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Author Topic: Trouble in Paradise  (Read 1508 times)

Offline CAP

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Trouble in Paradise
« on: April 01, 2007, 08:28:48 AM »
Confederate Chief of Police Jeff Johnston had called a meeting of his top deputies, the chiefs of police of the 10 provinces. Only 7 had shown up.

They were gathered in his top floor office of the National Police building in downtown Nashborough. His office had a stunning view of the Presidential Palace.

Johnston, like usual, was chewing on Mercantilist Apple Tobacco cigar. He preferred to keep it unlit because he hated the smell.

"Where is Jacob?" Chief Beau Regard of the West Davis Province asked, referring to Jacob Stonewall, Chief of the East Davis Province.

"He said he had a rebellion he had to deal with. I think he's loyal to Lee..." Johnston said.

It was an open secret that the relationship between Chief Johnston and President Lee had become estranged over the last few years. They were no longer on speaking terms, mostly communicating through official statements and quotes to the press.

At issue was expansion. Johnston wanted to expand their borders and annex the neighboring unaffiliated provinces into the Confederacy; forecfully. Lee said it wasn't a good idea. Their exchanges had only been amplified by the media who was always trying to stir controversy. But Lee, of course, couldn't fire Johnston because he had the loyalty of the all pervasive police force. And Johnston couldn't take out Lee because he had the overwhelming support of the people. And thus they sat, across the street from one another.

"Have we recieved the purchases from the Allied States yet?" he asked to N.B. Forrest, Chief of the Misisipi Province, the southernmost province that sat on the Black Sea where the goods were scheduled to arrive.

"Yes sir."

"Ok, because Chief Stonewall, Chief Breckenridge, and Chief Stephens conveniently decided not to show up, they will not be getting their combat upgrades. That means more for ya'll. We'll keep 45% of the new purchases here in the capital, distribute the rest evenly among your troops. Thank you."

The Chiefs rose and left the room as Johnston turned and looked at the Presidential Palace.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2007, 11:16:31 AM by CAP »
The Black Sea Confederation of Affiliated Provinces
"Socialism is a luxury afforded to the rich."

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Offline CAP

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Re: Trouble in Paradise
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2007, 08:29:36 AM »
To: Carol Black
CEO of Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
From: Jeff Johnston
Chief of Confederate National Police
Subject: Weapons Purchases

The Confederacy is interested in purchasing 5000 XM8 rifles, 5000 Interceptor Body Armor, and 5000 Advanced Combat Helmets for our police force and the DPR to the Smith and Wesson, Military and Police pistol.

Additionally, we would like to acquire 2 HE-101 TpC Mark I,1 Ticonderoga Class Cruiser, 3 Zumwalt Class Destroyers, 1 Lewis and Clark (ADC), and 1 Ohio-class Tactical Trident submarine for our coast guard. We would also like to purchase the DPR for the Tomahawk missile.

Total comes to $54,762,973,816.05 pesos.

Thank you.

Jeff Johnston
To:  Jeff Johnston
Chief of Confederate National Police
From:  Carol Black
CEO of Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
Subject:  Your Order

Your account is in order and confirmed.  $54,762,973,816.05 pesos is the correct final price.  An escorted courier will deliver the DPR information to an offical represenative in your nation, while the remaining order will take 8 months to complete and have upon your shores.

Thank you for your business and have a good day.
The Black Sea Confederation of Affiliated Provinces
"Socialism is a luxury afforded to the rich."

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Offline CAP

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Re: Trouble in Paradise
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2007, 02:50:53 PM »
Jamal Washington and his office colleagues sat at a street cafe in Nashborough enjoying the pleasant spring day.

"Never too early in the day to start drinking," Washington said as he lifted his glass of Tallent Pale Ale and toasted with his colleagues.

As Washington looked across the table at his friend who was reading today's issue of the Confederate Times he saw the front page story that read Johnston Accuses Lee of Graft, Cronyism.

They're at it again, he thought to himself. In the distance he thought he heard a slight rumbling. Must be my imagination.

"Do ya'll hear that?" one of his friends said.

Hmm..guess not. It was getting louder now. They got up from their table and headed around the corner to the street in front of the Presidential Palace where they saw columns of Abrams Battle Tanks and Bradley Fighting Vehicles rolling up the street in formation.

Yup, they're at it again...
« Last Edit: April 08, 2007, 02:57:20 PM by CAP »
The Black Sea Confederation of Affiliated Provinces
"Socialism is a luxury afforded to the rich."

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Re: Trouble in Paradise
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2007, 02:53:28 PM »
To: Carol Black
CEO of Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
From: Jeff Johnston
Chief of Confederate National Police
Subject: Weapons Purchases

The CNP is interested in purchasing:

10 M107 175mm Self-Propelled Gun = $14 Million
10 M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank - $43 Million
20 M3A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle - $630 Million
30 Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) - $7.5 Million

Total comes to $656,016,636.74 pesos. Thank You.

