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Author Topic: State Issue  (Read 999 times)

Offline Xyrael

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State Issue
« on: July 26, 2007, 04:12:19 PM »
OOC: This is a planned RP with PUR, enjoy, if you get any good ideas or suggestions PM them to me  :P

The busy streets of Citiatlan were especially crowded today as hundreds of people crowded small shops and restaurants, eyes fixated on large television screens usually used to entertain customers with local games. Today, the King was announcing open elections for the Senate, any party that could enter would be able to receive votes he boasted. The list was already filled with a wide variety of political parties, comprising a whole spectrum of thoughts and views.

Ikar was a former government agent, now retired since time had worn down his body, and many believed, his wit as well. He watched the screen with scrutiny as a dark haired woman prattled on about senators, the army losing the war in Islas Filipinas, and nationalist attacks throughout the southern reaches. She was interrupted by the older gentleman beside her, who quickly informed the public that the King was ready to make his speech before the camera fixated on his face. King Xipil was a good looking man for his age, time was kind to him.

King Xipils brilliant violet robes, fluttered in a small breeze, and the flag stirred behind him. Many people cheered at the sight of their leader, while others groaned. He softly cleared his throat.

"My countrymen," he smiled softly, "this year I will be allowing all parties to enter the election. Any part with half a percent of a vote gets one seat in the Senate, a standard election. But this year will be different. I'm allowing all parties that wish to run for seats the ability to do so!" The crowd cheered, and the King raised several sheets of paper. "This list is quite a bit longer than I imagined," he chuckled, and the crowd joined him. He prattled on about topics at hand, finishing his speech by listing off the parties eligible to run. Ikar was quickly bored with the topic, however, not having seated himself at the shop to watch the speech. He couldn't help but hear an argument between several Republican veterans of Islas Filipinas.

"We need more support for the war! My friends died over there, and for nothing!" raged an inflamed Guardsman.

"The government has given all the support the troops needed. It's the military's fault it's failing," he countered, turning to another man beside him. "With all the troops already in Islas Filipinas it's a wonder South Plains is still under Bustian control!"

"We liberated the Filipino's. They welcomed us, and we failed them because we didn't have the support we needed."

"That means nothing, the army still holds several key points within the country..." Ikar continued, but was quickly interrupted by a regular rustic looking man beside him.

"We need to try again," he told Ikar, and the Guardsman smiled at him. "We can't leave a job unfinished."

The issue of the war, the slowly declining economy, and increasing awareness about a lack of political rights would certainly be the hottest issues this election.

Unbeknownst to the King, however, the list of parties had been censored by the Bureau of Internal Affairs, which had prevented several parties from getting on the list. They included the radical religious IHN terrorist group, the anarchist Freedom Party, and several others often associated with terrorist acts. Chief among them, the Social Reform Party, which had been growing steadily in popularity despite ties to nationalist terror groups. The Social Reform Party was believed by Internal Affairs to be a strong contender in the Senate, and the political arm of the New Nationalist Front, the largest terror organization within Xyrael's borders.
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Offline Khem

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Re: State Issue
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2007, 07:09:38 PM »
Naum was in the streets of Citiatlan  when the king made his speach. little did these people know of the bans made by the govornment against the popular Social Reform Party. Naum felt priveleged to be teaching his fellow citezens a thing or two. he climbed to the top of a vehicle and with a bullhorn started speaking....


confusion swept the crowd some people were quick to latch on to the idea of a decietful king while others refused the idea.


the crowd was easily swayed by his message, easily caught up in the torrent of rage against this govornment. most of these people didn't even support the social reform party but just fell into the mob mind.

it was unclear where Naum went during the riot, some believe he was killed in the frenzy he started others such as myself believe he fled to plan for the events that shaped our very future.

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
:tai: Persona :tai: Worldbuilding Guide :tai: Nation of al'Khem :tai:

Offline Xyrael

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Re: State Issue
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2007, 10:28:50 PM »
Reports poured into the capital of protests organized by the Social Reform Party. Their popularity was rising quickly, and this was unsettling for the King. An Internal Affairs agent sat in the chair opposite him, patiently looking out his window while he read over the report.

"We had suspicions that the New Nationalist Front was in league with the Social Reform Party," spoke the agent softly.

"Even if that were so, look at what's come from all of this. You know my word can trump that of the Senate, by a whim if I felt it necessary. These measures were not necessary."

"We could not allow the terrorists to use the Senate as a public forum for their radicalism."

King Xipil sighed heavily, looking sternly into the mans eyes, which met his coldly. "You must dissuade the people from these rallies until I can find a suitable solution."

The Internal Affairs agent merely nodded, rising from his seat and swiftly moving to the door.

