"Maybe we might send a army"
Kerr went on digging. Alex walked around the firebase, looking for anything that might happen. Kerr and his men finished making all the huts and was working on the the bunkers, when several choppers came. The Extra soldiers came out, and like Kerrs men, most were elite forces. They unloaded the mortars, and they set up some machine guns. By night fall, the firebase could repel almost any attack from the Kailaerns. Kerr set up some of the sleeping bags, and told some men to stay guard.
Kerr said goodnight to alex and went to bed. He woke up the next morning, and saw Alex talking talking to some of her men. Kerr walked over to the bunkers, and looked over the walls. Kerr didn't see anything, so he called half of his men to eat breakfast, and after they finished, the other half of his men then ate. Around noon, he saw a cloud of dust. He called won to Alex that something was up, and she should get up here.
"What do you think it is?"