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News: Let us make the whole region resound with the song of We Are The Happiest People in NationStates.

Author Topic: The dimensions of the universe...  (Read 829 times)

Offline Space Raider

  • Head of the American Mafiya
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  • Posts: 120
  • WARNING: When we raid, we are merciless.
The dimensions of the universe...
« on: April 21, 2008, 11:01:24 PM »
Dimension 1-Agronomy 8)
Dimension 2-Bracken wood ;)
Dimension 3-Tongues, the land of French kisses :wb:
Dimension 4-Flatulence ::)
Dimension 5-Taijitu ;D
Dimension 6-NationStates O:-)
Dimension 7-the Internet :clap:
Dimension 8-Terrorism :o
Dimension 9-a land controlled by Mickey Mouse :shrug:
Dimension 10-LEGO bricks ::)
Dimension 11-Babies armed to the teeth with milk bottles :o
Dimension 12-boring 'ol school :P
More to come.......
We keep our weapons super destructive, but they're never used unless our national security is threatened, our foreign trade blockaded, we are invaded, our planetary colonies invaded, or our capital is nuked.-President of The Most Powerful Nation In The World (TMPNITW), G-Day Rawlings-
If there's a way in, there's a way out. The only circumstance where there's no escape is when you are targeted by ten snipers at the same time.-Mars Military General, Godrin Yawler