Within hours Internal Affairs had organized Republican Guard units into anti-riot squads, moving to meet these riots with a show of force. Armoured vehicles quickly surrounded several protests, and the Guardsmen surrounded the unruly crowds. Armed with live ammunition, kevlar vests and bullet proof shields the soldiers hesitated. Internal Affairs agents cautioned the soldiers, believing that New Nationalist Front members were likely within the crowds, armed and willing to use the people as cover to ambush them. A Republican officer grabbed a bullhorn, which whistled sharply as he turned it on.

"Disperse immediately! This protest has not been granted the proper permits, and we will move to take the necessary measures if you do not return to your homes! LEAVE NOW!" he shouted to the people.
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Offline Khem

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Re: State Issue
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2007, 11:35:52 PM »
it was not to be noted in the history books who had killed King Xipil this is the story known only to a select few. this is an excerpt from the journal of New Nationalist Front member Naum.

...after the riots were in full swing, the police and military were far too busy with trying to quell a rebellion to notice me. getting in was the easy part killing those guards however not quite so easy. if it hadn't been for my brethren coming to my aide in full force i doubt we would have ever reached xipil the traitor.

 your probably wondering how it all happened well i will tell you. after inciting a riot in one part of the country while my comrades did the same in other cities at the same moment, it became far easier to not be questioned when travelling around in force. if the republican guard got in our way we just used the ozian rifles we had to lower their inhibitions about letting us pass. not to say they didn't attempt to return fire. if it hadn't been for that bustian armor i am sure i wouldn't have made it within a thousand yards of the traitor. lucky for me eh?

 we had found out where the king was located through one of our govornment contacts, lucky for us xipil didn't realize how far our fingers reached. with some RPGs we bought off a Ryazanian mercanary it was easy to bust the place wide open. we lost a large amount of our guys in the innitial assault but we eventualy cracked the place open like an oyster and the traitor xipil was our pearl. i was the first one in the room. with all the confusion of explosions and screams i couldn't tell you where his quarters were but i can tell you he looked appalled when i shot him in the kneecap. it was good to see him suffer and i would have kept him suffering longer if it hadn't been for that govornment lapdog who cam barging in. i swear my left shoulder will never be the same, but their dead i'm not so i still think i came out on top.

 anyhow i didn't feel like getting capped again so shot up xipils neck a bit and removed his head. trophy in hand i placed his head for all to see on the courtyard flagpole. after securing the head where it was needed there was a sudden blast (frag grenade i am told) which sent me flying against a wall. i was knocked out and given a few more scars for all the effort. lucky for me my comrades carried me out before the place was swarmed by the traitors dogs. i woke up a few days later in a uichi ryan hospital and have decided to spend some time here to recover. these people are ok not anything compared to my beloved countrymen but at least they are native to Easteros.....

from this we find out exactly why King Xipils head was found in the courtyard attached to a flagpole. perhaps  there is yet more information we could learn from this mans personal writings but this is most assuredly the most important.

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
:tai: Persona :tai: Worldbuilding Guide :tai: Nation of al'Khem :tai:

Offline Xyrael

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Re: State Issue
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2007, 03:57:34 AM »
<< XNS Urgent Report >>


King Xipil was killed in a bloody assault this afternoon. The assassination took place earlier today at approximately 2:42 pm EST by a large number of terrorists. It is believed at this time that the terrorists are associated with the New Nationalist Front, however the organization has not yet taken credit for the attacks. In addition to the King, eight Internal Affairs agents and twenty seven Royal Guardsmen died during the assault, as well as nine nationalists.

This surprising event has shocked the country. Over the next week the entire Imperial Republic will be granted a paid vacation from all work. The economy is set to shut down, and the future of Xyrael's leadership is currently unknown. King Xipil left not heirs to inherit the throne, and did not specify how he was to be replaced should he die. The Social Reform Party has petitioned the People's Party to initiate nation-wide elections to determine who will be the first Premier of Xyrael. Respecting King Xipil's wishes, the Party has asked that any party wishing to run may be eligible to do so, despite recent failures to adequately administer the Senatorial elections.

The manner of the King's death has been highly classified by Internal Affairs, which has found a multitude of suspects it believes to be responsible for the death of the King. They have been sentenced to immediate execution by cremation, faced with the charges of high treason. In addition, several hundred Xyraeli citizens have been detained for extensive questioning relating the protests which allowed the terrorists to infiltrate the capital. Currently they are facing the possible charge of Sedition and Conspiracy to commit High treason.

