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Author Topic: Securing Peace  (Read 11182 times)

Offline Saletsia

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Securing Peace
« on: August 24, 2007, 04:01:10 PM »
After having satellite images of Ozian vessels heading to Easteros and seeing the mobilization of Loyalist and UFM forces, Empress Barga called for Chancellor Ariel Levana who had arrived from a trip to Mor'os.
"Your Imperial Highness..."
"Ah, good day, chancellor. As you know UFM military forces have mobilized and militarized their northern borders. Furthermore we have reports of tank divisions being sent to the People's Republic of Loyalist. And that in a time when we expect Ozian retaliation. Unfortunately our attempts to have a non-aggression-pact with the Union of Free Men failed - thus making us also fail in our efforts to secure our South-Eastern borders - only because I refused to sign such a treaty with our Southern neighbors..."
The Chancellor thought for a second...then started speaking:
"I believe the Union of Free Men may have gotten the impression we are planning something bad against our neighbors whereas the truth is all we want is stable peace in Easteros - a goal worth striving for. And the second objective is to secure our mainland against a possible Ozian invasion. Certain areas of our Western Coast, the Southern and South-Western borders have therefore been mined. Furthermore the military has been fully mobilized", he paused,"and borders militarized. We cannot risk a three-front war. After all, the People's Republic of Loyalist - a nation which we helped and supported a lot - has turned its back on us, proving it is not a country that can be trusted. In so far, I can but agree with your decision not to sign any more treaties with such a nation."
"Indeed, indeed. I am not planning to lose Saletsia to a backstabbing "ally". So, chancellor, our neighbors are mobilizing...what are you planning to do?"
"We already have the Saletso-Barakarin Legion here. I propose we invite foreign forces into our country. By doing so, any deliberate attack on our motherland would affect foreign soldiers and force their respective countries to support us."
"I suggest a maneuver with Xyraelite forces."
"An excellent idea, your Highness! I shall work on it right away."
"Have a good day."

Chancellor Ariel Levana immediately went to his office and contacted the head of the State of Xyrael. After a couple of hours of talking, Xyraelite forces were mobilized and eventually reached and crossed the border connecting both nations. The massive amount of troops pro-longed the process. The Xyraelites destination was a vast militarized area South-West of Udaloy where a number of Saletsian divisions were already waiting. Furthermore Xyraelite air-force jets and other necessary support aircrafts entered Saletsian air-space. The Saletsian Defense Ministry told the press that this was to be the biggest bilateral military maneuver Saletsia has ever seen. It was done to enhance military cooperation between the two nations. Saletsians and Xyraelites were to learn from each other.

Meanwhile SBL legionnaires had been sent to the South-Eastern border along with 5 Saletsian army divisions and motorized units. Moreover artillery units were being sent to the borders of the South and West. The Saletsian Navy also was to meet with some Xyraelite vessels and conduct joint-operations. Meanwhile more and more Saletsian ships of the Eastern fleet moved to the West.
It was a time when no neighbor aside from xyrael could be trusted...a time when the mighty Ozian Empire was aiming its guns at Bandana.

MiG-35 of the Saletsian Air-Force:
« Last Edit: August 24, 2007, 05:44:36 PM by Saletsia »

Offline Bara

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Re: Securing Peace
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2007, 06:03:02 PM »
OOC: I'm assuming that there not where there supposed to be yet.

The lead SBL troops looked at the light. As soon as it went red, they had to begin the drop. After a few minutes of waiting, the light turned red. He stood up, and began shouting orders.

"Stand Up!"

The soldiers on the C-130 looked at the lead trooper and stood up, waiting for the back end of the plane to open. They had 10 seconds to go. The light turned green, and the lead trooper told the SBL troopers to jump out. The troops walked over the edge, and free falled for a bit, then opened there chutes. The other SBL troopers in the other planes were also had there chutes open. After a while, they hit the ground. They immediately begin securing the area. The radio men then radioed Command, telling them that all troops are in position, and to begin sending in the suppiles. The first step of there Operation was complete.
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Securing Peace
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2007, 07:30:44 PM »
Regular Saletsian soldiers welcomed the Saletso-Barakarin Legionnaires.
"Welcome guys," said a Lieutenant, "as you can see this is the border to the Union of Free Men. There have been quite some military movements on their side of the border the past days....We're here to make sure they do not cross it. I'm sure you already have heard that you can use Saletsian hardware. Just go to the depots in this and this area", he said while pointing at areas on a map, "and you'll be given what you need. As for now, you can have these MX8 armored vehicles - each with a GAU17 minigun. I'm sure you'll have some fun!"

