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Author Topic: Irnotian Empire  (Read 3090 times)

Offline Ranholn

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Irnotian Empire
« on: February 07, 2007, 04:38:33 AM »
Grand Imperator Vibius Looked around the vast chamber that held the Senatus. Around him the Praetorians stood, each was only armed with Spatha and Pilum, the laws forbid the use of all things built of the modern world to enter this great hall. He stood as the gatherd body swore their daily loyalty to him. Then he sat, his robes flowing around him. All in the Senatus wore the robes of a senator. The meeting began then, with scribes writing down all that happened.

Legatus Legionis Nero stood, Leader of the Grand Legion of Irnotia. He would report on the most recent things brought into the Imperium.  Princeps senatus Claudiues Soon brought the meeting to an end with the normal oaths and honors to those present and gone. The Imperator nodded, officially ending the Senatus. He then stood, turned and left the large chamber and its Marble Arches and Pillars

Immediately 4 praetorians armed with assault rifles and armor flanked the Imperator, He was whisked to his armored limo. Flanked by Armored cars he was driven to his next destination. In his van was his Chief Advisor Tita sat, wearing a business suit
"Ah, Imperator I see the Senatus ended early"

"Indeed. I do not Trust Nero. He has eyes on The Imperatorship"

"Well is he not your current Heir Apparent"

He nodded slowly "Yes, but that is after I die, I do not wish him to hurry it along"

She smiled at this, she was the most powerful woman in the Empire, and many in hushed voices called her the Vice Imperator since how strongly the Imperator took her council. "Well Dux Sextus is preparing the Legion of Ares for Inspection. They have just finished Movements in the Outer Regions."

He smiled, It with this the Rebellions in the outer lands were over. They could turn their attentions to the Expansion of the Empire. This was a Grand day in the dawning of their lands. The world would know their place soon, below that of the Irnotia Empire.

Arriving he saw the Standers of the Legion of Ares, this was the largest of the Legions, one of the Legion of the gods, holding triple size Cohorts. He didn’t like it, but it was needed at times. It was also full of the greenest of the Legionaries of the gods, men who had proven themselves within the 100 standard, but not yet seen enough to be put into the other 4 legions. The limo Stopped and the guards took their positions; the Imperator nodded to Tita and left the Limo.

Walking up the platform the Legion Erupted in cheers, He waved his hands. This was to be the start, this was only the beginning of a new era for the Empire. In front of him a Cohort of Praetorians Stood. When in public like this they were always around, in the air a squad of Assault and Sniper Choppers flew insuring that no one attempted anything. The Imperator laughed at this, his men were waiting for a real war, not fights against small poorly armed rebels. He knew they wanted blood; he also planned on giving it to them.

The nations of this world had become to complacent, to tired in their ways. It was time for the Glory of the Empire, the Pride of the Gods to rise up. To show those nations of weakness what to fear. This was to become a time of Reckoning.

Taking a Deep breath, a large Grin across his face, He Raised his hands and Silenced the Men and began to talk

“Hear me Country men…
Hear your Imperator Speak…
Hear me those whose lives are in the hands of the God
Who Fight for Glory, For Honor, For Irnotia!

You are those men, those who others wish to be. Nations Dream of walking Besides you into battle, and treble in fear of having to face you in it.

But Neigh, I did not come to say trivialities and things you already Knew.
No…My Brothers… I came to speak of the future. What is to Come of you My Grand Legion Of Ares!

Long Enough Now we have sat content with the Empire’s Place in this world. Long Enough sitting on our power, sitting idly as the world changed. What would the Emperor Think? Would he be Pleased!?!


He would want us to use the power we have, to use the Strength that is ours. We have no time for sitting idly buy and letting our place in this world get lesser. We will Bring ourselves to the front of This world. We shall Make Known the Irnotian Empire. For you My Legion of Ares, Leagion of War! You are the reason we shall not falter! You are the Ones who will make us strong!

Remember this from your Imperator… You are not simple Soilders… you are not simple rabble given a weapon and told to fight. You are the Legion. You are the Greatest. You are the Best.

You are the Children OF Irnotia! The Arms of the Empire!

Your Power Will Be Known!!”

As His speech ended, a grin across his face, the Centurions bringing their ranks into order he returned to Tita and the Limo “I do feel that we have a fine Legion. The new Gladius rifles seem to be working well, but I would like a more rapid fire version for assault teams.”

