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Author Topic: Grey Phoenix  (Read 11041 times)

Offline Democratic States of America

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #60 on: June 07, 2007, 11:46:06 PM »
The four "southwestern" states had all willingly joined the Confederacy's first stab at freedom back in 1861. These days, things weren't so clear cut.
The DSA had occupied Nevada at the start of the war, it's National Guard "federalized" under the command of the DS President.
Jim Reid, the Nevada governor, as well as the state's two senators and three congressmen had fled to Mobile following his state's occupation, and had every intention of declaring the state for the Confederacy like the governors of occupied Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina had done. The only thing that stopped him, and the governor of un-occupied Arizona Dennis Kyle from officially throwing their support behind the CSSD was the reluctance of the governors of Baja and Mexico, Antonio Núñez and Ernesto Calderón respectively. During the 1861 war white men had dominated the governments of those two states, and they eagerly went the south's way.
Now though, both states had Latino governors. Even though Latinos were treated better then blacks back in the 1861 Confederacy it seemed like the Latinos were opposing this new CSSD more then the blacks were.

So was the state of affairs when the governors of these four states met in secret in Los Angeles, the state capital of Baja. Núñez and Calderón were willing to let the pro-Confederacy governors of Arizona and Nevada attempt to convince them that joining the CSSD was in the best interest of the American Latino population. Considering the geography and demographics of the four states, they all were more or less bound to each other in terms of allegiance. If just one decided to stay in the DSA the other three were more or less bound to that decision.

Antonio Núñez sat at the head of the table. Even if this meeting was being held in secret, proper protocol was still followed, and the governor of the host state sat at the head of the table.
Núñez looked like your typical male lead in a Latin American soap opera. His teeth were white beyond the point nature intended them to be and his jet black hair was slicked back with so much gel it was in danger of forming a single helmet-like head peace.
To his right sat Ernesto Calderón. Calderón seemed as different from Núñez as was possible while still staying Latin. He was in his early sixties, and his face showed a lifetime of living in the desert. His hair was also almost all gone with the exception of a few grey hairs here and there.
Across from Calderón, to Núñez's left, was Dennis Kyl from Arizona. Kyle didn't look the part of a southwestern governor. He always wore a three-piece suite, despite the heat, and lacked any defining rugged features. He wasn't big by any means, fat or muscular. He was a tall, lengthy fellow, standing 6'5". He was probably the last person anyone would have figured to be a Confederate supporter. He was the intellectual type, and if you listened to the Progressive Party in the DS intellectuals didn't support the Confederate movement. Yet there he was, a Princeton educated Arizonan who would have joined the Progressive Party had Fremont not annoyed the living piss out of him, and he wanted to throw his state's lot in with the Confederacy.
Opposite Antonio Núñez, at the other end of the table, was James "Jim" Reid, the governor of the occupied state of Nevada. He was the only governor in exile in Mobile who hadn't officially declared his state's support for the Confederacy. He was hoping he could go back after all of this and tell the boys in the Confederate Congress he had remedied that situation.
Jim Reid looked like he could have been a Texan. He was a burly man, who given the choice would wear a vest over a sports jacket. He also wore a white cowboy hat everywhere he went. That hat was either washed every night or he had a closet full of them, because the thing never looked dirty.

"We understand the desire of both of your states to join the Confederate States of Dixie" Núñez began.
"You two wish to follow the leads your states took during the first war between the states. I also understands that..."
"If you understand then just secede and we can all move on with our business!" Reid remarked.

"Jim, lets do this right" Kyl said, hoping the Nevadian wouldn't scare off the governors of Baja and Mexico.
"We understand that you have some reservations when it comes to joining the CSSD. It's our hope we can persuade you your fears are unfounded."

"The Confederacy, it doesn't have the best history in inter-racial matters" Calderón piped in.
"For fuck's sake" Reid burst out, "we treated you guys pretty good during the last war didn't we?"

"For the love of all that's Holy Jim, please don't do that again" Kyl interjected.
Reid wanted to curse out Kyle right there, but he realized he needed the Arizonan's tact to pull this off.

"I understand your concerns gentleman" Kyl continued.
"But lets all be honest with each other. Since Consul Anderson appeared on FXX and the subsequent support of the Commonwealth of Inglo-Scotia the black population in the southern states has shifted in favour of the Confederacy. If any sect of the population was justified in a suspicion of the CSSD it's the blacks. If they're willing to support it this time around all you fears should be relieved. In fact I head that LP Crofts back in Inglo-Scotia has promised support only if an Equal Rights amendment is added to the CSSD constitution."

"You want an even better reason to join the Confederacy?" Reid asked.
"Please Jim" Kyl protested.

"No, everyone here needs to listen up" Reid barked.
"Look," he continued, focusing on Calderón and Núñez, "you folk, you're a family orientated bunch, right?"

"Yes..." Núñez answered.
"The family is a very important part of Latino culture."

"There you go!" Reid went on.
"Look, you can stay in Fremont's DSA and let the Progressive Party push abortion on your daughters, let them force gay marriage down your throats that undermine your sense of family, and let a government appointed bureaucrat tell you how you can raise you child.
Hell, you might as well throw away any sense you people have of racial identity and autonomy. Fremont and the Progressive Party blab about racial distinction bein' a bad thing. You want to go that way, fine, but you can just kiss everything that's unique about your culture away, because that's the Progressive aim. Make everyone the same, remove the colour that makes all of our cultures unique.
You don't believe me? They're already doin' it to the whites. You think they'll stop with us? No, we're just first on the chopping block because we're the majority.
Hell, they're already tryin' to tell the blacks which of their music is and isn't ok to listen to. Now mind you I can't stand rap, but I'm not black. Let 'em listen to whatever the Hell they want, that's what I say. And that's the Confederate way, damn it.
You'll be next, no question about it.
One by one the aspects that make your culture your own will get labelled 'not politically correct.'
That's if you stay in the DSA.
Join the CSD, a country that's bein' built by people of strong family values, and run by people who say the government has no business tellin' you how you define yourself, so long as your a Confederate first and foremost." 
Reid took his seat and took a huge breath, his face red and his eyes still as large as saucers.

