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Author Topic: Grey Phoenix  (Read 11036 times)

Offline Democratic States of America

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2007, 06:41:15 AM »
"My fellow Americans, we face a time of uncertainty, a period where we must bond together to move forward.
My administration has come under attack for my executive order to remove Frasier Pershing from television. I have been accused of breaking the First Amendment.
Rest assured Americans, I did what I did without giving it a great deal of thought. This was not an easy decision, it was the hardest I have ever had to make. Yet it was one that had to be made. A great man named Abraham Lincoln once said 'a house divided against itself cannot stand.'
Those words ring as true today as they did 146 years ago.
Southerners, you are Americans. You are as American as Californians, New Yorkers, New Inglanders, and mid-westerners. The war of secession has been over for over a century. Hasn't this great nation had enough time to heal, to come together? I plead with you, put away the treasonous rhetoric and flags, embrace the stars and stripes. Embrace theses united Democratic States, shun the notion of the Confederacy. I beg of you, accept yourselves as Americans first, and southerners second.
Sadly the words of hate, bigotry, and treason from Frasier Pershing have wedged Americans of the south apart. Therefore I must make an other hard decision. I am hereby ordering the military occupation of Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, Tennessee, Arkansas, South Carolina, and Nevada. It is my hope that through a little bit of force we may force a sense of national unity to the surface.

Paul Rae stood there, still in disbelief that the President had just done what he did, and he had been trying to talk him out of it all day.
"Elliot needs to calm down" he thought to himself.
When the President got an idea in his head he would usually jump to the extreme to achieve his goal. Usually Paul or VP McMahon could talk him into a more sensible solution, but this time the President was determined.

In the end though all of this could have been averted if Frémont had just been a little less idealistic. He was the one who made it the Progressive Party's goal to crush the southern independence movement, for no other reason then he felt it was an embarrassment to America.
Rae hated to admit it, but Pershing was right. Elliot Frémont more or less thought most southerners hated blacks and lived in trailer parks.
Rae was as liberal as they came, but he was liberal in the sense that he actually listened and tried to understand the other side's argument, even if he didn't agree with it. Frémont though, he was the kind of liberal who thought that his liberalism made him morally superior.
It was that type of attitude that was losing Progressive Party support across the country, and it was that type of attitude that would draw the Democratic States into a second war between the states.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2007, 11:46:46 PM by DSA »

Offline Myroria

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2007, 10:33:25 PM »
To President Frémont,

I am quite disturbed by your actions in attempting to prevent the Southern states from seceding. Was America not based on the principles of self-determination and democracy? If the Southern states vote to secede, should they not be allowed to? Your actions are no better than those of a dictator. I am not afraid to intervene on the South's behalf, so I suggest you withdraw your troops and allow the South to pick its own fate.

Peté Tar-Ilium, Empeurer of Myroria.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2007, 05:17:49 AM »
Scenes on new stations across the DSA showed scenes of Active Duty and Reserve Army units moving into major cities of the states that were believed to be the most likely borders for any Neo-Confederate nation which may arise amid the curren chaos.

 The scenes were what one would expect in nearly any nation save for America, college students throwing home made bombs at APC's and tanks, store fronts painted with slogans such as "Yankee Go Home!!" and "Fuck Fremont!" were common place. Many buildings hung the now outlawed Confederate Flag from windows as citizens took to the streets in even larger cities such as Richmond and Lexington, turning the riots that had formed from the protest into an all out battle, regardless of how lopsided it may have been.       

 Opinion of Fremont and the of the American federal government declined dramatically after the military occupation of the potentially seperatist states with a vast majority of southerners supporting any action taken, upto and including seccession, and even nearly half of northerners saying that they couldn't blame the South if she secceeded at this point. The flip side of the coin featured extreme leftists in the liberal metropoli holding demonstrations, "No Sovereignty for Bigots!" proclaimed one sign.

 In Alabama, the states National Guard and a good portion of it's DS Army Reserve Units were already acting under a bannder of de facto independance, having refused direct orders from Washington to quell pro seccession demonstrations in Tobiasburgh and Montgomery, where the governors of the would be seccessionist states were meeting in an underground bunker.

 Pershing, Anderson, and Chamberlain were also in attendance, though not governors, all three men held prominient positions in League of The South, making them keystones to any would be agreement reached by the other attendees. Over two legisative members from each attending were also present, totalling 40 in all. States in attendance included :

North Carolina
South Carolina

 In front of the assembly Pershing began pleading the case for secession.

