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Author Topic: Proposal to UN: Balance between Pro Choice and Pro Life  (Read 1272 times)

Proposal to UN: Balance between Pro Choice and Pro Life
« on: May 27, 2007, 05:25:40 PM »
First if this is not allowed - really sorry.   Second if this is in the wrong section - sorry again.


Abortion and Human Rights

A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Americanadika

Description: The following proposal puts limitations a guidelines on abortions.

1) All UN nations would recognize a fetus has value (life) at the beginning of the second trimester.

2) All UN nations would make the termination of a fetus illegal after the first trimester with the only exception being a threat to the woman's life during the pregnancy.

This would mean a woman would have the right to terminate the fetus/embryo for whatever reason during the first trimester of her pregnancy.

This would no effect on Plan B (The Morning After Pill) or birth control freedom.

Although this would mean all UN member nations *must* give the right to their female population to abort in the first trimester.

3)The following legislation allows each individual UN member to make the decision if there is a punishment on the illegal abortion or not. Although the UN recognizes that if a UN member nation does decide to enact a punishment for illegal abortions it may not exceed 10 years in prison.

In conclusion this proposal recognizes that their must be a balance found between a woman's right to choose and the moral decency of treating developing human life.

Anyone like it?
westmanguy is the President of the Democratic States of Americanadika

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Re: Proposal to UN: Balance between Pro Choice and Pro Life
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2007, 08:31:26 PM »
First of all, wrong section, even though I think it's okay because the proper one is quite well hidden in the Delegate's Office.

Secondly, "moral decency?" Sounds to me that what this proposal plans to do is force all UN nations into a single mould, which I'm against. Personally, I find the arguments that the "pro-life" side has in similar discussions to be shabby at best. Overpopulation is not even thought of and the whole concept on the rights of unborn children is quiteridiculous, truth be told, as they are in the womb, not in the world, and might never enter it.

Thirdly, what's the function of making it illegal if punishment is optional? No punishment = legal.
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Re: Proposal to UN: Balance between Pro Choice and Pro Life
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2007, 08:55:11 PM »
Just the fact that the issue of abortion is so sticky with many groups makes anything regarding the topic passing a bit of a long shot... guess you never know until you try, though!

Re: Proposal to UN: Balance between Pro Choice and Pro Life
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2007, 03:19:21 AM »
The UN moderator person took it down.

I feel like such a rebel.  :clap:

I guess I will find through passed legislation on abortion and make an act to repeal it.
westmanguy is the President of the Democratic States of Americanadika

Offline Talmann

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Re: Proposal to UN: Balance between Pro Choice and Pro Life
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2007, 04:46:51 AM »
I think the UN mods don't want to pass or introduce legislation relating to legislation in RL. It is a game, after all.
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Re: Proposal to UN: Balance between Pro Choice and Pro Life
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2007, 11:05:17 AM »
I think the UN mods don't want to pass or introduce legislation relating to legislation in RL. It is a game, after all.

I don't think that's a problem, as long as you don't mention RL places or people.  But laws that contradict exiting NSUN laws aren't allowed unless the existing law is repealed.

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Re: Proposal to UN: Balance between Pro Choice and Pro Life
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2007, 05:12:08 PM »
Also, the problem with illegalising abortions is that it only forces the women to take more desperate measures, the abortions will still be performed but will be endangering the womens's lives wich is even more unacceptable in my view. At best they may be permanently infertile or sterile, at worst they bleed to death from internal injuries coming from trying to scrape it out with any availiable object.
The problem with abortions is not that they are performed, it's that they are needed, the best way to eliminate that need is a thurough and comperhencive, scientific and psychologically based sexual education along with heavily subsidized or even better, free contraceptives for both men and women below 35. (The reason I don't give any lower age limit suggestion is because the age of physical sexual maturation varies too much.)

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Re: Proposal to UN: Balance between Pro Choice and Pro Life
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2007, 05:35:36 PM »
Our position is, if in doubt, make it legal.

In this context, pro-right can still go for abortion while pro-life can keep their foetus.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Proposal to UN: Balance between Pro Choice and Pro Life
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2007, 05:46:59 PM »
a referendum would abort this :p plus i think this is a nation issue, you don't ave to put in UN, i think that's why they deleted it. In you'r own country issues you have about abortion and all that. This has nothing to do with an unity proposal. "LET'S UNITE FOR MORAL DECENCY" ? frankly...

Offline The Empire

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Re: Proposal to UN: Balance between Pro Choice and Pro Life
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2007, 06:17:18 AM »
Besides of ^ "moral decency" is mostly only an attempt to make social opression sound less fascistic...

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