Núñez leaned into Calderón, and the two spoke softly in Spanish. Both Kyl and Reid picked out the terms "Los Estados confederados" and "Los Estados democráticos."

Núñez looked up again.
"It is our consensus that the CSD will provide the best option for our states" he announced.

A huge grin appeared on the face of Jim Reid.
"Glad to hear it, I think ya'll find it to your liking. I'll declare Nevada for the Confederacy as soon as I get back to Mobile. I take it you'll fallow afterwards Dennis."

"You've got it Jim" Kyl responded.

"We will declare ourselves afterwards" Calderón assured him.
24 hours latter
The FXX camera were on in the back of the makeshift senate chamber in Mobile.
Governor James Reid stood before the crowd, which represented a joint meeting of both chambers. He was flanked by the two senators of Nevada to his right and the three congressmen to his left.
"Now I know ya'll have been waiting for me to make this announcement" he began,
"but there were a few issues that needed to be straightened out. Well that's all water under the bridge. I officially declare the State of Nevada its own sovereign and independent state, joined with likewise sovereign states in the Confederate States of Sovereign Dixie."

Stephen Regan, the Confederate Secretary of Education, was the cabinet member who was delegated to stay out of the joint session in the event a disaster befell the session. He nodded with approval as he watched Reid swing Nevada into the Confederate camp, even if it was currently occupied.
Minutes later a secret service guard handed him a file.
"What's this?" he asked.
"The reaction to governor Reid's speech sir" the guard informed him.
"Mexico declared before Arizona did? I have to say I'm surprised. I thought they might hang us out to dry."
"And Baja declared just moments ago sir. We officially have a Pacific coast."
« Last Edit: June 07, 2007, 11:52:50 PM by DSA »

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #61 on: June 08, 2007, 01:07:17 AM »
 President Anderson had called for airtime to address the nation one hour after the 4 remaining states announced their secession. This would have an appreciable effect on the remainder of the war, and he didn't want it's significance to be understated. FXX had already began the lead in, during the time slot which was now occupied by Frasier Pershing's successor, John Morbo.

 The kind of man you could only find in Texas, John Morbo was a huge mountain of bellowing flesh, his slick hairless head showcasing a fore head that seemed to only make for a thicker skull, not extra cranial capacity. For twenty minutes proceeding the president's speech, Morbo thundered on about the impending doom of the "American Empire" His face bright red, he vented his anger for the world to hear.

"The southwestern states have seen the way! Doom awaits the pathetic Yankees!!! Doom and destruction! Fremont and his pathetic union shall taste the sword of justice! Freedom shall never bow to the pathetic likes of him and his pathetic so called progressive sycophants!"
 Morbo had been about to call the DSA "pathetic" for the thirty ninth time in that twenty minute broadcast when he was advised that Anderson was about to make his speech.

 "Ladies and Gentlemen, today, this fledgling enterprise called the Confederate States of Sovereign Dixie took in four new partners in our cause for liberty. Arizona, Nevada, Mexico, and Baja have secceeded from the DSA, and together, our nation shall overcome all obsticles in it's path.

 In Alabama, the DS army has been routed, thanks to the combined efforts of the Confederate and Inglo Scotian armies, and are now poised for the liberation of Tennessee. From Tennesee, onward, as we shall not rest until our nation is free from the feet of foreign invaders. Together, we shall prevail, and move forward towards peace.

 Good night, and God Bless the Confederacy."

Offline Prydania

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #62 on: June 10, 2007, 12:20:06 AM »
The march north to Tennessee was a hot, muggy one. The armies of Theriot and Pershing had separated by this point. Pershing had started his move left to take Custer in the north. Theriot, for the moment at least, kept his army on a head-on course with Custer.

Privates Alan Ritchie and Niel Cunningham marched more longer then they had ever planned on marching their entire lives. The humid climate in northern Alabama didn't help matters.
"Those Confederate chaps seemed all right" Cunningham remarked.
"I suppose so" Ritchie replied, "but we should be sending them some real beer instead of troops. I can't get the taste of that piss water out of my mouth."
"Eh, it's different I guess. Open your mind Alan" Cunningham said, trudging along.
"Tell you what, when we head back home after all of this, take some of that 'beer' with you, see what the folks at home think. Ten to one, they say it's pure shyte."
"And they probably thing the same about our stuff" Cunningham said.
"Maybe" Ritchie replied, "once we kick the Yanks out of Tennessee we'll probably be to happy to care" he continued.

At that they looked up to see Confederate fighters, with hastily painted battle flags on the wings and fuselage.
"I guess Johnny Reb's planning on softening the Yanks up" Cunningham said, referring to the character of Johnny Reb, a DS cartoon meant to mock the Confederates, only to be turned around as a brave a heroic figure by the Commonwealth's propaganda labs. 
"I doubt we'll need it, I mean we showed up and drive them out of Alabama easy enough" Ritchie remarked.
"Only because the Confederates softened them up first" Cunningham commented.
"Maybe, maybe we're just that much better then both groups here in the colonies" Ritchie boasted confidently.

"Well you go ahead and think that Alan, I'll tell your mum you died bravely and all of that. Thinking like that can get you killed."
"And who the fuck are you, some seasoned vet?"
"No, but I'm smart enough to see that war has to be more then what we all think it is. We're lucky, we didn't get hit with that many casualties. Did you see some of those Confederate boys, half their limbs blown off? I don't want to end up like that, so I won't be giving the Yanks the benefit of the doubt."
"Well thanks for thoroughly running my day" Ritchie replied.
"Think of it this way, after the shooting tomorrow today will seem like a walk in the garden."
"One unpleasant garden" Ritchie scowled, slapping a mosquito away from his face.