 "The American Government, under the Fremont administration, has for years continued a policy of cultural bigotry and genocide, preaching against one form of predjudice whilst propogating another. It has at every opportunity usurped the God given rights of Americans to express themselves as they see fit, to speak their mind and their hearts. In the name of political correctness the shackles of censorship have been locked around our wrists, under the guise of social reform our people are slowly being taxed into poverty, increasing the need for further social reform.
 To demonstrate the true nature of this crazed lunatic, the army has been deployed against it's own people for the first time in nearly 200 years, making a peaceful amicable resoultion of our differences impossible.

 Ladies and gentlmen, the time to act is now! Let us speak with one voice of freedom lest our cries of outrage be muffled as our free will dies a slow and suffocating death at the hands of imbeciles! I am ready to become a casulty of war, that our freedom may not follow suit. The choice is ours.

 We do not stand alone, and though I hope that all nations will excercise restraint in becoming involved in any war on the American continent, we may remind the Yankees that they are not the only ones with friends in high places. Not only is freedom within our grasp, it is virtually assured to us, if we but have the courage to reach out for it.

 I leave this to you now each and every one of you has a decision to make. May common sense and justice be your guides."

 Pershing spun about and returned to his seat. Already heated arguments both for and against seccession had begun in the room, with some Governors on their phones trying to ascertain the military strength within their states. As the hours passed, the scenes on television grew more and more gruesome, as even the military forces sent to stifle the rebellions began to fight amongst themselves. 

 The states most ready to secceede were the ones which were already under martial law, those least ready being those with significant numbers of residents who came from the north, or with a large percentage of hispanics residing within, out of fear that the Confederate government would treat them no better than the DSA was doing.

 When all was said and done, 13 states voted in favour of secession.

North Carolina
South Carolina

 Upon reaching of the concensus, Jack Anderson produced a document which he had written during the hours of discussion amongst the Governors.

 "This here, if my time in law school serves me well, should serve as a sound enough consitution to get things rolling, we're flying by the seat of our pants here, but we can always amend by majority vote until we have something more formal to work with. This however should serve as legal and binding in an international court."

 One by one the paper made it's way around the room, with Pershing making the only alteration, to the very first line by way of a fountain pen scratch, and a quick write in by hand.         


   Provisional Constitution of <s>The Southern Confederation</s>
                                        The Confederate States of Sovereign Dixie

 Wheras it is established as fact that the freedom and self determination of the citizens of the southern states of the Democratic States of America are placed in position of peril by a reckless and irresponsible government.

 Wheras said government has blatantly violated and disregarded the authority of the Consitution without remorse or regard for consequence.

 Wheras we seek to preserve the culture and identity of our region,the rights of it's citizens, and the principals on which the Founding Fathers of the Democratic States of America built said nation....

 We, the undersigned, as legal representatives of each's respective state and each of fit and active mind do herby assert our seperation and secession from the Democratic States of America and the formation of a Confederation of states with the intent of better serving the needs and desires of it's citizenry.

 The establishment of the Executive branch is hereby called for, a President to be chosen by majority vote of the undersigned representatives.

 The establishment of a Legislative branch is herby called for and shall consist of one elected representative per 500,000 citzens of legal voting age.

 The establishment of a Judicial Branch to be appointed by the President.

 The appointment of a commander in chief of the armed forces as per the decision of the president and the ratification of the legislature.

 This document is provisionary and is to be superceeded by a later constitution pending ratification by three quarters of the member states.

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #18 on: May 09, 2007, 07:47:36 AM »
 One by one the Governors and Legislators lined up and affixed their names to the document. In repayment for favours owed, Pershing allowed some old friends from FXX news to tape the unceremonious ceremony for later airing. After signatures were affixed, and many a sweaty brow wiped, Pershing began again.

 "Guys, I'm not a politician, I can turn a pretty phrase, but my home is not on the campaign trail, all that I have done, I have done out of a need to secure a better future for us all, and because I do not feel that a person such as Fremont should be allowed to peddle his bullshit hand over fist to people at whim.

 There is a man among us who has done more for the South than anyone I know. Hell, the poor bastard hasn't slept for a week as far as I know, and he hasn't even had the benifit of a glass of whiskey. I would like to submit for your approval, my nomination of Jack Anderson for President."

 Those gathered murmured amongst themselves for a moment, with William Barkley, governor of Tennessee finally speaking aloud to all.

