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Author Topic: The Reformation  (Read 1010 times)

Offline Algerianbania

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The Reformation
« on: May 16, 2007, 04:18:56 AM »
OOC: This is my first RP in Taijitu. It takes place in the past, 17 years to be exact, and covers probably the most important chain of events in my nation's history: The Reformation, when the entire system of government and lifestyle was completely flip-flopped in less than six months. This also explains the early life of Algerianbania's greatest heroes, Gerion Kinym, and society back then. Both these issues are very important to understanding how and why The Reformation began.

Please don't jump in unless you PM me first because I do not want you to mess up the story of my countries formation. The entire thing, all dates and times, will be set 17 years in the past, so when you see "23 years ago", for example, it really means 40 years ago.

23 years ago
The woman was screaming. The doctors were right next to her, giving her commands. The small shack near Nikin Lake could only fit 4 people, the pregnant woman taking up most of the room, so a more realistic number would be 3. The father had to wait outside. He walked around the shed, hands behind his back, face to the ground. He occasionally looked up when he heard cries of pain, cringing at the noise.

The man had no clue how long he waited, but finally, one of the doctors opened the flimsy door and looked at him. "You may come in now." The man did so. The other doctor, a female, was the cleaning the newborn child. He tried to hold it, but she pushed him away, saying that she had to take care of him for the next few minutes.

The man turned his attention to his lover. He knelled down next to her and grabbed her hand, cradling it within his own. "Hey baby. How you doing." The doctor answered for her. "Not well. Her blood pressure and heart rate are through the roof, and she may have caught a serious infection. We can't tell as of yet, but chances are that you could have a few rough weeks ahead of you." The man looked up, his mouth open. "Wha'? You...you can't be serious. Well...is the baby OK?" Now it was the female doctor's turn to speak. "He's fine. Its a boy by the way." She handed the child to the father.

The man let go of his lover's hand, and took the baby. He looked in his eyes, deep blue, like his mother. The man of 19 years turned back to his lover, who was no more than 17. "Look at him. He has your eyes." The girl smiled. "What are we gonna name him?" she asked. "Don' know. We'll think of something." He kissed her on the forehead.

5 days later
The ER door burst open. A stretcher with a girl of 17 was wheeled in, followed by a boy of 19. The girl had obviously recently had a baby, as her stomach was still rounded, and the weight on her body was obvious. The boy carried the child.

The doctors wheeled the woman up to an empty stall, began to get to work. The boy was dragged aside and asked some retinue questions.

1 day later
"When your birth-giver told you you could have a serious infection, you should have checked it out right away." The boy said ashamed, "We...we didn't have the money." The doctor nodded in agreement. "Well ma'am, because of your tardiness, I am afraid that you have about only 2 weeks to live. This is a very serious infection. It saddens me much to tell you this. I would normally prescribe medication, even though that you are financially challenged, but the king has recently recalled all antibiotics, as they supposedly conflict with the church's teachings." The boy was one the brink of tears.

The boy looked up. "Conflict with the church's teachings? I have never heard such bigger bullshit. Everyone knows that he wants to raise the street price, so that he can make even more money. He always does it." The doctor spoke again, "There is good news. You will not have to stay in bed. The type of infection you have does not cause pain or do any physical damage to your body until after about a week and a half. So you have until then to tie any loose ends." He look away from the patients. "I am...so sorry." The doctor rushed to the door, and was through it in an instant." The girl called, "John. John come here." John did. "John. We have a week in a half. I...I want to finally marry you. Who cares if our parents don't approve, if they curse us to hell. I love you and I want to know that I married you before I die." They embraced, and made love.

