My fellow Taijitans.
Trying times are upon us. While a calm has settled since the Coup of March never the less a certain tension can still be felt beneath the surface of the water yet threatening to snap violently. We stand now at an important point. We can succeed and come out for the better from this. But if Taijitu and even more so its people are to have strength enough to endure there must be hope. There must be inspiration. There must be a unity of sorts.
Naturally these things must spring from something other than thin air. There must be a figure of public importance towards which all Taijitans can look and feel these things, a Head of State who can stand apart as the embodiment of then Taijitan spirit and who can draw together many otherwise disparate factions. If you doubt the need for such a thing look back on the many times at which this region has been nearly torn apart by internal strife and conflict. We held together in the end because there is a common substrate on which we all rest in this region. But though we may be aware of the common values and ideals we share we are only aware of them in the most abstract sense possible. There is nothing tangible to demonstrate that these ideals are more than ethereal words and so the ability of such common ground to bring us together through the worst is woefully lacking. If we are to continue this substrate must be solidified and personified.
Tarnished by he is our Delegate cannot serve in this unifying and inspiring capacity as Taijitu's Head of State. If such a figure is still necessary and if it cannot be found in the Delegate it must be sought elsewhere in a figure who commands the respect of the Taijitan community at large. Someone who has risen above the base politics that would make it impossible to play such a function of inspiration. A figure who can truly rally the people and place in their hearts a much needed swelling of patriotic pride. Someone who has the necessary bearing to play the part.
Someone like, if I might be so bold for the moment, me.
And so it is in true oxymoronic fashion that I proudly and yet humbly announce that I, public opinion kindly permitting, shall assume this necessary role as King Gulliver I of Taijitu. It is my greatest hope that I will be allowed to do so and continue to serve the region that I love. Naturally I will abstain from this vote and should this come to pass step down as Justice, and would like to take this moment to informally nominate my good friend Kool Aid Man as my successor.
A bright future is on the horizon. Let's not let it slip through our fingers.