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Author Topic: Discovery of Kailazerc  (Read 11438 times)

Offline Bara

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Discovery of Kailazerc
« on: August 06, 2007, 02:09:47 AM »
OOC: Yes, i have a RP Mods approval.

A Small Barakarin patrol was walking through the hills. It was supposed to be a routine patrol. The soldiers smoked and talked. They did hundreds of these. The only things they have saw was squatters. Suddenly, the Squad Leader raised his hand up. All the soldiers knew that he saw something. The soldiers raised there rifles in all dircetions. A tall man, about 6'2 ran out from the trees, carrying a old rifle. He pointed it at the Squad, and asked who were they. The squad members knew this wasn't just another squatter. They radioed command, who sent in more troops. And more of these strange men came. They had guns pointed at each other. Then, a small, outdated tank came rumbling through the trees. It pulled up besides the Tall men and a group of people came out. A man walked up to them.

"Sorry about this, but we aren't used to Shorty's near our land."

The Soldiers were stunned at the Height of the people, and how fast they could run. The strange people, however, weren't well armed. They had outdated firearms, mainly Thompson's. The soldiers followed the strange people back to there camp, and they were even more amazed, and a little disgusted. There were 2 room houses, a few workshops were they made guns, and a gladiator pit. The strange people, who called them selves "Kailaerns" seemed to like the Gladiator combat. The Commander of the Barakarin soldiers, a captain by the name of Hasolia Kerr, noted that the Kailaerns had two types of gladiator combat, Unarmed and Armed. Also, near the center of the town, was the Mayors Complex. Inside the 6 room house, there was a Radio room, which had a radio that kept on receiving reports of all types of things from the weather to what there production status was. The soldiers left, stunned. They reportted there findings to the Head councilman.

"We have seemed to come across a new civilization."

"What is it called?"

"The Kailaerns. We believe they may be a genetic offshoot of normal humans, due to that every single on that we have seen so far is tall and fast."

"What should we do about it?"

"Research them. I plan on telling Canada on this as soon as possible. We'll call Robert Walpole and tell them to share the information and send teams of scientists over to study them with us."

The Council called Robert Walpole, who was talking to the Kasier of Canada at that time, and ordered him to ask the Canadians for teams of scientists over.

OOC: See the Barakarin-Canda Union thread for the asking for it.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2007, 02:03:15 PM by Barakarin »
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Discovery of Kailazerc
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2007, 08:07:00 PM »
Dr. Worthington was on an Osprey on the way to the site where the new civilization was discovered. She was with the best team that the Empire could muster. Along with the three Ospreys was transport planes with over three hundred armed soldiers led by a Captain Rob Fraser. The Ospreys were arriving at the location. The Ospreys and the transports landed and got the equipment, scientisits and soldiers out. Dr. Alex Worthington ran up to the Captain Kerr. "Captain Kerr! I am Dr. Alexander Worthington. We are the team from Canada-Quebec." The two shook hands and Alex could see he was attracted to her. Hell, she was attractive with her average body and her long brown hair. Kerr looked at the Canadian soldiers. Alex caught his eyes. "The Kaiser thought it was best to bring soldiers just in case."
« Last Edit: November 20, 2007, 08:50:53 PM by Greater Canadian Empire »
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Offline Bara

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Re: Discovery of Kailazerc
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2007, 12:36:44 PM »
"Yeah, i could see why! We might need it."

Captain Kerr lead the team to the Kailazerc Village, hacking down the underbrush so the scientists can carry there heavy equipment.

"This is all we have discovered so far. As you can tell, these people are Huge. They are somewhat Friendly, and let us tour the village, but only a few well let us in there homes"

Captain Kerr nodded at Doctor Alexander Mackienzie and walked towards the Gladiator Team, who was studying the Gladiator games that were taking place. Kerr couldn't help but take a look at Mackienzie. They leader of the Kailazerc town rushed in towards the soldiers. He told them that if they wanted a firsthand look at the town, he was willing to do it, but only if they promised to give them some of there "Shorty Money", as he called it. Kerr looked over at Mackienzie, and she nodded. Kerr payed the Mayor a few hundred darics, and the Mayor said there tour begins first thing in the morning.

"Doc, what do you think about that?"
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Discovery of Kailazerc
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2007, 05:33:36 PM »
"I think that these people are not harmless, but they aren't dangorous. They seem to be an advanced people, however it is best if we just observe. We could damage their society." The sun was slowly setting. Dr. Mackienzie nodded to Captain Kerr. "Captain, good night, see you in the morning."
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Bara

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Re: Discovery of Kailazerc
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2007, 06:02:23 PM »
OOC: What do you mean Advanced? These guys have only World War 2 tech.