13 days later
"Liz. Liz. Hang in there Liz. Don't die now. Think of the baby. Please. Don't....leave me. Don't leave us." John was sitting near the bed, squeezing Liz's hand, sobbing. Liz spoke, "I now that I have accomplished everything I wanted to. I am now Mrs. Kinym, like I always wanted to be." "Oh Liz." John began to his her arm. "I love you Liz. I can't go on without you." "Yes you can. As long as we have our little boy over there you can. As long as he is alive, I know you will live on." "We....we never did name him." "Gerion. We should call him Gerion. After your father." "But my father was a scumbag, a cheat devil." "No. He was a good man, you only saw him as the devil because he could never accept his eldest son marrying some 'slut you found in the slums.'" "Liz. Liz. I love you Liz. I love you." "I....love you too John. I love you too. Love you too. Love you....." And the mother of Gerion Kinym died.
Member of the Order of the Gryphons, Senator of Taijitu, Ambassador to The North Pacific, Deputy MoEA of The North Pacific, Member of the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific
It's the chaos fetish theory.  As soon as you think of it, it automatically exists.
If you have a proplem, blame Soly.

Offline Algerianbania

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Re: The Reformation
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2007, 03:25:58 AM »
11 years ago
A twelve year old boy rode a bike through the streets of Loed. His bike had a basket in which bags of food were placed. The boy pulled his bike up to an old, six story apartment building. Taking the bags in his hands, the boy tied his bike up to a pole and hurried inside. Up two flights of stairs and half-way down the hall, the boy opened up room 27. He went directly to a small kitchen and placed the bags down. Turning around, he saw a note on a table.

The government forced the rally to start 3 weeks early, which is today. They are probably trying to catch us off guard. I'll be back at 6:00. Make yourself some dinner and don't fool around. You can hang out with your friends but be sure to be home by 5:30. I don't want the police to see you out past curfew. We are already in enough trouble with the government.


Gerion sighed. Always him versus the government. Dad always had to organize protests and marches. It put him and his son on the spotlight.

Gerion walked to his room gloomily. Teachers and kids looked at him funny in school, no doubt wondering why he had no mother, and why his father was never around. Gerion himself didn't really know. His dad had tried to explain it once, about how his mother died, and about how the supposed King of Justice and the People was turning the government towards....what was the word? Faseyeshed or fascick, or something like that. Gerion didn't really remember.

He glanced over at his clock. It read 2:13. He still had 3 hours and 15 minutes to play with his friends before the cops went on patrol. He quickly gathered up his things and went outside.

2 months later
"Well I really think we have those fascists right where we want 'em. They've hinted that they might make an agreement, one that we could all be happy of." Gerion looked up from his cereal. "Whatever dad." John starred at him amazed. "Whatever? Whatever? This is what I've waited for since almost the day you were born. These scumbags killed your mother, and when we have them by the throat, all you can say is whatever?" Gerion laughed. "Wow dad. They are still the government. No matter how much pressure you put on them they will still be the ones who are holding throats." John was shaking with rages. "Just get out. Don't you have a place to be? Oh, right school! Where you're being brainwashed by the fascist controlled teachers." Gerion kissed him on the forehead. "I love you to daddy. Bye." And he was out the door.

After school, Gerion and his friends went to the dumpster behind Jary and the Panda's Burgers to do drugs or make out. Today he had chosen the good old fashion joint and Julia Ropyi. She looked especially fine today, wearing denim short-shorts and red tee-shirt. Her straight red hair glinted strawberry orange in the sun, and it smelled of roses. She had rouge lips and light blue eyes twinkled in such a way, that any boy she looked directly at always went into a sort of trance, from they had to be hit to be brought out of.

They were 3 other couple's by the dumpster, including Gerion's best friend, Chaseeta Esach, who was getting intimate with Kelly Ujyo. Gerion and Julia found the best spot, against the wall 5 feet from the dumpster. No one ventured over there because of the smell, yet the wind was in their favor today, so the area was left stench free. Still no one approached. Gerion looked at Julia's lips, so round, red and enticing. He took a drag from his joint, and began to kiss her.

This continued for about 15 minutes until the two moved on to more intimate and sexual maneuvers. Suddenly, there was the sound of dogs barking and shouting voices. Gerion looked up and yelled,"Oh shit! Cops!" He stood up pulling Julia up with him. "You gotta get home." He quickly kissed her on the lips and pushed her away, towards her bike. The rest of the kids were already mounting their vehicles, and were pedaling away. As Julia joined them, she looked back at Gerion.

