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Author Topic: Nuclear Iran  (Read 20706 times)

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Nuclear Iran
« Reply #105 on: October 06, 2007, 12:45:36 AM »
That's a lot of jabber so I'm just going to pick out a few points..

At least with our current system everyone is covered. The only realistic alternative is privatization, which I admit wouldn't be that bad if done right.

Actually no, it's not the only alternative. Properly fund the system and remove/reduce the high cost of training to become a doctor so we have more doctors and nurses coming into the system. Pay those employees well and work with them to make a happy well rested staff who's needs/concerns are addressed in a mature and timely matter. Add dental and optical to be covered under the health care system and promote more programs to increase physical and mental activity both of which have been shown to promote independent health in the elderly reducing strain on the system. Invest more resources in home care as well. For why private system = bad; see America.

Also the current system does not cover everyone, the homeless for example have a hard time getting all but emergency treatment and certainly can't afford prescriptions let alone a place to sleep.

That's all it is, a dream. What you're describing is Communism, as described by Karl Marx. Well that idea has been tried.
Don't kid yourself, Lenin tried to make that society work as best as he could during the Soviet Union's early days. In fact he came pretty close, during the mid 1920's. What happened though? The system devolved into a totalitarian regime. The same process occurred in China, Yugoslavia, Cuba, and anywhere else a revolutionary socialist regime attempted to implement Communism.

You know, when Edison invented the light bulb he tried hundreds of time to make a working light bulb. He said he simple found a thousand ways not to make a light bulb.

So a few tries a couple decades ago and suddenly a capitalist oligarchy is the only way to go? Think of how much has changed in the areas of automation and manufacture. Technology may hold the key yet.

You also seem to assume that people would just descend into absolute madness if they weren't collared by the system. Right now maybe they would, but no one is calling for an overnight change. I believe a group of well educated people in comfortable circumstances where the individual takes responsibility for their role in the system could sustain itself. I can understand why you think everyone will always remain in a mature state of mind, one does tend to argue from their own perspective.

Wooo. That was close. This almost evolved into an intelligent discussion.

Well I wouldn't want to strain you too much  ;D

No, that describes the flow of a free-market economy. Free-market economies always experience upturns and downturns, and in rare cases surges and depressions. It's a fact of the system. We experienced an upturn in the mid and late 90's, and now we're coming down from that high. I agree it's not perfect, but to barrow a phrase from Winston Churchill, "it's the worst system we have except all the others that have been tried."
Are there room for improvements? Yes. Governments could exercise more control in the economy to make the downturns and (G-d forbid) depressions less severe. In the end though the economy will always follow this pattern, as it has since at least the 1800's.
If you have a perfect, guaranteed never to dip economic plan, please tell. I promise you, I won't be the only one interested.

Yes their are up and down turns, but the overall trend has been up. Sort of like CO2 emissions, which brings us to...

If we were both working on inventing the car, I would be the one arguing for a fossil-fuel based system because I understand that's the best way to get the car to work. You would be busy hopelessly pursuing a pipe-dream about an engine that runs on water.

So you honestly believe a system which is causing global warming and massive environmental destruction is "the best way". Best economically and best globally seldom if ever agree. Oil is the cheapest way to go because the existing infrastructure is there and producing a lot of money for a select few people, so it's best for those people.

However I'd like to be able to survive on the planet, and I'd kind of like my grand kids to have the same privilege. So how exactly are you defining best here? Clearly you're not paying attention if you want to call hydrogen power a pipe-dream... the technology is improve and shrinking all the time.

I find it interesting though how you constantly defend your point of view by labeling them in derogatory terms. It's a field of research, not a pipe-dream. The inability to prove a thing in insufficient proof of it's none existence, I'm sure that a lot of people would have called the airplane a pipe-dream... until it worked. There is no reason why hydrogen power can not work and only economic incentives keep the fossil fuel based system going.

Oil is black magic, think about it.
It's a vile black goo pumped up from the depths of hell and made of the bones of dead monsters.
Its use is causing wars, disease, the destruction of the planet and all around despair.
If that's not black magic then what it?