"Good night Doctor"

Kerr didnt go to bed, he instead stayed up, talking to locals most of the night. He didn't learn much, but he learned that they there is 3 different areas of Kailazerc. This, is one of them. The Rocky Forested Hills, the Plains, and a place filled with swamps and bogs. He couldn't get much on the 3rd region, but at least he knew that this wasnt jsut it. He went to his tent a fell asleep. After a few hours of sleep, he woke up and saw the Docotor.

"Hey, you wouldn't believe what i found out last night"
« Last Edit: August 09, 2007, 07:16:16 PM by Barakarin »
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Discovery of Kailazerc
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2007, 07:46:55 PM »
ooc: How many new civilizations in an era like ours have ww2 tech which would be advanced for a previously unknown race.

The Doctor was intrigued. "What did you find?"
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Bara

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Re: Discovery of Kailazerc
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2007, 07:53:59 PM »
OOC: I see now

"Well, i was up a bit last night, i found out that this isn't just it. There are 3 regions. We are in a Forested Hill area that is filled with rocks. Also, there is a plains region. The third region, is still a question. They don't speak of it often, so either its a place most don't see, or something else. The thrid place is filled with swamps and bogs from what i heard."

Kerr grinned at the Doctor. He knew that they would both be having a hard time ahead of them, trying to find out about this place. He saw the mayor walk over and he pointed over towards the mayor.

"The tour is waiting doc"
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Discovery of Kailazerc
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2007, 06:06:44 PM »
Dr. Mackienzie whispered to Keer. "I want to know about those bogs. How about later, you want to go search through those swamps and maybe we might find something interesting."
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Bara

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Re: Discovery of Kailazerc
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2007, 06:43:26 PM »
"Alright, ill see if i can a chopper to take us there."

Kerr and Mackienzie followed the Mayor, and saw the gladiator training area, which looked like a boxing area. Then, they went to the workshops. They looked over the shops, and some were Butchers, Metalworkers and others. They then went to the resident areas, who most lived in small 3 room houses. After visiting that, they went to the Mayors complex, and looked through it all. It was a 2 story building, with 4 rooms on each floor. There was the bedchamber, the Control Room, the Armory, the 2 bathrooms, and several other rooms. They were walking out of the Complex, and Kerr noticed it was nightfall. They walked outside of the town, and they called in a chopper to take them to the bogs. After flying a few hours, they were there. Kerr jumped out, holding a M-4. He looked across the land scape and noticed something

"Hey doc, check it out. Its a city."
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Discovery of Kailazerc
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2007, 07:37:52 PM »
"A city? Let me see." Alex took the binoculars and looked through. "Oh yeah. It's too far away to make out alot of stuff. I suggest we get in close. I'd like to see more."
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Bara

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Re: Discovery of Kailazerc
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2007, 08:25:50 PM »
"You got it. Get back to the chopper*

Kerr signaled the pilot to lift off, and the pilot took them to the city's outskirts. Captain Kerr helped the Doctor from the chopper, and they set off for the city. After a half a hour of hiking, they arrived at the city. Kerr thought it would look more shabby, like the village that they were at. But no, it looked somewhat like a city in Barakarin would look. Kerr and the Doctor wandered around the city, looking for signs that might give them a clue on where they are,

"Hey, the city's name is Ivanec"

They later saw a sign, leading them to the Capitol Mansion. They walked down, and guards tried to stop them, but the Doctor told the guards that they were from Barakarin and Canada, and the guards let them in to see the leader of the nation. They entered the Mansion and saw the ruler by the fireplace. The Ruler, whos went by the title King, greeted them, and offered them to sit down. The Doctor sat, but Kerr stood. After a quick jab to the chest, Kerr sat
down also. The king begin asking why are they here, and where they are from.

"We are from Barakarin and Canada. Why we are here, is because we stumbled upon Kailazerc by mistake. It was a army patrol, and we found one of your villages in the Forests region."

The Kings became quiet. After a few moments of silence, the king explained that he once had 15 provinces under his control. Then, a Insurgency happened, and 4 of those pronvices were ruled by Warlords. The Warlords banded together and took over 1 more, and now his forces are fighting the Militia forces of the Warlords, now called the United Kailazerc Libertion Front. The King said that the UKLF is allied with the Mafia.

"Wait, Wait wait. The Mafia is in Kailazerc? Do you know where we can meet them?"