She nodded taking it down in her handheld computer for the orders. They would look for competing companies to find what one would do the modification. “And sir, the temple of Aphrodite’s is requesting for a supplement of birth control, and plan B pills.”

The Imperotor laughed, as he looked out at the city running by him, modern buildings and industry imbued with Marble statues and buildings Millennia’s old. “Yes send them the supplies”

She nodded writing it down. “We are going to the 4th Legion now Imperator. They have just had a new Dux, Julius Colligulis”

The Imperator turned slowly “What happen to Dux Marcus Arillious?”

“He is to lead the Legion of Apollo”

He laughed, seemed Nero was changing things up before things got interesting. He wondered if it would pay off
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Offline Ranholn

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Re: Irnotian Empire
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2007, 04:38:50 AM »
Claudiues sat in his manor, his newest lover was sitting at his feet playing the harp. He was tired, it had been a long day. After going to the Senatus, he had to go to a grand party for someone, then go to something else he couldn’t care less about. He needed to keep his face out their, make it known who he was and that he cared for the people.

His Vineyards had done well this year, the harvest was rather bountiful, the only problem was… almost everyone had a grand harvest. The Price of wine had plummeted. Only a small section of his harvest was allotted towards longer aged wines, but selling the bulk at such a low price wouldn’t do well. The Vineyard accounted for to much of his wealth to be ignored. But he needed to get most out of this.

He sighed deeply, looking down to his lover, he smiled seeing her sitting at his legs, her dress reveling much to his gaze. He liked her more then the last few he had. She was more then just a young and sexual girl. She was also skilled and Intelligent.
“My dear Julia, you play the harp as if the gods themselves were at your hands”

She beamed up at him “I only play for you my love”

He laughed “If only the business with the Vineyard was as easy as this. The prices have plummeted so much do to the grand harvest, but I can not afford to hold till next year, these wines are not set to be aged.”

He looked into the Eyes of Julia “What do you think I should do my love?”

She smilled “Wine and Circus”

He laughed, it was perfect idea. He pulled her up to him and Embraced her. Holding her on his lap he yelled to a servent near “Tell my Wife we are to Prepare a Feast for this City. Contact the C.A.R.C. to arrange games. Give the People Wine and Circus and they will be yours.!”
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Offline Ranholn

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Re: Irnotian Empire
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2007, 04:39:09 AM »
Linia Caesar sat coyly in her garden. Around the edge walked the Praetorians, protecting the Immortal Imperioum… She was the Descendent of the Emperor. The Great Augustus Caesar… the man who Declared he would not be Emperor for life, but For All Time. He was insane and is worshiped like a god. People Say that he will come down from the gods one day and reclaim his Empire. That the rule of the Imperators is just till he returns.

She thought it was redicules, that still in this day of age to think a man would return from being dead for more then two thousand years. It was absurd. She dare not say it to anyone, that she felt the reason she had power was a joke. To attack the Great Emperor Augustus was to sign yourself to death. So she Sat, the Figure Head of the State. The Imperator ruled the nation and the Government. She would just come out for a big festival or when a new Senatus was formed after an election.

She just wanted to be left alone, to have a normal life. To leave the nation.
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Re: Irnotian Empire
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2007, 10:30:42 PM »
The Imperator laughed as he read the paper "that bloody upstart. So it seems he is going to try and pull Nerdic main offices out of my nation. Find some better pastures in other more open nations. Well, ill make sure to have the Census do a full investigation into him and the CSI look into Nerdic."

He drinks a bit of wine thinking of what else he can do, he turns off the tv, it was an annoying comedy show, right now they were doing a sketch on him. Normally he enjoyed watching himself get lampooned, but they had some new guy doing it named Agricola Cilius. He wasn't that good, couldn't do the talking or the hands right. The last guy, Brutus Lucian Caedicius was fucking Hilarius. The Imperator enjoyed him so much he had hired him for his last birthday event.

His sketch about going on a picnic with the Imperator was much more entertaining then the gladiator fight. They did so damn poor he let 3 be killed.

Thinking of Gladiator fights, He should go see the fights for the sulstus this year. Supposedly the two set to fight are some of the best in years. The chariot races and animal fights also are good for an afternoons entertainment. A Secutur vs an Retiarius, could be good.

This afternoon he would need to go meet with the leaders of the legions, the army was getting restless, and the people felt that the Imperator was going soft on military power, he needs to find a good distraction a short war that will be won with little difficulty.

Damn, he needs to get some foreign newspapers...