 "Anderson is a fine man, a fine man indeed and no one doubts his abilities. I would like to see an alternative however, so that those here may at least have a choice, I therefore nominate Senator Irving Halsey of Kentucky for the office of President. Senator Halsey, sir, do you accept the nomination?"

 Halsey's jowles shook as he laughed, "Well Bill, I don't see as I have much choice."

 Chaimberlain rose, "Very well then, does either candidate have anything they wish to say before we take a vote, we've already got people getting killed out there, we need to step things up a bit here."

 Anderson looked at Halsey, who in turn looked at Anderson. Both men remained silent.

 "All those who cast their vote for Halsey, raise your right hand." Announced Chamberlain. Ten hands arose.

 "All those for Anderson, raise your right hand" Those who had not voted for Hasley now cast their vote for Anderson.

  Chamberlain declared. "Congratulations President Anderson."

 Governor Bainbridge of South Carolina shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "Look guys, we adopted a constitution, secceeded, and elected a president in less than 36 hours.... aren't we going a bit fast? I mean, yes we were elected by the people, and while the people may approve of us being here, by now it's no secret I'm sure, they may think we've jumped the gun a bit."

 Pershing nodded, "Possibly, but would you have us take monhts to do this, while we're disorganised and the damnyankees are raining bombs on our fucking heads? Look, when things settle down, and we're rid of the yanks, we'll do things right an proper, but for now, we need a working government, we can't afford to wait."

 Halsey nodded "He's right, we've gotta get our shit together now while we can. We can hold elections and what all else after we're sure there will be a government to elect."

 Nods of collective agreement gave way to a quiet war of discussion amongst the politicians. President Anderson broke through the cacophony. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we still have some business to sort out. I don't want a war, but it would seem that Fremont is gonna give us one regardless. We need time, and we need political legitimacy, the best way to do this, I feel, is to give the yanks a 48 hour ultimatum, pull your troops out and recognise the CSSD, or have a war on their hands. This will not only buy us time to get our ducks in a row, but also show the rest of the world that if we have this war, it's because of Fremont, not us. If he doesnt pull out........ Frasier.....?"

Pershing looked up from his whiskey bottle. "Yes Ja... er.. Mr. President?"

 Anderson laughed, "If the damnyankees don't pull out, it's your show, give 'em hell. We'll do our best to make sure you have what you need."

 Pershing nodded. "Yes sir."

 That evening, the Governors Conference on Seccession was broadcast on FXX. Afterwards, Anderson made an address directed at the DSA and the world. He sat in a modest desk, wearing a grey suit, a green tie, red rims around his bloodshot and glassy eyes belied his lack of sleep. His sandy blonde hair slightly disheveled.

 "Good evening, as you are now aware, in an emergency session consisting of the governors of the 13 secessionist states, plus 7 non seceeding states, I was elected President on a provisional basis, and granted full authority over the 13 states currently consisting of the Confederate States of Sovereign Dixie. I wish tonight to urge all civilians to remain calm, and civil, stay inside your homes, and do not antagonise DSA forces if you are in an occupied city.

 To President Fremont, you are hereby given 48 hours to remove all DS forces from Confederate soil, or we shall consider your continued presence an act of war and respond accordingly. General Frasier Pershing has been named Commander in Chief of the armed forces, and stands at the ready to expel your invading army by force. Any citizen within the secceeding states who wishes to remain a citizen of the DSA is asked to leave and is also given 48 hours to do so, travel will be supplied at no expense to you, please contact local or state authorities for details.

 We are aware of the current geopolitical climate, and we shall not tolerate our fight for freedom being turned into an excuse to ignite a global conflagration. We ask all nations to excercise restraint, and to not act without first consuting our government.

 We have a potentially long road ahead of us, but rest assured, we shall prevail.

 Good night."

Offline Myroria

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2007, 09:44:44 PM »
"Good day, my fellow countrymen." The Empeurer began, TV cameras rolling inside the parlour of the Imperial Family's country home.

"Earlier today I recieved news that the Southron states of the Democratic States of America declared their secession and formation of the Confederate States of Sovereign Dixie.

I'm sure many of you have heard of the turmoil in the DSA recently. They have denied the South their right of freedom of speech and subjugated them, stereotyped them.

The horrors of the South during the segregation and slavery era is no more. Many Southroners have a respect for their black countrymen, and I see no reason that the South, being the model for freedom that their mother country is not, should not secede.