No, Russian society was founded on slavery, American society was founded on the principals of freedom, it's founders were just hypocrites who happened to own slaves (except for Benjamin Franklin). There's a huge difference.

Yeah, the difference is that the Russians were at least honest. Although technically Russia was founded on paying off the tartars, but what's historical accuracy anyways. They both relied on forced labour so how many times do I need to connect the obvious dots: "All men created equal" + Slaves and dead natives on newly stolen land = bullshit statement.

Unless you want to find some way to contradict the entire history of the US in both foreign and domestic policy, hell even all those freedoms they supposedly "gave" had to be clawed from the government bit by bit. Yes those people eventually got their freedoms in the system, but only by fighting against that system.

So not only have you compared yourself to Jesus and Buddha, told me to "suck it", but you've also compared Bush to Hitler. Bravo.

Yes, because I'm the only one. So how do these two events not line up? You neglected to actually refute the argument.

As I see it a government caused a disaster to happen to whip the people into a rage to allow the advancement of an agenda

Reichstag Fire > Blame Commies > Reichstag Fire Decree > Seize of Power
9/11 > Blame "Terrorists" > Patriot Act > Seize of Oil and Revenue

Point being, if your cause is just, the ends justify the means. If you forget this fact you'll never be able to wage a successful war, and you will fall to those who can.

That's a major assumption that the War on Terror is just, and a false one at that I'd venture. How would you define a successful war? This war introduces no stability, no democracy or freedom, is based on purposeful lies and can never defeat the concept against which it wars. In warring terrorism it requires the use of terrorism which give only another "right of retaliation" and causes more and more terrorism... so where's the nobility, the justice or the success?

No, I don't believe it's about bringing democracy to the Middle East. In principal at least, the war is simply about bringing those who perpetrated 9/11.

If this were true the whole thing would have ended at the trials against those who planned and carried out 9/11.  It wouldn't involve securing oil fields or attacking, detaining or killing civilian populations in their homes.

Likewise that guy with a gun in the middle east, rather then shooting at infidels in the name of Allah, should work to make his country a better place for his people. Instead of planning attacks on the US Osama bin Ladin should maybe work to use his family's vast fortune to help the Arab world revitalize itself.
You talked about responsibility. Well it's not my responsibility to fix the middle east. It's the people in the middle east's responsibility. They're the ones who have to put the guns down and work to improve their countries.

Yay more racism! Shooting infidels in the name of Allah? Try defending their home from foreign invaders. I'm sure they'd have a better time making their country a better place if planes weren't flying around dropping bombs on them all the time.

I can walk outside, get on a soapbox, and preach about the evils of the government and I won't be arrested for that.

Disturbing the Peace = jailed

I can worship the religion I was brought up in.


I can read whatever I want, and newspapers and magazines are free to print what they want.

Please read the anarchist's cookbook.

Newpapers are free to print what they want, but most media (both print and broadcast) are owned by a select few who censor their message. The Media is still extensively censored and exclusively owned and this trend only continues to get worse. Read some Chomsky.

If the Globe and Mail (Canada) or the New York Times (USA) want to run articles criticizing their respective government's policies, they're free to do so without reprisal.

Tell that to the journalist jailed for refusing to reveal the identity of their source to the RCMP. The CRTC and FCC also fine broadcasters and decide which channels are and are not allowed to be broadcast in North America and which shows can and can not be shown. Freedom indeed.

and you have to start looking to the real world for the protectors of our freedom. Not pipe dreams that'll only depress you when you find out what they really are.

We are the protectors of our own freedom or we are not free. As for "pipe dreams" I discussed earlier and as for depression speak for yourself. I've got faith in the sky, faith in the one, faith in all the people rocking underneath the sun. I got troubles with no one and no one got troubles with me because the universe is a wonderful place and I love life. I've seen the way things can be and see the problems with the way the world is now, I'm willing to dream and say what you will but nothing is impossible. So when push comes to shove I'll keep my optimistic attitude over your pessimistic ignorance. I hope one day you realize that just because you're told something is right doesn't make it right, you clearly need to question more.

I love you all! Peace!

