OOC: I'm guessing the blitz has started.
"Alright boys, this is it!"
The Barakarin force heard it over the radio. They were inside APC's, heading into Utopia. They APC's stoped, and the soldiers rushed out. They expected to be shot at by Machine guns and rifle fire, but they didn't.
"Huh, thats werid, theres supposed to be..."
The, rifle fire came out, cutting down several soldiers. They walked right into a ambush.
The Soldiers got on the radio and called in for a airstrike. Mintues later, a Salestian plane flew over, and bombared the ambush postions. As soon as that happend, the gun fire stooped.
"Get back into the APC's, were moving out"
OOC: Ah, i love RP.