A few clouds don't reduce solar power cells to zero efficiency, and usually when there's clouds there's wind. So using the two in conjunction makes sense.
Additionally using home generation along side larger civil projects provides plenty of power, by having the homes drawing off the grid when they need more then what they produce individually and putting power on the grid when producing more then is being used. Right now the average home wastes a lot of power, old style incandescent bulbs should be replaced by the new bulbs which used 1/4th the power and last much longer. Appliances such as TV's, stereos, and many others constantly draw power even while off. So if we eliminated that (or unplugged them when not in use) that saves a lot of power, office towers which are lit up 24/7 and billboards and neon signs consume a lot of power. So there is also a need for people and companies to start conserving as well, intelligent engineering of the products we use could be a big help. After all the less power we need the less we have to generate.
As for them being "ugly" I'm not going to debate that, but there are ways to make things look better, quite frankly I think nuclear power plants are ugly as sin... and because of the green glow I have to see them all the friggin' time.
I think nuclear waste and areas poisoned by it are ugly, and I'm pretty sure my great great great great great great grandkids would agree when the waste produced in my lifetime is still around and still hazardous as all fuckin' hell.
With geothermal power, when has there been a point in time in the entire history of the planet when the earth was not geologically active? It is a solution that works for some areas, but this is true of any solution. Nuclear power doesn't work everywhere. Anyone with the capacity to build a nuclear power plant has the capacity to build a nuclear bomb... so do you really see it as a "world wide solution"? Is this in the interest of "national security"?
All of this also involves continual improvement through research, the power generation achieved through solar cells keeps getting higher while the cost keeps getting lower. Nuclear waste can't be safely disposed of by research because it's atomic physics that keeps it so deadly for so long, and as global warming should have shown you there is no where on the Earth not connected to the rest of the Earth, so even burying it doesn't solve the problem, it just delays the problem becoming noticeable.
National security is for the benefit of a select few?
As for the whole Iraq invasion being launched for national security? Exactly which cave have you been living in for the past few years? Turn off FOX News and actually take a look around, Saddam (who was funded by the Americans once upon a time (as was Osama)) had NO weapons of mass destruction, NO ability or intention to invade the US, NO links to al-Qaeda. During the sanctions forced upon Iraq between the first gulf war and the current attrocity there was an OIL FOR FOOD campaign sponsered by the Americans... The first thing protected in the second invasion was the oil fields and while the average Iraqi citizen doesn't have power or water on any reliable basis the oil production was the top priority to get working again. So this illegal war was not started to keep you safe from "blood thirsty terrorists" (which have taken the place of the "blood thirsty commies"), it was done to keep the rich people who own your fucking country rich. Face it, when it comes to "the war on terror" the US is fighting fire with fire, and it's like blowing out a match with a flame thrower.