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Author Topic: Day of Fire  (Read 842 times)

Offline St Oz

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Day of Fire
« on: June 21, 2007, 05:31:26 PM »
La Sava- Day of Fire
Translated from Ozian
The Ozian streets were covered with red cloths that decorated every inch of the city. Ornaments and effigies of red were hung and presented. Candles to the millions were lit. Fires were made everywhere around La Sava City as people paraded up and down the streets celebrating the Day of Fire, a festival which marked the day of Miracle when the most divine of Oz took his blade and stabbed the earth. Fire streamed outward and created a shield from the Da’zhi and protected the Ozians from slaughter. 

At one house in La Sava City, the Nalev Family celebrated with all their relatives. Family from all over St Oz came into the same home as they celebrated the greatest and most cherished day of Ozians everywhere. Children gathered around and the fathers and mothers gathered for what was the great tradition. This custom was when the head of the family told of the story of Saint Oz, the most divine, and his great works. The head of the Nalev family was Pri’gev (Head of Family) Seriv Nalev. A grandfather, father, and husband to the family of the room, he sat by his wife at the fireplace where he sat in the large chair. The family gathered around to hear the great story of the people of Ozia. Seriv opened a large and old book which was titled, “The Chronicles of Oz”. He began.

Seriv held his hand up as his family started to hush and listen to what he had to say, in his old voice he spoke out strong, “Thank you for coming here today, for this is the Day of Fire when all families come together and celebrate the most divine day of our people and a day that Gaea finds us to hold true in our hearts. I know many of you traveled far here and I thank you for coming. I give thanks for my family to Gaea everyday. Her spirit runs with divinity through me and has blessed me with a great wife, bountiful children, and healthy grandchildren. For some of you this will be the first time you hear of the great story and I apologize to those who have to hear this story for the tenth time in your life but it’s still good to listen. I mean I still listen to myself!” The family members started to chuckle at his light humor, he continued,” Alright here I go,”

Once upon the daylight in Ozia that resided in the great valleys north of the Mor’zhi around the 13th century (around 500 BCE), the green grass was lush, the fields plentiful, the flowers bright, the children healthy, the mountains tall and majestic, the livestock large and bountiful, the rivers gleaming and refreshing, the women beautiful and fertile, the men strong and brave, trees that gave numerous fruit, houses that were full of hearth, and love of Gaea full.

With these Ozians was one man named Mariev of the Raemel family. He was celebrating the wedding of his brother and there was much happiness for they were a beautiful couple. But little did he know what was to come. In his small Ozian village everything just seemed too bountiful, everything too fresh. Something wasn’t right. Mariev ventured off in the wilderness and followed the wind which took him to the top of the greatest mountain in Ozia. There the wind started to whirl around in front of him as he fixed his purple eyes on the sight. A white cloudy fog with a blue tint took shape in front of him. There he saw her. The spirit that is Gaea and in amazement he reached his hand out to touch her. His hand went through her but his spirit touched hers. With this he saw the dreams and memories of all Ozians. Also with this he saw the terrible thing that would come to his people. He saw blood and death from his heart. Thunder and lightening that would stream across the sky over his dead people. In the picture in his mind he also saw the powerful leader of the Da’zhi. With the King of Da’zhi, King Ne Zev Zho’s face full of malice and greed over the great Valleys of Ozia as he grinned back at Mariev. His visioned ended when he woke up on top of the mountain. There the spirit of Gaea looked at him and told him “You great divine.”

Mariev was confused for he was not this divine person of that she spoke. He looked back at her and said, “You confuse me for the King of Ozia my spirit’s mother.”

Gaea’s voice deepened and darkness emulated from behind her as she yelled, “No! I did not mean the corrupt and undivine King of my people! You Mariev are the truest and most divine. You will lead the people of Ozia from oppression of which your King will deny the Ozians. With the blade you will lead and my spirit will be flowing through you. Beware King Ne Zev Zho, for he is powerful. But you will bring my people to Divine Ozia. There the people of Ozia will grow and become a great nation.”

Mariev shriveled in fear but light emulated from her spirit as she raised him up and and then flowed through him, giving him the will and strength of such a heavy burden. From atop the mountain he saw his town on fire. Gaea looked to him and yelled, “Go! The People of Ozia need you. And before you go, there is a young woman who has the eyes of the Calm and the Aggressive mixed to make the divine as yours do. You will know her by my mark. You will marry her and bear the next in line of the Divine. For you are no longer Mariev of the Raemel family. You are now the most divine of Ozia, Saint Oz. Now leave and free our people from oppression!”

