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Author Topic: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!  (Read 15603 times)

Offline Delfos

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #90 on: September 14, 2007, 02:05:43 AM »
that's no excuse, what you say is, if i wanted to kill Myroria, i could launch several nuclear ICBM over USA, that would end with him for sure.

Happens that, even after Israelite bombings, Hezbollah got stronger, and it definitely drove a point to the Palestinian cause. People don't have to feel sorry or pity for the Jews in Israel because of the Holocaust, specially when they murder innocent people the same way Hitler did. Yes, not that i have to feel sorry for the Palestinian that kill Israelites, but you can't just say you can and they can't because you are defending Israel.

SD is being a jerk :fb:

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #91 on: September 14, 2007, 02:29:01 AM »
SD has hurt my feelings ;)

Now, this whole tendency that certain debates have to get into cappy v. commie flamefests really must stop.  I haven't the inclination to go back and read the thread to see who started it, but really, if someone tries to derail the thread into this sort of thing, IGNORE THEM.  Now, just for the heck of it, I'll answer the charges since Delfos hasn't been doing a very good job.  (sorry, but you really haven't.)

I know what communism is. Communism is the deaths of 12 million. Communism is walling off cities. Communism is forcing people to give up their right to ownership.
Myro, your critiques on this subject have always been juvenile and uninformed, and I'm really getting tired of having to refute the same false arguments over and over.  So here's the short, annoyed version of a rebuttal.

1) not all deaths in communist countries can be blamed on the communist system, just as not all deaths in capitalist countries can be blamed on the capitalist system.  The example I like to use to illustrate this point goes like this.  Chad is a capitalist country, and produces almost no food for its people.  But this lack of food production is not the fault of capitalism: it is the result of Chad being located almost entirely in the Sahara desert.  Similarly, the Ukranian famine, whence came most of those twelve million deaths, was caused not by the collective system, but by environmental factors that blighted the wheat crop.

2) The Berlin Wall was one case, and this sort of action is not confined to the bureaucratic collectivist states of the Soviet bloc.  Israel and the United States both want to put up walls defining their borders with their neighbors, and I don't see you critiquing them.

3) Any "right" is always arbitrarily defined, and is always dependant on the power of the ruling class to defend it.  The whole concept of "natural rights" (as opposed to legal/political/civil rights) is an entirely idealistic notion, with no basis in reality.  Your right to property depends on the ability to defend that property, or to have a State do it for you.

The revolutionary leaders of all of those states, however, all tried their hardest to make true communism work, and each and every time it devolved into totalitarianism.
Untrue.  There is a very simple way to implement communism: implement workplace democracy, and at the same time place capital into the hands of the workers who use it.  By capital, I mean physical capital, such as tools, buildings, land, machinery, etc.  What the "revolutionary leaders" of the USSR, PRC, and RoC did was to nationalize capital, and at the same time make the management of that capital dependant not on the decisions of workers, but on the decisions of bureaucrats.

RoC is moving ever so slowly towards implementing communism, since workplace democracy does exist in that country, and the recommendations of the workers are ususally taken into account by State planners.  But until there is both workplace democracy and worker (as opposed to State) ownership, there can be no communism, and these "revolutionary leaders" know it.

Also, I would appreciate it if you'd read the debate "is Russia a Socialist Community" that took place between Earl Browder (affirmative) and Max Schactman (negative) in the 1950s.  It was pretty clear even then that the USSR and its clones weren't even moving towards socialism, much less communism.  It can be found on marxists.org, and probably elsewhere.

What the fuck does Hezbollah and Israeli politics have to do with the Jewish *religion*? And palestinians? Cry me a fucking river, Israel's been *too* accommodating, fuck 'em. Secondly, I am so fucking tired of hearing this "USSR and China and Cuba aren't true communists. And yet commies go round waving fucking soviet flags. This is so fucking full of hypocrisy that only the Left could be capable of it. I agree 1000000% with Myro and Oz and Inglo Scotia.
You're tired.  Get some rest, eat a good breakfast, and come back in the morning.  You'll feel a lot better, I promise.

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Offline Prydania

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #92 on: September 14, 2007, 03:27:52 AM »
People don't have to feel sorry or pity for the Jews in Israel because of the Holocaust, specially when they murder innocent people the same way Hitler did. Yes, not that i have to feel sorry for the Palestinian that kill Israelites, but you can't just say you can and they can't because you are defending Israel.
Um, no, Israel is not murdering the Palestinian people AT ALL.
I'll leave you be now, let you get back to your rally.

