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Author Topic: Gandhar (The New Shadow)  (Read 1259 times)

Offline Sarrafan

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Gandhar (The New Shadow)
« on: June 01, 2007, 10:00:32 AM »
OOC: I was not sure how to restart my RP, however after due consideration I have decided that Shadow is to be given a complete reboot in the name of the region, political system, ect. However I will use old character names to some extent but they will no longer be associated with past RP e.g. mass slaughter and Imperial bullying. I am still open to old political friendships with former nations so feel free to re-establish them.

The former nation of Shadow, following nearly 100 years of unquestioned rule through the Emperors finally collapsed on the 17 Asridor (OOC: National Calender) following a revolution in both the population and the military over court intrigue, economic crisis and the collapse of key Imperial provinces. Two days later the final Emperor Shadow IV was executed on the steps of the Imperial palace. Immediately following this event the "Provisional Government" was established boasting Democratic systems in the near future. This however was delayed by a civil war that lasted nearly a year between generals of the Shadow Imperial guard and the newly established "Provisional Guard". The was reached its pivotal point in the battle of "Harringtov fields" in which the "Imperial Guard" was routed and their key city was occupied loosing them mass support and most of their war supplies. Suviving general were captured and executed accordingly, it is now the 17th Frimar in the height of winter and the new Repubican government is about to be announced following nearly a century of Imperial dictatorship.

Offline Sarrafan

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Re: Gandhar (The New Shadow)
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2007, 01:46:36 PM »
The crowd stand outside the Imperial palace, now renamed the "Gandhar Consulate", waiting for the speech to be read announcing the new Political regime and system. Most of the crowds were exclusively from the Capital, as many from outside the region were still gripped in isolated civil wars. Power was still strongly centralized and the nation was still suffering greatly from the economic upheaval which ravaged the country only a few short years ago.

The former palace had been 'purged' of all the former items the Emperors saw fit to surround themselves with, many including golden statues and expensive decoration of many varying kinds. A large conference chamber now sat in the vastly over sized throne room where the Provisional delegates were concluding their final proposals before the speech.

"In my personal opinion, I am still opposed to declaring a Republic while the nation is still in such upheaval, we need a temporary dictatorship until the situation is pacified."

Acting overseer Refus motioned Kirov to sit down.

"I understand your concern Kirov, but you must understand we have considered this for some time, for so long the Shadow dynasty has etched their code into the people, their beliefs are so strongly routed to the principles of an Imperial system, we cannot afford to appear to be oppressive. The people need to understand that their beliefs were ill founded, and the only way to achieve that is by giving them not only representation but we must make sure they remain nationalistic, we must etch our system into their minds.

"If we don't do something about these uprisings we will be overthrown by Shadow royalists, there are still members of the family in hiding just waiting to take back the throne."

Kirov stands again raising his voice.

"At least let me call for aid from the neighboring regions, then we can...."

Refus slams his hand on the conference table.

"Sit down Kirov!!!"

Kirov stares at Refus looking slightly perplexed then sits.

"It was in my good graces that I gave you this position, many other former Shadow loyalists were not that fortunate. We cannot openly ask for aid, particularly if we are to be the Republic of the People, this is all part of a greater plan Kirov, we need to remain strong despite this serious crisis, and the only way to achieve that without another mass civil war is by gaining the public trust."

Kirov says nothing, however other ministers also remain docile, giving a clear indication to Kirov who is really calling the shots. Refus then continues.

"Now gentlemen, we have decided upon this system, it is to be a Republican model, Democracy is a possible route but it is still far too early to give the people such power, we must instead create Democracy as an illusion, but have no fear we will still hold the keys of power, now if you will excuse me I have a speech to make.

General Kirov and the other ministers got up to leave, Kirov then though.

So this is what its come to, replacing a dictatorship with another dictator, he just sees a Republic as a corridor to power, I dread to think what will happen when the truth is out. Everyday the situation gets worse, what could he possibly do to restore the country? He hasn't even got a standing army, just a volunteer force from the capital......I wonder.

