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Author Topic: Berkeley Recruiting Station  (Read 4635 times)

Offline Myroria

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Berkeley Recruiting Station
« on: March 12, 2008, 12:25:22 AM »
Recently a group in Berkeley, California has begun to protest a USMC (United States Marine Corps) recruiting station. As any Constitution expert and hippie will tell you:

"The Marines' right for a station isn't equal to our right to protest. Any rights of the Marines, mass murderers, aren't on par with ours."

Clearly this peace-loving woman is right. The Constitution certainly doesn't guarantee the same rights to all citizens. I mean, if you're protecting your country, how dare you suggest that you can encourage others to?

I think you know my opinion. Let's hear yours.
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Offline Mahasoor

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Re: Berkeley Recruiting Station
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2008, 12:27:54 AM »
My grandfather was a marine and a stand up gent.  I support their right to protest the war, but I can't support their accusations that the marines are amoral mass murdering brutes who are second class citizens.  EDIT:  I mean, I ADORE my grandpa which totally slants my view on things and I'm not for this war myself but for crying out loud, how utterly repulsive to point at people who are risking their lives on the orders of people they can't disobey and say "you there, you don't have the same rights as me, even though you consistently place your life in high risk situations while I go home and sleep in comfort after playing on my PS3 and taking hot showers."

fuck those guys.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2008, 12:30:46 AM by Mahasoor »
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Offline kor

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Re: Berkeley Recruiting Station
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2008, 01:49:39 AM »
I support their right to protest. They are a bit misguided in saying the USMC are murderers. It's not their fault their Government participates in unjust wars that cause innocent people to die.

Offline Myroria

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Re: Berkeley Recruiting Station
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2008, 01:57:09 AM »
I'm not saying they don't have a right to protest, but the Marines sure have a right to put a recruiting station there if they are leasing the building. When governments can just dictate what goes where, we have communism.
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Offline kor

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Re: Berkeley Recruiting Station
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2008, 02:14:03 AM »
LOL! You're too late for that. We've had communist ideas dictate most everything that happens in this county lately.

Offline Khem

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Re: Berkeley Recruiting Station
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2008, 02:21:42 AM »
what? don't be a moron korin. seriously read a bit more about communism before saying that.

anyhow i digress. i believe everyone should have equal rights as i believe in the constitution. oh damn now big brother can list me as an enemy of the state. its tough though, i stand with the hippies because well i love their drugs but at the same time i stand with the military because i see them as an essential part of any government. damn i feel so indecisive over who to support in this....

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Offline Mahasoor

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Re: Berkeley Recruiting Station
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2008, 04:34:49 AM »
eh to the hippies being automatically lumped in with the drugs.  I didn't even think of the fact that the marines would also be holding the lease on the building, Myro.  You didn't give us a lot of information to work from but if they have the legal rights to the building, they can do what they want with their space until they're required to vacate the premises.  Provided the protesters are peacefully demonstrating and not actually trespassing or openly breaking the law, they can spew their hateful (to me, at any rate) commentary as that is their legal right.  I think it's bogus though and totally unfair to the personal marines, though.  Maybe not totally unfair to the faceless body/organization due to the pointless and unjustified war we're CURRENTLY embroiled in, but the overall spirit of the marines is to protect and to stomp around and shout that the individual marine is a mass murderer is just cruel.
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Offline kor

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Re: Berkeley Recruiting Station
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2008, 11:57:26 AM »
what? don't be a moron korin. seriously read a bit more about communism before saying that.

anyhow i digress. i believe everyone should have equal rights as i believe in the constitution. oh damn now big brother can list me as an enemy of the state. its tough though, i stand with the hippies because well i love their drugs but at the same time i stand with the military because i see them as an essential part of any government. damn i feel so indecisive over who to support in this....

Moron?! I know exactly what Communism is. I think it's you that should learn what Neo-Conservatives and Neo-Liberals are and their origins before you call me that. Do research on their policies.

And to lump all hippies in one category......pathetic.

Offline Allama

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Re: Berkeley Recruiting Station
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2008, 03:29:30 PM »
I support their right to protest. They are a bit misguided in saying the USMC are murderers. It's not their fault their Government participates in unjust wars that cause innocent people to die.

I absolutely agree with you on this one, Kor.  Well said.

