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Author Topic: Operation Helping Hand  (Read 1571 times)

Offline Validus

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Operation Helping Hand
« on: February 01, 2007, 08:54:20 PM »
***An Airfield in southern Validus, home of VERsaF***

Planes littered the Tarmac, all belonged to the Valideen Emergency Responce Force. They ranged from C-130 Hercs to C-5 Galaxies, to the newer C-17 Globemaster IIIs, there were also some C-141 Starlifters. Equipment was being loaded onto the C-130s, with nearly 400 soldiers prepairing equipment beside them. Trucks were loaded onto 3 C-17s. Three Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Units (ROWPU), each is capable of purifing 5,000 litres/hour, were loaded onto  two C-130s. Houseing Equipment and medical supplies were loaded onto another four C-130s.

The first untis of VERsaF were already in the air, aboard Two C-130 Hercs, they were Combat troops, meant to secure a basecamp during a time of civil striff. The units name was 1 VERsaF Security Company, it was comprised of three 40 soldier Platoons of Infantry and a two 30 soldiers Platoons of Combat Engineers.

They were on their way for Operation Helping Hand, to High Evermore.


Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Helping Hand
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2007, 11:07:19 PM »
The Two C-130 hercs approached High Evermore. "This is VERsaF PCO-0045 Requesting Clearance to enter High Evermore Airspace, over," Aboard the Aircraft were men of 1 VERsaF Security Company, ready to secure a perimiter around thier basecamp once they touch down.


Offline High Evermore

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Re: Operation Helping Hand
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2007, 05:58:30 AM »
The radio clicked and hissed to action: "Roger that PCO-0045. You have full clearance to enter all airspace in High Evermore. I will be patching you an e-mail detailing landing coordinates and other information, but be warned, the Terrans know you're coming, and the landing zone is hot, we repeat, the landing zone is hot!" Static takes over, and soon after a display dings....

TO: PCO-0045 Unit.
FROM: Aidile Kenneth Telnira, Bureau of The Law and Police.
SECY LEVEL: Alpha; Encryption Status: 17; "FOR YOUR TEAMS EYES ONLY" (Delete after receipt)
RE: Landing Coordinate/Operations

VERsaF Unit:

You will be landing just outside of the city of Carrestan on the Ilrisus Delta. We regret to inform that the Terran Liberation front has taken the entire Western Quarters where your LZ is set. 55 SpAsTU officers are holding the Landing Zone, and we estimate that it can be held for another 45 minutes should their ammunition hold... Police and the remaining SpAsTU officers are holding a DMZ surrounding the Market District and will do their best to hold down TLF insurgents for as long as possible. We are grateful for your help, and seriously give our prayers to your men and ours in this operation.

Office of Aidile Kenneth Telnira, KTel@hepd.gov.

PS: We will be sending a map of the city along with coordinates asap. You can find Carrestan Central Square at 141.5W/500.21N.


Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Helping Hand
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2007, 03:06:43 PM »
"Understood. Out," replied the Pilot over the Radio. He then banked the plane and entered High Evermore airspace heading towards the designated landing area. He turned on the intercom, "Attention ladies and gentlmen. This is your Pilot speaking, we will be in for a rough landing ETA 36 minutes. Prepare for a hot dismount. That is all."

The two aircraft were flying relatively low and a fairly highspeed, they needed to avoid small arms fire and get to their landing strip. As the two C-130s flew over rural land they came under limited fire. However when they approached the LZ they came under heavier fire.

"This is the Pilot prepare for a rough and hot dissmount, 4 minutes out."

"The first of the C-130s came low and begain slowing down, it touched down and threw the engines in full reverse and applying the breaks, soon the second C-130 did the same. As the two C-130s appraoched the end of the landing strip the aft ramps begain to lower, and as soon as it was just off the ground soznes of men and women started pooring out of both aircraft.


Offline High Evermore

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Re: Operation Helping Hand
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2007, 05:43:59 PM »
As soon as the ships landed, bodies could be seen littering the landing strip, and near by courtyard. Buildings choked the streets nearby, and before the landing strip was a very large tower, with the logo "VERsaF HQ" Painted on it. The familiar cackle of AK-47's and HK MP5's came from out of the windows and doors of the buildings as a few civilian insurgents ran to the door, firing M16A1 carbines into the facade. Three men, one wearing a black beret with a red cross on it and a long robe over his armor ran towards the planes, waving as he shot his UMP45 back into the advancing insurgents.. "No time to talk, where's your commander!" He shouted at a few disembarking VERsaF soldiers. "I'm Centurion Galera of the SpAsTU attachment in Carrestan, I need to speak to your ranking officer ASAP!"

Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Helping Hand
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2007, 05:51:01 PM »
The Soldiers were fanning out, with their rucksacks laying on the ground, as they quick released them in order to be combat effective. A who just finished talking on a Satalite radio, "I am Captain McKay. 1 VERsaF Security Company, Commanding." He looked out at a group of soldiers, who had taken positionbehind a half destroyed Concrete wall. "Warrent, take your men to that building, corden off the street." he ordered. He turned back to the man, "What can I do for you," he was speaking over the sound of smallarms fire.


Offline High Evermore

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Re: Operation Helping Hand
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2007, 06:16:03 PM »
He motioned to the two other officers with him, "Maintain fire with the VERsaF!" They ran toward the concrete wall, and the Centurion stood, tall and proud, donning ancient metal armor before the VERsaF commander. "As I said, Centurion Galera, 1st Carrestan SpAsTU SO contingency. We're held up in that building, and the insurgents are surrounding the airfield. We have no explosives present, so we cant take the highly occupied buildings down.." He points up at two other towers on the edge of the airfield. "If you and your boys can take down those towers, I can call in a ground sweep on the area... I have 500 Police officers and 200 SpAsTU Officers about 5 blocks up ready to move through the area!"

Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Helping Hand
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2007, 01:32:29 AM »
"We have a crate of C4, but thats about it the LAV's come in the next shipment. However, smoke and a clearing team. If we can get a Clearing team and a tame of Combat Engines over there," He looked around, "Clearing Team Alpha Commanding, ASAP!" Yelled McKay. A man who was crouched near a concrete wall dashed over to the Captain.

"Clearing Team Alpha Commanding, Reporting as ordered sir." stated the man who ran like a bullet to the Captain.

"Take a troop of engines and bring down that building. or at least damage it enough so that it wont be useful to them anymore. Understood?" asked the Captain.

"Yes sir," replied the man.

"Move out Sargeant," Ordered the Captain.

A grin came accross the Sargeants face as he ran back to his former position to round up his team. After that they ran over to a group of Engineers. "Captian says we need to bring down that building," he said while pointing in the direction of a tall appartment building at the southern edge of the make shift airfeild. "We clear the first floor, or at least the main foundations and you blow it. Grand?"

A man with a husky voice responded, "Good, looks like we wont be put to waist." He smirked at his men, "Lets go boys, grab the plastic."

Both groups now numbering 20, ran south towards 3 Platoon. "Cover us, pin down the windows, captain wants us to bring down that building." said the Sargeant.

"Understood. C6s and C9s sustainaing fire open windows. Everyone else windows they arnt shooting at. We got to cover these poor bastards untill they get there. Then untill they get back." The soldier looked at the Sargeant, "Good luck,"


Offline High Evermore

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Re: Operation Helping Hand
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2007, 03:36:25 AM »
Galera turned to his men, and looked towards a line of Terrans charging apartment building. "Primary command Epsilon!" The entire side of the bulding lit up with 9mm fire, sending dust flying, as the entire contingency of SpAsTU officers in the bulding focused on the charging terrans. The group of men shredded apart into a reddish cloud, leaving nothing left on the ground. The Centurion looked over at the VERsaF commander. "You'll be fine. My men are at your very disposal." he nodded and continued to give the engineers cover fire.

Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Helping Hand
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2007, 04:24:21 AM »
Both the Clearing Team and the Engines hit the base wall of the building. Luckily there was no windows in this part of the building and there was a bit of a ledge to provide cover from up stairs. at their feet was dust from the concreate being pummeled by the barage of bullets.

"MOUSE HOLE IT!" yelled Sargeant Hicks.

An engineer jumped around and then got down on one knee pulled out a drill and created a small whole in the wall. He filled the whole in with C4 explosive stuck in a detonator cap and then told everyone to take cover. They scurryed 10 meteres away from the blast zone, hardly a safe distance, covered their ears. *BOOM* An explosion ripped through the wall creating a 3 meter wide hole and puting everyone inside the room that was blown up in a dazed and confused trance.

The Clearing team rushed in, followed by the engines. Slowely they cleared the first floor of the building. "Get the explosives up, cover the entrences. and lets get out of here." Yelled the Sargeant Hicks.

"YES SARGEANT," Yelled Master Corporal O'Rielly.

It took the engineers little more then 15 minutes to plant the explosive. In that time two clearing team soldiers were wounded, one shot in the leg, the other shot in the chest. "Get the wounded out first followed by the Engines, then lets pull out,"

Warrent officer Yellis, second in command of 2 Platoon, was covering the exit of the Clearing team and the Engines, "SMOKE OUT," He pulled the pin on a cyllidrical grenade and threw it, it landed 34 meters away. It billowed red smoke from the canister.

Threw the smoke the first group of people ran towards the concrete wall were 2 platoon was. Soon followed by the rest. Medics begain working on the wounded.

"MASTER CORPORAL," Yelled Warrent Officer Yellis, "BRING IT DOWN!," There was a load bang followed by a big puff of dust and the top of the appartment building dissapeard bellow the smoke.


Offline High Evermore

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Re: Operation Helping Hand
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2007, 08:59:08 PM »
The fire began to cease as the building collapsed. "Primary Command Alpha!" The Centurion shouted, and the men all exited the building, laying down fire on the now retreating Terrans. The Terran Alliance had been defeated this time, but it was sure they would return to Carrestan again. "Good job everyone..."

Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Helping Hand
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2007, 04:07:36 AM »
"OK!" Shouted Captain McKay, "SECURE THE AIRFEILD. GET INTO THE STRONG POINTS. PREP FOR COUNTER ATTACK!" Just as he finished yelling the company of soldiers started setting up a perimiter around the airfield waiting for re-enforcements.


Offline High Evermore

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Re: Operation Helping Hand
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2007, 04:26:58 AM »
The centurion mumbled something into the walkie-talky in latin. "Que estne?" ... "Verum est." ... "Vale, Magister." He looked over at the VERsaF unit commander.. "Sir! We are at your complete disposal and the entire citywide police force of  Carrestan is now under VERsaF command. We have about 200 men waiting to retake Lower Carrestan. What are your orders, sir!"

Offline Validus

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Re: Operation Helping Hand
« Reply #13 on: February 11, 2007, 12:41:41 AM »
As aircraft from Validus came in nearly by the hour sending in new troops and equipment. Presently nearly 2/3rds of the VERsaF personal have arrived. Just recently a C-130 had landed and taxied to the far end of the runway, its aft ramp lowerd and outwalked a man in a combat uniform, followed by a team of medical personel, "Lieutenant Colonel Quinten Medical Commanding Reporting."

OOC: I will finish this later.