Now when Saint Oz climbed down the mountainside and wandered back through the forest to find his village it was too late. His brother and his wife were dead, his family was all scorched and dead, and the rest of the village was slaughtered. What he found was a spear that had the flag of the Da’zhi on it. Saint Oz had to act fast now to gather as much as he could for the great exodus out of Ozia to what Gaea told him to be the Divine Ozia. He began searching around his village for any survivors. Then when he searched the baths he found a woman coughing. He pulled the wood and debris off of her and noticed that a small ornament of the mark had been pressed against her arm when she was under all the debris. When she opened her eyes she had the purple eyes as Gaea told him. She looked at him and said, “Gaea has told me about you stranger.”

“And she has told me about you.”

“She says I shall marry you and it will bring the great founding of a nation. She said that I shall recognize him by his divine eyes and blue sword.”

“She has also said I shall marry you and that you have the divine eyes and the mark.” He looked at her arm which had an impression of the mark of Gaea on it. He helped her up but they never lost eye contact. Saint Oz told her of all the things Gaea had told him he had to do. She willingly accepted and bowed him. Saint Oz then found out her name was Mari. Saint Oz performed the traditional vows by killing the fattest sheep and sacrificing it to Gaea. He took the blood from the lamb and soaked it in rice paper. He started to flame the sheep and took a twig from which he burnt the tip and used the ashes to write his vows on the rice paper. He rolled it up and put it in his mother’s locket that he took from her scorched body. Mari took the locket and kissed him.

Now after months of wandering throughout Ozia, Saint Oz had mustered many peoples. He kept asking Gaea when it was time to go but she kept holding him from starting the exodus. After gathering the 50,000 she finally said to him, “You have but one town to save. You and the 50,000 are the only Ozians left on Taijitu. I will be there for you to feed them everyday for you are my people. The Da’zhi has killed almost everyone else and you need to go right after you save the last city of Ni’sa. If the Da’zhi comes, I will be there.”

Saint Oz, Mari, and the 50,000 traveled to the last city of Ni’sa. Where there was a city of 15,000. Except as he and the 50,000 Ozians entered the city’s area they were encountered by the Da’zhi army. King Ne Zev Zho was standing atop the hill with his grand army. He ordered his troops to havoc but as they traveled forth a Great fire from the sky descended around the army and confused them. The fire suppressed all the armies as they bumped into each other and tried to escape the flames. King Ne Zev Zho and his army was trapped in a circle of flame. Gaea’s voice shattered through out the sky saying, “Saint Oz, leave with your people now!”

Saint Oz and the now 65,000 people fled the city area and traveled northwest. Gaea did as she promised. Many elk, hares, and sheep were found on their journey to the new divine land. Finally when they wandered the aimless winter wasteland many people called up and cursed Saint Oz for taking them through a horrid frozen land. Saint Oz took the rock and showed it to the people he said to them, "This rock is silent and cold I feel like we ourselves are silent and cold but we cannot let what the Da'zhi did to us affect us so. Though they have taken our houses and land,
though they have taken our wives and our daughters. We shall not stay silent in our quest and for our goal. Here on out we treat this land as ours and to remain ours forever and ever" Then he threw the rock up in the air and a lightening bolt hit the rock. Then Gaea spoke through the sky again and through the wind. She started blowing her warm spirit across the Ozians who had survived the Exodus.

“Great and divine are you Ozians who survived the Da’zhi and hardships of the great journey. I am always with you forever. This is the land where you must settle and I command it. This is now the new divine Ozia, St Oz. You will follow leadership under the speaker for me, the most divine of Ozia, Saint Oz. He and Mari will give birth to the next heir of the speakers. You will always follow the great and divine line of Oz.  I will always be with you forever no matter what evils you may do, no matter what poverty you may be in, and now matter what health you are in. Just follow what your spirit speaks to you.”

With that the sky cleared and the snow and ice melted around them. The sun shined and under the frozen ice appeared wood, tools, food, clothing, water, seeds, and a new hope. The Ozians all celebrated and praised Gaea for such good hearth. Saint Oz gave his people direction and they followed as they began to make the Divine City, St Oz City. They built a great temple in honor of Gaea and they also built homes and schools and granaries to spread good will. They became prosperous and multiplied. Spreading their Ozian blood throughout the lands.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2007, 05:34:07 PM by St Oz »

Offline St Oz

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Re: Day of Fire
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2007, 07:57:09 PM »
ooc: Not really anything important for RP, just a thread that brings in some Ozian Culture and History

Offline Delfos

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Re: Day of Fire
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2007, 08:55:15 PM »
ooc: like tales and legends? i like it anyway, deserving place on honorable mention thread