Offline Prydania

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #93 on: September 14, 2007, 03:35:24 AM »
SD has hurt my feelings ;)

Now, this whole tendency that certain debates have to get into cappy v. commie flamefests really must stop.  I haven't the inclination to go back and read the thread to see who started it, but really, if someone tries to derail the thread into this sort of thing, IGNORE THEM.  Now, just for the heck of it, I'll answer the charges since Delfos hasn't been doing a very good job.  (sorry, but you really haven't.)

I know what communism is. Communism is the deaths of 12 million. Communism is walling off cities. Communism is forcing people to give up their right to ownership.
Myro, your critiques on this subject have always been juvenile and uninformed, and I'm really getting tired of having to refute the same false arguments over and over.  So here's the short, annoyed version of a rebuttal.

1) not all deaths in communist countries can be blamed on the communist system, just as not all deaths in capitalist countries can be blamed on the capitalist system.  The example I like to use to illustrate this point goes like this.  Chad is a capitalist country, and produces almost no food for its people.  But this lack of food production is not the fault of capitalism: it is the result of Chad being located almost entirely in the Sahara desert.  Similarly, the Ukranian famine, whence came most of those twelve million deaths, was caused not by the collective system, but by environmental factors that blighted the wheat crop.

2) The Berlin Wall was one case, and this sort of action is not confined to the bureaucratic collectivist states of the Soviet bloc.  Israel and the United States both want to put up walls defining their borders with their neighbors, and I don't see you critiquing them.

3) Any "right" is always arbitrarily defined, and is always dependant on the power of the ruling class to defend it.  The whole concept of "natural rights" (as opposed to legal/political/civil rights) is an entirely idealistic notion, with no basis in reality.  Your right to property depends on the ability to defend that property, or to have a State do it for you.

The revolutionary leaders of all of those states, however, all tried their hardest to make true communism work, and each and every time it devolved into totalitarianism.
Untrue.  There is a very simple way to implement communism: implement workplace democracy, and at the same time place capital into the hands of the workers who use it.  By capital, I mean physical capital, such as tools, buildings, land, machinery, etc.  What the "revolutionary leaders" of the USSR, PRC, and RoC did was to nationalize capital, and at the same time make the management of that capital dependant not on the decisions of workers, but on the decisions of bureaucrats.

RoC is moving ever so slowly towards implementing communism, since workplace democracy does exist in that country, and the recommendations of the workers are ususally taken into account by State planners.  But until there is both workplace democracy and worker (as opposed to State) ownership, there can be no communism, and these "revolutionary leaders" know it.

Also, I would appreciate it if you'd read the debate "is Russia a Socialist Community" that took place between Earl Browder (affirmative) and Max Schactman (negative) in the 1950s.  It was pretty clear even then that the USSR and its clones weren't even moving towards socialism, much less communism.  It can be found on marxists.org, and probably elsewhere.
The above was well written, and while I disagree with its premise I can at least respect G-China for defending his beliefs in an intelligent manner.

What the fuck does Hezbollah and Israeli politics have to do with the Jewish *religion*? And palestinians? Cry me a fucking river, Israel's been *too* accommodating, fuck 'em. Secondly, I am so fucking tired of hearing this "USSR and China and Cuba aren't true communists. And yet commies go round waving fucking soviet flags. This is so fucking full of hypocrisy that only the Left could be capable of it. I agree 1000000% with Myro and Oz and Inglo Scotia.
You're tired.  Get some rest, eat a good breakfast, and come back in the morning.  You'll feel a lot better, I promise.
Ok, I know how you feel about the whole middle east thing, and I know you're a Jew, at least by birth. However I feel I need to say this. And take this from someone who isn't a model Jew, I don't go to temple every Saturday, I don't keep Kosher, and I hate gefilte fish.
Just because you were born Jewish doesn't mean you get a "free pass" to post anti-Jewish things. Ever heard of the self-hating Jew?

Offline Delfos

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #94 on: September 14, 2007, 04:48:46 AM »
Now, just for the heck of it, I'll answer the charges since Delfos hasn't been doing a very good job.  (sorry, but you really haven't.)

True, as i said, just because i have mao's and che's T-Shirt doesn't mean I'm a communist, i only stand with commies as opposition to the Right.




sorry but you are misinformed, and these aren't the only ones.

Now back to the religious debate, can't mythological religions and cults work in modern times?

Offline Eientei

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #95 on: September 14, 2007, 05:17:28 AM »
Does Israel have the right to defend itself?  As a sovereign state, naturally, it does.  Note that "right to self-defense" doesn't equal "license to use any measure of force as it sees fit."  No one's going to take Israeli politicians or generals to court over what they do.  Still, it's in Israel's interest in the long term to genuinely work towards a peaceful solution.  The Palestinians also have to get their act together.  I don't think this is an unreasonable view.

And I don't see how G-C was being a self-hating Jew in his post.  If I-S or anyone else can clarify this, I'd appreciate it.

Offline Prydania

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #96 on: September 14, 2007, 05:35:13 AM »
Does Israel have the right to defend itself?  As a sovereign state, naturally, it does.  Note that "right to self-defense" doesn't equal "license to use any measure of force as it sees fit."  No one's going to take Israeli politicians or generals to court over what they do.  Still, it's in Israel's interest in the long term to genuinely work towards a peaceful solution.  The Palestinians also have to get their act together.  I don't think this is an unreasonable view.
True, both sides have their share of problems, essentially both sides are under the influence of extremists who for one reason or an other prefer war and destruction to peace. I'm more then willing to concede that Israel's policies are far from perfect, and that they have made their share of mistakes in the past.
What I won't stand for is Delfos claiming that only Israel is at fault, or his claims that the IDF apparently go on Palestinian killing sprees. The IDF is simply trying to defend Israel. It's sad that civilians get caught in the crossfire, but as sad as it is, it's unintentional.

And I don't see how G-C was being a self-hating Jew in his post.  If I-S or anyone else can clarify this, I'd appreciate it.
Perhaps I was being a tad to harsh, but I don't believe that simply because someone is Jewish they get a free pass to say whatever they want about Jews. Judaism is first and foremost a religion. If you don't practise/believe in it then the case can be made you aren't Jewish, even if you were born to Jewish parents.

It's like when someone says something racist but then says "I'm not racist, I have a friend who's black" and then proceeds to continue making racist comments.
Just because you were born to Jewish parents (I have no idea if G-C practises or not) doesn't mean you have a free pass to say whatever you want about Jews.
It seems like in this day and age bashing Israel is the socially accepted form of being anti-Semitic. That was more or less what I was getting at. Being a Jew doesn't mean you can get away with blaming all the middle east's problems on Jews. It sounds just as anti-Semitic coming from his mouth as it would anyone else's.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #97 on: September 14, 2007, 06:03:05 AM »
Yes they have the right to Defend, even the right to Attack if there's a good justifiable cause, by principle i think no one should have the right to Attack anyway. My only problem are innocents, Israel-Islamic states isn't a war, it's a civilian massacre from all sides. And the side loosing the most civilians by my information is Palestinian, even then, I'm not favoring the Palestinian forces that target Israelite civilians, but that doesn't happen much, What i see is Israeli government/military blaming Palestinians for suicidal bombings and Hezbollah. Is that fair?

You misunderstood, i never said Israel had the only fault, i was just saying that they are doing as wrong as any other involved in the massacre.

I didn't want this to turn into a political or whatever debate, i posted some questions about how should religion be faced, so you either answer to continue the religious debate or just ignore and continue off-topic.

Offline Bialy Rycesz

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #98 on: September 14, 2007, 06:47:09 AM »
Mythological religion that is an interesting prospect,but the phrase "non progredi est regredi"(not to move forward is to move backwards)immediately comes to mind.I actually think that we should discuss this topic more,rather than bashing eachothers beliefs"fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt" it has turned into a argument about Ideology and not religion.

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Offline Myroria

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #99 on: September 14, 2007, 07:58:02 PM »
Perhaps I was being a tad to harsh, but I don't believe that simply because someone is Jewish they get a free pass to say whatever they want about Jews.

"I believe he converted to Judaism simply for the jokes!"

"And this offends you as a Jewish person?"

"No, this offends me as a comedian!"

I won't answer GC, because we're never going to agree and we might as well stop trying. :P
« Last Edit: September 14, 2007, 08:21:11 PM by Libertarian Monarchy of Myroria »
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Collatica

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #100 on: September 14, 2007, 08:01:04 PM »
Without wanting or meaning to offend anyone, or attack their beliefs I'm going to try and get across my view of religion, as a staunch atheist.

Religion is an infantile wish to have a father to protect you from the dangers of life. How can a life be complete when one is hiding behind the protection of an almighty paternal figure? Religion is a thus a sickness resulting from infantile need, a healthy minded adult should not need it. Religion is a universal obsessional neurosis and a security blanket. in the words of Marx, religion is the opium of the people in that it suppresses bad feelings and creates a blissful, carefree feeling. Religion is used to oppress, not liberate.
Dux-Imperator Marcus IV
The Imperial Federated States of Collatica

Offline Eientei

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #101 on: September 14, 2007, 10:00:24 PM »
Without wanting or meaning to offend anyone, or attack their beliefs I'm going to try and get across my view of religion, as a staunch atheist.

