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Author Topic: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!  (Read 15795 times)

Offline Delfos

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #75 on: September 12, 2007, 03:33:35 AM »
it's quite different, and to resume it, Americans came from no where, the native Americans are Indians, that were legally or theoretically owned by the British Crown, too bad they lost it, but it was by force, and don't forget the French had one of the most important goals, without even using A-Bombs. That would be greatly legitimate if there wasn't discrimination in Israel. Building a wall around it? Come on, only Bush is as Stupid for proposing a wall near Mexico. Any European would say "only over my dead body" about construction of walls, we had the Wall of Berlin lesson, seems only Europeans have learned with it. Plus Israel takes a fight back with arms on Palestinians and other Islamic. "Oh it's for defense!" What bombing Lebanon is Defensive? Killing Palestinians is Defensive? That's why this will never stop while Israel maintains isolationist program, Israelites kill Palestinians, Palestinians throw rockets at Israelite bases. But frankly, at least they have hit military targets...

This matter is very sensitive, it's worthless to compare to any other in the world, this is unique. An Unique proof of human stupidity, they kill one of ours, we kill a thousand of theirs and it's scored...right?

Offline Prydania

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #76 on: September 12, 2007, 03:37:34 AM »
You have split the matter in two, but they declare jihad, and since we're talking of religion based states then i would mix both. Seems you don't have religious basis to actually say who's right and who's wrong.

Of course we don't have a religious basis. No one does. And I never pretended that we do. The conflict in the middle east has nothing to do with religion. Judaism and Islam have no ideological qualms with each other. In fact Islam is an offshoot of Judaism. Muhammad said it himself. He admired the Jewish and Christian religions (Christianity being an other offshoot of Judaism), and wanted his race (Arabs) to adopt a similar faith. Rather then convert them to one of the two existing religions, he took their basic principals and molded them to fit the Arab psyche. Hence Islam was born.
So the faiths are incredibly similar. The current conflict in the middle east is over territory and perceived wrongs by the other side, not religion. Israel is against the Arab world, not because of anti-Islamic sentiment, but because they view the Arab world as a threat to their security. Wouldn't you be anti-Spanish if Spain made the destruction of Portugal official government policy?

And What i meant is that the structure isn't much difference, as you told that Islamic and Judaic society/culture isn't much different in base of religion, so i assume this is a 'western' influence to think Israelite think they have better society than the Islamic ones.
I'm not sure what you're getting at. It's fair to say Israelis think they have a better culture then Iranians. Like-wise I think it's fair to say Iranians think their society is superior to Israel's. And neither is right. No one society is better then any other. Each society is based on the practises of the people. A Muslim no doubt would prefer Iran to Israel, and a Jew would choose Israel over Iran. As a Canadian I would choose Canada or the the UK over the US, and an American would choose the US over Canada or the UK. See what I'm getting at? Everyone thinks the society they live in is the best. No one's right, no society is the best. It all depends on who you are and what you feel at ease with.

I actually saw the difference of those groups, they boarded other living groups in Israel, specially the catholic and other Christians. But my problem was actually the extreme influence the religion had in the society, where the 'prayers' were actually payed with pensions by the state and all that. That's why i initially referenced other Islamic cultures around Israel, where i actually do not consider they have less developed society than Israelite.
I never said Islamic societies were less developed then the Judaic society in Israel, it's just different, tailored to Islamic specifications.
What you need to understand though, is that Judaic society isn't underdeveloped either. Of course, in a Jewish state Judaic institutions are going to be funded by the state. Just like Islamic institutions are funded in Islamic states. Islamic states are tailored around the Islamic faith, just as Israel is tailored around the Jewish faith. Neither is "better" then the other, it just depends on who you are.

About that if you deserve or not a place to have Judaic people, sure you do...but it could have been some other place...why Jerusalem? Saladin wouldn't be happy if he could see this from his grave...but that's another issue that i do not want to discuss because i do not believe Jerusalem should be held by a single religion/state, otherwise it should be the rightful ones that actually conquered Jerusalem (by force).
You need to understand something. We didn't pick Israel and Jerusalem at random. It was picked because that's the historic homeland of the Jewish people. We have already been there in 1948 if the Romans hadn't expelled us in the Diaspora. The land that is now the State of Israel was picked because that has always been the homeland of the Jews.
Also, I would disagree about Saladin. Saladin was very kind to the Jews, he considered the Jews brothers to the Muslims, much more so then Christians. If anything Saladin would be sad to see the two peoples he loved and considered brothers, at war with each other.
Also, you should know that the original borders of the State of Israel didn't include the city of Jerusalem. Jerusalem was still a city in Jordon, but was taken by Israel during the Six Day War in 1967. So Jerusalem was conquered by force by Israel.
As for why the Jews should control Jerusalem, that city has been the centre of Jewish myth and civilization since King David. In fact the prayers of Passover end with the saying "Next year in Jerusalem" hoping that in a year the holiday will be held in the Holy City.
Yes, the city has importance to both Muslims and Christians, but it was a Jewish city centuries before Christianity and Islam came into existence.

