My Last AD&D Top Ten
Top Ten Signs You Have Just Met The Main Bad Guy
# Your assassin henchman just wet his pants.
# The ancient red dragon you had just been fighting says "S**t, I'm out of here!" and flies away.
# The bad guy just laughed evilly, and seven birds fell dead out of the sky.
# The DM chuckles, and says "I spent seven hours rolling this guy up".
# The bad guy burps, and a human toe flies out of his mouth.
# The DM plays a tape of scary organ music, and starts talking like Boris Karloff.
# The bad guy is dressed all in black, but has one of those little yellow smiley face buttons (DMs can be sooo sarcastic).
# You point your wand of fire at him, and it melts.
# The bad guy keeps Elminster in a cage, and occasionally pokes him with a fork.
# After the battle, the only Player Character to survive is the one that stayed back in town with the flu.