Offline Democratic States of America

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #63 on: June 10, 2007, 12:55:33 AM »
Iron City was as far south as you get and still be in DSA-occupied territory, sitting just on the Tennessee side of the Tennessee/Alabama border. The town wouldn't even have been on anyone's mind if a war hadn't broken out. All 368 residents worked at the iron works, and even then the management types didn't live that much different compared the general population.
In fact it's position as one of the southernmost towns in DSA-controlled Tennessee was the only reason Custer had chosen it as his fall-back point.
A bed-and-breakfast, probably used mainly by the Steel tycoons when on inspection, had been commissioned by the First DS Army.

Custer sat back in his chair, downing a bottle of tonic water. Alcohol was for celebrating as far as he was concerned.
The door opened, and Colonel Adam Kennedy entered.
"Everything's in order general, we have a pretty nice trench system dug up."
"Artillery, air defence?" Custer asked.
"All taken care of. We have StA missiles all lined up, and we have fighters coming in from Ohio to give the hound-dogs a hell of a fight."
"Hound-dogs?" Custer asked, as if Kennedy were speaking Ozian.
"That's an informal name the Rebs have given their jets" Kennedy explained.
"Look here" Custer snapped, going from tired and docile to genuinely pissed off, "I don't want to hear anyone, much less me second in command, start talking like a damn Confederate!"
"My mistake sir, it's been a long day."
"Damn straight" Custer replied.
Kennedy wasn't sure if he was agreeing with calling CSD fighters hound-dogs his mistake, or if he was agreeing it was a long day. Probably both.

"Take a seat Adam" he said, motioning toward the bed in the far end of the room.
Kennedy through off his green-grey officers jacket, taking his general's offer at rest.
"Adam..." Custer went on, "I love this country, you know that, right?"
"Yes sir" Kennedy went on, recalling Custer's war record, including a distinguished stint fighting the Myrorians in the brief Merchantalist States civil war, where both Myrorians and Americans had waged a mini undeclared war.

"You see Adam, I can't stand to see a bunch of radical vipers in Mobile rip this country in two. I may not like that bleeding heart we have in Washington, but damn it, at least he's doing what he has to do to keep this country together. Mind you a Federal could do a damn better job" he chuckled.
So did Kennedy. Adam Kennedy, heck the entire Kennedy family of Massachusetts were staunch Federalist Party supporters. In fact his uncle, Fredrick Kennedy, could very well have been president instead of Fremont if a crazed communist hadn't gunned him down in Denver during the Federalist Party primaries. Instead Archibold Donovan, the least exciting man alive, got the Fed nomination, and Fremont's passionate public speaking abilities disposed of him with relative ease.

"Anyway, get some sleep Colonel" Custer said, I'm going to take a tour of the defences, don't let me wake you when I get back."
"Yes sir" Kennedy responded, drifting into sleep as soon as the General had made it clear he wasn't needed for the night.
Custer buttoned up his green-grey officers jacket, and straightened out his like-coloured cap, the bronze eagle and crossed sabres reflecting brightly, even in the room's dull light. After quickly straightening his blond moustache he clicked the lights off and made his way down to the city's defences.

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #64 on: June 13, 2007, 03:23:14 AM »
Six squadrons of Confederate F-18's flew in low and fast, Each loaded for bare, smart bombs, air to air missiles, and orders to leave nothing of Custer's forces alive.

 Lt. Commander Blaine Gillmore loved this part of any bombing run, he loved it even more now, because now, it meant something. Now it made a difference, *here* in his own country.  As he led in the attack wings, he flicked the switch, broadcasting the song which had become the 56th Air Wing's tradition.

1, 2, 3, 4!!!

I'm a hand up mona lisa's dress
I'm a smile on every criminal you'll ever acquit,
I'm the things you've done you'd never admit
Cause one hand is on the bible and the other's in shit.

But right now, your faceless in the crowd
I'm shouting out loud
The one you counted out of the game
Oh wow!
Take a good look at me now
Should have never had a doubt
Is that you I hear screamin' my name?

 Iron City drew closer, Gillmore and the others armed their weapons. they began their descent upon the obviously surprised Yankees. With one of their barracks in sight, he gave the order.

 "Time to kick some ass, boys, fire at will"

 The adrenaline rush was second to nothing he had ever experienced. He depressed the fire button as the song entered into the chorus and second verse....

I'm a roller
I'm a rider
I'm number one motherfucking survivor

So move over
I'm a driver
And I'm high and i'm keep gettin higher

Yeah yeah yeah!
Yeah yeah yeah!

I'm the one you thought that you could erase
But a predator that's faster than the food that it chased,
You fall off the horse you brought to the race
I'll be the one who's flyin' by ya kickin' shit in your face.

 The bombs hit their targets, plumes of fire shot up from the ground as tanks, buildings, and entrenchments went up in smoke.

 Pulling out of their run, he heard the ominous tone coming in over the song, telling him that the DSA was very much about, and not happy with their actions.

 "Shit! We got inbound!"


 The three former Ohio Class SSBN's had slipped undetected to their launching point, the DSN occupied with just having lost 4 carriers off New Cambrington. The remained undetected as they surfaced to launch depth. Now, one hundred and fifty miles south east of the DSA capitol city of Washington, the three Confederate subs each began launching their 24 long range cruise missiles at the capital.


 Pershing's army had made its way north west, and was now doubling back south east, towards the northern vanguard of Custer's army. Privates Lane and Tilton had been riding for what seemed like forever on top of the Confederate M1 MBT They had disscussed the meeting with the Inglish at length, and had come to the conclusion that while the Inglish themselves were good boys to have around, their beer reminded them more of motor oil, than of anything intended for human consumption.

 "I swear, I felt like I had a brick o' lead in my gut for neigh on the rest of the night, I dunno how they drink that stuff." Lane had said, trying not to notice the bumpy ride of the tank.

Tilton laughed, "Well, reckon ya just have to be use to it. It sure does fuck ya up quick though, I was about holdin' on to the grass to stay on the planet. Coulda' swore I was gonna be flung right the fuck off."

 After a long pause, Lane finaly asked, "Say, where the hell we goin', anyways?"

