[RP resumes...]
"Sir, this is what we have gathered so far...there are four main epicenters, that if they should fall, the country would crumble."
"First off is the port city of Sveg..our naval forces will go here, here and here..next the city of New Cantar to the west. Malton is to the east, and North is chester the capital and the hardest for us to reach..."
"Our primary concern is a foothold, and Sveg will be perfect, you know what to do..."
"Sir, I thought you sould say that..."
"The forces are 30 minutes out..."
"Very Good,
Major select."
"thank you sir."

[Task Force Killer = One Occupation Force Group will be on the right most lane. Task Force Defensor = One Occupations Force Group will be on the left most lane. Task Force Demon = 2 Lt carrier groups, 2 Lt mixed carrier groups, along with the expeditionary 10th Division, 9th Division, and the 8th Division]