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

Delicious Comrade of the most Awesome Party

Offline Delfos

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Re: Nuclear Iran
« Reply #106 on: October 06, 2007, 04:14:55 AM »
yeah! and hippos too! :h:

Offline Kaleckton

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Re: Nuclear Iran
« Reply #107 on: October 06, 2007, 04:19:25 AM »
I feel ignored.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Nuclear Iran
« Reply #108 on: October 06, 2007, 04:28:11 AM »
Honestly, i don't want to read all of it so I'm going to ask one basic question, has anyone mentioned the fact that the Iranian Leader has already said once that hes going to "Blow Israel off the map....." and if no one has said that, how come? I mean, if we had a nuclear power plant ran by a foreign country from the west which is fortified, I'm okay with them having a nuclear power plant, otherwise, NO! I DO NOT LIKE THAT IDEA! If I'm too late sorry, I'm out of touch of the world since I've been moving so much.

i practically answered that...

Offline Kaleckton

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Re: Nuclear Iran
« Reply #109 on: October 06, 2007, 01:44:23 PM »
Honestly, i don't want to read all of it so I'm going to ask one basic question, has anyone mentioned the fact that the Iranian Leader has already said once that hes going to "Blow Israel off the map....." and if no one has said that, how come? I mean, if we had a nuclear power plant ran by a foreign country from the west which is fortified, I'm okay with them having a nuclear power plant, otherwise, NO! I DO NOT LIKE THAT IDEA! If I'm too late sorry, I'm out of touch of the world since I've been moving so much.

i practically answered that...


Offline Delfos

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Re: Nuclear Iran
« Reply #110 on: October 06, 2007, 03:42:15 PM »
I think we can all agree that if Iran gets Nuclear power they will develop nuclear weaponry, if not now some decades later. Can't we?

I think they need Nuclear power to develop their society, i hope to something better. Nuclear power has the power to make this things, that's how Ukrain and Russia Progressed...well not the best examples but look at them, not exactly stone age. I don't like Nuclear power, and i support the Portuguese government decision to stay out of it, i also agree with Taco about clean energies should be the step to the future instead of Nuclear Plants, but how can we demand it to a place of the world so exploited and divided and marginalized? Can we? by force?

If Iran gets attacked, what will be the causes? Whining about not complying with 'the western world' about nuclear power? Or more Massive Destruction Weapons?

it's a risk for everyone, other nations plot destruction too, why should we favor some and marginalize others? Global dominance leads to exclusiveness. Very narrowed amounts of people while there's others die in hunger or in war and we're more concerned to sustain our power. Very romantic, childish and idiotic to think otherwise...is it? I'm really disappointed with the lack of compassion shown, seems Nietzsche had his way. Iran is evil, why should they be cut out of nuclear power? Why shouldn't they? So what they make nuclear weapons, that's a great thing for them, it's the key for immunity against USA, like a "Leave me alone" card. Same goes for Israel, I'm not sure who will launch nukes first, Iran or Israel, what's the difference? I hope they never do and finally learn the lesson of Cold War. History is filled with lessons and humanity keeps allowing themselves to fall on them again.

Offline Prydania

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Re: Nuclear Iran
« Reply #111 on: October 06, 2007, 05:42:30 PM »
Auto-response from Inglo-Scotia:
Believe it or not I-S isn't at home, please leave a message at the beep.
I must be out or I'd pick up the phone, oh where could I be?
Believe it or not I'm not home!