As such, the Myrorian Empereum recognizes at 6:00 PM Myrorian Standard Time that the Confederate States of Sovereign Dixie are a free and independent nation, and at any time past then, DSA occupation is illegal and immoral.

I hope I have your support today, fellow Myrorians, for today, we are all Southroners. Good night."
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2007, 12:42:28 AM »
Part of him just wanted to say "fuck the South" and not continue to bother with the issue.  That at least was what Feng had advised when Aram had posed the question.

"Any involvement will surely involve military, and therefore naval, force, and we don't have the power to involve ourselves abroad over a protracted period of time," he had admonished.  But what did Viktor know?  An America that was confronting civil war couldn't possibly formulate an assault on the islands, still less the mainland, and they seemed to be without allies.

What was worse, the Myrorians had decided to jump right in and recognize the new government of Dixie.  Why did they have to do that, Aram wondered to himself, a question that was quickly replaced in his mind by Why did they seceede in the first place.  They knew they could expect our support in a free speech battle...

Which led to an even thornier question.  If Gallipoli-China supported the South in a war, that would earn the enmity of the North.  And the South, judging by their provisional Constitution, would be decidedly Liberal.  That is, free-market, social libertarian types.  And fierce in their convictions, unlike the more compromise-prone government currently in power in Washington.  They wouldn't want help from the Left.  But the other two options, sitting tight or supporting the North, were worse; it's the old argument that says imperialism must be resisted everywhere.

Well, whatever he did, he wasn't writing any more notes.  That had certainly failed.  Something more dramatic, more public, was called for.

(see GCWN for more)

ProP Spokesperson

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #21 on: May 11, 2007, 05:53:57 AM »
 President Anderson, General Pershing, and Secretary of State Chamberlain viewed the Empereur's address as it was televised on FXX. Anderson was the first to comment.

 "Well, I'll be damned, I never would've thought we'd get this kind of reaction abroad."

 Pershing replied matter of factly. "Of course we did, in fact, we even have offers of aid from Gallipoli-China, and Inglo-Scotia more than likely has troops on the way. I think that in terms of outside help, we should only accept that of the Inglo-Scotians, lest we run the risk of one tremendous shitstorm.

 "Agreed," Commented Chamberlain, "The more help we have, the more likely the yanks are to respond in kind, or try to."

 Anderson then swiveled in his chair to face Pershing. "It's pretty much a sure thing that Fremont is not going to pull out in time to meet the deadline, to do otherwise would... well, just make too much sense for him. Where do we stand in our ability to launch a counter offensive?"

 Pershing sighed. "Well, Jack, it's not as good as I would have hoped, but better than we may have feared. Basically, what we're looking at here, is dislodging the buldge of the yankee army, concentrated in Tenessee and Kentucky, while trying to defend against coastal invasion."

 Anderson's eyes widened slightly. "Coastal invasion?"

"Yes," replied Pershing, "the yank's best bet would probably be to try to cut us in two, they are already so close to the 'bama border you could probably spit and hit a yankee tank. so that means the most likely landing point for any amphibious assault would be along the Mississippi, Alabama, or Louisiana coast. From any point along that area, they would be in prime position to mount an assault that would split us in two, something we want to avoid at all costs."

 He lit a cigarette, and continued. "But, I can push them out of Tennessee, and probably Kentucky as well, An ingantry and light armour push into southern Tennessee, the left flank consisting of most of our heavy armour, bypassing the most mountainous areas, swinging around, if we play it right, I can herd the sons of bitches north east, maybe even gaining a toehold on yankee soil in Ohio or Pennsylvania."

 "Sounds like it may just work," Andersons voice sounding slightly relieved, but not by much. "How are the numbers working out?"

 Pershing laughed to himself, somehow, with Jack, it always came back down to the numbers. He was about as imaginative as a piece of coal. Pershing broke it down in terms he figured Anderson would be most interested in.

 "We have just over 500,000 ground troops, most of the military bases secceeded along with us and those who didn't went back north to aid the yankee invasion of the border states. We have enough planes to get by, and naval wise, we're looking at 2 carriers, 5 cruisers, 5 frigates, and 3 subs. But, with your permission, I'd like to see about procuring some more arms from some of these nations which have expressed an interest in aiding us, as well as asking the Ozian Mafia if they'd be willing to part with some ships for the right price."

