ooc: Canada you gave me a hard job, I agree in all points of what ^ he ^ said. Hard to make logic on something I do not believe.
Isn't that what regular police are for? To prevent the rise of dangerous and violent groups, and to control their activities? Since this is so, why have a secret police? Why have a group responsible not to the public, not to the Parliament, but only to the Empress? The secret police is nothing more than a tool for political repression, and a way for Alia to assert her supremacy over the elected Parliament.
No, Canadian regular police is for public security, secret police is for the federal security, state business. An emergent dangerous group, like an irresponsible Dysaniian wackos wanting to take over Canada, might not be harmful for the public in general, but it will harm the Canadian Federation as a whole, thus harming the population further on. The secret police will act secretly so that this groups won't fake being honest and loyal to the Federation when they are dishonest and hypocritical!
You seem to accept the Kingdom of Acadia as a fact; however, Acadia is not an accomplished fact. It is not created, it is proposed. It is not recognized by the international community, and it should remain that way. Dysanii should not be dismembered to serve Canadian imperialism.
You assume then Canada needs no repair from it's losses after two bloody wars. Dysanii dared to mess with Canada, now he has to pay for his importune! It's only fair that Canada gets the western provinces of Acadia, their people are practically Canadian, they even celebrate some of our holy-days and the gastronomy is basically the same. They won't mind being annexed, specially now they might want to run away from Dysanii that caused them so much pain. We are offering them salvation, a chance to be part of the good side, and the best nation they can be in. They will beg to be part of the Federation!
Let's not fool ourselves here; Canada would have lost both wars had it not been sucking at the teat of Feniexia, Inglo-Scotia, and Myroria. By your logic, it should not be Canada that gets to dominate this continent, but that troika. Needless to say, your logic is wrong.
Yes our allies have done a great job, but we were the ones dieing for Canada, we were the ones killing for Canada, we were the ones that won both wars. We deserve to be repay for our losses and the power of the Federation must not be challenged. The Federation is the ultimate power, and we shall flourish our influence in the continent, specially trough economy, expanding our market beyond frontiers. We will be the greatest ally of our friends and the fierce nightmare of our enemies, thus reinforcing the power of our beloved alliance in the continent and the world!