Offline Bara

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Re: Securing Peace
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2007, 09:01:54 PM »
"Hell yeah...."

The SBL forces, then went to making Bunkers, and set up Machine guns. They went to the depots, and picked up A few MX8's. The SBL's dug down, near the bunkers, and drove the MX8's into the holes, so then only the Machine gun turret was showing, and they dug a Slit trench so the bunkers are connected. The commander of the SBL told his men to build a palisade and build some huts, so they can have a base camp. By night fall, the area was secure. The commander radioed in HQ to tell thim that the position was secure. The men then listend to the radios, hearing news about Kailazerc, and how they are going to send Lt. Colonel Stone to Kailazerc, along with his Battalion of Soldiers. The men talked about everything that came in mind, and later, the commander radioed the command center, while the men played Soccer.

"This is SBL commander calling HQ, we would like to know if you guys need us to do anything"
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Xyrael

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Re: Securing Peace
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2007, 10:45:56 PM »
A Notification to the Loyalist Government.

Your use of satellite imagery to classify our restricted zones and sites constitutes a flagrant breach of our sovereign territory and has warranted a fullscale mobilization of our nuclear forces. You have 8 hours to stand down your satellites, if you do not we will fire SSM's to disable ALL orbital platforms. Should you persist to violate and endanger the Xyraelite people, a state of war will be declared between Xyrael and the Loyalist government. Should you seek to aggress against the Xyraeli state, the State will not hesitate to use any means necessary to ensure the safety and security of the Xyraelite people.

If you do not stop, We Will Bury You.
I have become, again and again.

Offline Bara

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Re: Securing Peace
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2007, 10:47:03 PM »
OOC: Good old saying
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Securing Peace
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2007, 10:48:48 PM »
Chancellor Ariel Levana once again had to hurry to the Imperial Office.
"Your highness, the People's Republic of Loyalist have taken satellite images of some of our military installations."
"What?! That is a breech of our sovereignty! Prepare all IRBMs - also those with bio-chemical warheads. Either they disarm soon or we will have to pressure them more."
"I will do right away." Ariel got the red phone and alarmed all silos and mobile launchers. Some aimed at major Loyalist cities and military targets, others at UFM - in case they planned an attack.
Then he issued a notice to the neighbor's government:

To: People's Republic of Loyalist

The Empire of Saletsia hereby demands the disarmament of the border and the stopping of taking satellite images of Saletsian cities, bases etc. If you fail to comply with our demands, we see ourselves forced to react in the only appropriate way.

~ Chancellor Ariel Levana, the Empire of Saletsia

Offline Union

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Re: Securing Peace
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2007, 11:16:44 PM »
To: The Empire of Saletsia

Your demand is an affront to our sovereignty. The movement of military assets is our legitimate right, which cannot be dictated by any other nation such as yourself. We are simply reacting to changes in regional security. As for the use of satellite imagery, this is also a right of Loyalist government and private agencies that cannot be dictated.

We like to note that any aggressive action taken by your nation against us will be unjustified and assertive, hence will not go well with the international community. We suggest your put down your threats, and put an effort in maintaining peace rather than promoting conflict. The Loyalist Republic has been a non-aggressive country from the start, hence there is no reason for you to be forceful with us.

The Foreign Ministry of PRL   
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Delfos

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Re: Securing Peace
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2007, 11:21:26 PM »
"Sir, the aircraft is ready..."
"OK, lets try again, pilot do you copy, over?"
"Perfectly General, Meteor is warm and hungry, over."
"Nice. You have permission to fire the missile, fire at will."
"Roger, firing missile"

Meteor disengaged from the new Delfighter Typhoon version that took off in the middle of Phoenix ocean. This exercise was going well, the space target was an old obsolete military satellite that got replaced in the beginning of the month by a super new technology.