ps-If this is Toco or Delfos, don't bother.
You're both, young, idealistic, arrogant, socialists with an unearned sense of moral superiority.
You're both very intellegent, probably much more so then your peers at school. This sense of intellectual superiority, however, has lead you to be blinded by schools of thought outside of the social, political, and economic theories that you have decided to embrace at this point of your lives.
You look down your noses at those who's opinions differ from your own, resorting to name-calling, cheep shots mocking the intellect of people you hardly know, and rejecting all other points of view as racist, fascist, or born of ignorance.
Neither of you recognize how the world actually works, you cling to your utopian visions of socialist harmony. Your optimistic views of human beings as creatures is refreshing, but limited and blinding.
You fail to see that in every attempt so far to create the world you both dream of hope and social eqaulity for all has given way to totalitarianism. Edision, each time after failing to create a lightbulb, changed his plans when preparing his next attempt, realizing the old plans had all failed.
History has shown us that humanity as a group does not opperate in such a manner. Rather we try theories that have proven themselves failures over and over again. We've tried Communism. It didn't work. Edision would have thrown the theory out as a failure.
We do not have that kind of intellegence as a group. Your rantings have proven it, as you argue for a system that has fallen flat on its face time and time again.
The liberal democracies we live in have produced the best system for securing our freedoms and ensuring our security. The effective government finds a way to balance these two priorities, and the systems of North America and western Europe have come as close as is humanily possible to balancing these twin priorites of government.

Lastly, words of advice. Do not assume that myself, or others who share many of my views, are ignorant, stupid, or are not as well read as you two fine gentleman are.
It simply means we've read what you have, we have just reached a different conclusion. Your view of the universe and how it works is not absolute, and other well-read educated individuals have taken what very different life lessions and outlooks of life from the same readings that have filled you with hope for your movements of choice.
I for one have read the writings of St. Marx, both his Manifesto and his Capital. I've read Chomsky, I've read Morrison, Nietzsche, and Des Carte, among many, many other philosiphers, historians, socialogists, and authors. You're blind assumptions that those who do not agree with you are power hungry or ignorant has blinded you to the fact that other have indeed read, studied, and anylize the works of these great men, and simply emerged with opinions different from your own.

If this is anyone else, I'll be back in RP shortly, being Thanksgiving weekend up here, I'm kind of busy, as you can imagine. Catch you all latter.


Offline Delfos

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Re: Nuclear Iran
« Reply #112 on: October 06, 2007, 06:30:35 PM »
Auto-response from Inglo-Scotia:
Believe it or not I-S isn't at home, please leave a message at the beep.
I must be out or I'd pick up the phone, oh where could I be?
Believe it or not I'm not home!

-And I'm childish?-

ps-If this is Toco or Delfos, don't bother.
You're both, young, idealistic, arrogant, socialists with an unearned sense of moral superiority.

-can be true, you only don't fit in socialist, so we might not be that different-

You're both very intellegent, probably much more so then your peers at school. This sense of intellectual superiority, however, has lead you to be blinded by schools of thought outside of the social, political, and economic theories that you have decided to embrace at this point of your lives.

-thanks, most of my 'peers' don't care as much as i do for geopolitics and things like that.-

You look down your noses at those who's opinions differ from your own, resorting to name-calling, cheep shots mocking the intellect of people you hardly know, and rejecting all other points of view as racist, fascist, or born of ignorance.

-No sorry, i haven't yet did so, might have suggested but you did the same, actually many guys on this forum resort to name-calling and infantilize other people's belives.-
Neither of you recognize how the world actually works, you cling to your Utopian visions of socialist harmony. Your optimistic views of human beings as creatures is refreshing, but limited and blinding.

-We all have limits and we all embrace theories as close to ours, same goes to you, you're human-

You fail to see that in every attempt so far to create the world you both dream of hope and social equality for all has given way to totalitarianism. Edison, each time after failing to create a light-bulb, changed his plans when preparing his next attempt, realizing the old plans had all failed.

-Yeap, we are all human. But it's the fact humans can gather knowledge from history that makes us able to not fail again. That's why we don't rely on building walls after the fall of Berlin Wall, that's why we condemn racial and social exclusiveness after centuries of slavery, racism and sort ofs.-

History has shown us that humanity as a group does not operate in such a manner. Rather we try theories that have proven themselves failures over and over again. We've tried Communism. It didn't work. Edision would have thrown the theory out as a failure.

-Touché, that's why I'm not Communist. It doesn't work...yet, or never, but doesn't work in the current 'western' world. After wars for the survival of capitalism against other emmergent ways, capitalism has won. But don't forget it's just a system, it's only the humans who make it work or not. Systems don't win wars or challenges.-

We do not have that kind of intellegence as a group. Your rantings have proven it, as you argue for a system that has fallen flat on its face time and time again.