 Corporal Rousseau, who up until this point had remained silent, finally spoke up. "We're heading to Iron City, Yanks 'ave dug in, and we're gonna get 'em out."

Offline Democratic States of America

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #65 on: June 14, 2007, 03:13:19 AM »
Air raid sirens echoed through the empty streets of Washington. Many had fled to the subway system, even if the marshlands the capitol was built on were in danger of caving in on the tubes, should the missiles hit in the right place. Most held out in basements and bomb shelters, leftover from the Cold War with St. Oz. The town was dead. Play grounds were empty, and the few cars left on the streets were left abandoned as soon as the sirens had started up.

Elliot Fremont, the President of the Democratic States of America, sat at his desk in the makeshift Oval Office in the White House's bomb shelter.
"Mr. President" Paul Rae, his chief of staff began, "we have to think about moving the seat of government. We can't continue to stay in Washington, we're right on the border. This is only the beginning."
A deafening explosion rocked the Presidential Staff.

"Abandon the capital? Leave the state of Columbia open to Rebel armies? Never. I won't let Anderson think I'm ready to run away from his drunk lapdog.

"Sir, both Philadelphia and Boston played important roles in the American Revolution. We could set up shop in either of those cities, and play the patriotic nostalgia card. Just until this war is over, Mr. President. We can't stay here."

"Paul..." Fremont began, before being cut off by an other loud explosion, "if we stay here the army will have more of an incentive to keep Pershing out of Washington, and more importantly out of Columbia. Also, I need to show the world this administration is not afraid. We won't abandon this city, not as long as I'm President."

"Sir" Rae protested, "how are we going to effectively run a war and run a country in this state. Jesus sir, Ozian troops already blew a hole in the Pentagon, and now we're in range of Confederate bombers and missiles."

"We'll find a way" Fremont responded, his face seemingly different, as if the confidence had been shaken out of him from the latest explosion.

"Engage opposition" Squadron Leader James Heller ordered over the wireless.

"Ready Tony?" Captain Hannibal Kaine asked, looking to his right at his wingman Cpt. Anthony Pamario.
"Ready as I'll ever be bro."
"Let's kick some Rebel ass then!" Kaine yelled enthusiastically.

The two swarms of F-18s struck each other, breaking up the perfect formations, turning order into chaos.

"Tony! Where are ya?" Hannibal yelled through his wireless.
"Not sure H-man, it's like fighting yourself out here!"
The F-18s blended together. This wasn't like fighting a foreign enemy. These were pilots who knew what you knew, trained the same way you did. They flew the same plane, the only exception being that the DS eagle and crossed sabres was hastily painted over in favour of the Confederate battle flag.

Unless he saw that diagonal red cross he hesitated to pull the trigger. The only assurance he had was that the Rebs were having just as hard a time as he was.
First the Confederate bombs fell, striking at Iron City's defences.
The bombs were still falling, but fighters from Ohio had shown up to keep them busy.
Custer, Kennedy, and their staff had commandeered the only bomb shelter in town, using it as a make-shift war room.
Custer was bent over the table, looking at the map of the city and his defences. His blond hair, not long by any means, but not short either, slightly draped over his face as he eyed the map, seemingly playing out the battle and every possible situation in his mind.

"Are you sure about that?....alright, I'll let the General know. Over and out."
"Sir," Colonel Kennedy continued, "we have first sight of the enemy. There Challengers sir, not M-1s."

"Inglo-Scotians" Custer said half to himself.
"They think they can show up out of the blue and drive the pride of the DS Army out of its own territory? I'll give that Limy Theriot a taste of American know-how. He wants to kick the Democrat States of America in the teeth? I'll drive him back into the Atlantic!"
« Last Edit: June 17, 2007, 02:32:06 AM by DSA »

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #66 on: June 17, 2007, 02:29:53 AM »
 The F-18 pilots had nothing short of hell erupting all around them. With most of their fuel expended, and the IFF issues (Identification Friend or Foe) there was but one option. Pull out while they could.

 A DS fighter exploded in a ball of flame, the shrapnel lacerating the fuel tank of its CS counterpart, the Confederate jet tumbled into the ground, the pilot managing to aim his craft at the base works in Iron City to make his death as costly as possible to the enemy.

 "Pull out! Get the fuck outta here!" Gillmore ordered, unlike the DSA, the Confederacy had a finite supply of aircraft, with recent war production going mostly into equpment for the ground forces. The CSSD fighters did as best they could to reorganise, and head south, back to base.

 Anderson arrived back in Mobile from the Pax Imperium conference, though there were some hangups, all in all, the first diplomatic endevour of the CSSD had gone over in a stellar fashion. The CSSD was now allied formally with many of the worlds premiere military and economic powers. Though he had no plans on asking for Pax Imperium intervention, the leverage was still good to have.Upon his arrival, a stack of messages awaited him. Going through the most urgent, he summoned now Vice President Michael Chamberlain, and Chamberlain's replacement as Sec of State, Paul Winger, into his office.

 "It's taken a while," Anderson began,"but we've finally got a leg up on the competition. Custer's dug in and fighting for his life, the yankee navy's reeling, Columbia is in flames, and we're allied with major world powers. Now is the time to hit, and hit hard, we can not afford a protracted war, not if we want to win this thing. Frasier's about to hit them with all we've got on the ground, Theriot is, from what I understand, about to engage the enemy as well, with any luck, this will be a knock out blow the yanks won't recover from. What word out of Columbia? Is Fremont still there? Hell, is he still alive?"

 "Yes on both counts," Chamberlain answered."he refuses to move, though the attack was spectacular in its success in terms of accuracy."

 'Hit 'em again" Demanded Anderson.

"With all due respect, Mr. President,"Winger cut in."We dont have the resources to mount a sustained bombing campaign against Columbia, or anywhere in the DSA, for that matter. Their fighters still make any air operations risky at best. We just do not have enough fighters to do the job, sir."

 Anderson looked angry, but while he didn't like what he was hearing, he knew it to be true, that didn't mean there wasn't another way to skin this cat, however.

