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Author Topic: Burning Crops or Plowing Land?  (Read 2707 times)

Offline St Oz

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Burning Crops or Plowing Land?
« on: July 07, 2007, 12:52:07 PM »
translated from Ozian
Sancta Adara woke up with the sun up as it would be up throughout the whole summer except that occasional hour. She felt the warmth of the sun on   her face as she plopped out of bed and felt around to press the button on her clock. The clock screeched, "25:13"d

Her priestess aide came in and bowed with ease fashion, she undressed her, washed her, then dressed her, and provided her breakfast. While eating her fish the Sancta commented to her priestess, "What's this Nerdic Company that I've slyly heard about around Ozia. I don't like the idea of this company, that commericial trainway across to Derva and our winter wastelands should be Ozian controlled."

The Priestess gulped on her Green Tea, "What? Why would you do that? Even though a bunch of bastards own a series of Train lines in Ozia we're allowed to be in the alliance behind it where we buy from every other country."

The Sancta coughed with disgust, "We will not submit ourselves to such companies as Nerdic!"

"But my lady, what will we do to get the foreign foods?"

Adara smiled, "Well, why don't we make our own alliance for Resource trading, where you don't have to pay anybody else for foreign goods. Then we can offer even with communists to offer resource to resource rather than resource to capital."

"What do you suppose we do with all the Nerdic Warehouses, buildings, and trains?"

"Make their offices, apartments or more offices, make their warehouses our warehouses, and make their trains our trains! The Ozians that work for Nerdic will now work for us until we sell to Ozian corporations and all the Irnotians and Foreign Nerdic Workers are to be under mass arrest and to be sent to the arena, The 666th Ianuav of the Blue Army will be moved here. I will hold a public occasion free of charge to come watch the legendary 666th Ianuav massacre those workers."

Ozian International News.
translated from Ozian
"Ports, Airports, and Train Stations around Divine Ozia have been searched by Blue Army, STIA, and Police officials for Foreign Nerdic workers. The Divine descendant of Oz and speaker of Gaea, Sancta Adara Revia Oz has made a new proposal to end all Nerdic Activity in the nation of St Oz. She has called upon all people of Taijitu to stand up for such madness as those thieves and unite in what the Sancta proposes is a new order which doesn't depend it's resource trades and connections on a company but rather on Governments that come together to find a way to trade. Much of the Ozian response is mixed as some Ozians agree with the proposal and others do not. Those Ozians who worked for Nerdic are still going to work regularly but are going to be under the Ozian Government for the time being. The transportation stations that are being blocked off are also a response to keep all the Nerdic workers in check ever since yesterday's raids on the Business centers, Trains, and apartments by the Blue Army and STIA have said to have captured and contained many if not all of the Foreign Nerdic workers, which most of them are Irnotian. Apparently a public occasion will be held at the Lavender Arena in St Oz City where it is rumoured the legendary 666th Ianuav of the Blue Army will be there with Irnotian captives. Massacre? Execution? Torture? We will all only find out."

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Burning Crops or Plowing Land?
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2007, 11:25:16 AM »
ooc:what are you doing oz?
PSR has left the region

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Offline Myroria

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Re: Burning Crops or Plowing Land?
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2007, 04:05:28 PM »
OOC: I can't blame him for hating Nerdic. Go Hanso.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline St Oz

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Re: Burning Crops or Plowing Land?
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2007, 04:20:37 PM »
OOC: What does it look like I'm Doing? I booting out Nerdic Irnotians, possibly killing them...

Offline tak

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Re: Burning Crops or Plowing Land?
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2007, 04:21:42 PM »
Takasia is highly interested in cooperating with St Oz in managing our neighbour's assets.
We would like to recommend joint-venture with Ozian majority. We believe we can contribute to our neighbour with our expertise in trade and transportation.

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Burning Crops or Plowing Land?
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2007, 01:16:24 AM »
ooc:tak he is massacring civilians for no ryme or reason, this is just mass murder for no reason. and irnotia will declare war and try and bring help if i get destroyed well im done with rp and ill move onto a new region, but i would have liked you to tell me about this in IM before you did it
« Last Edit: July 11, 2007, 01:18:16 AM by Ranholn »
PSR has left the region

The start of ww1
and the russian revolution

Sept 21 Third Season is a go

Offline tak

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Re: Burning Crops or Plowing Land?
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2007, 01:23:14 AM »
ooc: Takasia does not care about the massacre. This is a purely business deal and is up to the Oz whether they are accepting it or not.

Offline St Oz

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Re: Burning Crops or Plowing Land?
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2007, 04:40:14 AM »
OOC: Lamerz Irnotia... Lamerz! j00 h4v n0 l33tn355 1n j00!

