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Author Topic: Battle of the clans  (Read 7874 times)

Offline Khem

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Re: Battle of the clans
« Reply #45 on: January 23, 2007, 09:04:45 PM »
(update to make this go more quickly. elections will be sooner)

after three months of fighting the green family had been brought to its knees and were awaiting thier final otlash before dying off. the kallisti had gone from outstanding party to an underground black market spread across the country. the Fugazi's controlled eighty percent of the nation through shear womanpower. the night lords were still masters of carcossa. and the daughters of liberty had joined with the fugazi troops in attacking the night lords. the fugazi, DOL and kallisti were prepared to put thier contest to a vote after disposing of the night lords.....

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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Offline Myroria

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Re: Battle of the clans
« Reply #46 on: January 24, 2007, 09:07:41 PM »

Hansonia, MYRORIA

"Update on the situation in Uichi whatever, Oswiecim?"

"Ryu, sir. But to continue...the Hanso-funded Daughters of 'Liberty' are making good progress, sir. If we can eliminate the Night Lords then the rest won't be too hard to get rid of."

"Mmm...Yes. We need to speed up this operation more. If we can take over Uichi Ryu then we can easily implement our grip on their economy."

"The Kallis...Kalis...they have a grip over at least 80% of the population. We have an uneasy peace with them at the moment. Once we get rid of the Night Lords, however, there's likely going to be a big fight after between us."

"We need to appeal more to the menfolk of Uichi Ryu; no matter how little there are. Any idiot knows that a man is more suited for war anyway. Get out propaganda, and I'll pull some strings with the Myrorian military. They can probably send over some stormtroopers under the guise of a 'peacekeeping mission'."
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline St Oz

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Re: Battle of the clans
« Reply #47 on: January 25, 2007, 01:40:56 PM »
Carcossan Castle- HQ of the Night Lords

"We are being overwhelmed Lord Nero!"

"Shush with your grievances, we are not yet out of this fight. Carcossa is loyal to us and us alone. This nation has dealt with such silly elections, we don't need them... Besides I have a surprise. I have new strategy. Notte people! NOTTE!" Nero smashed his fist on the table shaking it to the ground and making an insecure echo throughout the room.

"What do you suggest my Lord Nero..." asked the elder woman with a cigar in her mouth.

"One word, Oz'zhi..."

"Excuse me Lord Nero?"

The door could hear the echoes. Somebody was coming to the room. When the door opened a man walked in with what they thought to be a funny skin color, face, clothing, and the eyes were maroon. Something that wasn't of the same caliber of strangeness to the Uichi Ryus.

"Who is this Lord Nero."

The Ozian stepped foreword, he was shorter than them but he wasn't weak. Lord Nero explained to him, :"The White Eye has brought him to us. The Myrorian found a nation to the north, this man has come here all the way from St Oz. A remote Winter Paradise. His name is Sun Dao'shi I'sel'tov, he makes these and has brought a whole shipment for all of our troops. The Iseltov Model 19"

The Ozian pulled out the gun of beauty. It looked strange to them, it was a gun they never had seen before.

Nero said to his guard, "Bring the Bitch of Liberty Prisoner."

The guard brought in a half naked bleeding woman who was thrown on the cold stony ground and half crying and half smiting Nero, she barked at him, "Nero you'll never win, your cause is helpless, I spit on you! I spit on you!" She spat at him and it hit his shoe.

Nero rolled his eyes, cocked the weapon and shot her in the throat. Blood started to gush out as she coughed and her eyes began to go red and blood drained out of her mouth. She shook around the place and got blood on the stony floor, which had a river of blood in its crevices.

The council of Elders clapped and Nero bowed. Nero then spoke, "Mr. Iseltov has something to say."

"Hello friends of me. I have come here to share most blessing for this business. I understand your supply of Silver and Aluminum is great here. It is with our generosity that we provide Mercenary Forces and weapons to this hopeless cause. Pleasure doing business."

He bowed and then said, "Now now, I ask for rest, I am very tired from my trip."

