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Author Topic: Shoes  (Read 6718 times)

Offline Allama

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« on: April 12, 2007, 05:39:12 PM »
This thread's purpose is to discuss my personal theory on the effect of shoes on the mind and soul.  In short, shoes are evil.  Why, you ask?  Read on, my dear sir or madam, and you will soon see!

To begin, let us consider the basic differences between a person who wears constricting shoes all the time (a businessman will serve as our example) and a person who goes barefoot (such as a hippie).  Our businessman is a stressed-out mess, seeing a life coach, divorcing his wife, and neglecting his children despite being both affluent and successful.  The hippie, on the other hand, is content with his life of near-poverty and seeks only personal enlightenment and to follow some psychedelic band around the country.

How could this be?  Shoes, my friend!  The problem lies with shoes.

You know how your feet feel heavy and sluggish when you experience the sensation of dread or depression?  You know how light-headed and floaty you feel when you experience joy or love?  This is because negative emotions are heavy and sink downward, eventually reaching your feet, while pleasant ones are light and float towards your head.  In our natural state, negative feelings seep out of the pores on the soles of our feet into the ground, safely out of our bodies and allowing us to move on to happier things.  Similarly, we don’t become over-happy and suffer recklessness because good feelings seem out into our hair (hence the old wives’ tale about stress causing premature grayness or balding).

When wearing shoes, however, all of our negativity becomes bottled up and stored within.  This is why our hippie was so freewheeling and our businessman so unhappy, darling apples!  You must realize the very real threat posed by our “modern” society’s growing dependence on shoes!

Go barefoot!  Be free!  Be happy!

Offline Solnath

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Re: Shoes
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2007, 05:52:56 PM »
What I'm curious about, are socks good or bad, because personally, I believe socks promote moral corruption as they can be pretty damn shmexy.
Neutral Evil

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Re: Shoes
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2007, 06:11:06 PM »
It depends on what kind of socks we're talking about, here, and if they match.  If they're thick, think again.  Thin ones, especially with patterns or pictures, are okay (usually when it's chilly) and are even better if mis-matched.  Crew socks are right out.

Offline Solnath

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Re: Shoes
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2007, 06:20:42 PM »
Knee socks and stockings, disregarding fishnets, are what I prefer.

Actually, that reminds me. I sometimes wear knee socks myself. Pretty strange, eh?
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Re: Shoes
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2007, 06:24:43 PM »
It's only strange if you wear them with a little schoolgirl outfit.

Offline The Empire

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Re: Shoes
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2007, 06:26:15 PM »
Hey! I love my leather military boots and steel-gray knee socks I wear in them! (and no, I don't wear them with school girl outfits)

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Offline Solnath

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Re: Shoes
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2007, 06:54:03 PM »
Love the stereotyping in the first post, by the way. :P

And I don't usually wear school girl uniforms. Usually.
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Re: Shoes
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2007, 09:19:15 PM »
But my elephant skin roping boots allow me to kick ass!
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Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Shoes
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2007, 11:22:54 PM »
I fully agree with the barefoot philosophy. In fact I spend about as much time as barefoot as possible. Of course come the summer I'm pretty much always in sandals (except for when certain factors require otherwise - work mainly). Even then I'll walk the city streets barefoot and enjoy the weird reactions I get from people. It's said that one of the first things a person judges you by is your shoes - who's to say how true this is, but I have talked to those who claim to use this particular method of character judgment. When you have no shoes people don't know what to make of you. I also go for mismatched socks whenever possible. This also saves the step of having to sort out your socks once you get around to folding your laundry, I just plop a pile of socks on my shelf and play a kind of sock lottery every time I need a pair, I could get matching socks or an irregular mismatch. If people notice this and judge me by my sock choice what does it say that no conscious pattern exists? If a person knew me over a long enough time and noted this whenever I wore socks in their presence would they catch on to the random nature of my sock pairings, or would they be forever baffled because I lived by some code they lacked the mental finesse to crack?

I also have a theory on the barefoot happy thing. When our businessman returns to his Ikea condo and fixes himself a stiff drink he removes his shoes but not his socks (his mind fills with a mental image of foot germs permeating the area rug over the oily feeling fake wood flooring (no more hard wood floors means we're running low on quality trees btw) he leaves his socks on as if this sweat covered foot bags provide some magic protection against the dreaded foot germs which are non-harmful victims of bad PR and the corporate need to sell more products to fight illusionary foes and provided the illusion of improved quality of life. So getting back to the main point he removes his shoes but not his socks and what should b a joyful and relaxing experience is ruined by foot odor, trapped all day in confining shoes his feet sweat and after enough hours of stressful corporate evil begin to stink. He is greeting by this noxious foot odor and is spent into a shame spiral because whenever he does the good act of removing his shoes he gets the negative reaction of foot stench.

The hippie's feet, even when incarcerated in shoes know the relief will come eventually and feel less stress and as such sweat less, as such no foot stink.

Just a further thought on the theory. We should get a government grant to study this phenomenon, spend the money on snack food and beer and then conduct a study with the remaining $8 and a phone book. If done right it'll be fun and further science, at worst it's one more useless piece of governemnt report gaining dust on an obscure shelf.

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Offline Khem

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Re: Shoes
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2007, 12:59:23 AM »

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Offline Solnath

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Re: Shoes
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2007, 05:41:42 AM »
Neutral Evil

Offline Allama

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Re: Shoes
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2007, 11:33:40 AM »
Just a further thought on the theory. We should get a government grant to study this phenomenon, spend the money on snack food and beer and then conduct a study with the remaining $8 and a phone book. If done right it'll be fun and further science, at worst it's one more useless piece of governemnt report gaining dust on an obscure shelf.

YES!  I'm in.  When do we start?

Offline Delfos

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Re: Shoes
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2007, 12:57:09 PM »
i don't think feet or shoes can be a problem anyway. it will only count if a person has a stereotype about it, im not saying i dont, i think everyone tries to form logical groups to fit any sight. if i see a politician i might think he's serious and boring, but who knows, maybe he's joyful and likes to drink alot and do stupid things. everything is possible, even elephants fly.

Offline The Empire

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Re: Shoes
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2007, 01:02:35 PM »
Delfos, if you don't think feet or shoes can be a problem, please, do a 20km march without changing socks or taking your shoes off and then tell me if I'm still wrong when saying that shoes can be a quite serious problem, please ;)

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Offline Allama

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Re: Shoes
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2007, 01:06:40 PM »
It entertains me to imagine people trying to figure out if I was serious or not.  Was it my true philosophic musings?  Satire?  Hyperbole?

Who thinks they know - any takers?