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Author Topic: Lazarene Victory over Reactionary Subversion  (Read 1863 times)

Offline Funkadelia

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Lazarene Victory over Reactionary Subversion
« on: December 11, 2013, 08:17:50 PM »
Quote from: Milograd
First and foremost, I'd like to thank every citizen and foreign ally who came to our aid during Griff's campaign to subvert our security and peace. Regional tranquility was temporarily disrupted, but yet we prevailed. Her nation is no longer a threat to our community's peace.

As a note, before I go any further, I am still the Chairman of the PRL. I do not currently occupy the delegacy, but I authorize the current in-game delegate to act as my regent in my absence from the seat. I can't be on for update for a while longer so it was best for me to resign WA, rather than waiting a while until I could surf update. I didn't want to keep our allies here and the LLA at home for too long.

Now, as for Griff, I had mixed feelings about the removal at first, but recent events and written evidence has suggested to us that the decisive, albeit controversial, action taken by our former leader was justified. I don't think she necessarily represented an imperialist front in the region, as Feux claimed she did, but she absolutely posed a threat to regional security and was detrimental to the progress of the region due to her entitled, reckless, and controlling behavior.

GS’ main nation was removed because Feux feared that she would abuse its influence to take the region hostage whenever the people of it chose to adopt policies or plans that differed from her views. We can now say that this is true; not only did she try to coup in this most recent incident, but we have been presented with evidence that she attempted to organize a "liberation" with foreign aid of our region in 2012 -- mind you, this was before anyone was removed, and just after Feux became delegate -- because the community was moving away from the toxic, self-serving, and debilitating orthodoxy that she sought to impose on us.

She doesn’t seem to realize that we’re not interested in reverting to our days of inactivity, lethargy, and irrelevance. She doesn’t seem to understand us at all, in fact.

She felt entitled to be exceptional to our laws and that her voice was more reflective of what is best for the region than what the region itself wanted. The Emerald Council approved her removal almost unanimously, and the active members of the community and the EC as a whole ultimately voted against her delegacy campaign in March 2012. If Lazarus wanted her views to be imposed on us, we would've elected her. We didn't. Yet she still clings to the belief that she represents what we want.

I realize that this event was pretty disruptive and concerned some; however, great loyalty, dedication, and discipline was displayed by many Lazarenes during this struggle against subversion. As such, the following nations are recognized for their service in the form of being awarded the Order of the Red Phoenix, which shall be awarded to all Lazarenes who display commendable loyalty to our region in times of war:
Mad Jack

Furthermore, since DYP was brave enough to sacrifice his influence to protect the region from Griffin’s campaign of subversion, we are in need of new endorsees; as such, I will be appointing Stujenske and, should he accept and commit, Funkadelia to endorsee positions. I have a lot of trust these two individuals and am confident that we will be that much safer with them serving on our guardian roster.

If the masses and dedicated contributors of Lazarus continue to decisively defy the threats that enemies of our region's prosperity pose to us, I am certain that our future will be as bright as, like, a really bright object or something.

No, but seriously, great work guys. Formalities aside, you all kicked ass and weren't afraid to tell it how it is.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2013, 08:19:48 PM by Funkadelia »
Today's date is: Today is Jocidi, 5 Cielidor AR 5 - Day 1770 of the Glorious Revolution.

Many trials make manifest
The stranger's fate, the curses' bane.
Many touchstones try the stranger
Many fall, but one remains.

Offline Funkadelia

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Re: Lazarene Victory over Reactionary Subversion
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2013, 03:55:27 PM »
An addition to this:

TAF soldiers will remain stationed in Lazarus to endorse Milograd until he becomes Delegate of [region]Lazarus[/region] once again.

He had to resign in order to allow [nation]Drop Your Pants[/nation] to become Delegate to ban Gryffyn, the coup threat. Other regional militaries, such as The Rejected Realms Army, and the Pacific Expeditionary Forces have also been stationed there to assist in this transition.

This is being done as an extension of the approval given by the Delegate for the Taijitu Armed Forces to operate in Lazarus.
Today's date is: Today is Jocidi, 5 Cielidor AR 5 - Day 1770 of the Glorious Revolution.

Many trials make manifest
The stranger's fate, the curses' bane.
Many touchstones try the stranger
Many fall, but one remains.