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Re: Irnotian Empire
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2007, 05:21:14 PM »
Lt. Commander Auluis Asilus gagged walking into the room, the wife eyes had been slit open while she was alive, parts of her skin removed. She looked like she died very slowly and painfully. The son was killed by a drill, that just seemed over the top. The two daughters were gone, they probably would arrive on the underground human market. Bloody Criminals, they are the lowest of the low.
The OSIU are what scared him the most. The lead agent said that this was rather tame killing for the Outfit.
That just blew his mind, this was a very tame killing. According to the Surveillance this was the home of a leader of the Arigoli family mafia, he was trying to move against the Outfit in the human market, and well looks like he just gave them two more products.

Auluis walked out of the building, in his hand was a picture of the two girls missing, one was 9 the other 16. They both would be placed on the slave prostitute market chances are. If he ever found them it would be after they had both died in the hand of some depraved individual.

He couldn't stand this, people making so much money by avoiding the law, it was just wrong. He will find these girls... some how.
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Re: Irnotian Empire
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2007, 07:16:48 PM »
The LT. Followed a tip he had received about a small time gang called “red Kings”. He feared they would be the next hit, the outfit has been increasing its attacks against other organizations of late, he wondered if someone was trying to impress ol' Tony. That old bastard had ran the Outfit for now 60 some years, and no one can touch him. The damn  MIS created a sub order that all they do is dig into that guys garbage every night. They have searched his  home about 100 times in the last year alone, and never anything hard enough to get him arrested. He is good, but who ever this new guy working for him is.. well he is just nuts.

Last night after the family, and the kidnapping of the two girls, he followed the trail to the fathers lover, the woman had had her flesh melted off with a torch of some sort, rapped a few times it seems. It looks like from her stomach content they made her eat her pet and some of her own leg. I don't know what they are doing this for, the guy had been dead for a week, they blew him apart. Now they are just making a lesson of him, you move against the Outfit everyone you care about pays.

This is the home he thinks will be hit next, the Red Kings have been moving in on the narcotics trade with a new rape drug. The nick name for it is called Red Special. It makes the woman of your desire highly suggestible and lucid, she cant really fight back even if that thought came to her mind, but still responsive enough so your not raping a bag of meat, and then she remembers nothing. Its the newest thing on the market, so far NPF has ordered a complete Media black out at the recommendation of CND.

The house was wire tapped and had bugs everywhere, but they new a few had been found and scrapped. He had been waiting, he wrote up the warrant for the arrest and raid all he needed was the time and they would swarm. He remembered the first warrant he wrote up when he got promoted, they raided and killed a pedophile brothel, about 14 girls under the age of 12 being pimped out and raped for money. Some people are sick, they didn't even use any form of protection, the shit is given out free everywhere in the nation.

Then a sound came from a bug, sounded like a gun shot, he wrote the time and yelled “RAID NOW NO ONE GETS OUT”

Swat teams and mixed forces moved into the house, when they busted in the killer was gone. His work stayed. 3 gang bangers were dead, each had their eyes and genitalia removed, after a search they found the stuff in a soup. The leader, it seems was the one who was shot the last. Most of his body was gelled, they had burnt him, looks like his tung was cut out early, a bowl near by made them think he was forced to eat the soup. From the looks he was tortured for a while, chances are the entire 3 hours they had been here or something.

He would look around the house, he needed to find something to lead him to the girls.
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Re: Irnotian Empire
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2007, 08:54:53 PM »
Lina frowned as she sat in her box, it was once again the annual celebration of her for father. This year was worse then usual, it teased her about freedom to leave the nation. This time, in sight of her box were people from many different nations came to see this festival as it was called. It was less of a festival then a chance to let go of anything holding you back. Every kind of drug was being passed around and sold below her, She walked to look over the edge, and of course below her a few people were having at it, in public and those around were cheering. It just got worse when the fights started, she couldn't enjoy them any more. Her brother still loved them, and she used to. Now, all it did was remind her that she can never leave, and running away wasn't an option, the Praetorian guards wont let her.

The men around her were heavily armed, each wearing gas masks and other things, no two could be told apart. The only ones who ever showed something close to a face was the Imperators when they entered the Senatus Building. She smiled a bit remembering her adventured with them. She once had tried to seduce one of the guards, they were men in fact and she was a very attractive woman. Well after many attempts of seduction the man never responded, it was rather devastating to her confidence. She had since recovered from the loss of confidence in her sexuality, so it was now just funny.

