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Author Topic: Operation Homeland  (Read 5375 times)

Offline whereamistan

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  • Islamic Republic of Whereamistan
Operation Homeland
« on: February 04, 2007, 07:04:22 PM »
Lt. Col. Muqtada Al Sudani was proud of his silver oak leaf. His operations throughout the country had brought him much success. He was handpicked by the president to carry out this operation. He was tasked to secure the northern border. The Border Protection Posts were in place and was time to make a national boundary. He looked at the piece of paper with the Specs as needed:

20,660 miles of Double electric fencing[three strands on C-wire on either side of both in pyramid and one roll of razor wire on top of both.]
MG nests w/ PKM [Every 3 miles]
20 watchtowers with spotlights and MGs PKM [one every mile]

per Checkpoint
1 Command Hut for border checkpoint with emergency diesel electric backups
1 Barrack plus Mess Hall
1 powered gate for vehicles
22 watchtowers with spotlights and MGs PKM
15 concrete jersey barriers
10 movable tire shredders
20 Scout Sungri
12 5-ton trucks
35 ARs AK47
3 RPG-16s

3 HN-5s
« Last Edit: February 04, 2007, 10:13:53 PM by whereamistan »

Offline whereamistan

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Re: Operation Homeland
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2007, 10:10:15 PM »

[Orange line depicts newly created Border Control Lines]
[White line depicts tunnel system built under public address thread]
« Last Edit: February 05, 2007, 11:51:50 AM by whereamistan »

Offline whereamistan

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Re: Operation Homeland
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2007, 10:43:06 PM »
[Executive Order # 000132A. QRF to deploy to Southern Oil Fields.]

Maj. General Mushuraf looked at the map. "Colonel, I need out 10th Division to deploy around the southern oil fields now. Establish a functional base platform, and await relief elements. ETA is unknown. Prepare for a long haul." The Colonel snaped to attention and walked out of the tent. Within hours the 35 mile long convoy was on their way to the fields. All units were moving at cruising speed of 55Km/hr. Advance team flew by helicopter and was surveying the land for a possible base. Maj. General Mushuraf called the Palace,"Yes sir, my boys are on it. We will be their in three two days, base will be built in 3 months time."

Offline whereamistan

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Re: Operation Homeland
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2007, 11:17:12 PM »
[Net Message: Crypto Level:2 Channel:3 Freq:198.1]
Ground Command this is Zulu Victor 2-8....

Go ahead Zulu 2-8..

Roger..small group of nomadics seen southeast of pipeline 020423..how do you copy?

Roger..Maintains eyes on..ground forces en route ETA 3 hours...

Roger..Zulu Victor 2-8 Ou......[Static heard over the net]

2-8, This is Ground Command, do you read?

2-8, 2-8 do you read?

Maj Gen Mushuraf looked at the screen.."get me two MiGs over that location, and I want them there two minutes ago.!"

GhostHunter 1-6 divert training for real world sit. Converge on sector MB77345 93748. Possible helo down, say again possible helo down..

GhostHunter 1-6 Copies. Wilco. Out.

Offline whereamistan

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Re: Operation Homeland
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2007, 11:53:29 PM »
Ground Command this is Ghost Hunter...Be advised we have a helo down civilians collapsing on the crash site. Advise on actions over...

Ghosthunter...disperse crowd...ground forces ETA 30min.

GhostHunter dropping to 3-0 feet dropping flares...

RPG! RPG! Pull up!....

Ground this is Ghost I have RPGs in the crowd advise on rules of engagement..

Engage Hostile forces...

Roger..civilian population intermixed..

Roger...stand down..

Offline whereamistan

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Re: Operation Homeland
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2007, 11:07:16 AM »
Ground Command this is Shadow Six...In position.

Roger..you have your orders..


The two man sniper team had been emplaced at night by helos. The made their way through the foot hills to a vantage point above the Nomad camp. They established their foothold and prepared for their target..

"I count 1-5 tangos at the 4 o clock position. Right 2 clicks. Down 4 clicks."

"Right 2, Down 4, 450meters out. wind 10Km W."


The shots rang out loudly..the nomads ran for what little cover they could take. They had no idea where the sniper was.  The sniper engaged seven tangos, and they relocated 500 meters west of their position.

"Six tangos 200 meters , wind 10Km W left 1 click, Up 3 clicks."

The shots again rang out, four more tangos dropped within a minutes time.

"3 tangos running SW 500m"

The sniper said screw the adjustments, we aimed four right eight up and fired. one tango down. again. one tango down. he then aimed nine up. he fired. miss. he adjusted. fired. hit.

Ground Command this is Shadow Six, Tangos eliminated. Advise addition of ground personnel.

Roger. Ground Command out.