Kirovs train of though is cut off by the cheering of the crowds outside.

"Looks like the speech has begun."

Offline Sarrafan

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Re: Gandhar (The New Shadow)
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2007, 04:26:07 PM »
Refus stands on the podium, determined not to read out any pre-made speech, but now wishing he had.

"People of Gandhar, for so long now you have lived and breathed under the name of tyrants. You have lived through war after war, overcome many a crisis, and your reward was the collapse of a system you worked so hard to maintain. It is in this that we finally said no to our so called 'Emperor', he paid for his crimes, and suffered the punishment that a better nation demanded.

Cheers erupted from the crowd, Refus allowed this for a few seconds and raised his hand.

"We, the Provisional Government, have thought long and hard about how best to reward you the people, how to end this civil war, and it is our decision that we will give the people the power by establishing the "Gandhar Republic."

More cheers from the crowd

"Over the next week we will broadcast all changes, including a reading of the new Constitution, as as of this moment you are now all officially Citizens of the Republic with all the rights attached with it. We will fight for freedom of speech, equality and universal suffrage. We will teach these Shadow loyalists the value of representation, the value of nationalism and the strengh of the Citizen. Thank you all for listening to this announcement and all have a safe journey home.

The crowd cheers and claps, while classical music blares over the loudspeakers and Refus walks back into the palace.

Refus sits down in a reception room been warmed by the heaters recently installed, minister Garsin sits opposite him with a large Whiskey.

"That was a good speech, considering you were only improvising."

"Despite all what I said, the only thing that really matters is national survival, we must win this war at any cost, and more importantly we must win it ourselves."

"What do you have planned?"

"It all depends on how the war is progressing, I can only hope that the war will go well, or we will have to alter the Charter."

"All reports from Kirov show that many outside provinces are fully engaged and our navy is non existent. We may have beaten the main enemy army, but they could easily rebuild, plus there are many counter-revolutionaries operating within our ranks."

"....They will be dealt with"


"That's classified, but when the time comes you will know."

Garsin thinks to himself

This can't be good, but we can't do anything without imposing a dictatorship, and we can't let that happen at any cost.

Offline Sarrafan

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Re: Gandhar (The New Shadow)
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2007, 02:30:55 PM »
Refus sits at his desk in the new "First Consul office" following a landslide victory for his party to hold office for the first 4 years. He took great pride in his victory, although the candidates up for the vote were nearly all exclusive to his own party which caused no end of complains from the rival Right wing senate members. Although not socialist, Refus' party was certainly left leaning, although this was more out of a necessity to gain favor amongst citizens within the capital and industrial areas rather than a firm ideological belief.

The system was now set and for the first time in nearly 4 years relatively stable, however cracks were already beginning to show. The civil war was still at a deadlock in rural regions, grain supplies were not being met for the annual quota, rioting was still occurring in several industrial districts and the senate members were continually bickering over how to deal with the growing crisis. Also there were circulating rumors that the neighboring region of Tarrotown was considering an invasion (OOC: No real invasion planned, I hope)

Refus was continually looking over his papers and considering the Charter, while Consul Marius sat before him.

"You do realize that we will have to seek foreign aid"

Refus considers this.

".....your right, but this must be behind closed doors, I am already scheduled for a meeting with the "Pax Imperium" delegation, but the public must not know."

"Are you considering issuing Article 12?"

"We will win the war, i find it unlikely that any nation will want to aid the Shadow loyalists (OOC: Although that's up to anyone who wants to get involved, on either side.), I can't think of many powers who even liked any of the Emperor's."

"But what if they do?"

"Then I may have no choice but to issue the Article, but that will open a door, and I really don't want to find out what lays beyond it, we must remember this is a Republic for the people."

"But you must understand, it's war out there, and many senate members want to see you act, not sit behind your moral codes, if this continues the Senate may vote against your party."