The cops were closer only a few seconds away, but his friends hadn't gone far enough. He had to buy time. He had to slap these scum balls who cut his time with his girl short. Gerion took off his shirt, and tied it around his head, attempting as best he could to cover his mouth, nose and hair. Looking around, he saw a pipe, a piece of wood, and a few syringes full of heroine. He picked them all up, shoving the needles in a belt loop. Backing up against the wall, Gerion prepared himself.

The first cop with a dog turned the corner. Gerion chucked the piece at him, and then charge with the pipe. The wood hit the cop hard in the head, stunning him. The dog jumped up, but Gerion kicked him in the snout and he retreated. Gerion took the first swing of the pipe and smashed the cops collar bone, forcing him to the ground. By now, the other cops had come. There were two more, one with a dog, both carrying billy-clubs. The one with the dog let the animal loose, and it charged him. Gerion waited, and swung the pipe like a golf club, fwacking the dog under the jaw just as it leaped. The animal crumpled and fell to the ground.

Now the other man charged. Gerion blocked the first strike, and the second, and retaliated by his thigh. The last cop up behind him. Gerion kicked the first cop away, and then stabbed the one behind him with the heroin, injecting him. "Oi! This fucker just stabbed me!" The cop stumbled backwards as his companion charged. Gerion swung, hitting him on the temple, and smashing him to the ground.

Turning to the injected cop, Gerion took out the last three syringes. He hit hard, one after the other, right in the cop's heart. After a few minutes, he began to foam at the mouth. No doubt he had a very low tolerance to the stuff.

The cop with the smashed collar bone was coming to about now. Seeing the carnage around him, he grabbed for his radio yelling, "Backup! Jary and the Panda's Burgers. Backup!" Gerion turned, and saw the cop. Without thinking he bolted for his bike, taking his shirt off his head and back on. He got on his vehicle, and pedaled as fast as he could towards home, taking as many twists and turns as possible.

When he arrived to the apartment, he bolted upstairs. When he reached his room, he stopped to catch his breath. He would have to explain everything to his father. Gerion reluctantly opened the door and gasped at what he saw. The place was a mess. Everything was trashed, and there were bullet holes and blood everywhere. Gerion called out for his dad. No answer. There would never be an answer. Gerion went to a corner of his room, rolled into a ball, and cried. For he would never see his father again.
Member of the Order of the Gryphons, Senator of Taijitu, Ambassador to The North Pacific, Deputy MoEA of The North Pacific, Member of the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific
It's the chaos fetish theory.  As soon as you think of it, it automatically exists.
If you have a proplem, blame Soly.

Offline Algerianbania

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Re: The Reformation
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2007, 01:46:27 AM »
5 years ago
Gerion signed the document and looked up. "Congratulations young boy. You are now a member of the Algerianbanian Army. You will be contacted soon." said the man behind the desk. Gerion nodded and walked out the door, a bell ringing. Julia would be happy. He would be able to make the money he need to marry her. She always wanted that. It would be a surprise.

Getting back home would be hard. The resistance fronts were growing bigger and stronger, and there was fight almost everyday in the streets.

Opening the door to a small apartment, Gerion, holding flowers, peered inside. His love looked up from a small table where she sat read, jumped up and ran to him. They embraced and quickly kissed on the lips. He presented the flowers to her and she cried out softly in surprise. Lilies, her favorite.

Sitting down at the table, Gerion began to speak, "I join the army today." When he received no response he glanced up and saw that Julia had stopped, still holding the flowers, and in the process of putting them in a vase. She looked at him. "You did what?" Gerion had expected more enthusiasm in Julia's response. "I joined the army. I love this country so much and I want to fight for it. And besides, now I can get the money that I need to finally marry you properly. You know, with a ring, some flowers and maybe even a band. Isn't that what you want? I want to make you happy."