"You may go Iseltov..."

"Thank you for your time."

The Carcossan air was delectable, she made her way down the stairs of her estate. She felt that the Night Lords were the best thing that ever happened to her. Ever since she joined she had been given more money than her other jobs. Also her job at the Ministry of Defense was a promising one. When she got downstairs there was two people next to a car. The man and the woman looked at her and the woman said, “You’re Theodora?”

“Yes, is there something wrong?”

“Yes there is, a real bitch problem. Get in the car, you’re under direct orders of Lord Nero.”

She bowed and walked to the car willingly. She was a bit worried though because Lord Nero only directly ordered the most dangerous missions. No matter, she was honored.

The car stopped at the building, a worn down old warehouse. They walked in the doors and the room shocked her. The old worn out shack from outside turned out to be a Military HQ on the inside. There were computers, explosives, guns, ammunition, body armor, food, etc. She walked foreword then stopped and noticed that they were the only ones there.

“What’s my assignment?”

“Theodora…. Be patient,” she said calmly.

A shadowy figure came foreword and he walked towards Theodora. Theodora was a little frightened but she stood her ground. Sweat started to streak off her body and she took off her coat.

“Don’t be alarmed Agent Theodora,” said the woman. The man and woman then walked out of the warehouse.

The shadowy figure took off his cloak of the night lords. Except what confused her more was this man didn’t look like any average person of Uichi Ryu. His eyes… they’re Maroon?

Room of Iseltov
Iseltov walked inside his room where he put his notepad and pen on the desk and then plopped himself on the bed. When he turned around to lay right-side-up he noticed the ceiling was painted. He must had become a guest of Honor or the owner of the Castle spent a lot of money and time decorating. He cell phone was starting to ring.

He flipped it open and saw that his Consigliere was calling. He picked up and spoke in Ozian, "Hello?"

"Don Iseltov, did you sell them the I-19s?"

"Yes I did, These Night Lords are probably going to need some bombs though."

"Really? How's this Lord Nero? I've heard some stories about him."


"Just some information of Terrorist Activity."

"The man's perfect then... Easy to sell to."

"The Ozian Mafia is worried though, we might want to stick domestic my friend."

"You mean you and your buddies feel you might be replaced..."

"Erm... Don Iseltov,"

"Don't Don me, I already have one of our agents working with a Night Lord Agent in assassinating other faction leaders, I'm going to issue spies into the other factions which will act as if they are helping. Right now we're mostly in the shadow within the Night Lords... By the way, do we have spare Hibalov-92 Tanks? These Night Lords might want to use some. Or at least the RPG-29s..."

"I'll get on it sir."


Iseltov flipped the phone down to end the call.

Offline Khem

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Re: Battle of the clans
« Reply #48 on: January 25, 2007, 04:15:22 PM »

 a thin teenage girl went out into the night. she was crying and stumbling in her pink converse. her thigh highs were torn from unknown hands. she lit up a cigarette and prayed to the old ones.she wandered near aimlessly for what felt like miles, suddenly a hand was on her shoulder.
 "miss you are not allowed beyond this point." came a simple voice.
 "where am i?" asked the girl.
 "you stand in front of the most glorious castle Feinix. home to the protectors of proud Carcossa!" he said proudly.
 "good." stated the girl simply.
she then activated the five second timer in her backpack full of high explosives. she then gut punched the guard bringing him to his knees. as he fell she rolled over him and ran at the building. she made it to the wall when the explosion ripped the area open. the area cleaned out was roughly the size of four city blocks.....

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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Offline Feniexia

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Re: Battle of the clans
« Reply #49 on: January 25, 2007, 05:04:15 PM »
Justin Cordré slowly walked along the Carcossa streets. In the distance, he heard some kind of explosin, but he don´t really mentioned it. In about 20 metres distance, he could see his "mission targets", am official looking man who is speaking to another one, in the same grey business clothing. He draw out his silenced Desert Eagle and aimed well.

He shot. The man was hit right between his eyes.

