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Author Topic: A Banquet of Kings: Open to nation's of the PI and those seeking alliance.  (Read 17240 times)

Offline Emperor Heindrick

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Ruftstein Palace
The Imperial Banquet Hall

A letter has gone out to all nations of the Pax Imperium and an international announcement has been made declaring the start of this banquet. It is open to all allied to Christstan or those who wish to be. Many of Christstan's influential and powerful people are in attendance including all top military leaders and many of Christstan's nobility. The banquet is to allow other nations to enjoy the splendor of Christstan and meet the Royals and the powerful of the nation. This banquet is as much about international relations as it is about relaxation and pleasure. The dress is very formal and many will be trying to outdo another with more impressive style and entrance. The main event however is to introduce Christstan's Prince and Princess to the world. Both are unwed and Christstan wishes to see this corrected and draw Christstan nearer to allies. Feel free to make talk with anyone over treaties, alliances and affairs of state.

The banquet will last several days with any honored guests from nations coming will be given rooms and accommodations inside the Palace and surrounding areas.

Inside the Ruftstein Palace

- A seating area.

The Empress' Grotto
- A leisurely area underneath the palace made for walking and dining.

Behind the Gardens

The Main Attractions:
His Imperial Majesty, Prince Frederick von Weiger, By Grace of God, Crown Prince of Christstan, Heir to the Imperial Throne, Count of Ravia

Her Imperial Majesty, Princess Anna von Weiger, By Grace of God, Princess of Christstan

Ooc: The Princess has been taken. The Prince is open but remember you can discuss anything here and Christstan is looking for more allies.

Offline Myroria

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To the Government of Christstan,

The Myrorian Empeurer and his brother and sister will be attending the banquet.

From the office of the Empeurer,
County Pelagis, Myroria.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Aquatoria

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  • For King and Country
To the government of Christstan
From: The government of Canada

Kaiser Paul I and his wife, Kaiserin Selene will be attending the banquet.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Bara

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OOC: What the heck, ill come!

Dear government of Christstan,

We shall send Councilor of forgion affairs over to Meet you. His name is Robert Walpole.
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Emperor Heindrick

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To: The Government of Barakarin
From: The Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs

 We would be honored to have your Councilor in attendance. When he arrives we will give him proper accommodations as promised to our allies. From there we may discuss future relations between our nations.

Dr. Erik Frei,
Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs

Offline Union

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occ: Another party thread!
The Loyalist Republic wishes to send Ria Fong Che of the Xie family to attend. She will be accompany by ten unarmed bodyguards. 
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Myroria

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Meneldur and Ælar entered the banquet hall wearing unbuttoned navy blue blazers with a crest on the breast pocket, a slightly lighter undershirt, and navy blue slacks with black leather loafers. Emma was wearing a beige sundress with a straw hat. These were just more examples of the "casual formalwear" fad in Myroria, which was paradoxically less formal than casualwear, which was generally Victorian and ornate.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Bara

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Robert Walpole walked in, with 15 bodyguards. he sat down across from the people from Myrioa. His bodyguards, armed with M-4's, stood behind him. He wore the kilt and the Shirt of the Nava Tribe.
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Aquatoria

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  • For King and Country
Kaiser Paul and Kaiserin Selene walked into the room holding hands. The Kaiser was dressed in his customary uniform and the Kaiserin was dressed in a long beautiful silk dress. They smiled. Paul and Selene walked up to the Meneldur and shook his hand. Paul nodded at the Barakarin diplomat, but they were really looking forward to see the Emperor and his family. They took their seats next to the Myrorians.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

To: Government of Christstan
From: Queen Jordan of Quebec

I will be attending your banquet with my brother and his wife, the Kaiser and Kaiserin of Canada

Offline Emperor Heindrick

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occ: Another party thread!
The Loyalist Republic wishes to send Ria Fong Che of the Xie family to attend. She will be accompany by ten unarmed bodyguards. 

Ooc: whatever works!

As an ally of Christstan you may send whomever you wish on behalf of your country. We welcome Lady Ria Fong Che of the Xie Family to Christstan. She will be treated with the utmost respect and shall be given the Limo, 2 SUV escort train usually given to foreign diplomats in Christstan.


We would be honored to welcome the Queen of Quebec. Proper accomidations will be made.

 As the various parties stream in, each is checked in and out by what seems to be an endless stream of gray and black clad soldiers. Each was greeted politely and in their own tounge, Christstan had taken the initative to reasearch formal greetings from each of the represented nations. A particular officer made sure he saw and greeted everyone, it was clear by his uniform that he was a man of high standing. He was Oberst (Colonel) Ludwig Manfred, his job was to oversee the security of all of Christstan's Imperial buildings, of which there were many. Since such a major event was transpiring here, he would be in attendance personally to make sure everything went smoothly.