 Chamberlain raised his head with a startled look. "The Ozian Mafia?! Jesus Christ, Frasier, is that the image we want to portray going into this thing? That we would deal with the likes of them?"

 Pershings stare was hard, cold, and unwavering. "Mikey, I don't give a rats ass about our image at this point, if we don't win this thing, we won't have a goddamn image because we'll be smeared all over the fucking pavement!"

 Chamberlain's gaze moved downward, he didn't like what Pershing had said, yet knew it to be true. "Fine, we do what we gotta do."

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #22 on: May 11, 2007, 07:40:26 AM »
Dear President Anderson,

 We here in Uichi Ryu are strong supporters of what you are doing. We just wished to express our support of your liberation.

Prime Minister Black

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #23 on: May 11, 2007, 12:44:15 PM »
Honored President Fremont of the Democratic States of America,

Despite the reactions of others to the rebellious nature of your territories and their actions, I none the less lend you my support in this conflict. The nature of those who support the Secessionists is telling. Myroria, a country I am told wherein the affairs of the state are run by the selfish and prideful interests of the nobility, and in which the good and common people are robbed of their right to petition the government. Here in Mor'os we have only so recently freed ourselves of such a frightful system, and I assure you that should the rebels in your midst be associated with such then they shall find themselves out of Heaven's favor and mandate.

Rebellion such as this is only the gateway to anarchy and disorder in an already too chaotic world. I pray that they will be swiftly put down, and that order and peace will be fully restored. I shall refuse to recognize any purported state on the part of the secessionists, and will refuse to even humor any petition of the Assembly of Petitioners to the effect, though I doubt such will be the case. The people of Mor'os too are wary of the wickedness of nobility and its associates.

Heaven's good will be with you.

Osmar Dalēn
Ten on shi us om on tok dal chi
"Ul dé mur e nez dí zhìn bu sà."
"Don't trust the rats, they're working for the wolves."
Shauas Tadom, age 6,  commenting on national security.

"Kar-dav on shí dí dor yé. Zat téi he!"
"I really like His Divinity's tail. It tickles!"
Nasme Ūtum, age 5, commenting on imperial policy.

Offline Prydania

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #24 on: May 12, 2007, 02:59:59 AM »
The emergency session of Parliament had been called. All 646, 642 Action Party members and 4 seats reserved for the Speaker of the House and his deputies, sat quietly.
The man who called the emergency session, the Lord Protector, Stephen Crofts, took his seat as the MP from Cambrington.
Crofts' style of dress this evening could have told anyone what was about to happen. Instead of a white cotton collared shirt and a black denim jacket, the Lord Protector wore the crisp uniform of a Field Marshal, the rank he held during the Victorious Revolution. The crisp, black jacket, pants, and tie contrasted with the white collared shirt underneath, and the belt/slash combo pulled the uniform to his body, giving off the sense that he meant business.

Twelve men in similar, but also very different, uniforms, took their place around the perimeter of the chamber. These were armed Major-Generals. Their uniforms were very much like the army's, as Crofts was wearing. The M-G uniforms, however, featured white piping around the shoulders, and the belt/slash combo was white rather then black. The M-G's also wore black berets, with a red "V" in the centre, the leather band around the base also white. They also carried their own I-S Tavor TAR-21 assault riffle, and each had a J-941 pistol at their hip.
At the entrance to the chamber a small camera crew from CNS was set up, this session was going to be aired nationally, and eventually internationally.

"This session of the First Parliament of the Commonwealth, called at 10 o'clock pm on Friday, May 11, 2007 is now in session" the Speaker of the House announced, opening the session.
"The chair recognizes the MP from Cambrington, the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth, Stephen Crofts."

Crofts rose from his seat slowly to a round of applause as he took the podium in the centre of the chamber.
"We have avenged the attack on our ally the Irnotian Empire by striking quickly and decisively at the Kingdom of Gaulasia" the Lord Protector opened, in a calm voice.
"Yet the Commonwealth is again needed to assist a friend."
Crofts was slowly bringing his tone to the fiery level that toppled an empire five years before.

"The act of aggression on behalf of the American President Elliot Frémont on the sovereign nation of the Southern American sub-continent is one of the most barbaric acts of aggression in the history of man-kind.
This Commonwealth can not, nay WILL not, stand by and allow the sovereignty of an independent nation be threatened by those wishing to enact cultural and spiritual genocide!
I stand here before you to propose history.
I stand here to propose a bill, who's two parts will forever shape the future of the human race.
Section 1" he read,
"The Commonwealth of Inglo-Scotia, as of May 11, 2007, recognizes the Confederate States of Dixie as an independent and sovereign nation, entitled to the rights and privileges of said status.
Section 2, the Commonwealth of Inglo-Scotia declares a state of war between itself and the Democratic States of America."