The hitman walked slowly to the second man. The other man handed over some money. "Good job." Justin nodded, than, he turned around and disappeared in the dark streets. Without saying any word.


Justin Cordré is a freelance hitman, serving these who pay him the much. He has some connections to officials, policemen and soldiers in the most states, and in "the business scene" he is well known under his nickname "Nameless one". "Justin Cordré" is some kind of "official name", but no one knows his real name. Hope it´s ok when I join your RP.

EDIT: "freelance hitman" sound much better than "neutral hitman"^^
« Last Edit: January 25, 2007, 05:09:07 PM by Nathaniel »

Offline Khem

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Re: Battle of the clans
« Reply #50 on: January 25, 2007, 05:06:12 PM »
OOC:sure thing :)

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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Offline Bustos

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Re: Battle of the clans
« Reply #51 on: January 25, 2007, 11:21:27 PM »
With the Kallisti underground, we were everywhere and nowhere.  Let the political groups dupe it out.  We will retain control of the black market as we always have.  Business knows no borders.

"I've heard the stories, but I want to hear it from you myself.  How the hell did you manage to get away from that Fugazi attack.  I heard they had a hundred plus members there, Kallisti."

"Ah, all I can say is god was on my side that day," Kallisti quickly responded as she brushed her short hair behind her ears before sipping on her imported Bustian rum.  God was on my side? Where did that response come from?

"Oh come on.  You aren't gonna brag about it?!  That's not like you."

"I lost close friends.  Friends that gave their lives to keep me alive.  There isnt anything to brag about.  Okay?" she said as looked in the eyes of the newly promoted Lieutenant.

"Sorry Kallisti.  I didnt mean anything by it."

The offical borders, once gaurded closely against any enemy of the Kallisti Group, have ceased to exist.  The tag, "KG", that once branded its members upon the streets seemingly disappeared as the members blended into the civilian population.  Even top members, shedding their fancier clothes for he poor, average Joe wardrobe.  To all, the Kallisti Group, had all but disappeared from the offical radar.

Meanwhile in the office of the Chairperson in Bustos City, grand capital of the Allied States.

"Mr. Chairperson, she would be the ideal candidate for this.  A Ghost team could retrieve her," said EA Director Jean Raneau.

"She went AWOL.  What makes you think you can trust her?"

"Despite her status, she has never made any action against the Allied States.  That was the only reason we agreed to let her live.  That, and we wanted to see what a Ghost would be capable of with no support at all.  Her ambitions and entrepreneurship has led to create a strong organization, that despite all the troubles she is currently facing, still survives.  In addition to the training and GHOST programming, she has proven herself an extremely capable leader and organizer.  An ideal candidate to head this."

"Hmm.  And with the support we can provide, she can create an international organization committed to complete, free trade.  Not to mention the profit margin too," the Chairperson replied as he swirled his chair away from the EA Director to face his favorite view of the sea at night.

"And the additional intelligence.  Best of all, we would be completely free from all association.  Hell, she could even start the organization right from where she is now.  What could be better than to keep her headquarters out of the country too?"

"But her poltics?  While she might not against us now, how can we know for sure she wont use the organization against us at a later date?" Bustos faced Jean with an obvious sign of curiousity.

"Thats the beauty of it.  The organization, at least at the upper levels, will be Bustian military and corporate personnel, whose commitment to free enterprise has been proven time and time again.  If she makes any orders that contradict such ideals, we'll be quick to learn."

"I want this organization to work.  I am just unsure about your choice as the leader.  Why not select a Ghost from our own ranks?  Or even an EA agent?"

"She has been the only one to clearly demostrate the capability to run something of this magnitude."
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

Brought to you by Bustos

Offline Myroria

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Re: Battle of the clans
« Reply #52 on: January 25, 2007, 11:40:52 PM »
Oswiecim stepped off the elevator and speedwalked through the guard-patrolled hallways to Alvar Hanso's office. He swiped a card through a machine on the doorframe, completed his fingerprint and retinal scan, and the door clicked open.