Offline whereamistan

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Re: Operation Homeland
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2007, 11:18:43 AM »
[OOC: Battlelines have been drawn. Green dot represents QRF base. red/brown lines to the S/E oil fields represent territory under the control of the Nomads.]

Offline whereamistan

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Re: Operation Homeland
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2007, 04:02:28 PM »
President Abbas looked at his cabinet, "Gentlemen, I expect this nonsense to be over soon. The people of whereamistan will not tolerate the loss of members of our armed forces to rebels, nomads, scum! Erradicate the rebel group, imprison the leader and take control of their territory!"

Adm. Mushraff pointed on a map,"My boys are taking these two routes to prevent any attempt of escape, General Yousaf will provide a blanket as far as the air goes to ensure no "outside interference"! They will be in place in three days."

Maj Gen Mushuraf looked at the men, "My boys of the 10th division will strike from the west, while the men of the 9th Division will strike from the North to the east in a pincer move. The 9th was mobilized and en route now."

Offline whereamistan

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Re: Operation Homeland
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2007, 06:34:11 PM »

The two naval detachments rolled into their respective sectors and began to form their defensive postures. Within minutes the heavy cruisers, destroyers, and frigates opened up on the Nomads with Artillery, Scud, and Cruise Missile launches. The carriers sent off their jets to attack known enemy strongholds. Elsewhere, Army artillery opened up on the region devistating the defensive nomad army. T-95, and T-90 tanks by the column moved in on the nomads. The rebels armed with only AK47s and RPGs. They had no Mechanized force, not even pick up trucks. Fighters rode in on horses, donkies, and walked into battle. Most were forced into defensive positions in the light foothills in the center of their region. MiGs overhead taunted them with rocket and missile fire. The rebels were holed up in small cutouts in the hills, no food, no water, no hope.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2007, 06:55:00 PM by whereamistan »

Offline whereamistan

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Re: Operation Homeland
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2007, 07:28:02 PM »
Ground Command, this is Hunter Seven. Be advised, Post 01034502 has been liberated. 203 dead, 112 wounded, the rest are okay and have joined the fight against the insurgents. How do you read?

Roger, excellent job! Charlie Mike[continue mission for people who dont know military terms].


Offline whereamistan

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Re: Operation Homeland
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2007, 07:33:50 PM »
Ground Command, This is Hunter Seven. Rebels have been pushed out of homeland for most part. Marine units and encircled last of resistance from the south. Cordon set. Rebels requesting terms..Advise over.

Hunter Seven..Terms: unconditional surrender, apprehension of nomad tribal sheik, assimilation of nomadic army into that of the people's army.


Ground Command Out.

[Green dots represent army units]
[Blue Dots represent naval units]
[Blue lines represent naval blockade]
« Last Edit: February 05, 2007, 07:37:01 PM by whereamistan »


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Re: Operation Homeland
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2007, 08:22:21 PM »
*In Hanzac Central Defence Ageacy,6:59 A.M*
"Sir, we have Revied reports that the Rebels are being betan back." Sayys Genral Ching
"Well, that just won't do right?"
"Sir, if the Govmnet that the Rebels are fighting finds out about this, we are screwd up sir!"
"Send them in 4 Divsons of our finset men"
"you herad me"
"Yes sir"


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Re: Operation Homeland
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2007, 08:29:44 PM »
*Over whereamistan  10:00 A.M*

ALRIGHT! You know the Drill! Link up with the Rebels and support there opretions! Lets move!
*4 paratrooper Divisons jump out of there C-54 palnes and land right where they are supposed to be*
*they all move to the meeting piont, reviing almost no fire*
"welcomce, we have Prayed that you wold come. Thank you."*gives the Leader off a unit a small dagger*"give that to your Prime Minster"
"will do!"

« Last Edit: February 08, 2007, 09:51:53 PM by Terrazac »

Offline whereamistan

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Re: Operation Homeland
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2007, 09:04:26 PM »
Intel states that Hanzac is backing the rebels...advise.

Roger..make no direct conflict with the nation of Hanzac. Our job is to contain and topple the terrorists.

A bombing run continued over the territories, 120 MiG-28 dropped 2,000lbs bombs onto the enclave of villages and caverns. The three armored divisions continued their push toward the center. The naval forces blockaded the seaways, and the air force embarrased that the c130s got through have vowed to stop any reinforcements.

[To the nation of Hanzac, you are playing on a fine line here. We offer full immunity in turn for the withdrawl of all forces from the region. Regards, Whereamistan.]


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Re: Operation Homeland
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2007, 09:09:14 PM »
*whereamistan ,Captiaal*
"Alright man, you can do this, you are a Sniper, all you have to do is assnatie the prez and we and the army should fall"
"what if i miss?"
"then Hanzac is oing to be i total war my friend"