About anti-semitism. I don't know where you heard that. Well it's in our history and most of the European history that to please the Catholic Church we all had to expel the Jews out of our countries. But there's allot of stories about Jews in Portugal, the 1st is that we sent them all to Holland (Netherlands) because it was neutral to the Catholic Church. That's one of the reasons why Netherlands became the best merchant nation a bit after in history. And the court of Portugal kept allot of Jews working for the King, he actually fancied them, not like the Spanish b1tch who would rather decapitate them. To actually tell you a funny story, allot of theories point that Colombo (Columbus) was a Portuguese Jew, one of the protected by the King of Portugal. Anyway moving on in history, we had a dictatorship, deep catholic one, so it would probably be very anti-Semitic, parallel to Hitler's. But after the revolution that is impossible, we have some neo-nazi but they are almost outlawed by the modern constitution, and we are certainly in numbers less racist/xenophobic/anti-semitic than the Spanish, German, English and such. Giving yout he example of Nuetros Hermanos (Spanish), they have regions willing to become independent (Glad we are!) and they have allot of cases of racism over that. If a Catalan go to a Basque pub he gets a twice as expensive beer as a Basque would. That's why i say USA should have some kind of revolution over the right so they could wake up about their nationalism :p

so no, if you heard we have high numbers of anti-semitism, it's either outdated from the time of our dictatorship or false.
I'm not sure where I heard it, it's just something that most Jews assume, I guess. Kind of like "oh so you're going to Portugal? It's a lovely country, but don't tell anyone you're Jewish, they don't like us over there." Stuff like that.
I'm glad to know it's outdated though, 'cause I've actually wanted to go (I hear you have great whine).

Yep, I know all about Holland. My ancestors, after leaving Israel after the Roman Diaspora, settled in England, but left for Holland after Edward I expelled all the Jews. They then returned to Britain after Oliver Cromwell readmitted the Jews some five hundred years latter. About a hundred years latter (1770's) my half of the family moved to Canada, the other half stayed behind.
As far as my family goes, we're not typically religious. We assimilated into Dutch, then British, then Canadian culture. So there's a long history of my family thinking of themselves as Britons or Canadians who happen to be Jewish rather then Jews living in Britain or Canada. Still, we go to services, I had a Bar Mitzvah, and we don't eat things that aren't Kosher in the house (anything outside the house is fair game, hello Red Lobster ;D ).

Offline Prydania

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #77 on: September 12, 2007, 03:45:21 AM »
And IS, I need to ask this to a real life Jew: If the Jew's are "God's chosen people", and it says so in the Christian Bible (Which most take word-for-word), what's with the Jew-hating? Isn't it kind of counterintuitive to getting on his good side by killing his people?
Honestly Myro, I have no idea. I guess it's like when one kid beats up his brother because he thinks his brother is his parents' "favourite."
It may be simple misunderstanding. Like "oh they think they're so special, being G-d's chosen people," when in reality being G-d's chosen people is more of a responsibility then a privilege.
I guess it boils down to them being pissed we haven't accepted Jesus as the Messiah.
It's interesting, I know Christians who celebrate the Jews as G-d's chosen people, and who don't hate us at all. On the other hand there are Christians who hate us. I wish I could answer your question Myro, as it's puzzled me for a while.

....Britain is launching SCUDs into Boston?
*Shifts eyes suspiciously.
Fox to Hound's Nest, operation Bean Smash has been compromised.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2007, 04:00:59 AM by Inglo-Scotia »

Offline Prydania

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #78 on: September 12, 2007, 03:55:13 AM »
Plus Israel takes a fight back with arms on Palestinians and other Islamic. "Oh it's for defense!" What bombing Lebanon is Defensive? Killing Palestinians is Defensive? That's why this will never stop while Israel maintains isolationist program, Israelites kill Palestinians, Palestinians throw rockets at Israelite bases. But frankly, at least they have hit military targets...
This is the kind of crap that pisses me off to no end, and it's this kind of crap that convinces me there's some kind of underlying anti-Semitism in world opinion.
Yes, bombing Lebanon was defencive. Want to know why? Because Hezbuellah agents operating on Lebanese territory were launching SCUDS into Israel and kidnapping Israeli soldiers, while the Lebanese government was unable or unwilling to stop it. What else was Israel suppose to do? Let Hebuellah continue to attack them? If you honestly think that Israel bombed Lebanon without being provoked then you're an idiot. I don't like calling people who disagree with me an idiot, but in this case I feel it's warranted. Hezbuellah was using Lebanon as a springboard to terrorize Israel, Lebanon for whatever reason didn't stop it, Israel had no choice but to go in.
Killing Palestinians? How one-sided is the news over there in Portugal? What about the waves of Palestinian suicide bombers blowing themselves up in civilian centres like restaurants and malls, or buses? These Palestinian terrorists launch these bombers from Palestinian communities. Israel, having been attacked, goes into these communities to kill the groups responsible for the suicide bombings. Unfortunately civilians on both sides are killed in the cross-fire. It's unfortunate, but that's how war works.