"Sir? Have you gotten the Myrorian military to provide soldiers for our cause?"

"Yes. Roughly 60,000 stormtroopers, two ships, and the aeroplanes needed to transport them and 500 tanks over the border."

"Nice going, sir. What is your plan of action."

Alvar walked to a bookcase and removed an atlas. He opened it up and pointed to Carcossa.

"We're going to take the Night Lords...out of the picture. We're going to invade it with the Daughters of Liberty around the city, and we're going to have my stormtroopers go in as an attempt to 'bring the situation under control'. By that I mean win. Prepare my force! We're going to storm Carcossa."

An airfield on the outskirts of Hansonia roared to life with the sound of aeroplane engines. People were replacing the Myrorian coat of arms with the Hansonian Taijitu (OOC: The real name of what most people call "the yin-yang"). Stormtroopers were getting their black uniforms replaced with light grey ones, with the same taijitu on the front of the helmet. Being placed in each hand was the Hanso Model 759 (H-759, the equivalent of the Hechler and Koch G36). The aeroplanes took off after getting their new logo and turned for Uichi Ryu.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline St Oz

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Re: Battle of the clans
« Reply #53 on: January 26, 2007, 03:02:22 AM »
Carcossan Castle HQ of the Night Lords
An explosion was heard from the city.

"Our existence depends on this! Our radar, tweaked by Ozian double static techniques have detected Air groups coming towards us. Oh Notte! We are not lost! We still have yet to show our true potential. They're all against us now, but we will prevail! WE WILL PREVAIL." yelled Nero

From the hallway came running soldiers, they got into the room and gave the elders their weapons. Nero shot his gun in the Air, "NOTTE!"

The others yelled out "NOTTE!"

The Ozian Mercenaries walked in. They all had the Ozian symbol on their Ushanka and they wore long dark black trench coats. Iseltov bowed and said, "Our Staii-7 and our H-92s are in position my friend."

Iseltov loaded his I-19 and said, "Time for some kick ass."

Airforce Base
The Ozians rushed to their Staii-7s, got inside and quickly took off. 4 squads managed to get to them on their radar. However with their Air-to-Air Missiles, the R-37, they would seem to come out of no where. The Ozians got within at least 200 km and they found on their radar the squads. They made sure that they came far inland before they shot. As the they got closer and closer their guidance systems chose each of the planes for each plane to lock on. They then released the R-37 missile but this was not the last, they shot their second. The Staii-7s turned and went for the second part of the mission, Aerial Bombardment of the invading forces.

Radar Station
"Ozian Missiles shot, time for SAM systems to operate. Cordinates locked?"


"They're surrounded?"

"... Yes..., They will get missiles from all directions."

"Then fire damnit, fire!"

The officer flipped some switches and released the missiles. Many other stations like this locked on and fired right as the Ozians gave the signal.


The people rushed out and started to put in place the next missiles.

(basically your planes are now in hell.)

Carcossa City
Groups of Soldiers and militia armed with the Modern Kalashnikovs and I-19s ran throughout the streets to put out flames or to prepare the defenses. Red Alert was issued and the people started to sandbag their houses, shops, and other structures. They went to their local headquarters and grabbed their weapons which were predominantly 2 clips of I-19 ammo and an I-19 with a fixed bayonet. They also handed out RPG-29s and many bullets at select checkpoints.

Traditional Ozian War Drums started to go off. On trucks the Ozian Percussionists played the Battle March. The vibration of the drums could be heard from 10 miles off, and heard even longer. The Ozians marching in could be heard. The secret Base emptied out and what was seen on the highway coming in was both frightening and inspirational. They Drums stopped and then the commander yelled from his throat "DAI SHU ZU!"

"OZI! A'IS NEC'ZHI!" (As Ozians, we the people who bring death!) Artillery quickly assembled in the middle of the square and the tanks parted to their destinations around the city. Ozians helped fellow citizens build many Road blocks throughout the City, creating a Hellish Maze. Ozian Helicopters floated above and black smoke rose in the air to alarm the Militias and Army about the coming invasion. Militias ran into buildings behind Machine gun Nests, RPG-29s, and an assortment of small arms. They were ready not only to die for Carcossa, but the Prosperous Night Lords. Above them jets circled around them also.

