This thread's purpose is to discuss my personal theory on the effect of shoes on the mind and soul. In short, shoes are evil. Why, you ask? Read on, my dear sir or madam, and you will soon see!
To begin, let us consider the basic differences between a person who wears constricting shoes all the time (a businessman will serve as our example) and a person who goes barefoot (such as a hippie). Our businessman is a stressed-out mess, seeing a life coach, divorcing his wife, and neglecting his children despite being both affluent and successful. The hippie, on the other hand, is content with his life of near-poverty and seeks only personal enlightenment and to follow some psychedelic band around the country.
How could this be? Shoes, my friend! The problem lies with shoes.
You know how your feet feel heavy and sluggish when you experience the sensation of dread or depression? You know how light-headed and floaty you feel when you experience joy or love? This is because negative emotions are heavy and sink downward, eventually reaching your feet, while pleasant ones are light and float towards your head. In our natural state, negative feelings seep out of the pores on the soles of our feet into the ground, safely out of our bodies and allowing us to move on to happier things. Similarly, we don’t become over-happy and suffer recklessness because good feelings seem out into our hair (hence the old wives’ tale about stress causing premature grayness or balding).
When wearing shoes, however, all of our negativity becomes bottled up and stored within. This is why our hippie was so freewheeling and our businessman so unhappy, darling apples! You must realize the very real threat posed by our “modern” society’s growing dependence on shoes!
Go barefoot! Be free! Be happy!