 "Then do it by sea, We have the Enterprise and the Endevour, ready to go, and the Reciprocity is just out of the naval yards, three carriers, their navy is crippled, we can do this, I want Columbia turned into a parking lot, and I want Fremont's head ground up and put in a hot pocket!"


 Pershing hated the summer, the heat was stiffling, though the extreme southern position of the CSSD provided for more moderate temperatures than one would otherwise expect, the Lake of Mexico threw in it's ungodly humidity, making the heat, as it was, unbearably humid.

 "Sir, we have a report from Field Marshall Theriot, he is engaging the enemy."

 Pershing nodded, "Good, tell the men, we dont stop to camp, we head in and attack, I want the artillery to begin hitting as soon as we're within range."

"Yes sir."

Offline Prydania

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #67 on: June 17, 2007, 03:44:41 AM »
Alan Ritchie and Niel Cunningham both looked ahead. The grenadier/gunner formations had begun to engage to Yankee forces.
The tanks and infantry sat back, as the artillery aided the advancing columns.

"You ready?" Ritchie asked, gulping.
"As much as I'll ever be" Cunningham responded.
Anyway you cut it, the Confederates softened the Yanks up in Alabama. The fighting on the Commonwealth side was a cake walk, as far as war goes anyway.
Now they would hitting a reinforced American army head on.

Suddenly a streaking F-18, it was hard to tell if it was a friend or foe, crashed into one of the DS artillery formations.
"Fucking shyte" Cunningham said, his body temporarily paralysed in fear.

"They're falling back!" their company's sergeant yelled, "move in!"
Cunningham, managing to find the wherewithal to move forward, followed his friend into battle, as infantry and the first round of Challenger 2s came in behind them.
A bullet flew within centimetres of Ritchie's head, almost throwing his balance off, yet he kept moving forward.
The barded wire and concrete barracks of the Yanks' front lines were visible.

Then it all turned to hell, as if all order and resorted to chaos. Almost as soon as they entered the limits of Iron City proper the artillery fell harder, the guns were closer, you could see the face of the enemy.
The Yanks had only fallen back 300 meters into the city, forcing the I-S infantry to separate among the buildings and roads of the town.
An artillery shell landed just 20 meters from Niel Cunningham, throwing his body into an abandoned car.

As quickly as he could he pulled himself up.
"Ritchie!" he yelled, looking for his friend.
"Alan, where are you!"
Still no answer.

Just then the bullets started flying again.
Dropping to his belly he crawled over to a turned over car. Propping himself up, he looked over in the direction of the DS lines. He was able to make out green-grey clad figures trying to advance.
He began firing his Galil into the advancing green-grey soldiers. The smoke was such that a kill couldn't be confirmed. Still, he just kept on firing.
Then he saw it, a DS M-1.
"Shit!" a soldier to his left yelled, dropping his rifle and fleeing, only to be shot. Only the bullet that finished him off wasn't fired from an American gun, but that of his sergeant.
"There will be no retreat!" the sergeant yelled, turning his weapon on the DS lines.

Suddenly the DS tank exploded, as an I-S anti-tank vehicle emerged from the smoke behind Cunningham.
The sergeant and a few soldiers ran in Cunningham's direction.
"Their flank is weakening, we charge now!" the sergeant yelled, patting Niel on the back, before rushing into the smoke himself.
Cunningham, and the ten other soldiers around him didn't have to be told what was expected of them, charging after their commander.
The smoke obscured everything.
Niel charged forward, and without warning a DS soldier appeared right in front of him. Without even thinking about it Niel flung the butt of his Galil at his head, knocking him down before he could fire his M-16.
Once the American was on the ground he opened fire, some of the Yank's blood splattering onto his uniform, barely visible against the black fabric.
The explosion of an other artillery shell brought him back to reality, as he continued his rush forward.

Finally he saw more concrete hurdles, representing the new Yankee lines. He was unsure what to do next. Everywhere he looked, he saw Yanks and Inglishmen shooting it out, just meters from each other. He hid behind a blown-out jeep, the Yankee eagle and crossed sabres emblem still visible on the door.
For some reason, maybe it was the heat of battle, maybe his adrenaline peaked, he wasn't sure.
But at that moment it all slowed down for Private Niel Cunningham, first class.
He could see Yanks emerge from the smoke before they knew they were emerging from it. He was picking off soldiers without a second thought.
The sound of advancing Inglish troops behind him just added a sense of calm to whatever feeling, whatever zone he was experiencing.
Then out of the corner of his eye he saw him, his best friend Private Alan Ritchie, first class. He stopped firing, shocked. He was sure Alan was dead. Then, he really was. A DS bullet struck him in the jugular. He was dead before he hit the ground.

Niel headed to the body of his dead friend.
He did the best to cradle the limp body, tearing off the black helmet and goggles.
Those eyes, the lifelessness of them gave them a quality of their own. They pierced through Niel's heart.
"Alan!" he wailed, cradling his dead friend, his own senses overcome with a mixture of extreme anguish and anger.
After laying his friend's body down on the ground he locked his Galil in an iron-like grip, and charged ahead, determined to break the Yankee line himself if he had to....

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #68 on: June 17, 2007, 05:14:00 AM »
 The vanguard of the Confederate army was approaching Iron City, though, the "City" part of the name seemed very much undeserved, at least in peace time, here, today, it was a city of DS fortifications, much of which were already in flames.

 Pershing, riding open cupola in a Confederate M1 MBT gave the order for an all out assault, the reinforced Confederate Army, now numbering 700,000, opened up with artillery. The sound of gunfire could be heard in the distance as the army approached, however. Martin MacKenzie relayed the initial reports to General Pershing.

 "Sir, the Inglish report heavy resistance The Yanks are dug in somethin' fierce, and don't seem to plan on going anywhere soon."

 Pershing smiled, lighting a cigarette, "Well, Marty, well just have to change the sonsofbitchs' minds, wont we? Lay in with artillery and MLRS, then I want 'em hit with all we've got!"

