This was clearly an electoral move, not much more than that.
I support civil liberties to all extents, it's people's liberty to choose whatever they want, what are we to say they can or not can do to themselves?
Gay marriage is more than acceptable these days, it'd be an hypocrisy to continue to repress with nonsense logical and religion something so many want to be free to do. Are you a religious freak and think homosexual marriage and whatever else comes with it shouldn't be allowed because it makes God cry? Leave God out of politics and other people's lives.
Is it because your children might be influenced to be homosexual as well? Well then you either made a really good job raising them or a terrible one. Kids can't be shielded from sexuality issues, all the censorship is so unhealthy, it might be how successful a children's Edipus develops the way their sexuality is oriented, if you failed as a parent, it's your failure, not homosexual parents, not your children, and if you didn't fail and he grows out to be gay, well, good job, your son feels free enough from social repression to actually follow his own will.
I believe homosexual marriage and adoption should be legal as federal law (is that what you call when law is for all states?).
I also believe other things must change, if there's so many people freaking out about homosexuals and shoving their religion into politics then there's so many things wrong in the way society perceives politics are freedom. Free sexual education earlier in school, make sure homosexuality is part of education, teach to not discriminate. Isn't it a base for the constitution?
There's too much religion in American politics. Aren't you supposed, like the rest of the developed world, be free from religion?