News: Long live the Glorious Revolution!
Veramarki leader,I understand you still refuse to surrender. I decided to write personally to congradulate you on reaching a new level of insanity. Enclosed is some rum. I'm sure it will help that nasty cynanide wound you must have. It'll make it better. Or worse.Peté Tar-Ilium.
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.
Dear President Barga,We, the National Indepnet Liberation Front, would like to request your help in doing away with these fascists that plague our landSigned,Christoper Welsh
Honorable Christoper Welsh,The ruthless rule of the Fascists in Veramark has been closely observed by our intelligence officers. We support your struggle against the evil regime. We can offer you arms and munition to support the socialist revolution in Veramark.We may also send some military advisers if wished.signedPresident BargaPeople's Republic of Saletsia
Dear President Barga.We would like to accpet anything you can spare us for are socialist revolution.Signed,Christoper Welsh, Leader of the NILF
Honorable Christoper Welsh,We are willing to send you 5000 Type-81 assault rifles with 1000 rounds each and 700 RPG-7 plus 100 RPG-29, which can destroy any tank.We would like information about the Veramarkan fascist military in return: statistics including the number of soldiers, equipment and all armament.President Barga,People's Republic of Saletsia
President Barga,The Facists have drafted almost every male member into the military, and they are armed with mainly M-4 carbines. They aslo have may Tanks incuding a Few M-1 Abrams. The Air Froce is Practaiclly Gone.
Mr. WelshWe would like to have more specific information: the number of troops and the number and type of tanks.
Mr. WelshThe number of M1 Abrams? You should use the RPG-29 we sent you to take them out.
There is only about 600