Offline Xyrael

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Re: Berkeley Recruiting Station
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2008, 05:10:42 PM »
Firstly, it should be noted that UC Berkeley has become a very conservative campus over the past few decades (Trust me, I've visited, it's far from liberal) Whatever this protest is, it's not a popular protest. Something must have sparked this protest, possibly ROTC troops arriving somewhere and protesting an anti-war lecture or something. It is not illegal for the Military, with the proper permission from the campus, to recruit on or around campus. Therefore, they're protesting a moot point, and unless they have the proper permission from the campus their protest is illegal. My ideas about government have shifted quite a bit, I now believe government power should be absolute, and the power of the law is undeniable.

Secondly, korni, those are Socialist ideas, not Communist. Communist is vague, indefinite. Please state Marxist, Stalinist, Leninist, Trotskyist, Anarcho-Communist, Maoist, etc. There is no such thing as "Communist".

Thirdly, Mahasoor, Marine's don't protect, the National Guard protects. Marines, although founded upon the policy of harassing British through guerilla warfare, are frontline shock troops, not urban defense. That's why the Army and Army National Guard hold the cities while Marines take the offensive.

Fourth...ly... Myro government dictating what goes where isn't communism lol not at all. It's state control. There's State Capitalism, State Socialism, Police states, etc. all around the world. To ignorantly call everything run by authoritarian rule communist is naive.

As for my opinions: The Marines have their right to recruit, this country affords all things their right to advertise. In general, the military targetting college campuses tends to be rather foolish, most people join the military to get their college fund, if they're at a 'prestigous' if decayed school like UC Berkeley they aren't going to join a war. Hell, people join ROTC, so it's even more pointless. For the Marines to have a recruiting is perfectly fine. For the people to call them blood sucking scum is fine, as Federal law states that Federal employees are not subject to the same rights as regular citizens, which is why I can't be arrested for calling the president a scum sucking cock wrangling pansy. For them to disagree with the war is fine, for them to be hippies is laughable. Honestly, a Marine recruiting station isn't the place to protest, it only makes me sympathize with the soldiers and feel rather annoyed with the protesters. They need to do it some place meaningful, like a Federal building. This is the kind of bad organization the SDS had in the 70's.

On a side note, the hippies and their anti-Vietnam war protests didn't stop the war. Surveys show that as a result of their anti-war demonstrations support for the war actually increased. It's why Nixon was voted in, and not an anti-war cadidate. A movement started and upheld by rich white kids with draft deferrments and college students isn't attractive to most of America, and it is sad that today the institution teaching history is filled with these inflated egomaniacs who believe they did stop the war.
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Offline Mahasoor

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Re: Berkeley Recruiting Station
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2008, 05:24:22 PM »
I wasn't specific.  I was thinking more along the lines that the Marines are the first to go in and the last to leave, not that they're the ones holding the front lines on cities and the like.
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Offline Xyrael

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Re: Berkeley Recruiting Station
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2008, 05:34:20 PM »
I know, I'm just being picky ;) I think I've shifted from far left to far right, Stalinist to Fascist... although I still have Socialist theory, honestly I have no clue where the hell I am on the political spectrum. I'm caught between nationalistic socialism and stalinist communism. The soldiers are right, the protesters are wrong. I hope they have the proper licenses, if they don't I hope they get hefty fines. Hippies need to be fined, hippies are ignorant. At least the old hippies had ideals, neo-hippies are wannabe beggars who have no concept of what "hippy" was and do it because it's trendy to be anti-establishment. It's funny, because hippies died when they became the establishment. I love America, a philosopher once said that in America radicals are the shock troops of reform. They bring reform, but they cease to exist after. America has a nasty way of assimilating everything and marginalizing radicals, it's genious.
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Offline Bara

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Re: Berkeley Recruiting Station
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2008, 09:03:48 PM »
this reminds me of the NY recruiting  Center bombing.
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline kor

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Re: Berkeley Recruiting Station
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2008, 10:14:21 PM »
Secondly, korni, those are Socialist ideas, not Communist. Communist is vague, indefinite. Please state Marxist, Stalinist, Leninist, Trotskyist, Anarcho-Communist, Maoist, etc. There is no such thing as "Communist".

Ugh, semantics. You're gonna make me vomit.

Offline Myroria

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Re: Berkeley Recruiting Station
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2008, 12:06:13 AM »
Ah. First it was "the communist utopia", and then it was "the future communist state", and now it's "communism isn't real."

Keep changing the term. Eventually you might fool someone.
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