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News: The counter-revolution will soon be as dead as the Q Society!

Author Topic: Saradia War Footing  (Read 1099 times)

Offline Thyatira

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Saradia War Footing
« on: October 05, 2007, 04:48:14 PM »
Saradian State Press --

The kagranite enrichment facility in the capital city of Husun was viciously and savagely attacked by terrorists. Those responsible will be found. Suspects include Haderans, along with separatist Oyunid and Moslonid Saradians.

The ruling faction -- Attama -- has already mobilized the 1st Elite Tank Battalion to occupy the Ha-iffa river valley. The hunt for the guilty has begun.

"La Ilaha Ila al-Ahsa"
+++ The Holy and Gryphonnic Land of New Thyatira, +++
+++ Founding Nation of The Order of Gryphons +++

Under the overwhelming pressure applied by the Cookie Comrade I have been compelled to add the following: " this is true.  We owe you our thanks, oh grandfather of everything that is Awesome."
I thus accept the title Grandfather of Awesomeness.

Offline Uziel

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Re: Saradia War Footing
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2007, 06:22:20 PM »
<ooc>Turái and Alúf are military ranks. Turái is a private E2 and an Alúf is a Major General.

Érez haQodeš is the Holy Land. It's the area of Saradia that is predominately Haderan.</ooc>

"Wake up! Dammit, wake up Abir!" Abir's grogy eyes slowly opened ask he began to awake. He was immediately shot by the blazing siren that means for the men to get ready for battle.

"Wha-what's going on?"

"How can you sleep through that? We're to get dressed and head out to the front of the base where Alúf Samal Gideon will brief us." Abir's partner, Turái Mordecai Avsalom, was already dressed in his fatigues and rushed out of the tent's compartment. Abir was wide away now because of the siren, and proceeded to do the same.

At the front of the base, he found nearly all of the men stationed at the Netivot Border Defense Base already arrived in the large assembly area facing Alúf Gideon who was up on a platform speaking to some of his junior officers next to him. Abir found Mordecai near the back waiting on him.

"Took you long enough!" Mordecai said to him in a near whisper.

"What have I missed?"

"Nothing yet, he hasn't said a word to us yet."

And as if he could hear what Mordecai just said, Alúf Gideon turned to the soldiers and greeted them. "Good morning men. I'm not going to mince words, but instead get straight to the point. Informants on the Saradian side of the border has informed us that the Saradian military is marching forward towards Hadera. It seems that they may be pinning the blame on Haderan terrorists, but it's unsure whether they plan to crack down on them in the Érez haQodeš... or invade Hadera. We will be deploying in the Kiryat Hills. The higher ground will give us the advantage in the event of an attack."

The only way they could bypass the hills without engaging us would be to go through the desert... I doubt they would be stupid enough to do that. Alúf Gideon thought to himself. "Alright, Raam Brigade, head to Deployment Area A. Megiddo Brigade, Area B. Get going!"

Turái Abir Gavriel and Turái Mordecai Avsalom, who make up Fire Team E in Megiddo Brigade, turned and made their way Deployment Area B. Two brigades, roughly 5,000 men each, would soon be on their way to the Kiryat Hills, just a few miles away from the Saradian border.

Offline Uziel

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Re: Saradia War Footing
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2007, 01:05:36 AM »
You could smell the fear permiating out of the Saradian city of Herzliya. The Saradian tanks were heading for them, and everybody knew why. But what were their target? Would they just be passing through to some other target, or were they going to blow the city to bits? Maybe they were heading towards Hadera (they would likely pass through Herzliya to get to Hadera)?

Everyone hate a right to be nervous. Herzliya's population is predominately ethnic Haderan and Lohamei Herut Yerushaláyim (the Fighters for the Freedom of Yerushaláyim) aka Lehy, the organization responsible for the recent bombing in Husun, has their HQ set up here. But Lehy informants are under the impression that Saradian officials believe the attack came from a Hadera-based group.

It was 4:30 am. Ira Abaddon and Jael Namir had parked a car laden with an EFP. It was aimed out towards the street to put a hole in any unsuspecting tanks that happened to drive by. Ira and Jael weren't the only ones preparing the car bombs, they were being placed all over Herzliya in the even of a major attack here. Most were parked on the main street going throught the middle of town; the one the Saradian tanks were almost guaranteed to use. This is where Ira and Jael parked their car.

The two men got out onto the nearly lifeless street. Most people were still asleep. "Alright, follow me, Jael." Ira said.

"Will do." The two began walking northward through various small streets. They were heading towards a Lehy meeting place. Jael just transferred here and doesn't know his way around; Ira on the the other hand has lived here his entire life.

"This is the place." Ira said as they came upon a two-story store named Ceragon.

"Are you sure?" questioned Jael.

"100% sure. Just keep following me." Ira led Jael down a filthy alley and around to the rear of the store. There was a door back there, and Ira took out a key, unlocked it, and went inside with Jael right behind him.

They were greeted by the Herzliya cell leader, Avraham Stern, in a dark room who's only light came from three computer screens. Avraham is a man of average height, straight blond hair, and a stern face. He is 30 years old.

"Hey Ira, Jael. Everything alright?"

"Yes sir, both cars have been positioned and I gave Jael a brief tour of the city before hand. That's why were a little late." Ira said.

"Good. That's all of them, then." Avraham went to one of the computers, brought an open spread sheet application to the front, and highlighted a two cells in green: one with Ira Abaddon in it and the other with Jael Namir. "You two can head 'home'. And just a reminder, the tanks are supposed to be coming through this afternoon by our estimates."

Ira and Jael turned to leave. "Good luck, and may Yahweh guide you."

Jael went to the apartment in front of the car they just positioned, and Ira went to the eastern end of the street where his apartment and his bomb-laden car is located.

Tomorrow, the Saradians should be in for one hell of a surprise. After all, the car bombs aren't the only thing Lehy has in store for them.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2007, 05:12:44 PM by Moshegur Amirov »