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Author Topic: Securing the homeland  (Read 685 times)

Offline Saletsia

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Securing the homeland
« on: May 19, 2007, 12:24:59 AM »
A Saletsian officer marches into the Presidential Palace with every guard presenting arms as he passes. Then he stands before a great door opened by two elite guards while another two present their arms.
He enters and a woman dressed in military attire greets him:

"Ah good morning General Rade."

The general salutes before speaking.

"Excellence, you want to speak me?"

"Yes indeed. I want to inquire on the actions of our military at the moment. Have my orders been followed and put into action?"

"Yes, Excellence. Our AWACS planes fly day and night to make sure our skies are watched. And additional F5Ts patrol our skies as immediate interceptors until our better fighters can come along. Our forces are also in Uichi Ryu and Llanydern and helping for preparations. The factories are building rockets with cluster-bomb sub-munition as ordered."

"What about the Navy? The Chinese Loyalist State?"

"Our Navy also patrols their waters and so does our air-force. We also conduct joint-patrols and maneuvers to enhance our cooperative skills. I have to say the Loyalist fighter pilots have been able to create their own tactics which is good in simulated air-combat since our pilots learn how to adapt to new situations."

"What is happening in Eastern Easteros? I have heard of military engagement in the area?"

"Yes, your Excellence. There has been fighting between Mercantilist  and an unknown forces. Though it seems as if these unknown forces are of Ozian origin. Do you want us to do something abut this matter?"

"No as long as the Mercantilists not push further West, this will be no issue for us.
Regarding another subject, I would like to have mines ready for coastlines not used by our ships, coastlines that may be a spot for enemy landing operations."

"I shall carry out that order right away, madame."

"I have heard rumors of a very dangerous killer in Umpas. What is being done  to secure the people of that city?"

"All police forces have been mobilized and we have caught 11 suspects. As of now the killings stopped. But we have yet to make sure we got the right person."

"If you find him, I want him to be executed at the People's Plaza."

"As you wish. Any news on the Gaulesian war?"

"Well the LCF forces have started invading Gaulesia. Our navy patrols our waters to make sure none of the LFC navies use our waters to carry out their evil plans. In fact, the high alert also lead to the capture of several pirate ships and cargo."

"Very well."

"Oh there is one thing I wanted to say."

"What is it?"

"There is this new soldier in the South. She risked her life in a fire in a military base depot to save the life of her comrades. While all others tried to save themselves, she ran into the depot and made sure the chemical weapons were sealed off."

"A hero she is. Is she alive?"

"Yes but in hospital. Her condition is stable."

"Arrange a visit to her. Such deeds must be honored."

"I would appreciate to do so, Excellence."

"Have a nice day, General."

The General salutes again and leaves the conference room through the same door through which he entered a while ago.

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Securing the homeland
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2007, 02:52:40 PM »
General Rade is heading to a secret military base in the East of Saletsia being in a convoy of 5 armored vehicles accompanied by a gunship.
In the General's armored car he speaks with another General, General Barak.

"So, Rade, tell me, where is her Excellence right now? I heard she is out of country participating in a celebration?"

"She is in Tagirstan where a royal wedding between the prince and princess of Tagirstan and Takasia was supposed to take place."

"Was supposed to?..?"

"Well apparently someone tried to poison the king. He's now in hospital and recovering."

"Does the President have enough guards with her? It sounds as though something serious and unexpected might happen in that distant land."

"Of course. She has Presidential Guardsmen with her - the unit I personally commanded for 7 years - and air-force units."

"You mean your killers?"

"Yes I mean them. They are best suitable for such operations."

"Probably... Let me change the topic now. Have you spoken with the other generals about us needing more tanks?"

"We need more tanks?", General Rade asked sarcastically.

"Of course we do. If we plan an invasion or need to have a proper defensive force, then we do need more tanks."

"Not quite, Barak. See, we have enough tanks and in case of an invasion, we can defend ourself with smaller and cheaper weapon systems such as the RPG-29. They can come with tanks, but we will send them to hell as soon as they touch Saletsian soil."

"I understand...well... What about those F-5s? I do not think they are capable fighters nowadays...Our potential enemies use more agile fighters. I know the F5T Tigris is a modernized version but still..."

"And exactly that is its advantage. We can fly 4 F5Ts for the price of 1 F-16 and maintenance is very cheap and easy. And yes it is the upgraded version and that along with its new air-to-air missiles make the F5T Tigris a very potent and dangerous predator."

"Still I have to say I am happy we have our other jets."

"Of course. We need to make sure our sovereignty is not put at stake. How is your mission doing?"

"Pretty well. We produce the appointed amount of rockets and launchers every day, set up defensive posts and such. We have also trained some civilians how to alarm our forces in case of an attack. And the maneuver last week went pretty well. Navy and army along with the air-force. That was one pleasent sight I have to say!"

"Unfortunately I could not have been there. Was busy in the West..."

"What were you doing? How could you miss such an important occassion?"

"Top secret."

"I understand."

Then the car starts to become slower and slower and then halts in front of a concealed bunker complex.

"Ah guess we're here."

General Barak opens the door and Rade and he step out and enter the complex.