Parliament rose to its feet in applause, the MPs all registering their votes electronically in between claps.
"642 Votes FOR" the screen over the chamber read.
"The Bill passes unanimously" the Speaker announced, banging his gavel to close the session.

Crofts stood their, his arms slightly raised, taking in the applause.
One of the MPs, however, sat down a little bit early.
Erik Destler, one of the MPs from New Beaconsfield, and also Crofts' Consul of Foreign Affairs, took a long drag on his fag (cigarette) before taking out his cell phone.

"It's passed. Set sail" he typed into the text-message screen, pressing send.
Admiral Thomas Paine of the Commonwealth Navy stood on the deck of his flag-ship the CSS Republica when his cell phone beeped.
Flipping it open he selected "New Message."
He looked to his right, at Field Marshall Theriot.
"It's done" he informed the Field Marshall.
"To America then" Theriot responded, looking up at the stars.

And with that the Western Fleet, the vast majority of the Commonwealth Navy, carrying 500,000 Commonwealth soldiers and army vehicles, set sail for the American war.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2007, 01:41:58 AM by Inglo-Scotia »

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #25 on: May 14, 2007, 02:49:21 AM »
 President Anderson sat and rubbed his temples. This damn headache had been almost constant since the moment he accepted the position as President. He fumbled on the desk, found the comforting form of the bottle of aspirin beneath his fingertips, clutching it as if his life depended on it, he opened the bottle, took three tablets and chewed them. The taste was horrible, but he didnt feel like waiting for pills to dissolve. He tried to wash the bitter acidic taste from his mouth with some water, but had no luck. He eyed a bottle of whiskey he had on the counter behind him, one that was kept for when Frasier Pershing came by.

"Oh, what the hell." He said to no one in particular as he drank a healthy swig from the bottle. First came the burn, a horrendous scalding of his esophogus, followed by chills down his spine and arms. As his face contorted, he wondered why he'd wagered that the taste of straight whiskey would be better than the aspirin in the first place.

 He looked at the communications before him which had arrived from other nations. He really didn't know how to respond, the outcry of support for The Confederacy was staggering, but he feared that too much support would lead to military involvement by a host of nations, sparking a world war, which seemed to be on the horizon anyways, but why give them the reason?

 He drafted the following responses,

To the Government of Uichi Ryu

 We appreciate your words of support, thank you.

 President Jack Anderson

 Confederate States of Sovereign Dixie



 To Empereur Tar-Ilium

 We thank you for your support, should further assistance be needed, we shall call upon you.

 President Jack Anderson
 Confederate States of Sovereign Dixie

 As he sealed the letters in their respective envelopes, Secretary of State Chamberlain entered the office. On his face he wore relief.

 "Mr. President, the Inglo Scotian Parliament has passed a unanimous declaration of war against the DSA. Their navy is currently en route."

 Anderson sighed. "That is good, but have we had anything in the way of response from Fremont?"

 "No sir. And DSA forces still occupy the border states."

 Anderson's face was long with worry. "Are we then to take that as their response? Or are we to assume that that are formulating a response?"

 Chamberlain's answer was the only one he could give... "I don't know, Mr. President."

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #26 on: May 15, 2007, 04:32:09 AM »
Captain Chris Mason and First Lieutenant Rob Sullivan were having trouble adjusting to the heat.
They were both from Massachusetts, and neither of them were used to the muggy humidity of southern Tennessee. They both sat in Mason's command tent, waiting for orders.

"When the hell can we kick some hick ass?" Sullivan wondered allowed, starring blankly up at the tent's "roof."
"I mean they've already fucking seceded, why don't we just march in there and kick some sense into them?"

"I have no fucking idea" Mason replied.

Indeed, Frémont seemed to be buckling now that war seemed inevitable.
He refused to talk respond to Jake Anderson's ultimatum either way. He refused to recognize Anderson as the head of state of a sovereign nation, thus acknowledging the Confederacy's independence. On the other hand he still hadn't authorized the army in the occupied border states to move against the un-occupied Confederacy.

