frigid climate. No doubt the women in back would enjoy the trip far less. He'd suspected that he'd be transporting these kind of 'goods' and he'd left some blankets for them. At least the wind would not bite their skin with his trailer.

"You know where to go, yes?" asked Ivan. Yuri nodded, he knew he wasn't to ask questions, his job was to take the two men and their 'package' the 650 kilometers to the docks at St. Petersburg. He was sure if he asked questions he'd despise the men, but their money was inspiration enough to shut him up. The American paid in dollars, and he paid well, Yuri could feel his fat wallet weighing his overcoat down. His booted foot pressed against the accelerator and the sturdy old truck roared to life, moving quickly through the narrow streets of Moscow.
I have become, again and again.