-you guys like to yell very strong words, anti-something and ranting is very strong. I'm here to debate not to fight over a point. If those can't debate in a civilized manner without calling names or whatever I'm sure those can be fit as childish, not my person.-

The liberal democracies we live in have produced the best system for securing our freedoms and ensuring our security. The effective government finds a way to balance these two priorities, and the systems of North America and western Europe have come as close as is humanily possible to balancing these twin priorites of government.

-true but there's very variants there, we sure do a good job, what can i say about the rest? not talking military? well sure we can find our way to balance ourselves with new technology and most advanced energy issues, it's a matter that should involve whole world but there's people who don't care about it. Let us, who care, have our way, just try not to screw us harming our space, that's the major problem, we all live in the same planet.-

Lastly, words of advice. Do not assume that myself, or others who share many of my views, are ignorant, stupid, or are not as well read as you two fine gentleman are.

-Never did, but allot of those who share your views do press me and others into unproductive debates. That's what i feel. Like now for example, you made a big post for stating everything we already knew you thought, I'm more interested in the rest, like answering questions and actually debate about nuclear power.-

It simply means we've read what you have, we have just reached a different conclusion. Your view of the universe and how it works is not absolute, and other well-read educated individuals have taken what very different life lessions and outlooks of life from the same readings that have filled you with hope for your movements of choice.
I for one have read the writings of St. Marx, both his Manifesto and his Capital. I've read Chomsky, I've read Morrison, Nietzsche, and Des Carte, among many, many other philosiphers, historians, socialogists, and authors. You're blind assumptions that those who do not agree with you are power hungry or ignorant has blinded you to the fact that other have indeed read, studied, and anylize the works of these great men, and simply emerged with opinions different from your own.

-True, but not all share the same view, if you think so, you misread them all. They have their own, even if close there's divergences. No i haven't read allot of political books, but i do know my interested part of History and have my way into modern geopolitics. Not politics in specific. I'm not even as interested to reach GC's level of knowledge in them. Good that we have guys here that have interest, there's other things out there. Books aren't the key, my father knew allot about stuff, but followed theories in books as a fanatic follows the Bible or other religious books. I always thought THAT is a blind knowledge. If you can't see the logic behind everything, if you can't think for yourselves, you ain't learning anything, you are just leveling theories of the guy who wrote those books. That's how i think, if you think otherwise, sure. Subjectivity is very important for me, since i try to study metaphysics. Your views are great for me, either challenges my views or makes them more solid. If you push an antagonical view to the extreme, my opposition will be extreme, that's more than natural, but then you take conclusions that I'm pro-Iran or whatever, lol, no way. I didn't said i didn't agree with the my Iranian friend. Imagine is Hippies take charge of Iran, what will USA and Israel do? hard to guess? lol they just want the same things Israelites do, to survive. And i support every kind of survival. So i support both Israel and Iran to try to survive, but condemn every attack onto each other. As i said, Iran is evil, but bombing Lebanon and killing Palestinians isn't making me believe Israelites are saints. Maybe the only sollution is total disarmament of all nations in conflict in Middle East...throw rocks at each other if you want. Who knows...-

If this is anyone else, I'll be back in RP shortly, being Thanksgiving weekend up here, I'm kind of busy, as you can imagine. Catch you all latter.

-Good luck for thanks-giving.-


Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Nuclear Iran
« Reply #113 on: October 06, 2007, 07:27:58 PM »
Wow man... that's great. Thanks for the victory. Whatever. Anyways you've failed to provide any counter-arguments which work against the arguments provided by Delfos and I... So why the gloating? Time to deconstruct  :clap:

So lets start with the obvious contradictions:

You're both, young, idealistic, arrogant, socialists with an unearned sense of moral superiority.
You're both very intellegent, probably much more so then your peers at school.


You look down your noses at those who's opinions differ from your own, resorting to name-calling, cheep shots mocking the intellect of people you hardly know, and rejecting all other points of view as racist, fascist, or born of ignorance.

