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Author Topic: Civil War in Veramark  (Read 10217 times)

Offline Bara

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Re: Civil War in Veramark
« Reply #75 on: June 11, 2007, 10:06:08 PM »

The rebels troops enters the Ex-capital of Veramark. The troops began house to house combat, serching every house. within hours, over 10,000 men were lost out of the 250,000 man force that was sent. Finally, after long dats of fighting, the city was finally taken. Soldiers lifted the flag on the now destoyed Govment building, and the Civil war was almost over.

Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Bara

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Re: Civil War in Veramark
« Reply #76 on: June 12, 2007, 07:56:13 PM »
*Sveg command bunker*

"Sir, the rebels are moving on to Sveg.."


"Sir, most of our Armed Forces are gone.."

"Not our Shocktroopers..."


"Deploy them, and send them out to meet the enemy"

"Yes sir!"

*Out on the streets of rubble strewn Sveg*

"Alright, Shocktrooper Corps! Move out!"

The Shocktroopers were an Elite force unknown to most people. They were trained for the Worst conditions. They had Kevlar Armour for there chests, and They had woodland camo pants. There faces were covered up by Balaclavas and helments. They were sent to almost all of the fronts, and they stemmed the Rebel Tide, at least for now.

Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Bara

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Re: Civil War in Veramark
« Reply #77 on: June 12, 2007, 08:23:32 PM »
*Barakrin Capital, Chester*

"Sir, we have received word of a problem at the fronts.."


"The Veramark government had deployed a new type of soldier... Shocktroopers"

" What are they?"

" An elite group...they also have bullet proof vests on..."

" Send in Specforce, this can be there biggest operation yet.. and it will prove themselves..."

"Yes sir"

The Barakarin Green Rangers, or "SpecForce" is the BNA best unit.It is trained in Guerrilla warfare, Unconventional warfare Airborne assualt and Direct action. It can be sent to anywhere in the world within 3 hours.

« Last Edit: June 12, 2007, 08:25:21 PM by Boba Fett »
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Civil War in Veramark
« Reply #78 on: June 13, 2007, 01:39:35 AM »
ooc: since this thread died for so long the irnotian forces that were going to come in as peace keepers were redeployed to the war against the vile aggresive Gaulasians who attacked Irnotia
PSR has left the region

The start of ww1
and the russian revolution

Sept 21 Third Season is a go

Offline Bara

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Re: Civil War in Veramark
« Reply #79 on: June 13, 2007, 04:37:44 PM »
OOC: Got it mate

*23 miles east of Sveg*

"Sir, i can see several troopers"

"Aim for there middle area of the heads, that were they are the Weakest"

"Yes sir"

*the sniper began easing his sights on the enemy and fired*

"Tango Down"

"Good, move on to the objective"

*The SpecForce team moved up to a hardened Command Bunker*

"Place the charge, lets go!"

*the demolitions Expert placed the charge and moved out, there job completed*

Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Bara

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Re: Civil War in Veramark
« Reply #80 on: June 13, 2007, 08:25:13 PM »
*The blown up Sveg command bunker*

"Sir!, Sir!"

"uh, commander, the leader is dead.."


"Your the leader now..."

"I shall end this war.."


"Tell the shocktroopers to surrender"

"Yes sir"

Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Bara

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Re: Civil War in Veramark
« Reply #81 on: June 14, 2007, 01:49:19 PM »
OOC: Send me a tell if you want to help Rebuild barakarin

*Malton, Rebel base*

"Sir! We took sveg without a fight!"


"We won sir, thw war's over, what should we do now?"

"Send Aid Shipments to all war torn areas, i want the rebuiling process strating now!"

"Yes sir"
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Bara

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Re: Civil War in Veramark
« Reply #82 on: July 02, 2007, 01:07:24 AM »
The 1st supply convoy that Reached the Old Veramark lands was part of the 38th engineer Battalion. They went from Town to Town, giving away food, blankets and Water

'Well, i guess the locals are happy to see us"

"No, Really! they were just liberated by a dictator!'

"Jezz, sorry.."

Then, a RPG-7 hit the convoy when they reached the small town of Jonasfax. They were attacked by Members of the Radial , Anti-Barakarin Terrorist group called the "Black Plague". After the ambush died down, almost all of the Soldiers in the Convoy were dead or dying.

"Well, guess these pigs wont need there bribes to the people!"

The Black Plague sprung up from old Veramark troops and Shock troopers, along with some old Veramark army Generals. They hated all that barakarin stood for, and were determined to bring back Veramark. They almost worshiped the Dead Dictaorr and were boder-line racist aginst everybody that wasnt from Veramark.   

« Last Edit: July 02, 2007, 02:23:21 PM by Barakarin Republic »
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Bara

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Re: Civil War in Veramark
« Reply #83 on: July 02, 2007, 03:02:43 PM »
*Malton, Government Command Center*

A lone officer walked down the marble halls, heading to the military command center. He took several turns, finally reaching it. He entered in the code, and walked into the room.