 The Confederate shells began pounding Iron City with a furious vengeance. The rockets screaming down, attempting to target DS command and control centers. Private Lane huddled with Tilton behind one of the Confederate M1's.

 "Bastards are dug in good!" Lane remarked between explosions.

 "Yep, but, we knock 'em out here, we got a clear shot to Virginny, hell, maybe win the whole goddamn war."

 Lane looked surprised, "Ya think?"

 Tilton nodded assuringly, "Yes siree, I do, hell, what else can they have? Besides, 'ol Chug n Gut knows what he's doin'." The nickname for Pershing was spoken slightly lower than the rest, as the surperior officers tended to frown upon it. Until they were amongst themselves, anyways.

 About that time, the bombardment ceased, and the order given to move forward. Lane and Tilton followed behind the advancing line of M1's only to see them immediately engaged by small arms and RPG fire.

 Lane watched as one of the DS pill boxes exploeded, followed quickly by one of the M1's which had been being used as shelter for another cadre of would be Confederate heroes. A number of infantry, seeing that tanks alone would fall far short of resolving the situation, began rushing forward.

 "Now or never!' Lane screamed as he began running forward, bullets whizzed by, some missing by a long shot, some coming way to close for comfort his finger never let off the trigger, bursts of fire spraying in every direction, as he ran forward, hoping there would be a safe trench to leap into. There was, sort of.
 Leaping in, he found three wounded yet trigger happy yankees in the trench next to him, he dispatched two, the last one squeezing off a shot before collapsing, Lane yelped as he felt something bite him in the thigh, looking down, he seen the blood began to trickle from the wound.

 "Fuck!" He yelled, "Medic!" No one came, gunfire still erupting around him, he tore off a portion of a dead DS soldiers shirt, tying it around the wound, he tested his weight on it gently. Wincing at the heavy, yet tolerable pain, he concluded that he'd have to do what he could with what he had, peeking his head upward, firing more shots, he seen a CS tank rolling across the trench, only to explode in a ball of fire. Looking to see from where the shot had come, he seen a DS soldier holding an RPG launcher in a building about two hundred yards away.

 "We need artillery!" He screamed into the comm link, giving the co-ordinance of the building. He waited and watched as shortly thereafter, the building shattered into a million pieces. Crawling out of the trench, he limped forward, tanks and APC's rolling in around him.

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #69 on: June 21, 2007, 07:28:13 PM »
Field Marshal Andrew Theriot made his way through the Inglo-Scotian base camp. The Commonwealth Army had pushed the Yanks back far enough to establish a foot hold in Iron City. The Confederates had attacked from the west, and had established a foot hold themselves. Now the two armies were fighting toward each other in slim DS controlled area between the two. Once that was accomplished they would move against the bulk of the DS forces.

Theriot made his way through the worn torn streets. Most of the space was occupied by white tents, make-shift hospitals. The screams of the patients insider were only muffled by the sounds of the front, a kilometre away at best.
Jeeps full of troops, tanks, and artillery whizzed past him, hurrying to the front. The mechanics worked like hell to get the few damaged tanks still salvageable up and running again.

"Incoming!" a voice yelled, and a soldier dived onto Theriot to protect him him from a DS bomb. The bomb hit an abandoned building a block or two away, luckily nothing of value was jeopardized. Since the Confederate fighters were in limited supply, and the Commonwealth fighters were all offshore on the Navy's carriers, the DSA still held air supperiority in the heartland.

"Bastards" Theriot mumbled to himself as he got to his feet.
Finally he spotted one of the few black tents. Next to the tent flew a small flag, the red "V" of the Commonwealth in the canton, and two white crossed cannons over a silver laurel in the centre, the standard of a Field Marshal in the Commonwealth Army.

Colonel-General Vincent Fox leaned over a map of the city, various markers outlining the positions of the three armies, red for the Commonwealth, grey for the Confederates, and blue for the Yanks.
"Situation" Theriot ordered, entering the tent.

"The Yanks are attempting to retreat out of the slim piece of territory between us and the Confederates. General Pershing is attempting to cut off their escape." 
"Pershing can handle that on his own" Theriot responded, "divert all forces to the main lines against the DSA, and begin bombarding their positions. I want them soft for our final push."

Niel Cunningham was a man possessed. He could see the square blue battle flag of the Confederacy just a block and a half away, its red saltire visible through the smoke. The Yanks, it would seem, were attempting to retreat out of the thin slice of territory between the Commonwealth and Confederate forces. As far as he was concerned no Yank was getting out alive.
"Fall back! The Confederates will clean up the Yankee retreat!"
Commonwealth soldiers immediately stopped firing as they saw Pershing's tanks cut off the Yankee retreat.

"Cunningham!" Srgt. Donovan yelled, "fall back! Let the Confederates do their business!" 
It was if Niel hadn't heard him, he kept firing at the men in green-grey.
Then he felt a pistol press against the back of his neck.
"Fall back now, or I will shot you right here. You're pissed off that your friend was shot, I understand that, but if you don't put that anger to good use as commanded by our superiors I will shot you for insubordination."

Cunningham finally removed his finger from the trigger of his Galil, and turned around to face his sgt. removing his goggles. 
"No one said this was a cake walk" Donovan said gloomily. Now fall back."
Cunningham said nothing. He just gave the Commonwealth salute and began his march back to the front lines.
Erik Destler sat in his office in the Department of Foreign Affairs building.
The door opened slightly as his secretary poked her head in.
"Consul Anderson from the Department of War has arrived" she announced.
"Send him in" Destler responded, ceasing his paper work only to put out his latest fag bud out in an ashtray that looked like it had served time on the front itself.

Mark Anderson, the Consul of war entered the room, giving Destler the Commonwealth salute, which Destler responded with in kind.
"Thank you for coming on such short notice Mark."
"As you can imagine, we're very busy across the street" Anderson replied, referring to the Department of War building which stood directly across from the Department of Foreign Affairs on Victory Avenue.