Offline Bialy Rycesz

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #79 on: September 12, 2007, 04:36:52 AM »
Plus Israel takes a fight back with arms on Palestinians and other Islamic. "Oh it's for defense!" What bombing Lebanon is Defensive? Killing Palestinians is Defensive? That's why this will never stop while Israel maintains isolationist program, Israelites kill Palestinians, Palestinians throw rockets at Israelite bases. But frankly, at least they have hit military targets...
This is the kind of crap that pisses me off to no end, and it's this kind of crap that convinces me there's some kind of underlying anti-Semitism in world opinion.
Yes, bombing Lebanon was defencive. Want to know why? Because Hezbuellah agents operating on Lebanese territory were launching SCUDS into Israel and kidnapping Israeli soldiers, while the Lebanese government was unable or unwilling to stop it. What else was Israel suppose to do? Let Hebuellah continue to attack them? If you honestly think that Israel bombed Lebanon without being provoked then you're an idiot. I don't like calling people who disagree with me an idiot, but in this case I feel it's warranted. Hezbuellah was using Lebanon as a springboard to terrorize Israel, Lebanon for whatever reason didn't stop it, Israel had no choice but to go in.
Killing Palestinians? How one-sided is the news over there in Portugal? What about the waves of Palestinian suicide bombers blowing themselves up in civilian centres like restaurants and malls, or buses? These Palestinian terrorists launch these bombers from Palestinian communities. Israel, having been attacked, goes into these communities to kill the groups responsible for the suicide bombings. Unfortunately civilians on both sides are killed in the cross-fire. It's unfortunate, but that's how war works.
I am a American of Polish/English/German decent,and have not a drop of Anti-semitism in me I was raised catholic but do not go to church anymore,call me stupid and stubborn if you want but when it comes to the cross vs the crescent I'am taking up my cross.My best friend that is in the U.S.Navy is Jewish ,I do believe that Isreal is defending themselves,the terrorists live right next door and can throw their horrid ideology and weapons down on Isreal at leisure,and do!I do think the final crusade was waged when Isreal was proclaimed a nation,and they have the right to exist and defend themselves in a matter they see fit.I think they have handled themselves in exemplary fashion and have nothing to be ashamed of!
« Last Edit: September 12, 2007, 06:01:27 AM by Bialy Rycesz »
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Offline Prydania

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #80 on: September 12, 2007, 04:43:20 AM »
I as a American of Polish/English/German decent,and have not a drop of Anti-semitism in me I was raised catholic but do not go to church anymore,call me stupid and stubborn if you want but when it comes to the cross vs the crescent I'am taking up my cross.My best friend that is in the U.S.Navy is Jewish ,I do believe that Isreal is defending themselves,the terrorists live right next door and can throw their horrid ideology and weapons down on Isreal at leisure,and do!I do think the final crusade was waged when Isreal was proclaimed a nation,and they have the right to exist and defend themselves in a matter they see fit.I think they have handled themselves in exemplary fashion and have nothing to be ashamed of!
Well said.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #81 on: September 12, 2007, 05:01:13 AM »
no actually we have no sides in the news, or mostly, we have the 'western' side tainted by USA. But i tend to watch elite news that focus on facts, and my point is the same, both Islamic and Israel are wrong and both are killing innocents, no right to judge the other side is wrong where the same side is killing too. Basically peace in Middle East is only possible if BOTH stop shooting each other. But what is most impossible is why Israel is disliked by every nation around them.

And i had no idea Israel had taken Jerusalem by force, but even then my point is the same, there's no reason to get Jerusalem or that specific land. Arabia Saudita, Iran and Palestina have enough land to trade Jerusalem with.

Offline Eientei

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #82 on: September 12, 2007, 05:27:53 AM »
It's an extremely complex issue, and one I won't get into very far.  Essentially, the extremist wings on both sides, Israeli and Palestinian, prevent any progress, if there's in fact any progress to be made.  Both the Israelis and the Palestinians are guilty of propagating violence.  Maybe after four or five generations pass...

edit: An Israeli operation against Hezbollah would have been a proper response, in terms of international law.  The actual bombing campaign that took place was a gross overreaction, and it ended up failing Israel anyway.  There was no reason to cripple Lebanon's infrastructure by knocking out bridges (in an extremely mountainous country, no less.)
« Last Edit: September 12, 2007, 05:32:53 AM by Eientei »

Offline Myroria

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #83 on: September 12, 2007, 07:38:52 PM »
Delfos, apparently all the news over in Portugal is communist, anti-Israel, anti-USA, pro-EU crap. At least by what you say is it in.

