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Author Topic: President Barga's Reign  (Read 4094 times)

Offline Saletsia

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Re: President Barga's Reign
« Reply #45 on: March 21, 2007, 03:05:19 PM »
The Xyralites were driven back to the airport. As they passed the different parts of the city, it became quite clear how important the military was in Saletsian society. Nearly in every corner, uniformed men were standing. Images of portraying the heroic acts of soldiers could be seen everywhere.

Outside the city, only few civilian automobiled could be seen. Most civilians outside the cities were farmes that used bicycles or their tractors as means of transportation. The most current vehicles to be seen were armored vehicles or army trucks.

At the international airport, there were also soldiers standing still at every entrance and exit. The civilian international airport resembled a heavily-guarded airbase. General Luna was again with the Xyraelite delegation. The car stopped at the entrance and a young private opened the door letting everyone step out.

"Here we are. Follow me to your airplane."

The Xyraelites followed without saying a word, still thinking of the great portrait of President Barga hanging above the airport's main entrance.
5 minutes later the group finally got to the airplane that was already waiting. Two MiG-29 jets being prepared for take-off were also very visible.
General Luna noticed how the Xyraelite looked at the jets:

"Don't worry. They will be escorting your plane and turn back as soon as you reach the border to your homeland. Now it is time for you to go back to your country. Goodbye."

10 minutes later the plane and the jets took off heading north to Xyrael.

Offline Xyrael

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Re: President Barga's Reign
« Reply #46 on: March 21, 2007, 04:02:43 PM »
One of the agents approached the other after several days, looking over the pathetic people. Food had mingled with mud and was covered with bugs, and rain had spoiled anything that could have been edible. They were scheduled to receive enough food to ensure they would not starve, but no more. None of them had spoken, and the Internal Affairs agents were suspicious of their intentions. Of the fourteen men and women, three had contracted malaria, most had contracted typhoid, and another had small pox. The woman with small pox had received a vaccine and was quarantined, but she had also contracted malaria. Little comfort was provided for her as she slowly died.

One agent turned to the other. "These people could be pirates, mafia, fascists, anything. They haven't said a word to us, either we allow them to die, or we send them back to Saletsia. The King says they cannot be allowed to stay, but the others can."

"So be it. Shoot the woman with small pox, photograph the body for the records. Burn her body and send the Saletsian government the photo, just in case. And send the rest back, if they run away shoot to kill."

"Yes, sir."

Within hours two deuce and a halfs had pulled up, and the prisoners were loaded and escorted by Republican Guards back to the border where they had crossed. A new wall had been constructed, and the trucks parked at the gate and unloaded the people. A Guardsmen approached the gate, his rifle held easy. "Hey! We got some people for you!" The people were tossed to the mud, they were in poor shape. One of the men with malaria vomited and began to shake with fever. "The others are allowed to stay, but will be under government observation for a year or more."
I have become, again and again.

Offline Saletsia

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Re: President Barga's Reign
« Reply #47 on: March 21, 2007, 04:58:21 PM »
Saletsian soldiers noticed the Xyraelites and the Saletsians they had with them.

"Open the gates! The dissidents are being brought back!"

Soldiers and armored vehicles rushed to the goat and secured the entire are to make sure noone could escape after crossing the border. The lieutenant was also alarmed and arrived 5 minutes later at the scene.
One after the other the Saletsians were sent back to their homeland. The lieutenant was scanning the face of every dissident sent back until his eyes got stuck on one man:

"Ah Vega Llegada! So this is where we see each other again. "

"We will prevail and I will personally cut your head off, you red dog!"

The Lieutenant looked over to his bodyguards:

"Get him into our vehicle. We will transport him to Bandana. Make sure the transport is heavily guarded!"

Then the officer turned to the Xyraelites: "Thank you for your cooperation."

A soldier asked the lieutenant what to do with the other prisoners.

"Strip them off their clothes. If you find a tattoo on their hip, kill them!"

"Yes sir."

The gates were closed and the men and women undressed, all of them having the said tattoo. Moments later several shots could be heard. The corpses were burnt after execution.

Meanwhile Vega was sitting in an armored prisoner transport accompanied by 4 MX8 vehicles, two light tanks, 2 trucks loaded with soldiers and one helicopter heading South to the capital.

Offline Saletsia

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Re: President Barga's Reign
« Reply #48 on: March 24, 2007, 05:24:59 PM »
The armored convoy arrived at the capital safely. There the security level was at its highest point.
As the convoy stopped at the Palace grounds, soldiers and snipers secure the area to stop any rebel attempt to free one member of their triumvirat.
Lt. Espada got out of the his vehicle and opened the door letting Vega out with his legs and hands cuffed.
Then President Consuelo Barga came out being escorted by sic heavily armed elite soldiers.
All the soldiers presented arms ad the officers saluted.

"Ah..see who we have here. It's Vega Llegada. A fascist of the old days! Tell me Vega, what made you think you can defy the revolution?"

"We will prevail and you will die!"

"Well Vega, as a matter of fact, you will be executed tomorrow at the Grand Plaza. Tonight you will be sent to Bellagir prison. You know the prison, don't you?!"

"Rot to hell, you red bi..."

Even before Vega could finish his sentence, Barga punched her powerful right fist into his stomach making him fall down to the ground.

"Take this dog away!"

President Barga then turned and went back into the Palace.

Lt. Espada: Put him back into the truck!"

The military convoy then made its way to the feared Bellagir prison.

Offline Saletsia

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Re: President Barga's Reign
« Reply #49 on: March 25, 2007, 03:16:58 PM »
A day later masses had gathered at the capital's Grand Plaza that could hold up to 200 000 people. Security forces could be found everywhere. Helicopters with snipers were roaming the skies with their watchful eyes.
At an elevated stage, President Barga and some high-ranking officials as well as her Presidential Guards were situated.
Several moments later a line of 950 rebels was moving towards another elevated stage, the execution stage, where soldiers, the executioners, had already been lined up. While passing the crowds, the people would throw rotten vegetables and fruits at the dissidents, the enemies of the State.
The rebels were lined up in rows of 10. Then Vega was fetched. The crowds screamed and rejoiced at the sight of the former fascist military leader, now held in chains and doomed to witness the execution of his comrades.

Military marches were being played in the background while the rows of Saletsian soldiers shot at each row of the prisoners and then got substituted by another row. After killing 200 rebels, a machine-gun was put up in front of the prisoners. In order to speed up the whole execution, President Barga gave the order to mow down the rest of the dissidents using one heavy machine-gun.
Vega fell to the ground at the sight of his comrades being killed mercilessly. After all 950 rebels were killed, they were piled into a pit and set to fire. The crowds cheered.

Then it was Vega's turn. He was to be executed by decapitation. Lt. Espada drew his sword, help it high in their air for several seconds and waited for President Barga's sign. She then raised her right hand and let it fall quickly. At the sight of the sign, Lt. Espada quickly chopped off Vega's head.

The execution was televised nationwide to demoralize the rebels. 6 hours after the execution a full-scalle attack on all rebel camps was launched leading to 2376 dead rebels and 527 dead Saletsian soldiers.