Idovk Submarine-3302 Northeast of Veramark, North of unclaimed terrain
The silent submarine had been underneath the surface for a long time. The men were almost crazy but that's what archived television, sex with female crew, Zuavka, and reading cured. They approached range of the target but the Submarine now wanted to achieve black zone status. There they would be completely invisible. They had finally surfaced and the crew was allowed some air and then they got back into the submarine. The bay area was perfect for a port and the Captain was almost tempted to claim the area's island. Though he had a mission under direct orders of the Res'shev.
The 160 cruise missiles in the submarine were all armed and ready to be released. As usual they fitted some of them with Chemical weapons, Hydrogen Cyanide. Flammable so if people smoked they were lit on fire, poisonous enough that if you touch it you die, and deadly enough to kill someone painfully in a matter of minutes.
40 of the missiles contained the Chemical weapon. Missiles were set to be fired 8 at a time with 30 second delay as the missiles were auto loaded.
o o
o x x o
o o
Explosion strike pattern
o=Ballistic warhead x=chemical warhead
Targets were selected carefully, targeting stadiums, major office buildings, government complexes, Airports, and other places. One of these places included the
They fired in 20 sequences and each of the bombs found their marks at the capital city. Silently and without notice. They went under surface and remained in the black zone until they rose to the surface once again and then went below to start going back home. The Ozians left no notice that they had done the bombing and made the city a fireworks show.