The missile passed the ozone layer, and NDAF confirmed the end of the Kormonov Satellite. Success!

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Securing Peace
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2007, 11:24:24 PM »
The Empress and the Chancellor read the response.
"Wrong move. Shoot their satellites down!"

After two minutes Saletsian  KE ASAT (anti-satellite) weapons were launched and headed for the PRL-satellites.
Meanwhile the military forces along the border were all put on highest alert - as well as the rest of the nation.
Saletsian naval forces also went into position.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2007, 11:28:51 PM by Saletsia »

Offline Bara

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Re: Securing Peace
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2007, 11:31:48 PM »
"Alright, lets move!"

The SBL troops ran to there bunkers, and the slit trench's. A few hopned on the Gau-17 miniguns, but all of them put on Gas masks, in case of Bio-Chemical warfare. Radiomen were ready to call in Airstrikes, and all troops were loaded. They kept looking around, and nobody talked. Suddenly, a satellite crashed into the ground a while in front of them, and a few soldiers ran out to look at it. It was Chinese Loyasit.

"Go tell Barakarin to send paratroopers here, NOW!"
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Securing Peace
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2007, 11:39:21 PM »
In order to not let the People's Loyalist Republic conduct the assault it had planned, Chancellor Ariel Levana ordered Agni III IRBMs be launched at the major cities of the Loyalist Republic - including the capital and Gandao and others - and all its silos.
Furthermore artillery positions along the border opened fire in an attempt to destroy the SAM stations near the border to Saletsia. Meanwhile the Saletsian navy entered Loyalist waters while keeping the 200km distance from old BrahMos units given to the Republic during the UASS era. Visby stealth corvettes and Type 212 stealth submarines lead the forces while being protected by AEGIS destroyers. Moreover Delta IV submarines went into position ready to fire their ICBMs.

Offline Union

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Re: Securing Peace
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2007, 11:43:35 PM »
To: The Federal Court of Saletsia

The Loyalist Foreign Ministry will like to file a lawsuit on behalf of the Loyalist Army, regarding the vandalism and damage to military satellites operating in international space. We submit several documents as proof, including data from the Loyalist Space Agency that reveal several Saletsian ballistic objects which impacted the satellites. A total of three satellites were vandalized, valued at the total of 130 000 000 dollars. We are suing the responsible party for this amount in full. Please have a court date schedule so that we can present a case.

Thank You,

Foreign Ministry of the PRL   
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Securing Peace
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2007, 11:49:49 PM »
To: Foreign Ministry of the PRL 

The Supreme Justice of Saletsia hereby dismisses your accusations since the person responsible for the defensive and preemptive strikes, which were legitimate, is the Chancellor himself who has full immunity.

~ Saletsian Supreme Court

Offline Delfos

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Re: Securing Peace
« Reply #14 on: August 24, 2007, 11:59:29 PM »
"Sir, should we proceed?"
"Yes, is that missile ready?"
"Yes sir."
"Lets do this!"

Spare Scuds was fired in Kujsk, in the Zabid Missile Industry complex. A deeply classified exercise again, the target was a village secured remote village near the Tacolicious border. Habitants: 86, mostly old people, the village was an old military outpost that became a good market center in the pre-Boyen-Union-Split era. As Kujsk and other cities taken place of market centers, the population decreased to less than 100. Known that Tacolicians are xenophobic and created minefields in the border, this village became even more isolated. The area became under restricted in quarantine by the NDAF forces. After the missile hitting the village, several forces, with special suits approached the village. Medical teams ran to aid the villagers, campaign tents were mounted and all set was fine. At first they seemed fine, but they had trouble breathing and had flu-like symptoms. None of the forces knew what was going on, only high superiors knew and they wouldn't tell. Any of those forces couldn't eat anything produced by that land, and soon they found out why since the villagers started to vomiting blood and severe diarrhea among other digestive problems. All villagers were incapable of continuing working in the camps. Then skin lesions started to appear as black spots that spread trough the body. All died, the NDAF confirmed the experiment as another success.