-So you want me to believe that this "auto-response" isn't a mockery of intellect.
-You criticize us for mocking people we hardly know. Yet your description is mostly inaccurate:


26 so this is and isn't true


Call it what you will I have my theories and I stand by them until presented with evidence that agrees with the arguments put forward to me. That's what your arguments ultimately lack, evidence. You keep saying that governments protect our freedom. Prove it.


1.   making claims or pretensions to superior importance or rights; overbearingly assuming; insolently proud:

Well I'd say this is more accurately describing you actually. All your arguments are based on assumptions for which you cannot or will not provide real world proof, a problem which neither Delfos or I have yet to strike upon.

socialists with an unearned sense of moral superiority

I've never once claimed to be "morally superior" I have just debated the assertions you have made with objective analysis and presenting evidence which supports my theories. You can't be bothered to respond with evidence to the contrary or being able to punch holes in the logic and yet still claim to be right and in your insulting words you...

look down your noses at those who's opinions differ from your own

Yet another statement you wish to use against me... well doing the exact same... brilliant, I sure am learning a lot from your stellar example of words contrary to action. No wonder you love to bring up the "American" idea of "all men are created equal" and take it as truth when real world evidence speaks volumes to the contrary.

probably much more so then your peers at school

I've been out of school for 7/8 years now. I assume you're still in school then... well not even an assumption, but a logical conclusion brought forth by the evidence. You've described yourself and have been pretty much completely off the mark in describing me. Maybe I'm right maybe I'm wrong. That's the fun of theorizing, that's also the importance of evidence.

Neither of you recognize how the world actually works, you cling to your utopian visions of socialist harmony. Your optimistic views of human beings as creatures is refreshing, but limited and blinding.

Says the person so clinging to their views as to ignore the arguments and attack the debater instead. Then when confronted completely writes off as further debate in a stone-wall "auto-response" (so you're a machine then?).

As Socrates said "Wisest is he who knows he is not wise", I've changed my views in the past and have been willing to debate the merits and the logics of various ideas, and when presented with a valid argument which holds up to scrutiny I change my ideas. So if you have some evidence... I'm all ears, but don't just restate  your argument a little louder but still without supporting evidence, insult me and hope I'll somehow just agree with you.

I do recognize how the world works and it works poorly, that's why I am not happy to say "good enough" and stop trying to improve society. Yes, Canada is a good place to live and compared to other parts of the world I'm very lucky to be here. But the simple fact is that it is monstrously inequitable, a land of have and have-nots where those with excessive money wring what they can from those who can not afford food or rent. You do not have freedoms, you have the illusion of freedoms. You do not have democracy, you have the illusion of democracy. I have faith in the capacity of people to be able to think critically and act responsibly, the system which we currently have does everything it can to stifle critical thinking and to encourage dispassion within the system. A system properly grown to encourage people to find fulfillment in their lives and to live comfortably is the noble goal of many systems including capitalism, but capitalism ultimately becomes corrupted because it stresses the creation of groups of which their only concern is the survival of the group itself, not the survival of the larger system in which that group survives. If the groups worked towards a common goal for a common benefit we could do so much more and improve the quality of life for everyone instead of providing excessively for a select few at the cost of the vast majority.

You constantly bring up the failure of communism as to why no socialist system could ever work. You even say that "We've tried Communism. It didn't work. Edision would have thrown the theory out as a failure." Yes, communism failed, but I'd say capitalism has failed because it is not a sustainable system, what good is today if we're all extinct in 200 years? Long term goals should be multi-generational, not just what's good economically for 10/20 years down the road. If we wrote off the airplane, the boat, the house, nuclear power, space travel, electricity, computers, cars, trains, engines, photography and everything else at one failure we'd still be living in caves wishing we had tried more then once to make fire.

We do not have that kind of intellegence as a group. Your rantings have proven it, as you argue for a system that has fallen flat on its face time and time again.

Right now, we don't. Good education, critical thinking and consumption based economy don't really mix. What matters is that for the most part we all possess the capacity to be intelligent, responsible people who are concerned with more then just fulfilling material impulses.

The liberal democracies we live in have produced the best system for securing our freedoms and ensuring our security.

Proof! *whistles* Here proof, where are you boy?

Lastly, words of advice. Do not assume that myself, or others who share many of my views, are ignorant, stupid, or are not as well read as you two fine gentleman are.

I assumed nothing, my calling you ignorant was based upon observations.

You're blind assumptions that those who do not agree with you are power hungry or ignorant has blinded you to the fact that other have indeed read, studied, and anylize the works of these great men, and simply emerged with opinions different from your own.

*Sigh* Yes, people have different opinions... that's what debate is for. So we can discuss those ideas, back them with logic and evidence and then see how they stand after words. Ultimately you can't back up your claims with proof, you can't disprove the arguments I've put forth and you can't even be bothered to honestly bow out and admit it, you send this insulting response and try to claim some sort of phantom victory.

Here's to the first human on the moon (in 2026),
« Last Edit: October 06, 2007, 10:03:03 PM by Tacolicious »

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

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Offline Delfos

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Re: Nuclear Iran
« Reply #114 on: October 06, 2007, 08:09:46 PM »
Taco, I agree with most of your observations but i think that calling IS an ignorant, even if he's really trying not to be one, breaks the spirit of debate, that is already broken but...no use to point out things like that. Goes for any other name, don't you agree? Come on...

Anyway, Taco is only paying in the same coin, same way i did when IS tried to call me idiot. Stop it for the sake of Taijitu.

That brings an awesome issue, IS tried to not say i should leave because I don't believe in the same ideals he does. Then the immigration debate broke on, etc. Is Taijitu exclusive? I thought IS was a delegate, i think taijitu is a free region and all that...oh well.

So...how about nuclear power and Iran?

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Nuclear Iran
« Reply #115 on: October 06, 2007, 08:23:44 PM »
So...how about nuclear power and Iran?

The what and the who now?  :-P

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

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Offline Bender1968

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Re: Nuclear Iran
« Reply #116 on: October 06, 2007, 09:13:18 PM »
So what they make nuclear weapons, that's a great thing for them, it's the key for immunity against USA, like a "Leave me alone" card.

Are you completely insane?  Do you truly understand what a nuclear weapon does and that it IS NOT just a big type of gun?  The current nuclear powers are trying to learn how dismantle and disarm.  The world does not need more members to this exclusive club. 

Anyway, Taco is only paying in the same coin, same way i did when IS tried to call me idiot. Stop it for the sake of Taijitu.

You know Delfos, I've noticed that when you're backed into a corner, all of sudden you tell people they are bullying you.

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Re: Nuclear Iran
« Reply #117 on: October 06, 2007, 09:19:29 PM »
corner? what corner? I don't feel that way, bad judgment. I referenced to bullying when people started to insult me repeatedly. That's very smart for you, isn't it? What kind of culture do you live in?

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Re: Nuclear Iran
« Reply #118 on: October 06, 2007, 11:09:15 PM »
You say you want proof that the liberal democracies protect our freedom....Are you aware of how stupid that sounds? Honestly. That's like demanding I prove the sky is blue. I don't have to prove shit. All I have to do is point and say "look."
Freedom of religion. I can practice any faith I want. So can you. So can anyone else. Anyone can practice any faith they wish, or choose not to have faith. *

Freedom of speech. You can say whatever you want about the government. I can say whatever I want about the government. I can say "Stephen Harper's ruining this country, and his government needs to go" without fear of being arrested. You can stand up and blabber about your utopian, socialist ideal of society, and call capitalism evil without fear of being arrested.
Newspapers and magizines can publish whatever articles they choose to publish without fear of the government coming in and closing the paper and arresting the editor. *

Freedom of sexual orientation. More so in Canada then in the States. You can sleep with who ever you want however you want. You can marry a man if that's the person you've found true love in. A gay couple is free to adopt a child to raise as their own in a loving household. *

The proof is so obvious that when you mock me for not providing it you only make yourself look foolish for not seeing something right in front of you. All I really need to say is "look."
Aparantly you're to intrenched in this fantasy world of your were we're all living in Oceania, and the war in Iraq is really being fought against the evil armies of Eastasia to see the blatantly obvious. You call me a pesimist, you're the one who believes he's living in a totalitarian police state when he's really living in one of the most free nations on the face of the Earth.