Not to say the news in America isn't the exact opposite. I only trust the BBC for my news.
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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #84 on: September 12, 2007, 08:47:47 PM »
Religious Debates are just as stupid as Delfos Debates in my opinion ^_^

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #85 on: September 12, 2007, 09:05:20 PM »
hahaha this is where you both fail

No, i express my opinion, you have extreme difficulty to understand what's a fact and what's an opinion And you actually pull things out of your ass, if you say I'm anti-Israel then i must be anti-Iran, anti-Islamic, anti-Semitic and all that crap, "stop pulling things out of your ass". And you should try to understand what is Communism and what is Left-wing before even trying to criticize it. and it's not the news in Portugal, it's Euronews, check yourself. I get insulted by expressing my opinion and actually defend any of my ideals, personal offenses should be moderated.

Agreed with Eientei, but seems they rather bomb a civilian area killing 1000x more civilians than Hezbollah guys. Point maintains, both sides are killing, both are wrong. No i cannot understand how killing innocent will ever solve this problem. Saw the speech of some Israelite defense guy or something saying they stopped their presence in Gaza, they pulled back, everything was OK. While what we know is that what happened was a response to Israelite incursions in Gaza. Both can formulate as excuses as they can have to attack each other but both are doing the same awful job. And that's what i asked as religious or other base for 'excuse' to fight.

Oz you smell, and you don't know what a crescent is, no wonder why you think this is stupid. <3

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #86 on: September 12, 2007, 11:00:52 PM »
And you should try to understand what is Communism and what is Left-wing before even trying to criticize it.

I know what communism is. Communism is the deaths of 12 million. Communism is walling off cities. Communism is forcing people to give up their right to ownership. Before you tell me what Communism is Delfos, perhaps you should learn what it is.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2007, 11:02:58 PM by Libertarian Monarchy of Myroria »
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Offline Delfos

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #87 on: September 13, 2007, 12:47:51 AM »
this is a religious debate anyway, i bet some will totally disagree with you, you have a quite pessimist view of Communism, ignorance helps, but let's not make a case of it.

Why am i anti-Israelite? because i compare them the same as the Palestinian or Iranian?

Offline Prydania

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #88 on: September 14, 2007, 01:46:51 AM »

this is a religious debate anyway, i bet some will totally disagree with you, you have a quite pessimist view of Communism, ignorance helps, but let's not make a case of it.
But he's right. Eveything Myro described about communism has happened in every single communist nation established. Every single one.
Now I know you'll say "well that's not true communism."
You're right, the PRoChina, the USSR, Cuba, Red Cambodia, etc... they aren't "true" communist regimes. The revolutionary leaders of all of those states, however, all tried their hardest to make true communism work, and each and every time it devolved into totalitarianism.
Communism, when attempted at the level of the nation-state always devolves into a one-party totalitarian  society. Therefore Communism as a contemporary political and economic system does not work. In the end Communism winds up equalling exactly why Myro described:
I know what communism is. Communism is the deaths of 12 million. Communism is walling off cities. Communism is forcing people to give up their right to ownership. Before you tell me what Communism is Delfos, perhaps you should learn what it is.
I mean Stalin killed more people then Hitler. Hitler devoted his regime to the extermination of entire races, and he Stalin still outdid him.

edit: An Israeli operation against Hezbollah would have been a proper response, in terms of international law.  The actual bombing campaign that took place was a gross overreaction, and it ended up failing Israel anyway.  There was no reason to cripple Lebanon's infrastructure by knocking out bridges (in an extremely mountainous country, no less.)
If simply attacking Hezbollah and leaving the Lebanese infrastructure alone was possible it would have been done. The IDF is one of, if the, most efficient military machines in the world. The Lebanese infrastructure had to be attacked because Hezbollah had woven itself into it. If the Lebanese people want to blame someone for their nation's infrastructure being torn apart, they can blame Hezbollah for infecting it, and forcing Israel to respond in the way they did.

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Re: Religious Debates - come on in y'all!
« Reply #89 on: September 14, 2007, 01:58:41 AM »
What the fuck does Hezbollah and Israeli politics have to do with the Jewish *religion*? And palestinians? Cry me a fucking river, Israel's been *too* accommodating, fuck 'em. Secondly, I am so fucking tired of hearing this "USSR and China and Cuba aren't true communists. And yet commies go round waving fucking soviet flags. This is so fucking full of hypocrisy that only the Left could be capable of it. I agree 1000000% with Myro and Oz and Inglo Scotia.

Delfos, you're an idiot.

fucking communist bullshit.... for fucks sake.....