"As you know I just returned from the Confederate States of Dixie, a trip in which I officially entered the Commonwealth into the Pax Imperium alliance" he paused only to light an other cigarette.
"President Anderson pulled me aside to address a concern of the CSD's. It seems their supply of F-18 jets is finite, which of course limits them in areal engagements with the Democratic States Air Force. Our Tornadoes are no help, as they've all been prept for bombing runs against the DS' coastal cities. The DS Air Force still  controls the skies over the majority of the American continent."

"Well I assure you, if I send over any more Tornadoes that supply will be limited as well."
"No, what I am asking you to do is to pull the engineers at Panavia out of their offices, get them on a ship bound for New Cambrington, and tell them to start working with the Confederate engineers on a uniquely Confederate fighter."
"Consider it done Erik" Anderson responded, wishing Destler had just called him to tell him that. But that wasn't Destler's way of doing things.
"They'll be on their way to the CSD by tomorrow."

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #70 on: June 21, 2007, 07:40:34 PM »
Pvt. First Class James Simmons was running for his life. He could die, and for what? So General Custer could pretend that keeping the Rebs and Limies separate was possible? Now the general seemed to realize the truth, but not until it became clear that he was going to be trapped.
Still, if he could get out of that that sliver of Iron City nicknamed "No Man's Land" by the DS troops, he would be ok, at least until the next Confederate/Commonwealth onslaught. In this place that was a pretty good prospect.

He ducked under a blown out Confederate jeep. Suddenly the firing stopped from the Inglish side. With that he bolted out and began charging toward what he hopped would be the DS lines.
"Freeze, or I'll shoot!"
Simmons stopped dead in his tracks, hearing that southern accent was like nails on a chalkboard these days. Slowly placing his M-16 on the ground he raised his hands above his head.
"Common" a voice behind him murmured as a grey and khaki camo-clad arm pushed him roughly toward a group of twenty or so DS soldiers who were unable to escape No Man's Land before the Confederate tanks shut the door. 

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #71 on: June 21, 2007, 09:01:48 PM »
Most of Iron City was in flames, the initial Confederate attack on the city had resulted in five thousand dead or wounded, with estimates going much higher for the DSA. Medics had been in short supply, mostly tending only to the most critical in need, Lane had stumbled through most of the battle with the kind of luck only a fool or drunkard could usually boast of.

 Sneaking around and staying close to the nearest Confederate vehicle, he continued taking shots at the fleeing DS soldiers, many of whom were embroiled in hand to hand conflicts with quicker, more able bodied members of the Confederate Army. He took a shot at one of the soldiers in green-grey who was gearing up to deliver the coup de grace against his CSSD counterpart, he sighed with relief as the DS soldier crumpled to the ground.
 Just then, a voice coming from behind him, "Soldier! You need medical attention, why the hell didn't you call for one of us sooner?" Lane turned to see a medic crouching behind a tractor tire, He rolled his eyes. War was indeed hell, it was also full of idiots.


 Pershing had screamed out orders nearly to the point of having no voice with which to scream. Not so much out of excitement or anger, but just to be heard over the noise of the battle around him. There had been awhile during the initial assault in which he wondered if another approach would be required, slowly but surely however, the DS lines had broke, now, with the Commonwealth Army in sight, he could feel victory within his grasp.

 He popped out of the cupola, lighting a cigarette, the yanks were too busy running now to be shooting at him -much- withdrawing his sidearm, just in case, he got on the comm and growled orders to the northern flank.
 "I don't want to see even one of those sons of bitches get out of here, kill 'em if you can, capture 'em if you must, but they are not to meet up with the rest of Custer's army." Changing comm channels, he ordered his command division. "Stay on their asses boys! Looks like Theriot's charging he main body, we're gonna wipe these fuckers out, and then we go up there and show those yanks once and for all whose ground this is!"


 President Anderson's life just kept getting better and better. Earlier that morning, he had been telling General Pershing on the phone why he couldn't get him the air cover he wanted, only to later have to also deny him a request for more armour. The DS designs were unreproducible as the components for almost all of the tanks, APC's and aircraft, had been manufactured by different companies, in different states, many of those states were now in a country the CSSD was now at war with. The good news was that this worked both ways, and that the DS was most likely going to have similar issues.

 That however, was small comfort when you were looking over the troop figures. Nearly half of the already modest Confederate Airforce had been destroyed, along with a good number of irreplaceable ground equipment. The navy was coming off alot better, fortuantely, but still was not where he'd like to see it. The answer to this was simple in its realisation, but harder than hell to implement. The Confederacy needed its own unique designs, and the factories to produce them, a way to produce the components it needed to build the DS designs, or a little bit of both.

 Fortunately, thanks to the Commonwealth of Inglo-Scotia, the airforce portion of the equation was already being worked on. A number of their most prominent engineers were in New Cambrington working at this moment with their Confederate counterparts on new deisgns for the CAF. A shipyard in Florida had delivered some promising designs for new ships, which Anderson had approved, though he couldn't imagine for the life of him what the CSSD would ever need aircraft carriers for. A fledgeling automotive company in Alabama had volunteered to devote all of its production power to attempting to duplicate DS designs in addition to working with the army to produce Confederate designs. Things were coming together, albeit slowly. The question was would they get what they needed in time.

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #72 on: June 24, 2007, 11:46:46 PM »
The cameras flashed as Deputy Chancellor William Crawford went before the press. "As of this day, the Canada-Quebecois Empire is a member of Pax Imperium and as part of our alliance, Kaiser Paul I and Chancellor Yuri von Hessian have signed a declaration of war against the Democratic States of America. Our naval forces at this time are nearing the American continent. We will aid Sovereign Dixie and Inglo-Scotia in their struggle against the tyranny of President Elliot Frémont. The First Fleet, under the command of Arthur Cook, has been sent to the west coast of the CSSD. There they will be ordered to defend the movement of troops coming to CSSD's Western Front, a front that the Canadian Army has taken command of. The First Shock Army has been sent, as well as the Second Army. They will be joined by other divsions within the week. The Kingdom of Quebec will be sending in the First Quebecois Army to support the First Shock Army. The High Seas Fleet will engage and destroy the DS Pacific Fleet and bombard DS coastal cities. In all, less then a million soldiers has been sent, with another army group being assembled at this very moment. Grand Admiral Guy Trudeau has taken full command of the Canadian naval forces in America. We are sending General Nicholas Brock, commander of the First Shock Army, General Frank Worthington, commander of the First Tank Army, and  General Phillipe Riel, commander of the First Quebecois Army. Also, Kaiser Paul I has named Nicholas Brock Supreme Commander of the American Front. If you have any questions, I will answer them now." 