 As the parties were seated, fine dining from Christstan was produced. First it would start out as light snacks and appetizers, later it would move on to the fist course. While they waited for the grand entrance of the Imperial family, various government officials greeted each guest and made small talk. These foreign guests were few as most in attendance were from Christstan, but the foreigners were given the best seats and were served first. Christstan would spare no effort to make these guests feel very honored and important. The Canadian and Myorian Emperors were actually saluted several times outside by passing guards and the Oberst who greeted him.

-Even if you have not showed up yet you arrive before this unless you post terribly late.-

 After some time and much small talk, and it was assumed most of the guests had arrived, a loudspeaker like that used at the beginnings of plays and special events sounded and a man in a heavy German accent spoke first in English then in German "Ladies and Gentlemen, Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, honored guests, geehrte Gäste, it is my pleasure to present *Trumpets and Music of much grandeur Play loudly* Theee Imperial Family! ist es mein Vergnügen, die Kaiserliche Familie zu überreichen!"

 The Silk red curtains of the main hall pull to the sides as four people emerge and walk to the edge of the stage. From left to right was a young woman in her early twenties dressed in a white silk gown with matching gloves that went to her elbows, her hair was done up and she wore a tiara and a golden brest star that indicated her Imperial status; escorting her with interlocking elbows was a stern looking man in his late 50's dressed in a highly decorated Imperial Uniform. He was flanked by an older woman in her mid 40's dressed in similar dress to that of the younger woman with the exception of a slightly larger tiara and a second large golden breast star indicating her Empress Status and the various titles that go along with it, she was flanked by a handsome man in his mid 20's also wearing an Imperial Uniform, his however was of a more blueish hue, indicating his branch of service as the Imperial Luftwaffe.

"May we all rise for these Imperial Family." After all had stood, the announcer resumed "On the left side of the stage we have Princess Anna, escorting her is her father, our hero, Emperor Heindrick von Weiger" he stopped for all those from Chroststan were wildly applauding at the very mention of their emperor's name. After a few moments he cut the crowd off and continued "Then we have our lovely Empress, Empress Anna. Lastly, to the right of the stage, in the well deserved uniform of a Major of the Imperial Luftwaffe, Prince Frederick von Weiger!" Theirwas another long round of cheering as he finished his sentence. The Imperial family was adored by all of Christstan. The Emperor had a very strong cult of personality built into every aspect of the nation.

The Emperor took the microphone handed to him and he addressed the crowd "Welcome to Ruftstein Palace, this place is like a second home to me. Whenever I am here I am captivated by the beauty of the surrounding land scape and the fine architecture. I say this because I want you all to know that I have brought you to the best spot in Christstan for an occasion such as this. We have gathered here at the start of this very important event on a landmark in the history of our nation. Yes, it is quite odd how so many monumental events would happen so near one another... First off I wish to toast to the Thirtieth Birthday of our Glorious Empire!" This was followed by a round of 'here here's'. "Then I will procede to announce something every father is proud to announce in terms of his daughter. Princess Anna shall be wed!" another round of cheers and huzzah's was heard. "I have chosen this, her 22nd birthday to announce her marriage to Emperor Meneldur of Myoria! Also, I would like to introduce you to my son, he is the best pilot in the Luftwaffe, I have great expectations from him. He is unwed and is in need of a match, so all you father's out their think hard about paring your daughter with such a man as this... Thank you all and let us enjoy this first day of festivities in celebration of Empire Day!!"

 He left the stage and as he left, the entire crowd applauded until he had left the stage and he was surged by waves of people wishing to shake his hand and meet him. He of course did so in his friendly manner until he had made his way over to the nearest tables of Foreign diplomats, which was Canada, Myoria, and Barakarin. "Greetings friends and allies, it is a please to finally meet those behind the flags and ambassadors of my allies and future allies. I am sure you all heard the little introduction to my family up there. here they are." The members of the royal family went around shaking the hands of the various people present.

Offline Bara

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"Hello. Do, your sons a pilot 'eh? Same here."

Robert Walpole went over to greet the Canadian Kaiser, and his wife. He walked over, and shook his hand.

"Well, haven't seen you for a while"
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Myroria

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"I accept!"
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Aquatoria

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"It's been too long, old friend. How are you?"
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Bara

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"I'm fine, i must say though, your wife is looking fine."

Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.