Offline Iadak

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Re: Burning Crops or Plowing Land?
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2007, 03:04:04 AM »
News Highlight

Nerdic Employees given free ride to Irnotia or death

Offline Delfos

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Re: Burning Crops or Plowing Land?
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2007, 04:07:40 AM »
ooc:yes, add that to the Delfian genocide!

Offline Myroria

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Re: Burning Crops or Plowing Land?
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2007, 04:52:49 AM »
Which we still applaud.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Burning Crops or Plowing Land?
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2007, 05:20:32 AM »
OOC: Almost all the posts in this thread are OOC.  Stop it now.

And now, for one of the trademark Mixed-Message Notes!

To: Sancta Adara Revia Oz

I struggle to write this note, as there are crowds dancing in the streets outside my office, celebrating the blow the nation of St Oz has struck against international capital.  Nerdic's activities of late have been profoundly disturbing, as it diversified from transporting food to contracting to build infrastructure.  The latter development has put the rail and road systems of many nations under the controlling interests of the Nerdic executives in Irnotia.  St Oz's freezing of Nerdic assets in Ozia has weakened the hold the company has managed to have on these nations.

However, the news reports we, and presumably all other nations not privy to secret information, have recieved suggests that Nerdic workers are being persecuted for their involvement in the company.  You and everyone else knows Gallipoli-Chinese position on the differentiation between Capital and Labor, and it bears no repeating.  The Nerdic workers benefited only marginally from the success of the company, having much of the produce of their labor expropriated back to those same executives in Irnotia, and I see no reason why they should be further punished by the Ozian government.

Your nation has done everything possible to harm the Nerdic corporation, and believes that its actions with regard to the workers will in turn harm the corporation.  I assure you this is not the case.  Nerdic couldn't care less about what happens to its workers; only to its capital.  Irnotia, on the other hand, may speak out against the treatment of its citizens or nationals.  I realize Gallipoli-China has no authority to dictate to the government of St Oz, but I do feel that a more reasonable solution would be to appropriate Nerdic's earstwhile assets to the Ozian government, or to parcel them out to Ozian companies, and let the workers continue in their old positions.

Yours in solidarity,
Aram Caros, Foreign Relations Committee Chairman, Gallipoli-China

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Offline tak

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Re: Burning Crops or Plowing Land?
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2007, 10:23:55 AM »
Quote from: marketa
To: Sancta Adara Revia Oz
From: Royal Takasia Commerce and Trade

Understanding your current problems with the bloodsucking Irnotians, Takasia is presenting you the final soultions to the bloodsuckers.

As our kingdom is in need of engineers for the Talmanner modernization project, we would like to offer free transport for the unwanted Irnotians to our kingdom.

On the other hand, we would like to inquire if your country needs any experts in running your vast rail network. Takasia is willing to provide your country with such services, while ensuring your countrymen are reaping the most benefits from our arrangement.

We are looking forward to your decisions soon.

Head of Commerce and Trade, Marketa Byznyzova

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Re: Burning Crops or Plowing Land?
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2007, 11:13:11 AM »
ooc: so much hate to nerdic for sme reason. haha. And ive always traded so fairly with the communists. and g-c arnt you in Nerdic, so is PUR and Xyreal and other?

I do not know why you have done what has happened in the lands of St. Oz to the Nerdic organization. We have never done anything but trade fairly with St. Oz, we have always rented our rails to any ozian interest that wished it and have always purchased the food goods at a good price to insure the profitability of the farmers. As for the workers please release them, Nerdic will pay for their shipment back to their lands of origins. We care deeply for every worker in this organization and have always treated them well. If you wanted to remove nerdic from your nation we do not see why you needed to go to such force. We would have sold you all rails and assets in the land for just the price of construction and nothing more. Now you are celebrating the fact you are about to Slaughter thousands of workers. We are sorry that you no longer wish to be part of our family, we are sad that we will no longer be able to bring in the foods from around the world to your nation and in return take your foods to the world.

ooc: why so much hate against nerdic? So far they have been rather nice compared to Myrorias Companies that always make threats against anyone who dosnt do anything they want  :whip:

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Burning Crops or Plowing Land?
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2007, 05:41:34 PM »
OOC: yes, but I only have food importation contracts, whereas Nerdic basically owns the infrastructure of other countries.  Also, with the resource-sharing agreements of the UASS, G-C's Nerdic contract has become superfluous and unnecessary.

And if you haven't noticed, there's rather a lot of hate for Myroria's companies, particularly in Mor'os.

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