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Author Topic: Angel of Death  (Read 3316 times)

Offline Emperor Heindrick

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Re: Angel of Death
« Reply #15 on: December 09, 2007, 03:27:21 PM »
read the rest, forget the hundred man thing, read the rest of the last post I made.

Offline Emperor Heindrick

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Re: Angel of Death
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2007, 03:07:39 AM »
Fine by me!

Expect my entire nation to get really pissed off, with the exception of one group which I believe you will find to your liking.

Offline Cantr

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Re: Angel of Death
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2007, 11:44:44 PM »
(OOC: As you've probably noticed, I've deleted all my posts concerning the now non-existent first operation with Tempest and the argument that followed, because obviously it adds absolutely nothing to the forum at large.  I'd suggest you do the same, because they look pretty strange on their own.)

I don't know what I possibly could've done in my last incarnation to end up a Soldier X, Angel thought, staring out the window of a plane bound for Christstan, but it must've involved mass murder or genocide.  No family, hardly any friends still alive, and those I've still got sent off on potentially lethal missions all over the world, myself one of them, enduring all the screams and the bloodshed, watching soldiers get murdered just for doing what they believe is right, watching civilians get murdered for no reason at all, and worst of all, being the one who pulls the trigger on them all.  And assignments like this...assignments where I have pretend I'm a normal person living a normal life...it makes it hurt so much more.  It makes me want to just run away, leave it all behind and embrace my new identity.  But if I did that I'd have to give up Seth until my next incarnation...which might come sooner rather than later with Seth chasing after me.  He said he'd do it...he said he'd kill me if Daichi asked.  And if Chakrun told him I was part of the Organization, asked him too get rid of me, Daichi would ask Seth to do the dirty work.
So I'm doomed to live and die a life for no other reason than war, and worse yet, when I reincarnate I'll have gone even lower than Soldier X...if that's even possible!  Would it be worse to live in perpetual fear of death in Ozia than to live in a perpetual loathing of life in Cantr?  And if I have hit rock bottom, then what would happen if I were to die right now, with the weight of a thousand murders on my soul?

"Angel," the Juggernaut posing as her uncle said in perfect Inglish from the seat next to her, "Are you alright?  Your eyes are wide as dinner plates."
"Yeah, I'm fine.  I was just thinking." she responded, also in Inglish.  The pilot informed them through the intercom that they'd be landing in fifteen minutes, "with luck."

With luck this plane will get struck by lightning right now, and I won't have to go through with this operation.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2007, 12:55:29 AM by Cantr »
"Prefect, what was peace?"
-Seth, Soldier XB-1

Offline Cantr

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Re: Angel of Death
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2007, 04:05:10 AM »
(OOC: Unfortunately I'm too lazy to do any real RP right now, and I don't want to throw together something really cheap and dull, so can we just assume I've started spying on the royal families of Christstan and Canada, just to figure out if there's any patterns I can exploit?  At this point I'm not going to be doing anything illegal.)
"Prefect, what was peace?"
-Seth, Soldier XB-1