"Sir, we have reports of a Terrorist Group known as the "Black Plague" making attacks on Aid concys."

" Do we have any more Intel on this?"

"Yes, it is lead by a Hard Liner of the Veramark Dictator Robert Welsh."

"Let me guess, ex genreal?"

"Yes, by the name of Zhuo Xaoliann. He was one of the Best Genrels Robert Welsh."

"Well, all i can say now is to beef up the area with more troops, and notify the Air Force that it will get commands for bombing runs very soon"

"Yes sir"

The Officer walked out of the Miltary Command bunker, and went over the the Council Hall."

"Sir, We have orders to send more troops to Veramark."

The Head Council Man,  Christoper Welsh, looked at the Officer with a puzzled look

"On whos order?"

"General Abluh Ler-per"


The officer waited for Christoper Welsh to speak

"Alright, send in the 1st, 2nd and 5th divons."

"Yes sir, ill go tell him that"

The officer ran to the miltary command bunker, telling the gernal the news.

"Good, ill notify the commanders."
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Bara

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Re: Civil War in Veramark
« Reply #84 on: July 02, 2007, 06:02:04 PM »
6 Black Plague agents entered a Delfian Pub. They sat down next to several Black Scorpion Clan members, and began Talking about a  Arms deal and Terrorist work.

'Well, lets get down the bunsies, we want shipments of Ak-47s, around 5 crates of them."

"And we want several "accident's" made, if ya know what i mean"

The men set a large suitcase on the table, filled with 80,000 darics.

Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Civil War in Veramark
« Reply #85 on: July 03, 2007, 01:57:14 PM »
BSFighter: "I see, the shipments are easy, just give us a sea-point near Veramark to load it to one of your boats. About the accidents you have to speak to a father of ours. Could you specify the accidents to be made and why you want them to be made?"

Offline Bara

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Re: Civil War in Veramark
« Reply #86 on: July 03, 2007, 02:13:07 PM »
BP Agent: Send them 60 miles east of Sveg, it will be in unoccupied area. The worst you can get is some Tribal Fighters. Oh, and the accident's.. we want them at a large trade center that twas just finished built in Malton. Blow it up.. and leave nobody alive in it. 
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Civil War in Veramark
« Reply #87 on: July 03, 2007, 02:29:27 PM »
BSFighter: "We like the goal, but we decide how to blow it and who to kill, ok? From there it's fine, our cell likes to blow things. How much are you willing to pay for the crates? And do you want ammo with it?"

Offline Bara

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Re: Civil War in Veramark
« Reply #88 on: July 03, 2007, 02:42:50 PM »
BP Agent: We got ammo, and we have 80,000 Darics here. We agrre with your terms, just try to blow up the Trade Center.


*Veramark, Operation "Arrowhead"*

Operation Arrowhead is made to reinforce the troops already in Veramark and o drive out the Black plague. already, the 1st, 2nd, 5th and 18th Infantry divisions along with several Spceforce units. They were right now trying to take over a line of bunkers used by the Black Plague that was left over from the Civil War.

"Alright, move up!"

"Holy crap! Heavy MG, call in Air support!"

"this O 4 Zero Niner, calling in for a Airstrike at 77, 66."

*From a F-4* "Roger, standby and clear the area."

*A Huge expolsion takes out 1 of the 6 bunkers*


« Last Edit: July 03, 2007, 02:51:25 PM by Barakarin Republic »
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Civil War in Veramark
« Reply #89 on: July 03, 2007, 04:34:17 PM »
As agreed, 2 black scorpion boats would go to the coordinates, although they were late, the Black Plague agents were starting to doubt if they were coming. Then they spotted 2 fishing boats coming to their direction. Light signal «BLACK PLAGUE ?»


A van filled with delfians stopped in a Malton's pub for booze and snooker. After a few plays, 2 other delfians got in the pub and greeted the others. They started playing snooker with them.

Father1: "Temos os carros cheios, vão ter que espalhar os explosivos, na mala temos cartões de acesso ao edifício, vamos fazer negócios com eles para as nossas companhias em Talstadt e vamos embora."
(We have the cars full, you'll have to spread the explosives, in the bag we have access cards for the building, we have to do business for our companies in Talstadt and then we leave)

Father2: "Excelente, conte conosco. Rapazes, vamos lá ao trabalho."
(Excellent, count with us. Boys, let's get to work.)

They entered Malton's trade center with the cars and parked in several points of the building near critical structure spots. Then they moved up and made their business, regular ones, money transfers, and they transferred alot of money from Malton to their companies with sells. Then a Bus came in to take them away, the 2 Fathers met again in the same pub. "When do we have our party?" "Well, it's all scheduled, we do not need buy champagne, the time is counting until party." "Oh ok, well then we should rush." "yeap, see you"

Few minutes after the stock exchange close: