Hilary Clinton, socialist? HAH. I bet she'll flip flop on her economic policy like she did with her original Iraqi war policy. I'd rather vote Bill into office again, and he deregulated business far more than Bush ever did. If Hilary was smart, she'd follow her husbands policies, which are far from leftist. Communism involves direct state ownership, Myroria, anything less does not count as communistic. Furthermore, socialism usually requires heavy government control, with a large public sector in heavy industry. Although, so does Corporatism, which often includes state management of investment. America includes heavy subsidies, without which American farmers would lose large amounts of profit. The American car industry is failing, and is pleading the government for subsidies, and many republicans are like "omg i don't want to buy rice rockets". Seems like a double standard, we want the free market to take control, but god forbid should our businesses fail in the process.
And I'm not speaking to our libertarian forum-goers, you don't count as average republicans.
The ideas being tossed around talking about sales taxes replacing income taxes are fine at face value, but what exactly are they taxing for sales tax? Would there be a sales tax for services, would sales tax be flat or increase with interest, would sales tax discourage buyers from making new purchases? Would not sales tax increase the influence of the black market (which might seem like oh my god illegal activities, but nearly everyone in america has been involved with a 'black market' of some sort. The word black market is an ignorant word for an economic system, much like terra incognita is an ignorant word for everything unexplored and dark matter is an ignorant word for unidentified space junk) by making the average person, who wants to avoid larger prices, purchase goods from people directly via yard sales etc? Last I remember I never reported selling my iPod or reported my purchase of a computer from my friend to the government (aka black market) so sales tax would not be applied to those goods... Sales tax is a good idea, but people need to think about it more before jumping the gun and instituting premature ideas.
The democratic party is being idiotic in it's bid to win republican votes. A white woman married to a man who got caught with a woman under his desk and a black man whose name sounds islamic to half the ignorant people of the south is NOT a way to win republican votes, and if people think the republican party is somehow weakened by Bushes failings they are idiotic, most republicans are All But Bush, meaning theyll still vote republican and aren't dissuaded from the republican party. Personally I would not be shocked if the Democrats lost this election because theyre playing their cards poorly, they need to win republicans over, not play to the same people guaranteed to vote for them anyways.