Jeff Johnston
To:  Jeff Johnston
Chief of Confederate National Police
From:  Carol Black
CEO of Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
Subject:  Your Order

Your account is in order and confirmed.  $656,016,636.74 pesos is correct.  We will start accepting payments as we begin construction and delivery of your order.  It will take approximately one year to complete and have upon your shores.

Thank you for your business and have a good day.
The Black Sea Confederation of Affiliated Provinces
"Socialism is a luxury afforded to the rich."

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Offline CAP

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Re: Trouble in Paradise
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2007, 02:58:21 PM »
To: Jango Fett

We request your services to dispose of Harry Stephens, police chief of the Carolingian Province in CAP. It is the easternmost province in CAP. He arrives at his office everyday at 9 AM and leaves at 5 PM. He generally travels with a large security detail.

We will send half of the payment now, and the rest will be delivered upon confirmation of his death. Payment will be delivered via a bank account from an unaffiliated province on the northern border of CAP.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2007, 03:28:02 PM by CAP »
The Black Sea Confederation of Affiliated Provinces
"Socialism is a luxury afforded to the rich."

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Offline Bara

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Re: Trouble in Paradise
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2007, 05:38:44 PM »
Jango Fett arrived at the Carolingian Province in CAP
I better get a good pay for this hit....
He began to clean his weapons and he donned his amour. he had about half and hour till 5 PM, then he will compete the hit. he stood 4 blocks away, waiting till then. His Hutt contacts got all the people off the streets. finally, the chief of Police came out. Jango flew off with his jetpack to get closer. he aimed his Blaster and fired. The Chief of Police fell dead, and Jango left, his hit compete.
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline CAP

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Re: Trouble in Paradise
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2007, 08:02:43 AM »
Edward Lee sat in the residential wing of the Presidential Palace watching the Myrorian Palaciers arrive. He had contracted them to more than triple the size of the palace.

This oughta show that Johnston who has a bigger dick, he thought to himself.

The new tanks ordered from the Allied States were still parked in front of the Palace, but Lee knew it was only for intimidation. He was untouchable; they'd be out patrolling in the provinces by the end of the week.

One of his aides came into the room, in a panic.

"Sir, Chief Stephens was assassinated this afternoon!"

The news hit Lee like a ton of bricks. Stephens was one of his best men.

"Ok, issue a statement of condemnation," Lee said. "And we need to get someone in place before Johnston can force someone in," if he hasn't already. "Contact Chief Breckenridge and see who he has."

"Yes sir. Also, we should get you underground to the secured bunker," his aide said subtly referencing the Myrorians in the palace.

"Agreed. And put the Palace Gaurd on alert."
« Last Edit: April 09, 2007, 08:06:19 AM by CAP »
The Black Sea Confederation of Affiliated Provinces
"Socialism is a luxury afforded to the rich."

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Offline CAP

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Re: Trouble in Paradise
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2007, 08:12:45 AM »
Tomorrow's Confederate Times headline:
Stephens Assasinated
Johnston, Lee condemn killing, blame the other
« Last Edit: April 09, 2007, 08:32:02 AM by CAP »
The Black Sea Confederation of Affiliated Provinces
"Socialism is a luxury afforded to the rich."

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Some background info on the situation...
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2007, 11:37:44 AM »

Green: Nashborough Capital Region

Yellow: Affiliated Provinces
1 - West Davis
2 - East Davis
3 - Kantucki
4 - Bama
5 - Jorja
6 - Flouride
7 - Tentasee
8 - Missoura
9 - Carolingian
10 - Misisipi

Red: Unaffiliated Provinces
1 - Lincoln
2 - Uhia
3 - West Missoura
4 - Marilyn
5 - England
6 - Illini
7 - VarjiƱa
8 - South Island

The Black Sea Confederation of Affiliated Provinces
"Socialism is a luxury afforded to the rich."

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Offline CAP

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Re: Trouble in Paradise
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2007, 11:53:00 AM »

A secret service agent busts in the door of the President Edward Lee's personal bedroom as Lee shot up.

"Johnston's making his move?" Lee asked as he and his wife hurried to get dressed.


"Yes sir. We need to get you out of here. We'll take the secret tunnels out of the capital."

"That son of a bitch, right after those Myrorians had finished their renovations," Washington said as he and his wife hurriedly followed the agent to the steps to one of the many escape routes.


He flipped open his cell phone.

"Harry...Johnston's making his move. Tell our police chiefs what's happened, contact our people in South Island and tell them what's happened. Contact the Cabinet and tell them our government is relocating there."

The latest polls had his approval ratings at 51%; after an affair he was having with one of his secretaries was made public. It was sensationalized by the media and Lee had cut taxes and boosted funding in welfare in response; but Johnston must have suspected, as he did, that the number was artificially high.

The Black Sea Confederation of Affiliated Provinces
"Socialism is a luxury afforded to the rich."

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