(Am I supposed to win this seige?)

City Bunker
Nero across streets and went down a subway track where he was followed down a corridor to his bunker shelter. There he got an overview of the Map of the city and contact with Officers, etc.

Streets of Carcossa City
The other officer saw a man congratulate the assassin. He was about to turn the corner but then he saw the officer get shot and he hurried for cover behind the corner of the wall. He looked again and saw the officer congratulate and then let him get away.

The Officer was stunned and angry. He came to the officer with his bayonet already being fixed he said to him, "Hey, you got a smoke?"

"No sorry."

The officer stuck his bayonet into the one who let the assassin get away and then shot him. Blood splattered on the wall and his internal organs literally came out of the body.

Now to find the Assassin bastard.

Offline Khem

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Re: Battle of the clans
« Reply #54 on: January 26, 2007, 05:48:54 AM »
(dousn't matter if you win it or not. nero is to die at the hands of a child.)

throughout carcossa secret agents of all ages and sexes began massive fire bombings, human handgrenading and all around blowing the hell out of the whole city. this progressed all at once concentrated mainly on military installations, yet also attacked the estates of Night Lord officials.

all over fires and riots started, fugazi and DOL symbols were combined on walls. soldiers from both sides leaked out of the subways. downtown was engulfed in flame. children were burning Nero in effigy....

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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Offline Myroria

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Re: Battle of the clans
« Reply #55 on: January 26, 2007, 11:40:50 AM »
OOC: My planes are just dropping soldiers at the northern border and then turning for Myroria again. Myroria knows that air battle is not it's best field of combat.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Feniexia

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Re: Battle of the clans
« Reply #56 on: January 26, 2007, 01:39:10 PM »
Cordré knew that someone had seen him doing his "job". But that´s only something what makes his job "interesting". He don´t feeled any kind of debt for what he done. He is only some kind of tool which is used for certain prices.

He walked down a long dark street. Left and right of him, he saw smoke going up, and flames, and he heard some explosions every three second. "That´s war." he just thought. "Time to get out of here. But first, I shall do something about his follower..."

He turned around so he is facing all the street behind him, with his back directionated to a near house wall so he wont get ambushed, awaiting the guy wo´s following him, his weapon unlocked and loaded, and his infrared visor over the eyes.

OOC: Oh - the family name of Justin ("Cordré) doesn´t mean he is related to the Emperor or the Empress...he has many fake names, and "Justin Cordré" is the "private one" for his 2 or 3 friends. He has many other names altough he never tell any people about his real name.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2007, 08:58:04 PM by Nathaniel »

Offline Myroria

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Re: Battle of the clans
« Reply #57 on: January 26, 2007, 08:40:39 PM »
Alvar Hanso picked up a telephone marked "Ozia". It was just one in a whole room dedicated to a single telephone for each nation. It violated common sense to afford each nation its own telephone rather than have one, but it looked good. It had been the one telephone he had never used; he had doubts if the phone even led to a politician in Ozia, let alone if said politician spoke Inglish.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Bustos

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Re: Battle of the clans
« Reply #58 on: January 27, 2007, 01:28:17 AM »
After having nearly killed Kallisti herself, many members had restricted or overpriced as much of the underground market against the Fugazis and were getting the NightLords discount prices on any products they wished to buy.

Never cross a Kallisti, was a statement that rung in the streets.

OOC:  The Kallisti Group has faded to a non political party that merely is trying to keep its businesses alive during the conflict.  As with any free market enterprise (the main ideal of the KG), they dictate their own prices and to whom they choose to sell too.
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Offline St Oz

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Re: Battle of the clans
« Reply #59 on: January 27, 2007, 04:36:51 AM »
"This is a Mav Ae'chi Mao Tzu'zhu, What you people would call a high official I believe. What do you call me for?"