Hmm, unfortunately she would have to soon give her little talk to the crowd. She adjusted her traditional dress, and got ready. Her brother was placing bets on the fights that were to happen, pathetic, he was rich and still kept running into trouble with debt.

Lets hope this year is interesting.
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Re: Irnotian Empire
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2007, 02:56:26 AM »
LT. used his breaching gun to blow open the door, rushing in he saw a fat man on top of a young girl, no older then 10 at most, he let off 4 shoots ripping into the mans shoulder. He spun off, the girl below him crying. He turned to the men behind him “Ive authorized full force, move fast!”

men rushed past him, fire were heard in the brothel as men moved rapidly in. The LT walked over the man who was careening in pain, the LT. Pulled out his hand gun and a picture of the two girls “scum bag, one of our boys learned these girls were shipped to this little piece of shit. Where are they”

The man turned, blood mixing with sweat as he squirmed “fuck you, I'm bleeding out here, you shot me. Maybe if you get me a doctor and a deal ill tell you something”

The LT. Smiled “I hoped you say that”

He lifted his foot up and smashed it down on the mans genitalia, grinding it with his heal. The man shrieked they burst the LT. Turned to him and yelled “tell me about the girls you piece of shit or ill blow your legs off”

The man squirmed below the LT. “You little”

A bullet ripped into his stomach, “That shot will kill you if you don't get medical attention, now tell me what i know and ill get some medical attention for you. If not I will just let you here to die”

The man began to cry “Ill talk... they did show up, but they were taken by a man named Cornutus, he took the two of them to a place named Seritosus. I swear that all I know you got to trust me, I...”

A bullet from the LT. Gun ended the mans sentence early “I trust you, may your soul burn in hell for ever”

An agent came up to him “Sir the criminals have been captured those that resisted are dead. The girls are being taken to crises centers to be carried for. We will then investigate where they came from.”

The Agent point his gun at the naked body on the ground “wasn't he alive and not with a bullet in his head before”

The LT. Looked at him “He resisted and was dealt with, want to question my choices”

“no sir”
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Re: Irnotian Empire
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2007, 03:55:09 AM »
Claudiues smiled looking down at his young lover in his bed “how are you doing my love”

She looked up at him twirling hair in her finger smiling “I'm in ecstasy, i just made love to you.”

He smiled “you just wait here, ill return. I need to talk to my wife”

Leaving the girl in his bed moaned in disappointment, laughing he walked downstairs. His wife was sitting in front of a computer “hello dear, how has your search for a time to get our little celebration going”

She turned “just as well as your search to convince your self your not old with your newest conquest”

He laughed “I see you still have your wit about you. I know why I married you”

Things have began to look well, He will hold a honorary celebration to Augustus in his own City. The final details just needed to be set up.
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Re: Irnotian Empire
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2007, 11:27:54 PM »
Auluis Asilus crashed on his couch. Its been two days since the girls were captured. The 16 year old was safer, she was a girl that could make the outfit a lot of money, but the 9 year old. The life span of girls like her was not long, and if he could save her from the horrors she would face. It would vindicate everything he had done.

Right now three of the men captured were being tortured to get everything they knew. The men doing it were good, they would get everything they wanted out of them and then end their pathetic existence. This was the first time he was home, he didn't have much to come back to any ways. All he had was his son...
shit he had forgotten about him completely.
“Arilius are you here?”

“yes, where the hell have you been”

“Ive been working a case, rather hard. How have you been doing anything interesting”

His son walked down stairs, Auluis looked at him “where the hell did you get those damn black clothing at”

“a new Ordo Equester opened up a store, my girlfriend took me to it. She likes it, what you got against it”

Auluis frowned and looked at the paper. Good, the media black out he ordered is going well. I guess a LT. Commander gets some respect. “wait... You have a girlfriend?”

His son walked out of the kitchen holding a sandwich “yes, we've been dating for about 6 months, hell we have already had sex, how have you not noticed”

“huh, I just never noticed”

“No shit”

Auluis looked up quickly “don't talk back to me”

His son just frowned and went back up stairs. The LT. Just pulled his notes out and placed them on the table. Looking over at his work he tried to track the girls movements, he pulled out the probability lay out the math guy had placed “Fuck, it looks like only a 67% for any one area. I think I need a better math nerd.”

Looking at the maps he picked one area “we will spend full searches that area... where are you two girls... give me a way to find you.”
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Re: Irnotian Empire
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2007, 07:00:58 PM »
Arilius walked out his fathers house, wearing a leather jacket and jeans.  Putting his hat on he get into his car, getting in he pulled away. Out of the Window his father frowned as his son left to go see his secret girlfriend. Who ever it was, it must be someone he wouldn't like.

