"You ready?"
"Lets do this"
2 men drove a bomb filled car into a building. They prayed, and pushed the button to denote the bombs.They killed 300 people, mainly women and kids, because they blew up a hospital. Among those killed, a Army Colonel, who was leading a large unit of men at the front. The Head Councilman appeared on TV and Radio that night.
"Country men, after today's attack, we have decided to do something that must be done....we must begin a bombing camping that will, i repeat, WILL destory the emery's morale."
5 Hours after that speech, 750 B-24 Liberators lifted off from there Bases and begin bombing Veramark citys. After droping all there bombs, the bombers went home, ready for anthor bombing run.
* Veramark*
"Sir, we have lost more men then a year worth of fighting, we should stop know!"
"And what? Give up what we have fought for? Never!"
The Veramark capitol city had rubble everywhere. Bombs had destroyed the entire market area. 2,500 people were dead, and a unknown amount wounded. The campaign so far, has weakened the morale.