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Author Topic: Peace through war  (Read 989 times)

Offline Feniexia

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Peace through war
« on: November 21, 2007, 09:46:24 PM »
Declaration of war
From: Emperor Nathaniel Cordre of the Enlightened Empire of Feniexia
To: The Dysaniian Government

It is my duty to inform you that Feniexia will no longer accept these continuing attacks on our closest ally. It is time for us to intervene. This war has already consumed too much lives and resources; many brave soldiers and innocent civilians had to pay a big price for this, but not only them, also both the Feniexian and the Canadian royal family had their casualties - Emperor Paul is dead, Empress Miray lies in cryostasis now. A politically motivated assassin had wounded both lethally. It is necessary that peace comes to both your nation and the Canadian Empire. Dysanii will be liberated from it's incompetent, warmongering government. This time, peace must be enforced through war.