He drove across the town to see his girlfriend, he looked around his car for his phone “fuck where the hell did that thing go”

He heard it ring, finding it on the floor, he ducked quickly and popped back up answering it “Hey Lucia baby, how are you doing”

He smiled listening to her voice, he was head over heals or this girl, he didn't care if his dad would hate her. He hung up hearing where she was staying at. Soon he pulled up to the park next to a very expensive sports car, 3 men armed walked up to him, seeing who he was let him come near their ward. Walking up he saw his beautiful girlfriend Lucia Accardo, granddaughter to the supposed leader of the Outfit.
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Re: Irnotian Empire
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2007, 07:43:28 PM »
The LT. Sat in his office looking at the reports of different outfit human trafficking tips and other groups as such. They were  a bitch to find on a good day, this wasn't a good day. The Outfit Survived by being brutal and skilled, they new to keep their hubs out of site. If you purchased a “Package” as those bastards called it, you did the dead at a third party location usually, some brothels existed but not that many. What worried him was the fate of the 16 year old, he new the younger would have a hell of a life ahead of her, but she wouldn't be killed at least not at first. But older girls one of the legal age and such, weren't just pimped out. Why go to an illegal brothel for a girl that age if a legit one exists near by.

No, she would be sold to a real creep someone with tastes that break the law. This was something hard to do in this nation, sex was rather open, to do something so vile it was looked down at, well usually involved great harm and death to one or both of the participants.

He leaned back, his son had left the night before on a date with his girlfriend didn't return by the time he left, didn't know who the girl was. It bothered him a little, but not enough to do anything. Well... maybe a call wouldn't hurt, pulling open his drawer he went for his phone. Then a Officer rushed in “Sir, this was just sent, It has a message on it, says 'stop looking or the other gets worse'”

The LT, eyes went blank, one of them was dead, and they just sent a tape of it, those mother fuckers, what on earth did they make the girl suffer past. “Put it in, have the video annalist look over it with me, we need to find where this shit was filmed.”

The needed officers were gathered and the tape put in, it was being copied in triplicate as they watched so the could dissect it for anything they would need. Soon the movie started, no one expected a little happy family film... and they weren't surprised.

Ooc: the tape and all its glory coming soon. Does this forum have the same rules the old one did when it came to more adult topics, like say the description of a girl being raped and eaten?

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Irnotian Empire: The Tape part 1
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2007, 06:54:46 PM »
The following contains graphic scene of violence and sugestion of rape, it is not intended for younger audiences. If you do not want to read about acts of detailed violence and degradation being committed do not read the text in the spoiler. The following acts are not supported or condoned by the author of this post. This is not intended for younger audiences, if you are not interested or allowed to read violent more adult material please do not read farther. There are many fine rp's that are much more for your enjoyment. This thread will return to more tame rp's in future posts. This warning is for your own good. Thank you and be well.

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ooc: comments go in the ooc.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2007, 07:58:43 PM by Ranholn »
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Irnotian Empire: The Tape Part 2
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2007, 06:25:40 AM »
The following contains graphic scene of violence, cannibalism, molestation and suggestion of rape, it is not intended for younger audiences. If you do not want to read about acts of detailed violence and degradation being committed do not read the text in the spoiler. The following acts are not supported or condoned by the author of this post. This is not intended for younger audiences, if you are not interested or allowed to read violent more adult material please do not read farther. There are many fine rp's that are much more for your enjoyment. This thread will return to more tame rp's in future posts. This warning is for your own good. Thank you and be well.

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ooc: sorry meant for this to be longer, but just had to take a break and felt i should put it up. once again, all comments in the ooc thread, read the bloody warning before you read anything else in this post, this arc is probably not the most mass friendly I've done, sorry for those who dislike it

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Irnotian Empire: The Tape Part 3
« Reply #14 on: May 12, 2007, 08:55:53 PM »
The following contains graphic scene of violence, cannibalism, molestation and suggestion of rape, it is not intended for younger audiences. If you do not want to read about acts of detailed violence and degradation being committed do not read the text in the spoiler. The following acts are not supported or condoned by the author of this post. This is not intended for younger audiences, if you are not interested or allowed to read violent more adult material please do not read farther. There are many fine rp's that are much more for your enjoyment. This thread will return to more tame rp's in future posts. This warning is for your own good. Thank you and be well.

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ooc: anther short one
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