Religion is an infantile wish to have a father to protect you from the dangers of life. How can a life be complete when one is hiding behind the protection of an almighty paternal figure? Religion is a thus a sickness resulting from infantile need, a healthy minded adult should not need it. Religion is a universal obsessional neurosis and a security blanket. in the words of Marx, religion is the opium of the people in that it suppresses bad feelings and creates a blissful, carefree feeling. Religion is used to oppress, not liberate.

It's the hardest thing in the world to not offend people when you're talking about religion, but it's nice that we're trying anyway.

I'm not offended, but let me retort.  Religious belief, in my view, can be just as much of a burden as it can be a comfort.  I think I'd be happier believing that I wouldn't have to face any kind of judgment for my actions after I die, that this life is all there is.  Despite that, I do hold certain beliefs about God and the afterlife.  I can't speak for other people with religious/spiritual ideas, but my belief comes from my faith in objective truth and the guarantee of justice far more than from any desire for an all-powerful father figure to protect me from the evil of the world.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #102 on: September 14, 2007, 10:56:39 PM »
Without wanting or meaning to offend anyone, or attack their beliefs I'm going to try and get across my view of religion, as a staunch atheist.

Religion is an infantile wish to have a father to protect you from the dangers of life. How can a life be complete when one is hiding behind the protection of an almighty paternal figure? Religion is a thus a sickness resulting from infantile need, a healthy minded adult should not need it. Religion is a universal obsessional neurosis and a security blanket. in the words of Marx, religion is the opium of the people in that it suppresses bad feelings and creates a blissful, carefree feeling. Religion is used to oppress, not liberate.

That's Totemnism (How do you spell this?) and it's not bound to every religion. Freud puts it quite well, i suggest you to read about his theory of 'Totemnism'. How can you explain then religions that aren't bound to gods, or religions, like the mythological, that are pantheist, they like allot of fathers and mothers?

I heard that there are allot of cults around the world that still worship ancient religions including mythological pantheist. What, they loose credit because they are older than Catholic? And by what you say, religions should be modernized, what's your most-advanced religion then?

I believe that the oldest and most simple religions are the ones that work better, specially those related to 'The Truth', that make speeches about bullet proof theories of Truth and will work through time.

Offline Collatica

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #103 on: September 14, 2007, 11:20:01 PM »
Alright I'll admit my two-cents there was relevant only to religions based around Gods...

History has what caused the greatest stirring for me. The theory of many religions themselves are to glorify humans and subdue their insecurities of being an insignificant part of an unimaginably large universe. It appeals to our egos, hidden under a front of spirituality and 'good will'. Perhaps it was designed as a good idea in the beginning, such as the mythological pantheist ideas - but over the years religions have been manipulated, our ideas have been changed by people with both political and financial agendas. Causing such damage to the extent that I think the world would have been better off without these ideas in the first place.

What's wrong with a religion that simply promotes the sanctity of life because it's the only one you've got rather than depicting humans as having some great importance and centrifugal to the working of the universe. A religion that instead of blindly claiming it's the only true one, and causing wars just tries to improve the life of all people - because it's the only chance anyone has of a pleasurable existence. I can't think of a religion which promotes us to be generous, virtuous or whatever without offering something in return (eternal paradise, enlightenment etc..)

I'll admit I'm not the most educated person on this subject, most of my knowledge only really extends to the mainstream religions.
Dux-Imperator Marcus IV
The Imperial Federated States of Collatica

Offline Delfos

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #104 on: September 15, 2007, 03:34:01 AM »
Indeed but you made very good points. Religion is made by and for humans, it's normal that has characteristics you describe, although some are very superficial, they are basic and can work with many people even if it's not the main concern of a religion. Glorifying, more like justifying? Why do we need kings? Because Gods want them to exist and rule the people...

I can't think of a religion which promotes us to be generous, virtuous or whatever without offering something in return (eternal paradise, enlightenment etc..)
Very well, but that's the illusion of it. It's the comfort, the safe net. If you die trying to achieve the religious goals you will be awarded with something extraordinary. That's why Islamic martyrs are as important for them as Princess Diana or Madre Teresa of Calcutta for us. As you can see i picked up very important figures of our world, both died and got glorified by the living for what they did in life. (difference with martyrs)

And then i ask, why not? What do you have to loose to work as Madre Teresa? Loose time because you do not believe this is important and she did nothing to humanity? Was or is it about Religion as a regime of good and kindness? (well, depends on the religion)