Have you ever seen any Christian start blowing Muslims up simply because he does not believe in what muslims say?
lol, The Crusades. I brought it up before, but it stands here. Maybe not blowing them up, but taking back cities belonging to Muslims. Massacring the Muslims that were in no way related to the ones that invaded Europe except for the fact that they shared the same relgion. Killing the women and children of the Muslims in the city...so theres the killing innocents for what they believe in. And yes those Christians were radicals, just like the ones blowing themselves up are radicals.
Did I speak of Iran in particular? Nej
As a Christian, I am bound to my faith and have to oppose Islam since it is designed to be against Judaism and Xtianity (read the Quran).
The Quran literally offends and insults Judaism and Xtianity. So why not be against that then?
One of the first things taught in a Christian (at least in my Catholic school) was that you should be tolerant of all people and religions. "Do unto others as you wish done unto you." So by your declaration of being a Christian you are bound by your faith to be tolerant towards Islam. Not oppose it.
And where in the Qur'an does it state its against Judaism and Christianity? (I actually dint know if its in there that's why I'm asking)
And on last quote from the generally respected Gandhi
I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.
1) Again: it's getting stupid when you compare a defensive act with aggressive acts without any legitimation nor justification.
2) Tolerance? Tolerance is NOT Acceptance which so many people do NOT understand: I can tolerate a Satanist, a muslim, a Buddhist, a Hindu etc. BUT I need not accept what they say or believe in.
3) Indeed, take Christ...then take Mohammed.
As for Muslims towards Xtianity and Judaism:
"Wahrlich, jene, die ungläubig sind unter dem Volk der Schrift (Juden und Christen) und die Götzendiener werden im Feuer der Dschahannam sein; ewig werden sie darin bleiben;
diese sind die schlechtesten der Geschöpfe. (Sure 98:6)"
That means: Xtians and Jews are the worst of all creatures.
As I have said already: taqiyya allows a muslim to lie for the very sake of Islam to confuse the Kuffar (infidels).
Quoting some seemingly "nice" passages from the Quran without seeing how Islam really views the other religions is - as I have said earlier - a rather good tactic for confusion: The Trojan horse had to be presented asa gift of friendship in order to get into the city, no?
Comparable to Hitler again: "Wir wollen den Frieden!" = we want
peaceSo he's good now because he seems to have said something good?
Compare the life of the person who had the Quran written to its rather "positive" contents....