Admiral Guy Trudaeu stood on the bridge of his flagship, the Toronto-class battlecruiser Toronto. The American coastline was ahead of his fleet. He looked around his bridge. Sailors dressed in the Canadian black naval uniforms were doing their duty. These sailors will be remembered. This will be the first time the Canadian Navy battles an enemy fleet. But first, we need to find the DS Pacific Fleet. Who knows, they might find us. He felt good. His first command as Grand Admiral and it will be commanding the first naval engagement in Canadian history. A commodore came up to the admiral.

"Grand Admiral Trudaeu, sir. We have found the DS fleet."

The admiral turned to the commodore. "Where is it, Commodore Hudson?"

Commodore Hudson breathed in nervously. "They are coming down on us on our port side, sir. They are coming within missile range in five minutes sir."

Admiral Trudeau smiled. "Order the fleet to turn to port and steam straight for the DS fleet."


"Commodore, we steam the fleet in a zig-zag form, so it's harder to hit. The Astrurias carriers let their fighters fly and we fire off our guns. Let the Yankees know how the Canadian fleet fights. Now do it?"

Yes, sir!" The commodore saluted and relayed the admiral's orders. The High Seas Fleet moved in moving from port to starboard, back and forth. The five Toronto cruisers with the fleet armed their 8-inch guns. The Asturias carriers let out their CF-18 Hornets. The fighters flew close the water towards the DS fleet to avoid anti-air weapons. As the fleet slowly got within the range of their guns, the Toronto-class cruisers and the rest of the Canadian fleet let loose with guns and missiles. Admiral Trudeau sat on the bridge. Here's a wake-up call for the Yanks.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2007, 07:35:27 PM by Canada »
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4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #73 on: June 28, 2007, 03:30:39 PM »
The Canadian shells were exploding just over Admiral Richard Vern's head on the bridge of the DSS Thomas Jefferson.
The Pacific Fleet was caught more or less off-gaurd. They had been planning to strike the Commonwealth Navy's security net around the Confederate coast. Now they had to do a 180 and go on the defensive against the Canucks.
The Canadian fleet was smaller, but very well trained and diciplined. Their jets, CF-18 Hornets, and their ships didn't startle easy.
If nothing else, the Canadian attack was tying up the last functioning arm of the DS Navy.
The American fighters were having difficulty of their own. The CF-18s looked almost identicle to their F-18s. It was the confussion against the Confederate fighters all over again. True, it wernt both ways, but if they were unable to effectivly whipe out the aviation arm of the Canadian High Seas Fleet then the tie went to the Canucks.

"We've lost the Cheyenne!" Commander Robert Mahn called out, refrecncing the carrier that had hastly been renamed from the DSS New Cambrington.
"Shit" Vern called out, to no one in perticular.
"What have they lost?"

"The Ottawa's on the fire, but the damaged in contained. So far they have the advantage, but...."
The commander was interupted by what could only be discribed as Thor's fist itself smashing the Thomas Jefferson.
"Fuck! Torpedos!" Vern yelled.
Not only was the Jefferson hit, but it also ment the Pacific Fleet's submarines had failed to hold their Canadian counterparts at bay.

"We have the Vancouver coming up our port side" an officer yelled.
"The Maine" Vern whispered. The Maine, John Adams, and Glory must be incompacitated.

Vern grabbed the wireless.
"Admiral Vern here. Return to port! This is an order, return to San Francisco!"

"Admiral, we can can still hold them!" Mahn protested.
"Probably, but at what cost? If we take to much damage here, the entire DS Navy will be incompasitated. We need to run today so we can fight tomorrow."

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Re: Grey Phoenix
« Reply #74 on: June 28, 2007, 05:42:23 PM »
The crew was cheering. The Admiral just stood on the bridge staring at the plumes of smoke that was the Toronto cruiser Ottawa. The cruiser wasn't going to sink, but the ship would need to get to a port. Guy was happy and cheery inside though. The first naval battle between the Americans and the Canadians was a victory for the Canadians. The real hero though was the cruiser Vancouver. Admiral Guy was impressed. The cruiser single-handedly sank three ships. He needed to meet that captain. But first. "Commodore."


"Get High Command on the wire. Tell them that we will need the Second and Third Fleets out here. We beat the DS Pacific Fleet, but we didn't destroy them. I want the fighters to be camoflagued so that way we don't hit each other. We're going to need to outnumber them to win this war. Also, call Admiral Cook, tell him he's clear to land troops in Baja. And get me the captain of the Vancouver. I see a promotion coming."

The landing in Baja was easy. General Nicholas Brock looked out from his makeshift HQ at the troops assembling. Leopard tanks rumbled by along with self-propelled artillery and towed artillery. He looked at the map of the region. He turned to his division commanders. "We need to liberate the CS of Nevada. So first, I want us to get to the state border and then we will engage the American army there. So far, they have no idea we are coming. By the time they find out we have landed, we will be in Nevada." The General turned to Phillipe Riel, commander of the First Quebecois Army. "I want the Quebecois to protect our right flanks at all times. We will push with an armoured assault in the center. We will send their soldiers back to their own territory. Alright, I want the main army to push deep into the desert. This terrain is perfect for tank warfare, so we penetrate the American lines and head for Las Vegas."
« Last Edit: June 29, 2007, 05:25:18 AM by canada »
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007