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Author Topic: Negotiations of the Industrial Council  (Read 2564 times)

Negotiations of the Industrial Council
« on: January 14, 2007, 06:25:52 PM »
Continent Arcanum
Tarant, Council Chambers, Hallway
12:05 PM

"Madness.  It's purest madness!  You're a fool for supporting it."  The gnome waved a finger in the air for emphasis, his massive half-ogre bodyguard following him as he and his human companion headed towards the official Councilroom.  "A half-orc proposed it, and we can hardly trust the reasoning of a greenskin, can we?  If we did that, we'd hae unions all over the place."

The human rubbed the bridge of his nose.  "Theodore, I appreciate your stance here, but he has a point.  Economics are my area - I was appointed to the Council by Ashbury for my economic prowess.  And while he is a half-orc, we can't discount what he says."

Theodore Grellins, member of the vast Grellins political Family and Tarantian delegate to the Industrial Council Taxes Advisory Board, shook his head.  "A tax on our productive citizens would be pointless!  Earning less will harm the economy, you surely see that.  And what we do with the money?  Use it to benefit these damned orcs!  That's all he wants, Jonas!"

Jonas Macmillan, Ashbury's delegate to the selfsame advisory, grinned.  "Ah, but you don't see what I do.  He wants to benefit his father's people.  All well and good - but I see oppurtunity.  Porkbarrel oppurtunity.  Don't you see it?  A tax on the most wealthy is easily supported - the Families are well-insulated against monetary loss, and of course it'd only be on personal income.  Your banked moneys are safe - and I know how much you have.  I sat on the Board of Directors for the Intercity First Bank."

The gnome grumbled.  It was all true, of course.  "Pork for who, Jonas?  This...orc-spawn would have us vote for pork to his greenskin brothers."

"Pork for Tarant and Ashbury, of course...you see, there may not be many poor gnomes, but humans are among the poor, often.  Surely you see the oppurtunity here?  We'll vote to spend money on the poor, but of course you'll be able to get your Family's scions appointed to Tarant's board to handle this...and thus, your Dona will choose who receives, correct?"