He had ordered a blockade of the CSSD, and it seemed like it would see its first action against the approaching Commonwealth navy. Ironically the first major battle of the Second War Between the States would be between the DSA and a foreign power....
Five hours later, off the coast of the Confederacy

"Sir! We just lost the Hornet!"
"Damn!" Admiral Owen Forrester yelled, sweeping the model aircraft carrier that represented the DSS Hornet off of the war map.
A dull explosion rocked the Yorktown, Forrester's flagship vessel, a battle cruiser.
"The Kraken again" he said to himself. That Inglo-Scotian dreadnought had been hunting him all day.

They were in a pickle. The President had made it clear he wanted New Cambrington, Louisiana, the gateway to the Mississippi River, in DS hands by the end of the day.
Forrester had begged him to reconsider, that they had to hold strong for the impending Inglo-Scotian arrival. Still, the President pressed on, and the Yanks had been caught with their pants down, attacked at the very moment 1/3 of the blockade had it's back turned in preparation for an attack on New Cambrington.
Now they were paying for it. Two carriers were lost at the hands of Commonwealth subs, and the I-S Tornado fighters picked off the baseless DS F/A-18 jets.
"I told that fool this would happen" he kept telling himself, in an attempt to let the rage out in harmless intervals. You don't turn your back on the navy that wrote the textbook on modern naval warfare and get away with it.

"Sir, the CSS Colossus just sunk the Franklin."
"Our only fucking dreadnought is scrap metal" he sighed.
Now he faced a tough choice. He could hold his position, and stall the inevitable I-S breakthrough, losing more ships in the process, or he could let them through now, regroup, and work on keeping them in Confederate waters, and extra ships and supplies out.
"Break formation!" he yelled.
"Excuse me sir?" his XO asked.
"Break our damn formation. We can't hold them back, might as well let them in while we still have something of a fleet left."
"Break formation!" the XO yelled, relaying the order to the CO.

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #27 on: May 16, 2007, 05:22:42 PM »
 President Jack Anderson was infuriated. Fremont's silence was an outrageous insult, and one for which Anderson was determined to make Fremont pay dearly. A working capital had been set up in Montgomery Alabama, and now, in front of 200 gathered representatives from various states that made up the New Confederacy, Anderson now spoke.

 "We are all here, because evidently Fremont is not all there!" A line he had stolen from Pershing during the prior nights phone conversation. It paid off, the laughter lightened a mood which was in dire need of it. "As I speak, the Inglish Navy is engaged with a yankee carrier group off the coast of New Cambrington. I have sat and waited for Fremont's reply, and have gotten nothing in return. Today, we shall wait no more. I ask this body to pass a motion declaring that a state of war now exists between the Democratic States of America, and the Confederate States of Sovereign Dixie."

 Solid applause mixed with looked of dread filled the auditorium. "Dixie does not want war with our northern neighnors. In many cases, our family. However, when given no alternative, we shall not shy away, and we shall not back down. It is then with a heavy heart I ask you, declare war today, that we may have peace tommorrow." With that, Anderson turned and walked away from the podium, as Speaker of the Senate Alexander Beshear replaced him behind the microphone.

 "Motion of War Declaration has been requested. All those voting Aye? Raise your hands and hold them till count may be completed and verified."

 Five minutes later, Beshear spoke again. "All those against?" Hands were raised and the vote tallied.

 "Declaration of war passes 176 to 24."


 In northern Alabama, nearly 500,000 troops were amassed under the command of General of the Army Frasier J. Pershing. It wasn't half as many as he'd need or want, but it was a good start. A damn good one under the circumstances and such short notice. At the field HQ, Pershing watched Anderson's address on FXX, as well as the subsequent vote. Once the result was confirmed, Pershing ordered the nearly the entire Confederate Airforce to the skies, nearing 300 some odd aircraft. Long Range B-52's headed towards Washington, while F-18's, F-16's F-22's and F-117's headed towards DSA targets in southern Tennessee and south eastern Arkansas. On the ground, The Confederate Army began heading north as fast as their abilities permitted....


 South of the Louisiana Coast, Rear Admiral Felix Montgomery was heading south with what constituted the entire Confederate Navy, two carriers, the Enterprise and the Endevour, one battleship, the Missouri, five AEGIS cruisers and five nuclear attack submarines. The only vessels not present were the three SSBN's which had been sent out heading towards DSA waters to unleash God only knows what... as Montgomery had no clue. Seemed being only a rear admiral had more limitations that he had thought it would.