The King said that most Mafia members is at the UKLF stronghold, which is somewhere in the in the plains region. He said that you should find it near the city of Brittas, which is under UKLF control. Kerr and the Doctor thanked the king, and left.

"So doc, want to go see the mafia?"
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Discovery of Kailazerc
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2007, 08:45:23 PM »
"Yes, I would." But before they left, Alex took off her backpack and opened the bag up. She pulled out two pistols and checked to make sure they were loaded. She spun them and put them in holsters on her belt. She pulled four long knifes out and put two in scabbards in her boots and one in a scabbard hidden on her arm, and the last was placed on a scabbard on her belt. She then pulled out a long brown coat and put it on. Kerr looked at her in surprise. He then spoke. "So you're not a doctor?" Alex smiled. "No I am a scientist, but I am a member of a top-secret military unit called the Knights of the Empire. We are the shadowy bodyguards and assassins of Kaiserin Selene. We are trained in martial arts, sabatoge, espionage, assassinations, counter-terrorism and explosives." Kerr still looked confused so she continued. "I was assigned to study the new people because I was a anthrologist before becoming a Knight. But the Kaiserin warned me that there might be more under the surface and the presence of the mafia has confermed that. It is my job to discover what they want here. Suprised?"
« Last Edit: November 15, 2007, 12:06:32 AM by Greater Canadian Empire »
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Bara

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Re: Discovery of Kailazerc
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2007, 09:16:32 PM »
"A wee bit, come on. Lets get back to the chopper"

After a half an hour of hiking, they made it back to there chopper, to find that one of the kings soldiers gave a map to them to help them to there journey. They found the city they wanted to go to, and they flew off. Alex fell asleep, while kerr stayed awake, looking for any signs that they might be closer. finally, at sunrise, they saw Brittas. Kerr shook alex awake, and the pilot landed the chopper. They ran off, and swarms of children ran up to them. The kids begin following them, and kerr couldn't help but laugh

"My god, were rock stars!"

Kerr picked up one, and gave him a ride around for a bit, then set him down. After asking around for a bit, they found a guide to take them to Stronghold. They neared up, and the guide fled. Kerr thought it was nothing, so him and alex kept on coming. Then, a burst of fire came the fotress, and Kerr and Alex went prone.

"Hold you fire, i have a idea"

Kerr stood up and shouted that they were here to see the Warlord about something. suddenly, a gate opened, and several motorcycles came out. The sidecars had a Bren on it, and the Motorcycle leader told them to hop on the mototrcycles. Kerr and Alex got on, and they drove into the fortress. Alex stood amazed at the walls, and how old they seemed. Kerr chuckled a bit.

"You have never seen a castle before, have you?"

They got off the motorcycles and walked insdie the main building. Inside, there were soldiers, bodyguards, tankers, and more. They saw the ground of 3 warlords looking over a map. Alex walked up to the warlords, and asked to see the Mafia boss. The warlords wanted to know why, and Alex told them the details. The Warlords, noded, saying that they knew more outsiders would come someday. Alex and kerr went over to the mafia boss,a Little confused on what the warlords meant. They saw the boss was busy, so they waited.

"Remember, don't kill him. We only want info."

The Boss turned around and kerss face went wide eyed, as did the Bosses.


The mafia boss, knowing that it was his brother, hugged the Captain, and then begin catching up.Greco told them that he was part of a hunting party that went over the border. He came across Kailazerc, and his mafia contacts brought up the mafia to here. The Kailazerc Mafia was now part Sub-human, part non. Greco asked why they were here.

"Well, a army patrol found so Kailerns, so Canada and Barakarin sent up teams of scientist's and elite forces to find out more. We so far have been to Ivanec, and Brittas"

Alex, still looking stunned, manged to catch that the Mafia boss was Kerrs brother. She calmed down a bit. Greco then offerd to show them something. He took them outside of the fortress, and a small plane landed, carrying supplies such as guns and medicine. Greco said that they are thousands of bush planes flying around Kailazerc everyday. They can bring almost anything if the plane can hold it. Kerr thanked his brohter, then headed back to Brittas.

"So...a littile surprised by Brothers head of the Kailazerc mafia?"
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Discovery of Kailazerc
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2007, 11:48:54 PM »
"Yes, I am. So Captain what's our next move." Alex was furious inside but she had enough training to not show any.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Bara

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Re: Discovery of Kailazerc
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2007, 12:05:28 AM »
"Well, i say that we head back to the chopper and head back to the village."

Kerr and Alex walked back to the Chopper, and flew back to the village. After they landed, Kerr took Alex aside for something.

"I think we should start giving weapons out. But only a few. What do you think?"
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.