A state funeral is to be held for King Xipil on August 2, with space for approximately one million and two hundred fifty thousand citizens, as well as one hundred thousand Republican Guardsmen. It will be broadcast on all channels, all day, uninterrupted.
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Offline Xyrael

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Re: State Issue
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2007, 05:52:41 PM »
Otic watched the palace several blocks away from his rooftop. His neighbors were beside him, the entire city was swarming with men and women and children dressed in a deep, dark red. It was August 2, and the city silently awaited the funeral of their late King. Otic couldn't believe what had happened just a week before, he himself had been one of those protesting the censorship, but he couldn't understand why the terrorists had gone as far as they did. No one could, even the Social Reform Party had lamented his death. Otic could feel a soft breeze stir through the city, and he heard a single trumpet in the distance.

The Palatial gates slowly opened, and several men dressed in sharp military uniforms marched to the stairs, stepped into formation, and saluted the doorway. A column of ceremonial Royal Guard goose-stepped their way out of the Palace, dressed in deep scarlet suits with black capes. Otic, who knew nothing of military parades, found himself incredibly impressed with their precise uniformity. But as the column continued, he noticed the large wooden casket carried on the shoulders of eight men. Behind the casket, a full regiment of Republican Guardsmen marched as best they could, red bands wrapped around their arms signifying their loss.

The main street, ordinarily eight lanes wide, was lined with a large variety of tanks on one side, and military  personnel who's guns were raised in a salute to the fallen King. Rose petals were thrown from the roofs of buildings by hundreds of people, and they silently fell to the ground, gently landing on the shoulders of the men carrying the casket. The silence of the procession was only broken by the steady marching of the soldiers as their feet crushed the ground in unison, and no one dared disturb the ceremony.

The procession continued down the street and out of sight, towards Victory's Gate. Otic wiped a tear from his cheek and sniffled, trying to hide his grief, and his guilt. A family sat beside him, a woman mourned fitfully as her lover gently wiped the tears from her cheek. He sat on a vent near the two women and pondered for a while, listening in on their conversation intently. They were discussing the coming elections, who would become the new head of state. They worried what would happen to Xyrael, everyone worried. Otic had heard that Internal Affairs was stepping up security throughout the nation, and the lack of even an interim head of state meant that the Bureau could do as they pleased.

Mekkal (above), leader of the Social Reform Party, has called for nation-wide elections to be held to determine who will be the first Premier of the Xyraeli state. A nationwide poll by the Xyraeli Press has determined that the top 5 candidates are:
  • 29% - Social Reform Party
  • 27% - Socialist Party
  • 21% - Worker's Party
  • 14% - Heralds of Light Party
  • 6% - Democratic Republican Party

Mekkal's active part in the media as of late, as well as stirring speeches concerning the future of Xyrael through his plans, has rapidly seen his popularity surpass the Socialist Party, despite their recent loss.

The Socialist Party continues to avoid the most important issues, being the recent war in Ryazania and relative Xyraeli nuetrality in an Easteros war, and the failure of the army in Islas Filipinas. The Social Reform Party continues to fervently support military action, and promises to restore the people's pride in their country. Elections will be held in two months, providing ample time for both parties to rally support.
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Offline Xyrael

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Re: State Issue
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2007, 08:26:16 AM »
"The insitution of democracy is one of the greatest institutions in the world, allowing for the expresion of thought and intergration of the people's ideas into the government's actions. You, the citizens of Xyrael, have spoken. By doing so, you have affected the history of this glorious nation. This election has proven that your voices are not only valued, they've become an integral part of the world! Today, on this hour, we stand on the verge of a new era, a democratic era! I proudly present the new Premier of Xyrael, Mekkal Taroc," the man dressed in his fine suit made way for the balding but handsome man who rose to the microphone as the crowd erupted with cheer.

"Friends, countrymen, today is the day you told the world you wanted something different. You wanted change, you wanted reform. I am not afraid to give you these things!" Mekkal paused momentarily, thoughts racing through his mind as adrenaline surged through him. He could barely believe where he was. He stood taller, using his arms to wildly emphasize his thoughts as he spoke. "You people need freedom! The freedom to choose, the freedom to buy! No one looks to our country as a power, no one looks to our country for products. I promise to change this. I promise to make the Xyraelites, and the whole of Easteros, a shining star in the world. Our time is now, and I will not back down from this challenge you have presented me. I will work tirelessly to fulfill every promise I have made to you."

He began to recall each platform his party stood for, ignoring the heat of the Xyraeli midday summer sun. With fist shaking in the air, he bellowed promises to increase the military might of Xyrael, the economic strength, to provide the people with everything they desired, with everything they needed. He lamented the failures of the army, blaming the stubborness of the Filipino people. They could not understand the ideas brought by the Xyraelites. He condemned the annexation of Ryazania by Myroria, referring to the foreign colonists as nothing more than "filthy mindless vermin". The people cheered louder, a sleu of signs stirred the air with slogans calling for reform.

With the promise of a glorious future, Premier Mekkal created the State of Xyrael to stand for the new, democratic age that the country had entered.
I have become, again and again.