Xavier: "Alright, first let me expose the concept of it.

Is an early model of my personal defense weapons. It it basically a conversion of a G36C to Kalashnikov ammunition, using parts from AKS-74. (not exactly AKS-74U)

This sub-machine-gun uses the same systems of the other XA-01, it's reliable for the price, and the ergonomics are extended to the G36 point, but about it's resistance to weather or tensions are limited.
Still using our patent ammunition of the Kalashnikov, the bullet itself continues as lethal as the XA-01 Assault Rifles, but due to it's shortened barrel the maximum range is severely affected. This model can be easily mounted with any kind of scope, and even if not designed to carry underparts, you can mount a 30 mm BS-1 "Tishina" grenade launcher firing high explosive dual purpose (HEDP) grenades.
The system itself is indestructible, you can put it on ice, sand, tanks coming over, anything, and it will still work. But! and now very important, to maintain light-weight ergonomics, the exterior is from polycarbonate or ABS material, also known as plastic, so it will have a limit of tension to hold. Can break, disassemble or melt with acids, high explosives or high collisions. The good side, the already said light-weight and the standardization of parts, you can replace any exterior part easily or make your own parts. This is an introduction to most of my guns.
This weapon has very good combat effectiveness, handling is excellent due to the ergonomics, and this specific model has high service length (only suppressed by the XA-02 model), the innovation is to join an exterior cover with main purpose as ergonomics to a simple Kalashnikov system, and the accuracy is average.
This model is used by any New Delfos force, including the New Delfos National Guard, intended for close quarters combat and those units that have to manage other systems beyond just fighting, like artillery men, drivers, sailors, pilots, etc.

(This next ones use parts of AKS-74U)
Now, the XAP-04 was intentionally designed from the XA-03 bull-pup assault rifle, but we weren't able to produce a bull-pup sub-machine-gun yet. The XAP-04 is used mostly by special forces, for it's light-weight, this compact sub-machine-gun has a long barrel, with a conic extremity to manage recoil, and a factory made silencer in the front, and is normally mounted, as shown in the picture, with a silencer extension.

The long rail on top enhances this weapon for big scopes, specially designed for nigh-vision telescopes together with a small red-dot scope.
Being made from hardened polycarbonate, and smaller than XA/XAP-01, it will handle better any conditions said earlier. Everyone keeps to be as simple to clean or any maintenance as the XAP-01, but the barrel is shorter, counting with the silenced front part that will have to be detached. It has more parts than the XAP-01.

This I'm handling is a subsequent model of the XAP-04. It's even shorter and lighter than the previous model, made for the Xavier Arms - Saletsia factory, as a gift project for the license and patent received to work in Saletsia. This comment was written in the catalog:
An ergonomic improvement on the XAP versions, including it's light weight, make the XAP-05 a powerful personal defense weapon. Although the recoil is an issue to attend, and a decreased maximum effective range comparing to other XAP, this may be the lightest XAP that will ever be, and a perfect ally for forces that have better things to do than carrying a large assault rifle.
We have a project of a future XAP to improve the XAP-05, fixing both the recoil and the bull-pup issue.
The recoil isn't that bad, let me demonstrate."
*Bang Bang Bang* Careful single-shots.
"It works better if we extend the stock."
Demonstrates a little bit, now with blunt trigger using full auto. The shots were OK, the target was hit, average accuracy since it was around 50m.
"As you see, it works fine if used like this, as a pistol or auto using shoulder stock, but now demonstrating full auto without the shoulder's help, you will see how blunt this is."
You could see that he did great strenght to manage to aim the target, but only the first shots and few other hit the target.
"So this is only recommended for personal-defense. Very recommended for law enforcement, it's a small, light and easy to use sub-machine-gun. Here you can try them yourself. And these three are the only sub-machine-gun models Xavier Arms has in store. Any questions?"