Julia seemed almost angry. She sat down across from Gerion. "I'm happy now. I don't want you to fight for some country that is falling apart. I won't have you go die for some fascist pig who killed our parents." Gerion stood up. "They didn't kill them. We don't know what happened to them. They just.....disappeared." Julia stood up as well. "People don't just disappear. If you want to fight for your country, then why don't fight to try to save it, and not help it crumble to the ground. Your father had the right idea." Gerion shook his head. "What do you suggest I do?" "Join the People's Army." Gerion looked away and cursed as Julia continued, her voice raised. "They can pay you, and they have the power to bring the fascists down. You do hate the fascists right?" Gerion paused for a moment. "Yes. Yes I hate them." With that he grabbed his coat and walked out the door.

Later that day, Gerion joined the People's Army. When he was contacted by the Algerianbanian Army and didn't go to fight, he was labeled an outlaw and both he and Julia had to move into protection. The government found Julia and killed both her and her newborn son. This angered Gerion greatly, and he rose through the ranks of the People's Army, until one day, he was fourth in command.
Member of the Order of the Gryphons, Senator of Taijitu, Ambassador to The North Pacific, Deputy MoEA of The North Pacific, Member of the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific
It's the chaos fetish theory.  As soon as you think of it, it automatically exists.
If you have a proplem, blame Soly.

Offline Algerianbania

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Re: The Reformation
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2007, 10:59:14 PM »
6 months ago

The TV was on Channel 5 King Hyiku's Action News. "Today it is feared that the first day of civil war has begun. A hateful protest lead by the People's Army and front man Gerion Kinym, the 4th most powerful man of the group, turned to the violence when riot police tried to peacefully subdue the hatred that the protesters were exploiting. After a few harsh words were exchanged, the traitors of the country drew automatic weapons and began to open fire upon the police, killing 23 and wounding 60. Fortunately, the police fought back and arrested 42, kill 20, and wounded at least 68. This is the highest escalation of violence between these so called "freedom fighters" and the real fighter for freedom, our government. Sally Pytuli, Channel 5 King Hyiku's Actio-*click*"

Gerion turned the TV off. "Suppressing peoples rights is not fighting for freedom you fucks." Jeffery Hjuylio, the leader of the People's Army, stood up. "Relax Gerion. If the whore's want to come out and fight then let them. If its war they want than its war they will have."

Chaseeta Esach spoke up from his spot at the conference table. He was the emissary and ambassador of the People's Army. He was probably the most useful weapon that the resistance group had. His large amount of charisma and his vast knowledge of bargaining and deception made him extremely potent in negotiations. "War you say Jeff? The people don't want war. They want what they want. And what do they want? Do any of us know? Do they stand with us or with the king?"

It was Lord Elimingers turn to speak. The  was not Algerianbanian born,c and speaks with a strong accent of Algerianbanian, a rarely used language. His grandfather immigrated from the area between Irnotia and High Evermore known only as "The Strip Lands." The man was now a Lord after swearing fealty to the king. Though a lord, Jonathan Elimingers was unhappy with the way the government was turning, and secretly joined the Peoples Army. He is third in command. "Mr. Esach, the people are divided bween the two sides. Half are with us, and half are with them. But the only difference is that our supporters fight for us and theirs only nod their heads in agouiment. To make up for that, the king hires people from the Strip Lands, Dysanii and Irnotia. These mercs have no aurrt or u've for this country. The king may have more men and experience than us, but we have more aurrt and u've, and we will fight them and killi them and show them that we are the bestiu of the them all." After that he yelled his victory chant of his house, passed down from his father to home. "Plautryuli gryuntylwe diryudle!" Only die fighting.

The rest of the room cheered and repeated the phrase. War was upon them, and they knew that they would probably all die, yet the 5 men in the room all cheered except for Jose Kyuili, second in command. He knew what storm was upon them, and he knew that it was not a good thing. He left the room leaving the other members of the conference to themselves. This was war not a slumber party. And they were not prepared.
Member of the Order of the Gryphons, Senator of Taijitu, Ambassador to The North Pacific, Deputy MoEA of The North Pacific, Member of the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific
It's the chaos fetish theory.  As soon as you think of it, it automatically exists.
If you have a proplem, blame Soly.