 "Capatain Barns... send a message to the Inglish and let them know we're on the way, if all goes well, we can cut off the yankee retreat and finish off their navy hear, so we don't have to worry about it later."

"Aye sir."

 Montgomery sat in silent thought for a moment.... "Get Enterprise turned into the wind, send out scouts, and I want attack wings at the ready."

"Yes sir!"

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #28 on: May 18, 2007, 11:02:22 PM »
Admiral Thomas Paine stood on the deck of the carrier CSS Republica. He watched as the Tornados returned to the flight deck.
Despite the fact that he had broken through the American lines he wasn't particularly happy. He had expected it more or less. Even with years of growing DS military strength and a civil war in Inglo-Scotia, the Inglo-Scotian navy was still the class of the world. I-S was the first naval super power, and the pride the navy had for itself would outlast any political regime.

"Sir, over the wireless, a Captain Barns of the Confederate navy is offering to cut off American retreat."
"Tell them the Yanks are all theirs" the Admiral ordered his communications officer, refusing to break his forward glance.
"Aye sir."

"Captain Ross, inform Field Marshall Theriot that we are ending the pursuite of the American fleet, and that he should prepare his troops for landing.
"Aye Sir."

"Communications Officer Masterson, inform Confederate authorities in New Cambrington that we request dock space."
"Aye sir."
"Stop pursuit of American naval forces?!?!" Captain Paul Moore of the attack sub CSS Suffrage asked, very angrily and confused.
"We have them on the run and the Admiral wants us to let them get away?"
"Sir" Moore's XO Commander Robert Graves responded, "the Admiral says the Confederate navy will take care of the American retreat and that our new orders are to escort the transfer ships to New Cambrington."
"The Confederate navy?" Moore asked astonished.
"Do those blokes even know what they're doing? Yes we're here to help 'em, but bloody hell, do they even have a navy worth a damn?"
"Sir, with all due respect that's not for us to determine. We were simply ordered to escort the transfer ships containing the Field Marshall's soldiers and equipment to port. We were assigned the Mercury"
"Yes..yes...of course.
Mr. Loren, change course to match that of the transport ship CSS Mercury."
"Aye sir."

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #29 on: May 18, 2007, 11:48:42 PM »
In northern Alabama, nearly 500,000 troops were amassed under the command of General of the Army Frasier J. Pershing. It wasn't half as many as he'd need or want, but it was a good start. A damn good one under the circumstances and such short notice. At the field HQ, Pershing watched Anderson's address on FXX, as well as the subsequent vote. Once the result was confirmed, Pershing ordered the nearly the entire Confederate Airforce to the skies, nearing 300 some odd aircraft. Long Range B-52's headed towards Washington, while F-18's, F-16's F-22's and F-117's headed towards DSA targets in southern Tennessee and south eastern Arkansas. On the ground, The Confederate Army began heading north as fast as their abilities permitted....
Lieutenant-General Niel Custer of the 1st DS Army had finally gotten word from Washington to lead the march down from Tennessee into Alabama. His objective was New Croftshire. Before the south seceded it was known as New Tobiasburgh, named after Tobiasburgh in Inglo-Scotia, in reference to Tobias I, the first emperor of a united Inglo-Scotia. After the Victorious Revolution Crofts named the city after himself, and New Tobiasburgh followed suite when Crofts officially recognized the Confederacy.

Custer ordered his army of 900,000 men south. True, the locals would probably give them a verbal thrashing, the site of a green-grey army in Tennessee these days wasn't a welcome one, but Custer just didn't care. War was a necessary evil, but still an evil at that. If the south wanted to force war on the nation, it was their own damn fault, and he was going to make them pay for it. Custer's only regret was that he wasn't assigned to take Atlanta, and rip the very heart out of the CSSD's chest. New Croftshire, and later Montgomery, would do just as well though.

Two and a half hours after crossing into Alabama

"Sir, the rebel air force has been engaged by fighters out of Ohio and Indiana. Confederate bombing concerns are non-existent" Colonel Adam Kennedy informed the general.
"I doubt it will matter. They'll be finished off before their piss-poor air force could do anything anyway. Are we within shelling range?"
"Yes sir."
"Fire at will. When I send in the tanks and soldiers all I want them to have to do is clean things up."

"All artillery units, fire at will. I repeat fire on enemy forces at will" Kennedy ordered through the wireless.