*Freedom of Religion. You brought up Polygomists. Well that's not a religion, but I'll play ball.
Polygomy isn't allowed because of the same reason human sacrifice isn't allowed. It's a danger to the general population. Again we see the responsibilities of our freedom. We're free to practice whatever faith we wish, so long as the general public isn't threatened. With Polygomy all you have to do is look at the recent case in Utah, where Warren Jeffs (pretty sure that's his name), the leader of a cult that practices Polygomy, forced a 14 year old girl to marry an older man, and instructed the older man to "consimate" the marriage. Basically he organized the rapping of a 14 year old girl. That's why Polygomy isn't allowed.
Now the actual religion that is known for Polygomy, Mormonism (The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints), is completly, 100% legal. If you want to be a Morman, go for it. Just as is the case with any other faith.

Freedom of Speech. You brought up being arrested for disturbing the peace. Yeah, if you climb ontop of a picnic table in the park and start yelling like a madman, and even then I'd say there's a chance that the police would just let you be. Still, if you're disturbing the peace, then you're abusing your freedoms the the point that *gasp* harm is brought to others.
If, however, you wanted to organize a ralley, you're free to say whatever the fuck you wanted, and you wouldn't be persicuted in the slightest for it.
Magizines and newspapers? Same thing. They're free to publish whatever they want. You see it all the time, articles criticizing the government, sometimes articles ripping the PM and his polocies to shreds. These articles are written with the author's knowledge that he's free to do so without fear of being arrested, and published without the fear of the publication being closed.

Freedom of sexual orientation. Seems like a pretty sweet deal to me, but I'm sure you'll find some way that "proves" it's just an illusion put on by Big Brother.

We don't have the illusion of freedom and democracy, we have the real deal. Our freedom is very much a reality. Just because it's restricted to the point that it causes harm to others doesn't make it any less real.

Delfos had a good point though. While I have been overly harsh (more so then I normally would), it has only been in retaliation for your unprovoked attacks on me.
You have done nothing but chastise me, and question my IQ. Well I'm laying it down. I have a HUGE ego, I admit (all though I never compared myself to an individual who's worshiped as a god by millions), so I'm going to put the smackdown on your "I-S is an idiot" campaign.
I scored a 4.0 my last three years of high school. I scored a 5 out of 5 in grade 10 in a university level US History course (including a paper I wrote claiming the reasons for the American Revolution were BS).
I was chosen for the math team. Chess club. The most successfull president in Student Council history at my high school. Top GPA in my class for grades 10, 11, and 12. I gave the student's speech at my graduation.
I've read enough works of sociologists, historians, political scientists, and philosophers to make my own head spin.
Fuck, Nietzsche and Des Carte make up my bathroom reading material.
So to end this exchange between us, screw you Taco. First of all, I helped found this region, so how about some respect for one of the members who made it possible for you to have a forum to post your musings.
Second of all, I've read more, studied more, and written more then is healthy for someone my age. Yes, my ego is huge. Yet I'm also humble enough that I honestly don't feel to present a list of what I've done academically to justify myself, but you forced my hand. You want to call someone an idiot? Better luck next time.
Maybe the next poor sap who happens to have a different opinion then you won't have a grandfather who was disapointed when his father came home with a 95 all those years ago. Just to give you an idea of the enviroment I grew up in.

But guess what. I was also my high school hockey team's starting goalie, I drink, I smoke, I curse more then I probably should. So if this is the view you have of me, as some idiotic jock who happened to stumble across NationStates, then all I have to say to you is fuck off. 'Cause I'm not the first guy you think of when you think of an intellectual, but I have the skills to back up my game.
Maybe when I'm debating someone who isn't filling their posts with flame-bate (which I admit, I always fall for) that will become more apparent to you.

So off I am, to get back to what I enjoy doing here in Taijitu. Until we meet again, may Niel Armstrong beat you over the head with Alan Shepard's golf club.

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Re: Nuclear Iran
« Reply #119 on: October 06, 2007, 11:38:43 PM »