"I will never abandon my morals, but we really can't afford for this war to deteriorate....order all the "Consulate Guard" troops to increase recruitment drives and increase their salaries, make sure they renew offensives as soon as possible."

"Yes sir"

Offline Sarrafan

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Re: Gandhar (The New Shadow)
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2007, 12:52:00 PM »
All seemed peaceful at the Village of Sevza, even though it was only a week ago, it seemed years since the Rebels were retreating towards the North. The village had been fortunate in that it was relatively untouched in the civil war, as it had no strategic qualities, the the parish did not align itself with any particular group or faction, simply opting to give rest and shelter to any passing stragglers.

The afternoon sun shone down on the nearby meadow, although the harsh winter winds were cutting to the bone and the odd snowflake dropped from the sky. The Dariz family were resting from the morning labour, preparing themselves for tomorrows parish meeting regarding the upcoming elections. All seemed well in the village.

However as the evening closed in and the sun began to set, rumbling could be felt within the village center and dust could be seen on the horizon, within 10 minutes tanks could be clearly seen in the distance along with APC's. John Dariz looked out of the window, while his wife showed some brief concern.

"I've never seen tanks before, I wonder what's happening."

"Looks like the rebels have finally been beaten in the region, just make sure to lock the doors and windows and they should pass by."

Sure enough the tanks did not stop, instead they circumnavigated the village, causing distress for some farmers as their land was dug up by the tank tracks, although if it was summer the concerns would be far greater. However something unusual then happened. Although most of the troops simply passed by, some of the APC's drove to the Village center and what appeared to be a field base was been built. The village Parish overseer went out to investigate.

"What are you doing, we need the village center clear for the festival next week."

The solider simple ignored him and continued work, however a more senior man stepped out of the APC and approached the overseer. The overseer could immediately see that the uniform that the man wore was far more official that the rag tags normally welcomed, plus it didn't have the Imperial symbol upon it.

"We are Representatives of the "Republic guard", we liberated this area of rebels, however regulations state that all villages in the area be put under guard, and all the population must be documented, all annual grain quotas assessed and for all to pledge allegiance to the "Gandhar Consulate". We will be stationed until we see fit to leave and until our business is concluded."

The overseer left deeply concerned, he knew that the grain quota figures wouldn't add up as he gave much of it to the rebels, he could only hope that the guard would be lenient.

Offline Sarrafan

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Re: Gandhar (The New Shadow)
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2007, 05:52:09 PM »
The Senate vote was been concluded, mainly influenced with the threat of a two front invasion of Stellaris and Tarrottown.

"Following the vote regarding the "gears to war" program we have reached a clear verdict. The count stands at 317 For, and 83 Against, therefore by right of the franchise the following laws will now come into effect."

"Second Consul" presses the enter key on the laptop activating the projected image on the senate wall.

"Gears to War"

1. All Urban workers are now officially designated positions within Armament and munitions factories.
2. All salaries are fixed to the pre-designated positions of the aforementioned workers.
3. All Shadow technology is allowed to be used to the discretion of senior members of the "Consulate guard", in any matters of state.
4. Permission is granted to use classified strategic warfare techniques and training is to begin immediately.
5. "Consulate Guard" have legal permission to exercise the role of police in rural territories and conduct trials and executions at their discretion.
6. Border monitoring posts are to be re-enforced.
7. All rebel factions are to be considered enemies of the state, all legal and citizens rights are revoked upon discovery.
8. "Article 12" is open to Senate vote.
9. Stellarian citizens found within the border are open to 'investigated', although no physical action is to be taken.
10. All Shadow munitions are to be re-issued and relabeled, Shadow Imperial training programs are also allowed to be utilized within the "Consulate Guard" for military use only.

The Consul looked nervously at the new legal code while many Senators applauded the screen.

This is far too radical a move which will be fraught with problems, but we couldn't have got the vote without the Socialist elements for the radical left, although allowing "Article 12" to be voted....that was a mistake.